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Year Summary of Action

March 4, Rockingham School Board Article 6 to “fund a governance study that researches cost containment,
2008 improved student learning opportunities and efficiency of operation for the Bellows Falls Middle School
and the Rockingham School District” is passed. Article 6 committee established.
Article 6 Committee hires public school consultant Brian O’Regan to assist with Study. Article 6
Aug, 2008 –
committee reviews enrollment and trends. Ten options were considered. Each scenario looked at grade
Feb, 2009
configurations/flexibility, pros, cons, issues, costs (matrix available).
Options by RSD Acting Alone:
1. Renovate BFMS, leave everything else the same
2. Renovate BFMS, move 5th to elementary schools
3. Renovate BFMS, move 5th and 6th grades to elementary schools
4. Renovate BFMS and reconfigure entire grade structure of Rockingham schools
5. Abandon BFMS, build new school in Rockingham
6. Tuition grades 7th-8th students out of community, grades 5th and 6th remain in Rockingham
Options requiring collaboration with other schools:
7. Grade 6 or 7 through 12 expanded Union High School at BFUHS
8. Rockingham only middle school at BFUHS site
9. Rockingham-Westminster (maybe Athens/Grafton) joint contract middle school at BFUHS
10. Rockingham-Westminster union or joint-contract school at renovated BFMS

Feb. 11, Article 6 Community Meeting (held at Women’s Club, Rockingham Town Hall – FACT TV) to share
2009 information gathered, present options, receive input/ideas, create community awareness and identify next
step. Copies of presentation materials available.

Mar 16, Article 6 committee processes the public information from the forums. From the ten options presented at
2009 the public forums, the Article 6 Committee votes to explore two main options; 1. renovating the middle
school with or without joint contract or union with another entity, or 2. build a new building on the high
school grounds with joint contract or union with another entity.

May 7, 2009 Article 6 committee and consultant meet with Westminster School Board to discuss options and get
feedback on whether Westminster was interested in pursuing a joint venture of some type. Westminster
raised concerns and there were discussions over the following:
1. what would happen to existing building if new one is built;
2. the new building location at the high school;
3. preliminary costs of renovating vs. building new;
4. Middle School facility/safety problems;
5. Rockingham’s policy of deferred maintenance and perceived lack of school support;
6. school choice
Article 6 Committee asked Westminster to join an exploratory committee to look at either joint contract
middle school or a union middle school. No action taken. Westminster was invited to the next Article 6
Committee meeting set for May 18, 2009 for further discussion.

May 11, Article 6 committee and consultant meet with Bellows Falls Union High School Board to discuss middle
2009 school renovation or new building options. The committee asked if school districts within the
supervisory union were interested in collaborating with Rockingham. The Board showed no interest in
participating in the initial development of such options. No action taken. The committee encouraged
board members to attend the next Article 6 Committee meeting set for May 18, 2009 to further discuss
the issue.


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May 14, Article 6 committee and consultant meet with Athens/Grafton School Boards to discuss the middle
2009 school and see if Athens/Grafton were interested in participating in discussions concerning its future via a
union middle school. Discussions centered around the current Grafton debate on whether Grafton wanted
to remain in the high school union at all and that discussing possible involvement in another union was
difficult. Other concerns raised included limiting middle school to 7th/8th grades only as they would want
6th grade to remain local (right now parents deal with 5 boards); perceived middle school reputation;
multiple grade transitions. In general, forming any sort of joint middle school union was not well
received. No action taken.

May 18, Article 6 Committee meets. No other District school board members attend. Consultant recommends:
2009 1. Continue to engage Westminster in a focused discussion on establishing a joint middle
school for all students in grades 6-8 on the campus of BFUHS with future fifth grade students
remaining at Central School. Involve BFUHS in discussion on land lease/ownership issues. If
Westminster is uninterested, Rockingham School District should move forward independently to
renovate the middle school as this would seem to be less expensive when compared with a similar
solo venture to build a new school facility. An aggressive timeline strongly recommended.
2. Begin developing Education Specifications for a renovated middle school. Ask voters
to fund engineering and architectural costs associated with renovation.
3. Consider a renovation project that would establish a 6-8 middle school with future fifth
graders remaining at Central School. Consider from a space and cost efficiency standpoint,
moving WNESU offices to middle school facility (annual savings of $50k+/-).
Committee moves to approach Westminster again to see if they are interested in joint contract.
Article 6 committee receives grant funded report from Craig Stead on Bellows Falls Middle School
June 15,
Energy Efficiency Recommendations. Cost to do energy efficient recommendations estimated at
$2,845,000. Westminster Board scheduled to meet in July to discuss Rockingham’s request.

Aug 3, 2009 Article 6 Committee addresses questions raised by Westminster Board regarding potential governance
and structure and sends letter back to Westminster with questions for them about their interest in
renovating vs. build new, grade configurations, school choice and a request for a joint meeting.

Aug 4, 2009 Westminster School Board discusses middle school and agrees “that at this time they do not have an
interest in pursuing a joint contract with Rockingham” and a joint meeting not be beneficial at this time.

Oct 1, 2009 Article 6 Committee discusses options left available knowing Rockingham will need to bear all costs
alone. Committee votes to recommend to School Board to move forward with BFMS renovation option,
form a new committee, create education specifications and hire an Architect.

Mar 1, 2010 School Board receives voter approval of Article 6 (coincidentally same #) for $20,000 for the preliminary
renovation phase that included architectural services to do a building assessment, schematics and cost
estimates. Committee changes name to BFMS Renovation Committee.

March 2010 BFMS Renovation committee puts out public Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services.
Black River Architects chosen among 10 firms based not only their relevant experience in public school
and historic renovations, but also because of the team of professionals they put together to address our
particular needs.

Nov, 2010 Black River Architects presents final schematics and project cost estimates.

Jan-Feb, BFMS Renovation committee holds series of public meetings, develops website and informational flyer
2011 to inform voters of the renovation plan and cost estimates.

Mar 1, 2011 Voters reject Article 12 to renovate the Bellows Falls Middle School on Town Meeting Day by 4 votes.

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