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Submitted by: Zeeshan ali

Sap Id: 70076435

Submitted to: Sir Zubair Yousaf

Course title: Water Supply

Semester: 4th (Spring 2021)

Department: Civil Engineering Technology

What is the significance of the Total Solids in the environmental

Total solids measurements can be useful as an indicator of the effects of runoff from
construction, agricultural practices, logging activities, sewage treatment plant discharges, and
other sources. As with turbidity, concentrations often increase sharply during rainfall, especially
in developed watersheds

What is the significance of the Total Dissolved Solids in the environmental


The total dissolved solids test is used as an indicator test to determine the general quality of the
water. The sources of total dissolved solids can include all of the dissolved cations and anions,
but the following table can be used as a generalization of the relationship of TDS to water quality

What is the classification of water based upon TDS?

TDS has also been classified into four types:

o Type I is freshwater with TDS < 1,000 mg/L o Type II is brackish

water with TDS between 1,000 and 10,000 mg/L o Type III is saline water
with TDS from 10,000 till 100,000 mg/L o Type IV is brine water with
TDS > 100,000 mg/L

4-How TDS causes corrosion of the pipes?

Over 500 ppm TDS, the potential for corrosion increases. ... Warm water speeds up chemical
reactions and also liberates dissolved CO2, which contributes to corrosion. Suspended solids can
act as sandpaper inside pipes and appliances. Dissimilar metals in contact.
What are the effects of increase of SS in an aquatic eco-system?

One of the most important effects on animals is the damage to fish gills. Prolonged exposure to
high levels of suspended solids (50 mg l−1 and above) is likely to lead to sublethal changes due to
respiratory distress, and adverse growth and development.

What is the significance of Settable Solids in environmental engineering?

Suspended solids are important as pollutants and pathogens are carried on the surface of
particles. The smaller the particle size, the greater the total surface area per unit mass of particle
in grams, and so the higher the pollutant load that is likely to be carried.

High concentrations of suspended solids decrease the effectiveness of drinking water disinfection
agents by allowing microorganisms to “hide” from disinfectants within solid aggregates. This is
one of the reasons the TSS, or turbidity, is removed in drinking water treatment facilities.

What are the substances or materials which account for settleable solids in
surface waters?

Total suspended solids (TSS) are particles that are larger than 2 microns found in the water
column. These solids include anything drifting or floating in the water, from sediment, silt, and
sand to plankton and algae. Organic particles from decomposing materials can also contribute to
the TSS concentration.

What is the significance of the sulphates in the environmental engineering?

The sulfate data is used in determining applicability of different water types for their public and
industrial applications. In addition, sulfate content of organic matter fed to anaerobic digester is
important information as it gives idea of generation of hydrogen sulfides, which needs to be
How does temperature effect the solubility of oxygen in water?

The solubility of oxygen decreases as temperature increases. This means that warmer surface
water requires less dissolved oxygen to reach 100% air saturation than does deeper, cooler water.
Water at lower altitudes can hold more dissolved oxygen than water at higher altitudes.

Why starch is added when light yellow color appears?

Starch forms a complex with iodine molecules which imparts blue color. However, the starch is
added only after a certain point where the iodine is reduced having a pale-yellow solution. The
reason behind this is that iodine-starch complex is stable and do not dissociate easily, resulting in
diffusion of end-point.

Write the significance of DO in Environmental Engineering?

It is an important parameter in assessing water quality because of its influence on the organisms
living within a body of water. A dissolved oxygen level that is too high or too low can harm
aquatic life and affect water quality.

Define BOD?

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) needed (i.e.,
demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given
water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period.

Why natural water and tap water cannot be used for preparing dilution in
the BOD test?

If organic matter is present in the dilution water, it may increase its oxygen demand. Chlorine is
often present in tap water in order to control microbial contamination. As chlorine would
interfere with the microorganisms used in the BOD test, it should be removed from the water
used for the dilutions and the blanks.
What is seeding?

Seeding is a term used for the process of introducing microbial or algae species on a planet or
moon already offering habitable regions.

Compare BOD and COD?

The main difference between BOD and COD is that BOD is the amount of oxygen which is
consumed by bacteria while decomposing organic matter under aerobic conditions whereas COD
is the amount of oxygen required for the chemical oxidation of total organic matter in water.

Why COD values are higher than BOD values?

COD is normally higher than BOD because more organic compounds can be chemically oxidized
than biologically oxidized. This includes chemicals toxic to biological life, which can make COD
tests very useful when testing industrial sewage as they will not be captured by BOD testing.

Write applications of COD data in Environmental Engineering?

Chemical Oxygen Demand COD test is a measure of the relative oxygen-depletion effect of a
waste contaminant. It has been widely adopted as a measure of pollution effect. To determine the
amount of pollution in a water stream to try to control and limit the amount of chemicals that can
pollute the lakes and rivers if left in a final effluent or discharge stream.

Write the NEQS for COD?

➢ Existing Standard: 150 mg/l.

➢ Into Inland Water: 150
➢ Into Sewage Treatment 400
➢ Into Sea: 400

What is Kendal Nitrogen?

In the Kendal procedure, after digestion in concentrated sulfuric acid, the total organic nitrogen is
converted to ammonium sulfate. Ammonia is formed and distilled into boric acid solution under
alkaline conditions. Most proteins contain 16% of nitrogen, thus the conversion factor is 6.25.

What is blue baby disease?

Blue baby syndrome, also known as infant methemoglobinemia, is a condition where a baby’s
skin turns blue. This occurs due to a decreased amount of hemoglobin in the baby’s blood.

Hemoglobin is a blood protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen around the body and
delivering it to the different cells and tissues.

Write the significance of Nitrogen test in Environmental Engineering?

Nitrogen is a dietary requirement for all organisms, because it is a constituent of all proteins and
nucleic acids. Plants consists of approximately 7.5% nitrogen (dry mass).

Nitrogen is essential for plants, and can be found in air in large amounts. This elementary
nitrogen cannot be taken up directly. Nitrogen must first be bound and converted, for instance to

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