THC 115 - Module 10

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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

Topic: Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

Welcome Notes:
Get ready to be challenged…
Learn something new every day by adapting the
‘New Normal’
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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality


This module focuses on the safety and security in tourism and hospitlaity. Challenge yourself
to understand and explain the concept of safety and security in tourism and hospitality industry. You
have also the chance to interpret and relate the planning and risk management procedures in tourism
and hospitality. You have also the opportunity to design and develop standard policies and procedures
being implemented in various departments and sectors in tourism and hospitality.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. Explain the concept of safety and security in tourism and hospitality industry.
2. Interpret and relate the planning and risk management in tourism and hospitality.
3. Design and develop standard policies and procedures in safety and security in various
departments / organizations / sectors in tourism and hospitality.


Before you proceed to the main lesson, test yourself in this activity.
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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

Describe the picture.

How do you interpret the scenarios being depicted?
- You don’t really copy a face or a thing or a place your interpet that from what you know and
how you feel
What message does the picture want to convey?
- They find the cure the virus
What comes to your mind when you hear the words “safety and security?
- Keep your password a secret and don’t tell anyone

You may now proceed to the main lesson.


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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality


Based on the preliminary activities, what did you observe?

You may now proceed to the lesson.

What is Security?
The term safety is broadly used to refer to the protection of individuals, organizations, and
assets against external threats and criminal activities that can be directed to such entities hence
rendering them inactive. It is important to note that security is highly focused on the deliberate actions
that are geared towards inflicting harm to an individual, organization, or even assets.

What is Safety?
The term safety is used to refer to the condition of being protected from the aspects that are
likely to cause harm. In addition, the term safety can be used to refer to the state at which one has the
control of the risk causing aspects hence protecting himself or herself against risk that is fully


Importance of a safety and security system

1. Guest: Protection from crimes such as murder, abduction and health hazards from outsiders,
hotel staff, pests, food poisoning, etc.
2. Staff: Providing staff lockers, insurances, health schemes, provident funds, etc.
3. Guest luggage: Secure luggage store rooms and proper equipment such as luggage trolley and
bell hop trolley should be provided.
4. Hotel Equipment: Lifts, Boilers, Kitchen equipment, furniture fitting and building, etc. must be
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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

5. Protection of raw materials, goods, provisions and groceries, etc. For this safety and security
system should cover proper storage and pest control systems, apart from the application of total
management system.
6. Protection of Funds: The hotels should have a policy that states where employees should place
cash during a transaction.

Types of Security:

1. Physical aspect is divided into two parts: internal and external.

a. Internal Security – includes against theft, fire safety, proper lighting, safeguarding assets,
track unwanted guests
b. External Security – includes proper lighting outside the building, proper fencing of the
building, fencing of pool area to avoid accidents in the night, manning of service gates to restrict entry
and fixing of closed circuit TV cameras

2. Security aspects of persons

a. Staff – pertains to effective recruitment and selection, identification of staff, key control, red
tag system, training and locker inspection
b. Guests – it pertains to check scanty baggage guests, guests suspected of taking away hotel
property should be charged according to hotel policy, guest room security.

3. Security aspects of systems

The term system implies the operations of the hotel. Systems procedures and policies if
followed properly shall safeguard the assets and increase life span of equipment as well as avoid any
breakdown maintenance.

10 Important Safety and Security Measures Necessary in Hotels:

1. Key Card Locks: Guest room locking systems these days include punch and magnetic key cards
which have locks with flash memory and other functions. The system can directly link with PMS.
2. Security Guards: Trained security guards working 24-hours every day to provide the best in safety
and security for the guests.
3. Security Cameras: Security cameras with digital technology, intelligent access central system,
software interface with CCTV for matching undesirable visitors and criminals, along with metal
detectors, and spy cameras and use of biometric readers like hand key reader or face recognition
system etc.
4. Fire Alarms: Smoke detectors and fire alarms in each guest room and throughout the entire
complex that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days per week that pinpoints the exact point of the alarm
allowing security staff to respond immediately to the area of any alarm condition.
5. Emergency Power: Provision for emergency power in case of power cut to provide uninterrupted
guest service.
6. Emergency Manual: Hotel maintains an emergency manual, detailing exits and help in the event of
a variety of emergencies.
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7. Employee Photo ID: For added security, some hotels have employees wearing a photo ID nametag
allowing quick identification.
8. In-Room Safes: In addition to the safety deposit boxes offered by most hotels at the front desks.
Some hotels provide in-room guest safes capable of holding a lap-top computer that use the guest’s
own credit card as the key.
9. Guest elevators.
10. Defibrillation Units: A life saving device in case of heart attacks, defibrillation units are starting to
be deployed among police and emergency personnel across the nation.

Bomb threat security:

The following are the precautions and measures that may be taken in case of a bomb threat.
 Security nets and body searches for guests not known to the staff.
 Banqueting suites and other non-public areas should be security checked and locked after
 Goods received and bags should be checked and kept tidy.
 If a bomb threat is received via telephone, the telephone operator should note carefully
what exactly is said, the time of the call had been received, the accent of the caller and
background noise if any. After the alert, the GM should stay put in the lobby where he can
be reached easily.

Safety issues
It is the management’s duty to ensure the “safety and security” in several areas, such as:
 The structure itself
 Installations and fixtures (check electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and other installations)

FIRE in hotel:
Main causes of fire are:
1. Smoking
2. Defective wiring, faulty appliances and motor and worn out insulation.
3. Laundry areas: Care should be taken to see that none of the electrical equipment is left on after
4. Gas Leaks: Precautions should be taken against this especially in kitchen areas.
5. Combustible waste: Combustible material should never be left near the boiler room.
6. Kitchen: All equipment such as chimneys, exhaust, ventilators, grills, hoods, etc., which collect a lot
of fume vapor and catch fire easily should be cleaned regularly.
7. Elevator shafts: These require constant check and inspection.

Types of Fire and fire extinguishers:

Fire has been classified in 5 categories depending on how they can be extinguished –
 Class A Fire – It is the fire of wood, paper, linen and similar dry materials. They are
extinguished by cooling and quenching effect of water.
 Class B Fire – These include fires of oil, gasoline, grease and other petroleum product. These
fires are extinguished by blanketing the source of burning substances and eliminating the
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supply of O Petroleum products is lighter than water and will float on water and continue to
burn and spread by means of flowing water to other section of the building, hence water is
never used for this category.
 Class C Fire – These are the fires of pressurized gases. Water is not to be used for this class
of fire.
 Class D Fire – These are fire of metals having low burning temperature for example, Na, Mg,
etc. This class of fire does not exist in the hotel.
 Class E Fire – These are electrical fire. The fire extinguishing agent must not conduct electrical
energy which could spread the fire. Water is good cooling agent but it also conducts electricity,
so it is not used to control or extinguish this class of fire.

Stationary firefighting system

Automatic sprinkler – It is generally mounted just below the ceiling height with a temperature
detector or smoke detector, attached with each sprinkler.
Fire Hose System – It is a semi portable system. In this system the fire hose box is
permanently located but the flexible hose can be moved to various distances throughout the building.


Death of a guest in the hotel:

Once the information comes to the front desk it should directly be reported to the front office
manager. The front office manager will then report it to the GM or resident manager. The security
manager should also be informed immediately. The police also need to be informed and the hotel
doctor is summoned who will check and confirm the death. Meanwhile, the hotel will locate the
residential address of the deceased and will inform the relatives. Once the police complete all
formalities and activities and give the permission, the dead body is fully covered and then removed
from the room on a stretcher. For this purpose, the service elevator and not the guest elevator is used.
A death certificate is obtained from the doctor. A report should be prepared as to who informed of the
death, time, room number and date of death. In case there is any luggage of the deceased in the room
a list should be prepared and the luggage should be kept in the luggage room and the person
performing this activity should sign this report. The guest room is locked and sealed. After obtaining
clearance from the police the room is opened and thoroughly disinfected and spring cleaned and only
after permission of the police and subsequent permission of the GM or resident manager the room
should be sold.

Handling accident cases:

 Knowledge of first aid would come very handy in such situations. In general, the following
points should be taken care of.
 Remove the person who has met with accident from the site of accident (as early as possible)
and take him to a more comfortable area, use a stretcher in case the need be.
 Call the doctor and if possible give him the details of accident and gravity of the accident.
 Prepare a full report of the whole accident giving details of the date and time who reported the
incident, room no., site of the accident, etc. Also make your comments as to the reason of the
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accident and how could it have been prevented and what action is to be taken to avoid the
same in the future.

The accident book:

 An accident book is usually maintained all organizations and the receptionist should record all
details of accident which have occurred to employees whilst carrying out their daily activities.
 The book must be kept in a place easily accessible by any injured person or a bona fide

Theft of hotel property by the guest:

Can be avoided by taking the following steps:
 Installing automatic locks on the guest room doors.
 Appointing a security officer who would walk and take rounds at regular intervals.
 Inform guests to use the safe vault of the hotel and not to keep valuables in the guest room.
 Avoid giving room numbers of resident guests to visitors or over the telephone callers.

Theft by outside visitors can be avoided by:

 Being aware of suspicious persons
 Regular and irregular schedule of vigil and security rounds.
 Stagger lunch and rest periods of employees so as to keep one person on duty on each floor at
all times.
 Instruct the telephone operator not to connect calls to the guest room in case the request is
made by the caller by room number. The receptionist should insist on knowing the name of the
guest who the caller wishes to speak to.

Situation of illness, epidemics / pandemics:

 The receptionist may be called for assistance during sickness of a guest.
 Patient should be advised to consult the house physician but in case the guest has his own
physician the same should be called.
 During epidemic / pandemic, all precautionary measures especially in food and beverage
service area should be followed.

Handling drunk guest:

 The guest should be removed from the lobby as early as possible but being careful not to
irritate / offend him.
 Preferably taken to the back office or to his room.
 If he behaves unruly, the hotel security must be called.

Safe deposit facility in the hotel for security of guests’ valuables:

It is the responsibility of management to develop and maintain proper safe
deposit procedures for its property.
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 If this facility is available for guests, notices regarding it should be put up in various
conspicuous / noticeable places in the hotel and also should be mentioned to the guest.
 Safe deposit boxes should be located in an area, in vicinity of the front desk and which has
limited access.
 Unauthorized guests or personnel should not be permitted inside the area.

Best Practices for Data Security in Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Best practices for companies in the tourism and hospitality sector to protect data include:
 Always encrypt payment card information.
 Operate a continuous training program in cybersecurity to maintain a well-trained workforce.
 Always adhere to relevant regulations, such as PCI DSS.
 Use cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, network monitoring, anti-malware, and traffic
filtering to protect against common threats.


One way to make sure the food that the hospitality industry serves is safe, is to enforce
HACCP. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points and is a systematic approach to
locate, analyze, and regulate any hazards that may occur with food. It is a way to try and prevent
mishaps such as food poisoning and food contamination in the hospitality industry.

HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating,

and controlling food safety hazards. A food safety hazard
is anything that could make food dangerous to eat and can
 Microbiological: bacteria, viruses,
tapeworms, fungi from contamination from hands, pests or poor storage conditions
allowing growth of microorganisms.
 Chemical: any non-food chemical, such as cleaning products, pesticides, non-food-safe colorings
and non-food safe preservatives.
 Physical: objects such as broken glass, pieces of stone or concrete, machinery parts, plastic
sand, hair, finger nails, jewelry, buttons.

Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive and
unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders. The study of crisis
management originated with large-scale industrial and environmental disasters in the 1980s. It is
considered to be the most important process in public relations. Three elements are common to a
crisis: Threat to the organization, The element of surprise and A short decision time.
In contrast to risk management, which involves assessing potential threats and finding the best
ways to avoid those threats, crisis management involves dealing with threats before, during, and after
they have occurred. It is a discipline within the broader context of management consisting of skills and
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techniques required to identify, assess, understand, and cope with a serious situation, especially from
the moment it first occurs to the point that recovery procedures start.
The aim of crisis management is to be well prepared for crisis, ensure a rapid and adequate
response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication in the event of crisis and
agreeing rules for crisis termination.
Crisis-management methods of a business or an organization are called crisis-management
plan. A British Standard BS11200:2014 provides a useful foundation for understanding terminology
and framework relating to crisis, in this document the focus is on the corporate exposure to risks in
particular to the black swan events that results in significant strategic threats to organizations. A crises
mindset requires the ability to think of the worst-case scenario while simultaneously suggesting
numerous solutions. Trial and error is an accepted discipline, as the first line of defense might not
work. It is necessary to maintain a list of contingency plans and to be always on alert.

Types of Crisis
 Natural disaster - Natural disaster related crises, typically natural disasters, are such
environmental phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and hurricane, floods,
landslides, tsunamis, storms, and droughts that threaten life, property, and the environment itself.
 Technological crisis - Technological crises are caused by human application of science and
technology. Technological accidents inevitably occur when technology becomes complex and
coupled and something goes wrong in the systems as a whole (technological breakdown). Some
technological crises occur when human error causes disruptions (human breakdowns).
 Confrontation crisis - Confrontation crisis occur when discontented individuals and/or groups fight
businesses, government, and various interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and
expectations. The common type of confrontation crisis is boycotts, and other types are picketing,
sit-ins, ultimatums to those in authority, blockade or occupation of buildings, and resisting or
disobeying police.
 Crisis of malevolence - An organization faces a crisis of malevolence when opponents or
miscreant individuals use criminal means or other extreme tactics for the purpose of expressing
hostility or anger toward, or seeking gain from, a company, country, or economic system,
perhaps with the aim of destabilizing or destroying it. Sample crisis include product tampering,
kidnapping, malicious rumors, terrorism, cybercrime and espionage.
 Crisis of organizational misdeeds - Crises occur when management takes actions it knows will
harm or place stakeholders at risk for harm without adequate precautions. Lerbinger specified
three different types of crises of organizational misdeeds: Crises of skewed management values,
Crises of deception and Crises of management misconduct

Crises of skewed management values are caused when managers favor short term
economic gain and neglect broader social values and stakeholders other than investors.
This state of lopsided values is rooted in the classical business creed that focuses on the
interests of stockholders and tends to disregard the interests of its other stakeholders such
as customers, employees, and the community.
Crises of deception occur when management conceals or misinterprets information about
itself and its products in its dealing with consumers and others.
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Crisis of management misconduct refers to some crises which are caused not only by
skewed values and deception but deliberate amorality and illegality.

 Workplace violence - Crises occur when an employee or former employee commits violence
against other employees on organizational grounds.
 Rumors - False information about an organization or its products creates crises hurting the
organization’s reputation. Sample is linking the organization to radical groups or stories that
their products are contaminated.

Models and Theories Associated with Crisis Management

Crisis management strategy (CMS) is corporate development strategy designed primarily to
prevent crisis for follow-up company advancement. Thus, CMS is synthesis of strategic management.
It includes projection of the future based on ongoing monitoring of business internal and external
environment, as well as selection and implementation of crisis prevention strategy and operating

Crisis Management Model

There are 3 phases in any Crisis Management as shown below:
1. The diagnosis of the impeding trouble or the danger signals.
2. Choosing appropriate Turnaround Strategy.
3. Implementation of the change process and its monitoring.

Crisis Management Planning deals with providing the best response to a crisis.
Contingency Planning is the first step to ensuring an organization is appropriately prepared for a crisis.
Business Continuity Planning helps minimize the disruption and must be conducted in the earliest

Structural-Functional Systems Theory - The structural-functional theory identifies information flow in

organizations as “networks” made up of members. Information in organizations flow in patterns called

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Another theory that can be applied to the sharing of information is Diffusion of Innovation
Theory. Developed by Everett Rogers, the theory describes how innovation is disseminated and
communicated through certain channels over a period of time. Diffusion of innovation in
communication occurs when an individual communicates a new idea to one or several others.

Crises Management Strategies – 12 Steps Approach

1. Create a Solutions Team – Get the most effective team members to manage the situation.
2. Facts are our friends – Search for the truth with compassion and empathy. BUT, do not let the
emotions drive you away from the root cause of the problem.
3. Clear the table – if the Crisis is big enough, management needs to clear other responsibilities from
the Solutions Team so they can get the root cause.
4. Resolve ASAP – It is critical that your organization’s solution team gets information that will all the
leadership team to take the next step in resolving the issue.
5. Be Poised and Positive – Show courage and to stay positive while the crises events occur.
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6. Over-communicate – Communicate, communicate, communicate. Rinse and repeat.

7. Ownership – Do not point finger. Take absolute ownership for what went wrong.
8. Be Present – if the crisis is very big, postpone your business trips and other activities. It is most
important for you as a leader to be present when big challenges arise.
9. Stay Focused – While the solutions team is identifying the root causes of the crisis and
recommending solutions, everyone else needs to stay focused.
10. Evaluate Solutions Team – Evaluate how the team did managing the crisis and implementing the
crisis management strategy.
11. Real Crisis - Be careful to create an environment where everything feels like a Crisis and everyone
wants to be a firefighter.
12. Refresh Your Goals – The solution team needs to get back into their routine after the resolution. It
is critical that the goal expectations of the employees in the solution team are handled well.

Four Stages of Crisis Management

 Prodromal Stage – the critical situation is known only inside the organization and is not yet
visible to the general public.
 Acute Stage – The crisis becomes visible outside the organization. The managers have no
choice but to address the crisis in public.
 Chronic Stage – Usually the longest stage; it is where litigation occurs, media exposes are
aired, internal investigations are launched, government oversight investigations commence and
so on.
 Resolution Stage – When things begin to return to normal. Effective solutions for the situations
are put into practice, and if they go as planned, the incident begins to fade from the spotlight.

Crisis Communication: Four Phases to Managing a Crisis on Social Media

 Readiness – Recognize and anticipate potential threats.
 Response – Quick, swift, and accurate response to crisis. Don’t delay.
 Reassurance – Apologies not enough. Re-assure people that you are still worthy of their
support and their trust. Words are great but you know what is better? Action.
 Recovery – There is a short-term recovery which includes the immediate response and action
following a crisis, and there is long term-recovery, which is how your brand plans to change
and adapt to be better based on this experience.

We had just finished the discussion on safety and security in tourism and hospitality
industry. Let’s now move on to the next higher level of activities or exercises that
demonstrate your potential skills/knowledge of what you have learned.


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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality


Name:GUILING, JENNILYN Year and Section: BSHM-1139

Using the Internet, explore some articles or journals related to any crisis. Create a crisis management
plan before a crisis hits, because once it does hit, you’ll have to fix it FAST! Write your answers in a
yellow sheet of paper or a long bond paper.

-All respondents advocated the importance of being prepared for crisis situations auctions and most
Respondent arrived to the interview with their Crisis Preparation Manuals. Further more, in one
Hotel, a crisis response practice was scheduled to take place shortly after the interview. The
Obvious/visual display of security measures (e.g.metaldet
Ector sat the entrance)is appropriate For specific targets get segments or situations only. The examples
illustrated the varied degree of Security measures needed for mega events like the 2012 London
Olympics (all London Respondents) and offering hotel services to the to politicians in the EU or other
VIP guests (HotelD, Finland). In such instances the security protocols are set extensively and specialist
Security personnel is provided by the event or gainers. A more common request for additional
Security takes place when a corporate client uses the hotels conference facilities for a strategically
significant meeting. In these situations public access to some parts of the hotel
May be restricted (Hote lD, Finland).The day-to-day security operations included the‘ secondary’
security role assigned to most front Line employees. This approach allows for a more discrete security
operations and maintaining The appropriate quality of service. For example, the concierge limits the
access to the hotel by
Suspicious individuals (Hote lD, Finland and Hote lL, UK) and front of house personnel
Diplomatically of fearing assistance to visitors who do not seem to belong. Such helpful attention to
visitors was also experienced by means the‘ out of place interviewer’.
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Finally, let’s WRAP UP the lesson regarding what we had discussed today!


Name: GUILING, JENNILYN Year and Section: BSHM-1139

1. Why hygiene is important in hospitality industry?

-Good personal hygiene practices help to prevent bacteria from spreading to food. Thorough hand
washing is a priority, particularly before handling and preparing food. Personal protective clothing
should also be worn to minimise the spread of dirt and bacteria and to prevent hair and fibres getting
into food.

2. From the lesson on Security and Safety in Tourism and Hospitality, I realized that
-Enhance your preparations for a test, strengthen your performance in the workplace or better
understand an assignment that covers hotel safety and security with help from this chapter. Quickly and
effectively improve your comprehension with entertaining lessons, mini quizzes and other resources.

You have come to an end of Module 10.
OOPS! By the way, you still have an assignment to do. Here it is…
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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality


Name: GUILING, JENNILYN Year and Section: BSHM-1139

1. How can hotels keep their guests safe while also respecting their privacy?
- Provide buzzer in every room for emergency purpose. In case the guests feel UN safe, they can
Always give are signal for an immediate responses Install CCTV along the hall ways. While security
must bushel, there should be a personnel Watching the videos in real time. If one can attend to it
2. Explain the importance of accident and loss prevention in tourism and hospitality sector. What
security measures are taken to protect guests and their property?
-An accident prevention plan involves appropriate preparations and necessary action
taken to Minimize, if not completely prevent, accident. When an accident prevention
plan is properly, the degree of injuries, damage and losses will be significant ificantly

After your long journey of reading and accomplishing the module, let us
now challenge your mind by answering the evaluation part of this module.
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Name: GUILING, JENNILYN Date: _____________________

Year and Section: BSHM-1139 Score: ____________________

FILL IN THE BLANKS: The following statements require you to find the correct answer that should
appear in the blank. Write the letter only.

1. The term _____A_____ is broadly used to refer to the protection of individuals, organizations, and
assets against external threats and criminal activities that can be directed to such entities hence
rendering them inactive.
A. Safety
B. Security
C. Safety and Security
D. Prevention
2. ____B____ includes fires of oil, gasoline, grease and other petroleum product.
A. Class A Fire
B. Class B Fire
C. Class C Fire
D. Class D Fire
3. ______C_____ is generally mounted just below the ceiling height with a temperature detector or
smoke detector, attached with each sprinkler.
A. Fire extinguisher
B. Fire alarm system
C. Automatic sprinkler
D. Fire hose system
4. ____D______ is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling food safety
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5. _______A___ is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive and unexpected event
that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders.
A. Crises management
B. Risk management
C. Contingency plan
D. Safety and security measures
6. A _____B______ requires the ability to think of the worst-case scenario while simultaneously
suggesting numerous solutions.
A. Safety precautions
B. Crises mindset
C. Food safety
D. Safety and Security
7. ___A______ occurs when discontented individuals and/or groups fight businesses, government,
and various interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and expectations.
A. Confrontation crisis
B. Natural crisis
C. Technology crisis
D. Crisis of malevolence
8. ____B_____ occurs when management conceals or misinterprets information about itself and its
products in its dealing with consumers and others.
A. Crisis of skewed management values
B. Crisis of deception
C. Crisis of management misconduct
D. Crisis of malevolence
9. ____D_______ is the first step to ensuring an organization is appropriately prepared for a crisis.
A. Crisis management planning
B. Business continuity planning
C. Contingency planning
D. All of the above
10. ____C_____ is usually the longest crisis stage where litigation occurs, media exposes are aired,
internal investigations are launched, government oversight investigations commence and so on.
A. Prodromal
B. Acute
C. Chronic
D. Resolution

CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the end of this module! You may

now proceed to the next module. Don’t forget to submit all the exercises,
activities, portfolio, etc. during face to face.
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Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

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