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What is attentiveness?

The definition of attentiveness is the action of paying close attention to something. It is a state of
mind where the intellect is alert, active, and focused on the present, manifested through
concentration on a situation or activity.

Anyway, Have you ever found yourself lost in a conversation? Listening with full attention can be
very difficult as our attention is taken by other thoughts or events. So, here are some ways you
can improve your attentiveness.

Listening with intention

I f a friend or family member is trying to talk to you, give them your full attention with no
distractions. Turn off or turn down TVs and radios. Keep your mind on what they are saying and
not on what you might be doing later in the evening. Giving people your full attention shows you

Meanwhile, If you are taking a class, give it your full attention too. Sometimes we need to block
out conversations and distractions around us in order to listen and pay attention to instructions
or classes that are meant to educate us.

Observe things around you

Observing is an important skill in building attentiveness. In times of war, crime, and

emergencies, being attentive and having good observation skills become critical.

Attentiveness in careers

Nearly every career requires attentiveness in at least some capacity, but in some careers
attention to details can mean the difference between life and death. A few careers are:

■ air traffic controller

■ surgeon
■ lineworker
■ structural engineer
■ heavy equipment driver

Play a concentration game

Here we have a game that requires attention to details. This game is a very simple game, but
your full attention is needed. Take turns flipping 2 cards at the same time. If they match, you
keep the cards and go again until they don’t. The game ends when all cards are flipped and the
winner is the one with the most cards.

How does it impact people?

Attentiveness allows people to focus on information to create memories. It also allows people to
avoid distractions so that they can focus on and complete specific tasks.

According to a new study from the Universities of Nottingham and Bristol, children with better
attention skills score higher on tests. The study measured children's attention in elementary
school and checked in on their academic performance in high school. The researchers analyzed
data on over 11,000 children.

Attention is a limited resource, so selective attention allows us to tune out unimportant details
and focus on what matters. This differs from inattentional blindness, which is when you focus
hard on one thing and fail to notice unexpected things entering your visual field.

So, now we know that attentiveness is very important. But although some people aren’t able to
give their full divided attention, it might not be entirely their fault. Attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children and adults. An
estimated 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD include
inattention (not able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement not fitting to setting), and
impulsivity (acts that occur in the moment without thought). Causes are unclear but the
condition often runs in families.

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