Is AI Dangerous To Humans?

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Hello everyone!

Today, we are going to talk about the topic “Is AI dangerous to

AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence, is intelligence in a computer-based machine that
is similar to human intelligence, which means AI can learn and performs tasks given just like us.
Undoubtedly, AI has provided many huge advantages to us. For example, it has been used
widely in optical character recognition, in healthcare sector to assist doctors and in autonomous
industry. However, just like what Elon Musk ever said: “With Artificial Intelligence, we are
summoning the demon.” There has always been a huge debate about whether AI is dangerous to
humans or not. In my opinion, the answer is sure yes due of the loss of jobs caused by AI, the
existence of AI terrorism and the malicious use of Al by humans.
First of all, the obvious danger of AI is causing the loss of job, more and more jobs do
not require humans anymore, they are gradually replaced by AI which is much more capable
than humans. For example, in some restaurant in China, AI robots are being used to take orders
and deliver foods to customers. In addition, AI also begins to take over professional jobs such as
doctors and lawyers. In medical field, AI can make much lesser errors than a human doctor when
diagnosing the cancer, performing operation and so on. As a result, a vast majority of people are
expected to lose their job in the future, causing the poverty rate to increase, which proved to have
direct relationship with criminal rate in a country. Therefore, AI will cause many people to lose
their jobs in the future.
Second, the existence of AI terrorism. AI is also being used in military by some countries
such as United States, China and Russia. For example, the X-47B Pegasus is being used by
United States to carries aircraft ordinances. The advantage of AI weapons over traditional
weapons such as nuclear bomb is that it is relatively cheap in the way that no hard-to-obtain raw
materials are needed to create them. If being used by terrorists, then the consequence will be
devastating. A micro killer drone is able to kill a single person within a blink of an eye, let alone
if those terrorists are able to make thousands of them. As a result, AI terrorism will be
unavoidable and unstoppable. Thus, it is possible that AI will be causing a new type of terrorism
in this world.
Thirdly, the malicious use of Al by humans. The ability to AI to perform tasks is much
more effective and faster than humans do. This is because AI can learn and process data at least a
million times faster than humans’ brain. This will be misused by some hackers to perform
accelerated hacking into government security system and personal bank account to obtain private
information or spreading virus autonomously in a large scale. That private information will be
misused by those hackers to their advantage. Therefore, the danger of AI is that it will be used
maliciously by humans
In a nutshell, it is clear that AI is will poses a danger to humankind because it will cause
the loss of job, the existence of AI terrorism and the malicious use of Al by humans. Therefore, it
should be noted that we should use AI technologies wisely. Thank you.

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