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emotions code 7 chacra

What are the Seven Chakras?

Crown Chakra | Third Eye Chakra | Throat Chakra | Heart Chakra | Navel Chakra |
Sacral Chakra | Root Chakra

Inside all of us lie 7 energy centers of spiritual power. The premise is that these 7
centers are connected to the major organs and glands that govern our body. These
centers are called chakras, a term derived from Indian religions that means “wheel of
energy.” Simply put, we believe chakras are responsible for transforming and meshing
the energy from our physical body with our psychological, emotional, mental, and non-
physical energies. Here are the descriptions for the location and reputed purpose of each

1. The Crown – Sahasrara

The Crown chakra relates to higher consciousness, enlightenment, and

inspiration. Located above the crown of the head, this Head Center chakra is
related to the power of consciousness and corresponds with the universal self
and divine reality.

2. The Third Eye – Ajna

As the sixth of the body’s seven chakras, the Third Eye lies between the
eyebrows and is the only chakra in the mental body. As such, it’s the center of
command and corresponds with intuition, insight, and psychic awareness.
Furthermore, the Third Eye chakra may help us connect to elements beyond the
five senses. It can also controls the individual self and power of inner

3. The Throat – Vishuddha

Located in the throat area, this chakra is thought of as the energy center for
creativity, speech, individual needs, and will. It’s known for its purity and
connects to the power of communication by connecting with the ether, the
respiratory system, and higher intelligence. This is the second chakra in the
Emotional Body.

4. The Heart – Anahata

As one of two energy centers in the Emotional Body, the Heart chakra lies in the
middle of the chest and is said to guide emotions and feelings like love,
forgiveness, compassion, and self-esteem. Not surprisingly, the heart triggers
emotions of love and devotion and corresponds with the element air.

5. The Navel – Manipura

As the last energy center in the physical body, the Navel chakra is considered
the Solar Plexus and relates to the element of fire. This chakra, also known as
the City of Gems, closely corresponds with the emotion anger and is responsible
for energies like desire, vitality, inner strength, and self-control. Lastly, the
Navel chakra is said to govern the digestive system and ego impulse.

6. The Sacral – Svadhisthana

Located above the genitals, the Sacral chakra is referred to as the Abode of
Kundalini, or “the center of energy that is yet to realize its potential.” Because of
its location, the Sacral chakra relates to the Water Element, and is believed to
control emotions that center around relationships, sexuality, and intimacy (such
as desire).

7. The Root – Muladhara

The Root chakra lies below the genitals and is the first of three physical body
energy centers. As the reputed center for survival, security, and primal energy,
the Root chakra is connected to the Earth Element and relates to your natural
survival instincts and emotions — especially fear.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this chakra chart and will be able to incorporate its
information into your lives to enhance your balance and wellbeing.

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