Out of The Laboratory and On To Our Plates: Nanotechnology in Food & Agriculture

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Nanotechnology in Food & Agriculture

March 2008
A report prepared for Friends of the Earth
Australia, Friends of the Earth Europe and
Friends of the Earth United States and supported
by Friends of the Earth Germany.
March 2008

Written by Georgia Miller and Dr. Rye Senjen,

Friends of the Earth Australia Nanotechnology

With contributions from Patricia Cameron, John

Hepburn, Helen Holder, Guillermo Foladori,
George Kimbrell, Aleksandra Kordecka, Kristen
Lyons, Ian Iluminato, Arius Tolstoshev, Gyorgy
Scrinis, Katja Vaupel, Jurek Vengels and many

Design and layout by Natalie Lowrey


For an electronic copy of this report, or further

briefing papers from Friends of the Earth please
refer to our websites:

Friends of the Earth Australia


Friends of the Earth Europe


Friends of the Earth Germany:


Friends of the Earth United States


This is a report by FoE Australia, FoE Europe and

FoE United States. Any mention of “FoE” in this
report refers to the above groups and not to FoE
Nanotechnology in Food & Agriculture

Australia, Europe and U.S.A

Nanotechnology in Food & Agriculture

Contents Executive Summary 2

A short introduction to nanotechnology 4

Nanotechnology enters the food chain 9

Nanotechnology and food processing 12

Nanotechnology used for food packaging 15

and food contact materials

Nanotechnology used in agriculture 19

Nanofoods and nano agrochemicals 22

pose new health risks

Nanofoods and nano agriculture pose 29

new environmental risks

Time to choose sustainable food and farming 32

Nano-specific regulation required to 37
ensure food safety

The right to say no to nanofoods 44

Recommendations for sustainable food 46

and farming

Glossary 49

Appendix A: List of agriculture and food products 50

identified by FoE that contain manufactured

Appendix B: Summary of EU regulations potentially 57

applicable to nanofood and nano food packaging

References 58
Executive Summary

In the absence of mandatory product access to our bodies, so they are more
labelling, public debate or laws to ensure likely than larger particles to enter cells,
their safety, products created using tissues and organs. These novel properties
nanotechnology have entered the food offer many new opportunities for food
chain. Manufactured nanoparticles, industry applications, for example as
nano-emulsions and nano-capsules are potent nutritional additives, stronger
now found in agricultural chemicals, flavourings and colorings, or antibacterial
processed foods, food packaging and ingredients for food packaging. However
food contact materials including food these same properties may also result in
storage containers, cutlery and chopping greater toxicity risks for human health and
boards. Friends of the Earth has identified the environment.
104 of these products, which are now There is a rapidly expanding body of
on sale internationally. However given scientific studies demonstrating that
that many food manufacturers may be some of the nanomaterials now being
unwilling to advertise the nanomaterial used in foods and agricultural products
content of their products, we believe introduce new risks to human health
this to be just a small fraction of the and the environment. For example,
total number of products now available nanoparticles of silver, titanium dioxide,
worldwide. zinc and zinc oxide, materials now used in
Nanotechnology has been provisionally nutritional supplements, food packaging
defined as relating to materials, systems and food contact materials, have been
and processes which exist or operate at found to be highly toxic to cells in test
a scale of 100 nanometres (nm) or less. tube studies. Preliminary environmental
It involves the manipulation of materials studies also suggest that these substances
and the creation of structures and systems may be toxic to ecologically important
at the scale of atoms and molecules, the species such as water fleas. Yet there
nanoscale. The properties and effects of is still no nanotechnology-specific
nanoscale particles and materials differ regulation or safety testing required
significantly from larger particles of the before manufactured nanomaterials
same chemical composition. can be used in food, food packaging, or
Nanoparticles can be more chemically agricultural products.
reactive and more bioactive than larger Early studies of public opinion show that
particles. Because of their very small size, given the ongoing scientific uncertainty
nanoparticles also have much greater about the safety of manufactured


nanomaterials in food additives, • All deliberately manufactured
ingredients and packaging, people do nanomaterials must be subject to rigorous
not want to eat nanofoods. But because nano-specific health and environmental
there are no laws to require labelling of impact assessment and demonstrated to
manufactured nano ingredients and be safe prior to approval for commercial
additives in food and packaging, there use in foods, food-packaging, food
is no way for anyone to choose to eat contact materials or agricultural
nano-free. applications.
Nanotechnology also poses broader
The size based definition of
challenges to the development of more
sustainable food and farming systems. At nanomaterials must be extended
a time when global sales of organic food • All particles up to 300nm in size must
and farming are experiencing sustained be considered to be ‘nanomaterials’ for
growth, nanotechnology appears likely to the purposes of health and environment
entrench our reliance on chemical and assessment, given the early evidence that
energy-intensive agricultural technologies. they pose similar health risks as particles
Against the backdrop of dangerous less than 100nm in size which have to date
climate change, there is growing been defined as ‘nano’.
public interest in reducing the distances
that food travels between producers Transparency in safety assessment and
and consumers, yet nanotechnology product labelling is essential
appears likely to promote transport of • All relevant data related to safety
fresh and processed foods over even assessments, and the methodologies used
greater distances. The potential for to obtain them, must be placed in the
nanotechnology to further concentrate public domain.
corporate control of global agriculture • All manufactured nano ingredients must
and food systems and further erode local be clearly indicated on product labels to
farmers’ control of food production is also allow members of the public to make an
a source of concern. informed choice about product use.
Given the potentially serious health and
environmental risks and social implications Public involvement in decision making
associated with nanofood and is required
agriculture, Friends of the Earth Australia, • The public, including all stakeholder
Europe and United States are calling for: groups affected, must be involved in all
• A moratorium on the further aspects of decision making regarding
commercial release of food products, nanotechnology in food and agriculture.
food packaging, food contact This includes in the development of
materials and agrochemicals that regulatory regimes, labelling systems, and
contain manufactured nanomaterials prioritization of public funding for food
until nanotechnology-specific safety and agricultural research. People’s right to
laws are established and the public is say no to nanofoods must be recognized
involved in decision making. explicitly.

Nanomaterials must be regulated as Support for sustainable food and

new substances farming is needed
• All deliberately manufactured • The assessment of food and agricultural
nanomaterials must be subject to new nanotechnology, in the context of wider
safety assessments as new substances, societal needs for sustainable food and
even where the properties of their larger farming, must be incorporated into
scale counterparts are well-known. relevant decision making processes.

Friends of
A short introduction to nanotechnology

What is nanotechnology? 7,000 nm and a human hair is 80,000 nm

The term ‘nanotechnology’ does not wide. If one imagines that a nanoparticle
describe a singular technology, but rather is represented by a person, a red blood
encompasses a range of technologies cell would be 7 kilometers long!
that operate at the scale of the building
blocks of biological and manufactured Nanotechnology is a platform
materials – the ‘nanoscale’. technology
Nanotechnology has been provisionally The novel properties of nanomaterials
defined as relating to materials, systems offer many new opportunities for the food
and processes which operate at a and agricultural industries, for example as
scale of 100 nanometers (nm) or less. more potent food colorings, flavourings
Nanomaterials have been defined as and nutritional additives, antibacterial
having one or more dimensions measuring ingredients for food packaging, and more
100nm or less, or having at least one potent agrochemicals and fertilizers. In
dimension at this scale which affects many instances the same technology
the materials’ behavior and properties. can enable applications across the whole
However this definition of nanomaterials is agriculture and food supply chain. For
likely to be far too narrow for the purposes example, nanoclay composites – plastics
of health and environmental safety to which nanoscale clay platelets have
assessment (see below). been added – are now used widely in
One nanometre (nm) is one thousandth food and beverage packaging, as well
of a micrometre (µm), one millionth of as in agricultural pipes and plastics to
a millimeter (mm) and one billionth of allow controlled release of herbicides,
a meter (m). To put the nanoscale into and have been studied for their use in
context: a strand of DNA is 2.5nm wide, a controlled release fertilizer coatings. The
protein molecule is 5nm, a red blood cell capacity to apply nanotechnologies
across multiple sectors not only delivers
greater returns on research investment,
but also enables companies to expand

Size based definitions

of small particles

Smaller than 100nm – a nanoparticle

Smaller than 1,000nm (a micron, or

micrometer also written as 1µm) – a
sub-micron microparticle

Larger than 1,000nm – a microparticle

A light-conducting silica nanowire wraps a beam of light around

a strand of human hair. The nanowires are flexible and can be
as slender as 50 nanometers in width, about one thousandth
the width of a hair. Photo: Limin Tong/Harvard University.


commercial activities into entirely new bioavailability of nanomaterials may also
market segments and new industries. result in greater toxicity of nanoparticles
For this reason, nanotechnology is often compared to the same unit of mass of
called a ‘platform technology’. larger particles of the same chemical
In coming years and decades, composition (Hoet et al. 2004; Oberdörster
‘next generation nanotechnology’ is et al. 2005a; Oberdörster et al. 2005b).
forecast to move beyond the use of Other properties of nanomaterials that
simple particles and encapsulated influence toxicity include: chemical
ingredients to the development of more composition, shape, surface structure,
complex nanodevices, nanosystems surface charge, catalytic behavior, extent
and nanomachines (Roco 2001). The of particle aggregation (clumping) or
application of nanotechnology to disaggregation, and the presence or
biotechnology (‘nanobiotechnology’) absence of other groups of chemicals
is predicted not only to manipulate the attached to the nanomaterial (Brunner et
genetic material of humans, animals and al. 2006; Magrez et al. 2006; Sayes et al.
agricultural plants, but also to incorporate 2004; Sayes et al. 2006).
synthetic materials into biological Some nanomaterials have proved
structures and vice versa (Roco and toxic to human tissue and cell cultures
Bainbridge 2002). Converging nanoscale in in vitro (test tube) studies, resulting in
technologies are predicted to enable increased oxidative stress, production
the creation of entirely novel artificial of proteins triggering an inflammatory
organisms for use in food processing, response (Oberdörster et al. 2005b), DNA
agriculture and agrofuels, as well as other mutation (Geiser et al. 2005), structural
applications (ETC Group 2007). This field is damage to cell nuclei and interference
known as synthetic biology. with cell activity and growth (Chen and
von Mikecz 2005), structural damage
to mitochondria and even cell death
Nanomaterials have novel properties
(Li et al. 2003). Nanomaterials now in
and pose novel risks commercial use by the food industry, such
To put it simply: small particle size equates as nano titanium dioxide, silver, zinc and
to new particle properties, which can zinc oxide have been shown to be toxic to
also introduce new risks. Nanoparticles cells and tissues in in vitro experiments and
have a very large surface area which to test animals in in vivo studies (see Table
typically results in greater chemical 9).
reactivity, biological activity and catalytic Nanomaterials have such diverse
behavior compared to larger particles properties and behaviors that it is
of the same chemical composition impossible to provide a generic
(Garnett and Kallinteri 2006; Limbach et assessment of their health and
al. 2007; Nel et al. 2006). Nanomaterials environmental risks (Maynard 2006).
also have far greater access to our body The shape, charge and size of different
(known as bioavailability) than larger particles can influence their kinetic
particles, resulting in greater uptake (absorption, distribution, metabolism
into individual cells, tissues and organs. and excretion) and toxic properties
Materials which measure less than (Hagens et al. 2007). For this reason even
300nm can be taken up by individual nanomaterials of the same chemical
cells (Garnett and Kallinteri 2006), while composition which have different sizes or
nanomaterials which measure less than shapes can have vastly different toxicity
70nm can even be taken up by our cells’ (Sayes et al. 2006). Until we have a much
nuclei, where they can cause major more comprehensive understanding of
damage (Chen and Mikecz 2005; Geiser the biological behavior of nanomaterials,
et al. 2005; Li et al. 2003). Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the toxicity risks
the greater chemical reactivity and associated with any one material, and

Friends of
each new nanomaterial must be subject (U.K. RS/RAE 2004).
to new health and safety assessment prior However the suitability of the 100nm
to its commercial use. Maynard (2006) definition has recently been queried,
notes that “it is clear from published especially in relation to health and
toxicity studies that particle size alone environmental safety assessment. There
is not a good criteria for differentiating is growing international recognition
between more or less hazardous materials that some particles greater than
and technologies”. However particle 100nm exhibit similar anatomical and
size remains an obvious, if somewhat physiological behavior to nanomaterials.
crude, criteria that could trigger more Novel, size-dependent behavior seen in
comprehensive testing and particle particles which measure a few hundred
characterisation, prior to a nanomaterial nanometres includes very high reactivity,
being permitted in commercial foods and bioactivity and bioavailability, increased
agricultural products. influence of particle surface effects
and strong particle surface adhesion
The need to broaden the provisional (Garnett and Kallinteri 2006). Significantly,
preliminary studies also suggest that some
100nm definition of nanomaterials
particles which measure a few hundred
for health and environmental safety
nanometres, or even 1,000nm, can pose
assessment comparable health risks to particles now
The International Standards Organization considered to be ‘nano’ (Wang et al.
(ISO) and ASTM International have not 2006; Ashwood et al. 2007).
yet agreed on a size-based or other
definition for nanomaterials. However
many government bodies and scientific Governments and scientists still
institutions have begun using the uncertain about the best size to define
provisional definition of nanomaterials nanomaterials
as having novel, size-dependent The size at which it makes sense to define
characteristics which are not seen in materials as ‘nano’ and to subject
larger particles of the same material. them to nano-specific health and
Typically this is defined as a particle environmental safety assessment remains
having at least one dimension existing in the topic of discussion within standards
the size range of 0.2 - 100nm (i.e. above bodies, in government and in the scientific
the atomic level up to 100nm). This size literature. We still know very little about
definition is somewhat arbitrary, but it has why the properties of nanomaterials
been considered that materials of less are different from larger particles and
than 100nm in size are most likely to exhibit how factors such as size, shape, surface
novel, nano-specific properties due to charge etc. interact to affect toxicity
their increased relative surface area and and the particles’ biological behavior.
the dominance of quantum effects in Consequently, we do not yet know
this size range (U.K. RS/RAE 2004). Altered enough to determine the appropriate
properties can include greater chemical size limit at which materials should be
reactivity, altered color, strength, solubility, subject to nano-specific health and safety
electrical conductivity etc. Importantly, assessment, although there is growing
nanoparticles also have greater access agreement that 100nm is likely to be
to our bodies’ cells, tissues and organs insufficient in at least some instances.
than larger particles of the same material. Reflecting the considerable uncertainty
In its 2004 report the United Kingdom’s around what size is most appropriate to
Royal Society and Royal Academy of consider a material to be a nanomaterial,
Engineering identified unbound particles different government agencies, research
of less than100nm in size as presenting the institutions and scientists have used
greatest potential risk for human health different sizes to define them. In its 2006


voluntary industry notification scheme, the size and a particle’s biological behavior,
British government defined nanomaterials given the poorly understood role of
as “having two or more dimensions up to other factors including shape, surface
200nm” (U.K. DEFRA 2006). In a 2006 report properties, charge, coatings etc. However
the Chemical Selection Working Group we also appreciate the need for a size-
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration based trigger to ensure that particles that
(FDA) defined nanomaterials as “particles may pose novel toxicological risks are
with dimensions less than micrometer subject to appropriate new safety testing
scale [i.e. less then 1,000nm] that exhibit and regulation prior to being allowed
unique properties not recognized in in commercial foods and agricultural
micron or larger sized particles” (U.S. FDA products. Given that particles up to a few
2006). Food scientists from Australia’s hundred nanometres in size share so many
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial of the physiological and anatomical
Research Organization (CSIRO) have also behaviors of nanomaterials, including
defined nanomaterials as measuring up to the ability to be taken up into individual
1,000nm (Sanguansri and Augustin 2006). cells, and that preliminary studies have
In a 2007 report on nanomaterials FDA indicated that particles in this size range
chose not to offer a size-based definition may pose size-dependent toxicity risks, a
at all (U.S. FDA 2007). precautionary approach is warranted. We
recommend that particles up to 300nm in
size are treated as nanomaterials for the
Why Friends of the Earth recommends purposes of health and safety assessment.
defining nanomaterials as less than To enable comparison of the discussion
300nm for the purposes of health and and studies cited in this report with other
environmental safety assessment literature, we restrict the use of the term
Friends of the Earth recognizes that there is nanoparticle to particles which have at
not a clear relationship between particle least one dimension which measures less

Friends of
than 100nm. However given the evidence In this report, Friends of the Earth focuses
of nano-specific biological behavior on manufactured nanomaterials used
and related toxicity risks associated with in food and agriculture. However we
particles a few hundred nanometres in recognise that the presence of incidental
size, Friends of the Earth urges regulators nanomaterials in foods, for example as a
responsible for assessing and managing result of the wear from food processing
the health and environmental risks of equipment, could also pose new health
nanoparticles to require particles up risks which warrant consideration by
to 300nm in size to be subject to nano- regulators.
specific safety testing and regulation prior
to being permitted for commercial use in
food and agricultural products. The need to investigate the health and
environmental implications of other
small particles
Manufactured vs. incidental
nanoparticles Preliminary evidence suggests
that although these particles may
‘Manufactured’ nanomaterials are those be thousands of times larger than
which are produced deliberately. They
nanoparticles, small microparticles around
include nanoparticles (e.g. metal oxides
1-20µm in size (1,000 – 20,000nm) may
such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide),
also pose health risks. Microparticles
as well as structures created through
do not have the same bioavailability
nanotechnology such as nanotubes,
of nanoparticles and they cannot be
nanowires, quantum dots, dendrimers and
taken up by individual cells. They are also
carbon fullerenes (buckyballs), among
comparatively less chemically reactive
others (see glossary).
and bioactive than nanoparticles, and
In comparison, ‘incidental’ nanoparticles bioactive than nanoparticles. However
are nanoparticles which are not the reactivity and bioavailability of
manufactured deliberately, but either microparticles remain far greater than
occur in nature or as a byproduct of that of larger particles (Sanguansri and
industrial processes. Sources of incidental Augustin 2006). Studies using rats have
nanoparticles, also called ultrafine demonstrated gastrointestinal uptake of
particles in the study of air pollution, particles measuring up to 20µm in size,
include forest fires and volcanoes, and mainly via Peyer’s Patches in the small
high-temperature industrial processes intestine (Hagens et al. 2007). Pathology
such as combustion, welding, grinding studies also suggest that microparticles up
and exhaust fumes of cars, trucks and to 20µm in size are taken up through the
motorcycles (U.K. HSE 2004). Although human gastro-intestinal tract, translocated
humans have historically been exposed through the body, and accumulate in
to small numbers of these incidental secondary organs where they may be
nanoparticles, until the industrial revolution associated with long-term pathological
this exposure was quite limited. damage, for example the development
The emerging field of nanotoxicology of granulomas and lesions (Ballestri et al.
(the study of the risks associated with 2001; Gatti and Rivassi 2002). Granulomas
manufactured nanomaterials) is being and lesions can have serious long-
informed by our understanding of risks term health effects, leading to chronic
associated with incidentally produced inflammation and even cancer. Beyond
nanoparticles. For example, we know the need for nanotechnology-specific
that exposure to large levels of incidental regulation for nanomaterials in foods and
nanoparticles in urban air pollution causes food contact materials, Friends of the
increased incidence of disease and even Earth therefore also urges regulators to
death among vulnerable sections of the investigate the need for appropriate new
population (Yamawaki and Iwai 2006). safety assessments of small microparticles.


Nanotechnology enters the food chain

Nanoadditives are now found in some margerine/soft drinks/dairy products/sausages and other processed food.

How nanofood is defined

The term ‘nanofood’ describes food which has been
cultivated, produced, processed or packaged using
nanotechnology techniques or tools, or to which
manufactured nanomaterials have been added (Joseph
and Morrison 2006). Examples of nano-ingredients
and manufactured nanomaterial additives include
nanoparticles of iron or zinc, and nanocapsules containing
ingredients like co-enzyme Q10 or Omega 3.

Future generations of humanity will be able Nanotechnology is moving out of the

to eat any food, no matter how rich. Sugar, laboratory and into every sector of food
production. Manufactured nanomaterials
salt, fat, cholesterol — all the things we love are already used in some food products,
but have to consume in moderation now will nutritional supplements, many packaging
have no restrictions on them in future. All and food storage applications and some
food will be nutritious; the sole criterion for agricultural inputs (e.g. fertilizers and
pesticides. In this report we use the term
choosing meals will be taste... Jetsons-style pesticide to mean any chemical used to
food pills will never materialize; instead, in control either animal or plant pests, i.e.
the future, enjoying sumptuous meals will be including both pesticides and herbicides).
Friends of the Earth’s investigation into
a guilt-free highlight of every day.
the use of nanotechnology across the
(Sawyer 1990) food chain reveals that foods which

Friends of
contain manufactured nanomaterial know for sure whether or not a given
ingredients and additives are not the stuff product contains nano-ingredients.
of science fiction but are already found Estimates of commercially available
on supermarket shelves. nanofoods vary widely; nanotechnology
Secrecy surrounds the commercial use analysts estimate that between 150-
of nanotechnology and nanomaterials by 600 nanofoods and 400-500 nano food
the food industry. Food manufacturers’ packaging applications are already on
reluctance to discuss their use of the market (Cientifica 2006; Daniells 2007;
nanotechnology and nanomaterials is Helmut Kaiser Consultancy Group 2007a;
made worse by the absence of labelling Helmut Kaiser Consultancy Group 2007b;
laws that require manufacturers to identify Reynolds 2007).
nanofoods. This makes it impossible to

Table 1: Examples of the current use of nanomaterials in agriculture,

foods and food packaging (see Appendix A for a complete referenced list)

Type of product Product name and Nano content Purpose

Nutritional supplement Nanoceuticals Molecular cages 1-5 nm Nano-sized mycrohydrin
‘mycrohydrin’ powder, diameter made from silica- has increased potency and
RBC Lifesciences mineral hydride complex bioavailability. Exposure to
moisture releases H- ions and
acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Nutritional drink Oat Chocolate 300nm particles of iron Nano-sized iron particles
Nutritional Drink Mix, (SunActive Fe) have increased reactivity and
Toddler Health bioavailability.
Food contact material Nano silver cutting Nanoparticles of silver Nano-sized silver particles
(cooking equipment) board, A-Do Global have increased antibacterial
Food contact material Nano silver baby mug, Nanoparticles of silver Nano-sized silver particles
(crockery) Baby Dream have increased antibacterial
Food contact material Antibacterial Nanoparticles of silver Nano-sized silver particles
(kitchenware) kitchenware, have increased antibacterial
Nanocaretech/NCT properties.
Food packaging Adhesive for McDonald’s 50-150nm starch nano- These nanoparticles have
burger containers, spheres 400 times the surface area of
Ecosynthetix natural starch particles. When
used as an adhesive they
require less water and thus less
time and energy to dry.
Food packaging Durethan® KU 2-2601 Nanoparticles of silica in a Nanoparticles of silica in the
plastic wrapping, Bayer polymer-based nanocomposite plastic prevent the penetration
of oxygen and gas of the
wrapping, extending the
product’s shelf life.
Food additive Aquasol preservative, Nanoscale micelle (capsule) Surrounding active ingredients
AquaNova of lipophilic or water insoluble within soluble nanocapsules
substances increases absorption within the
body (including individual cells).
Plant growth treatment PrimoMaxx, Syngenta 100nm particle size emulsion Using nano-sized particles
increases the potency of active
ingredients, potentially reducing
the quantity to be applied.


Appendix A contains a list of 104 Many more nanofood products are in
commercially available foods, nutritional development. By 2010 it is estimated that
supplements, food contact materials sales of nanofoods will be worth almost
like storage containers and chopping US$6 billion (Cientifica 2006). Many of
boards, and agricultural chemicals such the world’s largest food companies,
as pesticides, plant growth treatments including Heinz, Nestlé, Unilever and
and chemical fertilizers that contain Kraft, are exploring nanotechnology for
manufactured nanomaterials (Table 1 food processing and packaging. Many
provides a few examples). Given the of the world’s largest agrochemicals
reluctance of food manufacturers to and seed companies also have
discuss their use of nanotechnology active nanotechnology research and
(Shelke 2006), it appears likely that our development programs (Table 2).
list represents only a small fraction of Nanotechnology has potential
commercially available products that applications in all aspects of agriculture,
contain nanomaterials. food processing, food packaging and
even farm and food monitoring:
Table 2: A selection of major food • Methods to enable foods such as
and agriculture companies engaged in soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate
nanotechnology research and development or chips to be marketed as
(ETC Group 2004; Innovest 2006; Renton ‘health’ foods by reducing fat,
2006; Wolfe 2005). carbohydrate or calorie content
or by increasing protein, fibre or
vitamin content.
• Production of stronger
Altria (Kraft Foods) flavourings, colorings, and
Associated British Foods nutritional additives, and
processing aids to increase the
Bayer pace of manufacturing and to
Cadbury Schweppes lower costs of ingredients and
Campbell Soup processing.
DuPont Food Industry Solutions • Development of foods capable
General Mills of changing their color, flavour or
Glaxo-SmithKline nutritional properties according to
Goodman Fielder
Group Danone
a person’s dietary needs, allergies
John Lust Group Plc or taste preferences (high on the
H.J. Heinz research agenda of food giants
Hershey Foods including Kraft and Nestlé).
La Doria
Maruha • Packaging to increase
McCain Foods food shelf life by detecting
Mars, Inc.
spoilage, bacteria, or the loss
Northern Foods of food nutrient, and to release
Nichirei antimicrobials, flavours, colours
Nippon Suisan Kaisha or nutritional supplements in
PepsiCo response.
Sara Lee
Syngenta • Re-formulation of on-farm inputs
Unilever to produce more potent fertilizers,
United Foods
plant growth treatments and
Note: For display purpose companies pesticides that respond to specific
are listed in alphabetical order.
conditions or targets.

Friends of
Nano in your sausage -
Nanotechnology and “NovaSol the solution for
meat curing and color
food processing stability”

Industrial sausage and cured meat

production requires the addition
of numerous additives to speed up
Friends of the Earth’s investigation
the production process, to stabilize
reveals that foods which contain
color and ‘improve’ taste. German
nanoscale ingredients and additives are company Aquanova has developed a
already found on supermarket shelves. nanotechnology-based carrier system
Given the emerging body of scientific using 30nm micelles to encapsulate
evidence demonstrating the toxicity active ingredients such as Vitamins
risks of nanomaterials, Friends of the C and E and fatty acids which can be
Earth believes the sale of effectively used as preservatives and aids
and unregulated nanofoods is of serious (Aquanova undated). Aquanova
concern. markets its micelles as “NovaSol”
and claims that the nanoscale
Nanofood now: carrier system increases the
no longer just a vision potency and bioavailability of active
ingredients. The German industry
The vision of nanofoods described by magazine “Fleischwirtschaft” claims
nanofood technologists includes liquids that NovaSol offers considerable
that can change color, taste and advantages for meat processors:
texture at the press of a microwave faster processing, cheaper
button, and products customized to ingredients, higher color stability, and
respond to an individual’s health and ready to use liquid form
nutritional requirements. Yet while such (Fleischwirtschaft 2006). These
applications can best be described nanoformulations of these additives
as ‘next generation’ nanofoods, more have been available to German
prosaic products are far closer to manufacturers since 2006. They may
commercialisation. Nestlé and Unilever be used in an assortment of cured
are reported to be developing a nano- meats and sausages currently
emulsion based ice cream with a lower available to European consumers.
fat content that retains a fatty texture and The failure to identify nano-
flavour (Renton 2006). More immediately, ingredients on product labels
nano-nutritional additives are already prevents their tracking. However it
being used to boost the vitamin and is conceivable that consumers world
mineral content of some processed foods wide have been exposed to these
and to speed up the manufacturing of nanomaterials through exports.
processed meats.

Nanoparticles and particles up to

300nm in size are added to many
foods as processing aids
Nano-encapsulated active ingredients
including vitamins and fatty acids are now
sold commercially for use in processing
and preservation of beverages, meats,
cheese and other foods (Aquanova
undated). Nanoparticles and particles
a few hundred nanometres in size are


added intentionally to many foods
to improve flow properties (e.g. how Dairy products, cereals, breads
well it pours), color and stability during and beverages are now fortified
processing, or to increase shelf life. with vitamins, minerals such
For instance, alumino-silicates are
as iron, magnesium or zinc,
commonly used as anti-caking agents
in granular or powdered processed probiotics, bioactive peptides,
foods, while anatase titanium dioxide is a antioxidants, plant sterols
common food whitener and brightener and soy. Some of these active
additive, used in confectionery, some
ingredients are now being
cheeses and sauces (Ashwood et al.
2007; Powell et al. 2000). In bulk form added to foods as nanoparticles
(conventional, larger particle size), these or particles a few hundred
food additives are usually biologically nanometres in size.
inert and are considered by regulators
in the European Union and elsewhere to
be safe for human consumption (EFSA
2004). However, these regulators make Active ingredients include vitamins,
no distinction between particle size when preservatives and enzymes. These have
assessing the safety of food additives, until recently been added to foods in
despite the growing evidence that many microscale capsules, but are now also
nano-scale additives show heightened being produced in capsules thousands
toxicity risks. For instance, 200nm particles of times smaller in an effort to increase
of titanium dioxide have been found to their potency. For example many of the
be immunologically active and could commonly used Omega 3 food additives
promote inflammation (Ashwood et al. are micrometres in size, such as the 140-
2007). Scientists have suggested that 180µm micro-encapsulated tuna fish oils
particles a few hundred nanometres in used by Nu-Mega Driphorm® to fortify
size that are used as food additives may Australia’s Tip Top bread line (Nu-Mega
be a factor in the rising incidence of 2007). However, increasingly companies
auto-immune diseases like irritable bowel such as Aquanova and Zymes are offering
syndrome and Crohn’s disease (Ashwood Omega 3 in 30-40nm nano-capsules - an
et al. 2007; Schneider 2007; see discussion incredible 4,000 times smaller than the Nu-
in Chapter 6). Mega range (Halliday 2007a).
Aquanova’s Novasol range of nano-
Nanoparticles and particles up encapsulated bioactive ingredients
to 300nm in size are also used as also includes vitamins, co-enzyme Q10,
nutritional additives isoflavones, flavonoids, carotenoids,
phyto-extracts, essential oils, preserving
Nutritional additives are another growing
agents, food coloring substances and
source of nanoparticles in foods. The
other bioactive substances. Its products
Institute of Medicine of the U.S National
are found in a wide range of food
Academy of Sciences defines “functional
additives and in beverage additives
foods”, also known as nutraceuticals (a
such as Solu™ E 200 BG marketed by
combination of the words nutrition and
BASF, which is a Vitamin E nano-solution
pharmaceutical), as foods that “provide
especially formulated for clear beverages
a health benefit beyond the traditional
like sports beverages, flavoured and
nutrients [food] contains”. The global
enhanced waters (BASF 2005).
functional food market is growing rapidly,
reaching US$73.5 billion in 2005 (Just-Food. The effectiveness of nutraceutical
com undated). Nano-encapsulation ingredients depends on preserving and
involves enclosing an active ingredient in enhancing their bioavailability. Nano-
a nanoscale capsule (Shelke 2005). sizing or nano-encapsulating active

Friends of
formation of nanoparticles and nanoscale
emulsions can result from food processing
techniques such as high pressure valve
homogenization, dry ball milling, dry jet
milling and ultrasound emulsification.
Although many food manufacturers may
remain entirely unaware that their foods
contain nanoparticles, it is likely that these
processing techniques are used precisely
because the textural changes and flow
properties they produce are attractive to
ingredients delivers greater bioavailability, Recent research has also found
improved solubility and increased in food nanoparticles which can
potency compared to these substances best be described as contaminants.
in larger or micro-encapsulated form Nanopathology researcher Dr Antonietta
(Mozafari et al. 2006). This is touted as Gatti has found that many food
delivering consumer benefits. The greater products contain insoluble, inorganic
potency of nanoparticle additives may nanoparticles and microparticles that
well reduce the quantities of additives have no nutritional value, and which
required, and so benefit food processors. appear to have contaminated foods
However the greater potential for cellular unintentionally, for example as a result of
uptake of nanomaterials, coupled with the wear of food processing machines
their greater chemical reactivity, could or through environmental pollution (Gatti
also introduce new health risks. undated; Personal communication with
Dr A.Gatti 19 September 2007). Gatti and
Modern food processing methods colleagues tested breads and biscuits
produce nanoparticles and found that about 40% contained
The emerging discussion of potential inorganic nanoparticle and microparticle
health risks associated with nanomaterials contamination (Gatti et al. submitted for
in foods has largely focused on publication).
manufactured nanomaterial food or food While this report focuses on the issues
packaging additives and has ignored associated with the intentional addition of
nanoparticles created during processing. nanomaterials to foods, food packaging
However nanoparticles are also present in and agricultural products, we recognise
many foods because of the technology that the health implications of food
used to process the foods, rather than processing techniques that produce
because they are food additives or nanoparticles and nanoscale emulsions
ingredients. Although food processing also warrant the attention of food
technologies that produce nanoparticles regulators. The potential for such foods to
are not new, the rapidly expanding pose new health risks must be investigated
consumption of highly processed foods is in order to determine whether or not
most certainly increasing our exposure to related new food safety standards are
nanoparticles in foods. required. Just as a better understanding of
Processing techniques which produce the health risks of incidental nanoparticles
nanoparticles, particles up to a few in air pollution have resulted in efforts
hundred nanometres in size, and to reduce air pollution, improved
nano-scale emulsions are used in understanding of the health risks
the manufacture of salad dressings, associated with incidental nanoparticle
chocolate syrups, sweeteners, flavoured contaminants in foods may also warrant
oils, and many other processed foods efforts to reduce incidental nanoparticles’
(Sanguansri and Augustin 2006). The contamination of processed foods.


Nanotechnology used for food packaging
and food contact materials

Extending the shelf-life of packaged undated; Lagarón et al. 2005; Sorrentino

foods et al. 2007). For example, DuPont has
announced the release of a nano
One of the earliest commercial
titanium dioxide plastic additive ‘DuPont
applications of nanotechnology within
Light Stabilizer 210’ which could reduce
the food sector is in packaging (Roach
UV damage of foods in transparent
2006). Between 400 and 500 nano-
packaging (ElAmin 2007a). In 2003, over
packaging products are estimated
90% of nano packaging (by revenue)
to be in commercial use now, while
was based on nano-composites, in which
nanotechnology is predicted to be
nanomaterials are used to improve the
used in the manufacture of 25% of all
barrier functions of plastic wrapping
food packaging within the next decade
for foods, and plastic bottles for beer,
(Helmut Kaiser Consultancy Group 2007a;
soft drinks and juice (PIRA International
Reynolds 2007).
cited in Louvier 2006; see Appendix A
A key purpose of nano packaging is to for products). Nano packaging can also
deliver longer shelf life by improving the be designed to release antimicrobials,
barrier functions of food packaging to antioxidants, enzymes, flavours and
reduce gas and moisture exchange and nutraceuticals to extend shelf-life (Cha
UV light exposure (AzoNano 2007; Bayer and Chinnan 2004; LaCoste et al. 2005).

Edible nano coatings

Most of us are familiar with the
waxy coatings often used on apples.
Now nanotechnology is enabling the
development of nanoscale edible coatings
as thin as 5nm wide, which are invisible
to the human eye. Edible nano coatings
could be used on meats, cheese, fruit
and vegetables, confectionery, bakery
goods and fast food. They could provide a
barrier to moisture and gas exchange, act
as a vehicle to deliver colours, flavours,
antioxidants, enzymes and anti-browning
agents, and could also increase the shelf
life of manufactured foods, even after the
packaging is opened (Renton 2006; Weiss
et al. 2006).
United States company Sono-Tek Corp.
announced in early 2007 that it has
developed an edible antibacterial nano
coating which can be applied directly to
bakery goods; it is currently testing the
process with its clients (ElAmin 2007b).

Friends of
Table 3: Examples of chemical release nano packaging under development
Company/ Nano content Purpose
CSP Technologies Polymer capable of releasing ingredients Control over humidity, oxygen, bacteria,
into the food or beverage in response to odour and even the flavour of the food itself
external stimuli (LeGood and Clarke 2006).
Kraft Nano-sensor based ‘electronic tongue’ Control the release of smell, taste and
able to ‘taste’ chemicals to the level of nutraceuticals into food products in response
parts per trillion and then guide chemical to the preferences of individual consumers
release (Wolfe 2005).

Chemical release nano packaging nano zinc oxide or nano chlorine dioxide
(AzoNano 2007; LeGood and Clarke 2006;
Chemical release nano packaging enables
Table 4). Nano magnesium oxide, nano
food packaging to interact with the food
copper oxide, nano titanium dioxide and
it contains. The exchange can proceed in
carbon nanotubes are also predicted for
both directions. Packaging can release
future use in antimicrobial food packaging
nanoscale antimicrobials, antioxidants,
(ElAmin 2007c; Nanologue 2006).
flavours, fragrances or nutraceuticals into
the food or beverage to extend its shelf life
or to improve its taste or smell (del Nobile et
al. 2004; LaCoste et al. 2005; Lopez-Rubio Table 4: Nano-based antibacterial food packaging
et al. 2006; Nachay 2007). In many and food contact materials (PEN 2007) Note: List
instances chemical release packaging based on the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies’
also incorporates surveillance elements, Consumer Products Inventory 27th February 2008.
that is, the release of nano-chemicals will
occur in response to a particular trigger Company/ Application
event (Gander 2007). Conversely, nano Institution
packaging using carbon nanotubes is SongSing Nano Food cling wrap treated
being developed with the ability to ‘pump’ Technology Co., Ltd with nano zinc oxide
out oxygen or carbon dioxide that would Sharper Image Food plastic storage bags
otherwise result in food or beverage treated with nano silver
deterioration (FoodQualitynews.com 2005). BlueMoonGoods, Food storage containers
Nano packaging that can absorb A-DO Global, Quan treated with nano silver
undesirable flavours is also in development. Zhou Hu Zheng Nano
Technology Co., Ltd
and Sharper Image
Nano-based antimicrobial packaging Daewoo, Samsung and Refrigerators treated with
and food contact materials LG nano silver
Baby Dream® Co., Ltd Baby cup treated with
Distinct from trigger-dependent chemical
nano silver
release packaging, designed to release
A-DO Global Chopping board treated
biocides in response to the growth of a
with nano silver
microbial population, humidity or other
changing conditions, other packaging
SongSing Nano Tea pot treated with nano
and food contact materials incorporate Technology Co silver
antimicrobial nanomaterials, that are
Nano Care Technology Kitchenware treated with
designed not to be released, so that the Ltd nano silver
packaging itself acts as an antimicrobial.
These products commonly use
nanoparticles of silver although some use


Nano-sensor and track and instead of fossil-fuel based plastics for food
trace packaging packaging and carry bags (see Table 6;
ElAmin 2007e; Nanowerk 2007; Sorrentino
Packaging equipped with nano sensors et al. 2007; Technical University of Denmark
is designed to track either the internal or 2007). Potential environmental benefits and
the external conditions of food products, risks of nano biodegradable packaging are
pellets and containers throughout the discussed in later sections.
supply chain. For example, such packaging
can monitor temperature or humidity over
time and then provide relevant information Table 5: Nano-sensor packaging under development
on these conditions, for example by
changing color (Food Production Daily Company/ Nano content Purpose
2006a; Gander 2007; El Amin 2006a, Table Institution
5). Companies as diverse as Nestlé, British Georgia Tech Multi-walled Detects micro-
Airways, MonoPrix Supermarkets, 3M and in the United carbon nanotube- organisms,
many others are already using packaging States based biosensor toxic proteins,
or spoilage of
equipped with chemical sensors, and
foods and some
nanotechnology is offering new and beverages
more sophisticated tools to extend these (Nachay 2007).
capabilities and to reduce costs (LeGood University of “Opal” film, Changes color
and Clarke 2006). Southampton incorporating in response to
UK & Deutsches 50nm carbon black food spoilage
Nanotechnology is also enabling sensor
Kunststoff- nanoparticles (El Amin
packaging to incorporate cheap radio Institut, 2007d).
frequency identification (RFID) tags Germany
(Nachay 2007; Pehanich 2006). Unlike University of UV-light activated, Tamper
earlier RFID tags, nano-enabled RFID tags Strathclyde, nano titanium- proofing (El
are much smaller, can be flexible and are Scotland dioxide based, Amin 2006a).
printed on thin labels. This increases the oxygen-sensing
tags’ versatility (for example by enabling ink

the use of labels which are effectively Australian Nanotechnology- Detect

invisible) and thus enables much cheaper company based biosensors biological
MiniFAB contamination
Other varieties of nano-based track and Australia 2007).
trace packaging technologies are also in
development. For instance, United States
company Oxonica Inc has developed
nano barcodes to be used for individual
items or pellets, which must be read with
a modified microscope. These have been
developed primarily for anti-counterfeiting
purposes (Roberts 2007). An ingestible
nano-based track and trace technology
is promised by pSiNutria, a spin out of
nanobiotechnology company pSivida.
Potential pSiNutria products include:
“products to detect pathogens in food,
for food tracing, for food preservation,
[and] temperature measurements in food
storage” (pSivida 2006).

Nano biodegradable packaging

The use of nanomaterials to
strengthen bioplastics (plant-based
plastics) may enable bioplastics to be used

Friends of
Table 6: Development of nano-composite bioplastics

Company/Instittion Nano content Purpose

Plantic Technologies, Nano-composite biopolymers, filler Production of biodegradable plastics. Supplied
Australia unspecified to 80% of the Australian chocolate tray
market, including Cadbury Australia (Invest
Australia 2007).

Rohm and Haas, USA Nano-composite biopolymers using Used to strengthen PLA, a biodegradable
Paraloid BPM-500 plastic resin made from corn, while
maintaining the plastic’s transparency (El
Amin 2007e).

“Sustainpack”: 35 research Nano-composite biopolymers using To strengthen fibre-based, biodegradable

institutes, universities and nano clay packaging, and to make the packaging water
corporate partners from 13 repellent (Nanowerk 2007).
European countries

Technical University of Nano-composite biopolymers using The use of nanoclays and other minerals to
Denmark and others nano clay and other minerals strengthen bioplastics (Technical University of
Denmark 2007).
Australia’s Commonwealth Nano-composite biopolymers filler Nano-composites which are combustible,
Scientific and Industrial unspecified compostable, renewable and carbon-dioxide
Research Organization neutral (Invest Australia 2007).

Non-stick nano lining for mayonnaise

and tomato sauce bottles
Promising an end to the need to tap or shake
mayonnaise or ketchup bottles to remove the last of
their contents, several German research institutes,
industry partners and the Munich University of
Technology have joined forces to develop non-stick
nanofood packaging (Scenta 2007). The researchers
have applied thin films which measure less than 20nm
to the inside surface of food packaging. They have
already developed their first samples, and hope to
release the new packaging commercially in the next 2
– 3 years. The researchers promote their product as
an environmentally friendly solution to reduce leftover
traces of condiments in bottles. However there are
concerns that manufactured nanomaterials are released
into the environment from waste streams or during
recycling. This may present a new range of serious
ecological risks. It is therefore possible that such
packaging may introduce more pollution problems than
it solves.


Nanotechnology used in agriculture

Nanotechnology is introducing a new nanoparticles and emulsions used in

array of potentially more toxic pesticides, agrochemicals is intended to make them
plant growth regulators and chemical more potent.
fertilizers than those in current use at Joseph and Morrison (2006) observe that
a time when we should be increasing “many companies make formulations
our support for more sustainable food which contain nanoparticles within the
systems. By providing new tools for gene 100-250 nm size range that are able
manipulation, nanotechnology is also to dissolve in water more effectively
likely to expand the genetic engineering than existing ones (thus increasing their
of crops. Nano-based interactive farm activity). Other companies employ
surveillance and management systems suspensions of nanoscale particles
remain a long way off commercialisation. (nanoemulsions), which can be either
If they are achieved, they may deliver water or oil-based and contain uniform
far greater efficiencies. However in their suspensions of pesticidal or herbicidal
further automation of farm management, nanoparticles in the range of 200-400 nm”.
such systems may also result in larger scale
The U.S. EPA has acknowledged
agribusiness employing ever fewer
that it has been contacted by
several manufacturers interested in
releasing nanoscale pesticides (U.S.
Nano agrochemicals are already EPA 2007). However, almost no major
in commercial use agrochemical companies have
admitted to manufacturing products
Some of the first nano agrochemicals in
with particles measuring 100nm or less.
development are nano-reformulations of
An exception is Syngenta, the world’s
existing pesticides, fungicides, plant, soil
largest agrochemical company, which
and seed treatments (ETC Group 2004,
has been selling its nano-formulated
Green and Beestman 2007, Joseph and
“Primo MAXX” plant growth regulator for
Morrison 2006). Agrochemical companies
several years. Primo MAXX is marketed
are reducing the particle size of existing
as a “micro-emulsion” concentrate
chemical emulsions to the nanoscale, or
(Syngenta undated). When contacted
are encapsulating active ingredients in
by Friends of the Earth, a spokesperson
nanocapsules designed to break open
from Syngenta Australia initially confirmed
in certain conditions, for example in
that other fungicides and seed treatments
response to sunlight, heat or the alkaline
in Syngenta’s MAXX range of “micro-
conditions in an insect’s stomach. Similar
emulsion” concentrates also contained
to the nanocapsules and nanoemulsions
particles 100nm in size. The spokesperson
being developed for the food and
subsequently retracted this statement
packaging sectors, the smaller size of

Friends of
Table 7: Nano agrochemicals under development

Type of product Product name Nano content Purpose

& manufacturer
“Super” combined Pakistan-US Science Nanoclay capsule contains Because it can be designed
fertiliser and and Technology growth stimulants and for slow release of active
pesticide (Pakistan- Cooperative Program biocontrol agents ingredients, treatment requires
US Science and only one application over the life
Technology of the crop
Program 2006).

Herbicide (Raj Tamil Nadu Agricultural Nano-formulated Designed to attack the seed
2006). University (India) coating of weeds, destroy soil
and Technologico de seed banks and prevent weed
Monterry (Mexico) germination

Pesticides, including Australian Nano-encapsulated active Very small size of nanocapsules

herbicides (Invest Commonwealth ingredients increases their potency and may
Australia 2007). Scientific and enable targeted release of active
Industrial Research ingredients

and told us that none of Syngenta’s gene expression. Theoretically, the use
other products contain nanoparticles. of nanotechnology also offers greater
Such confusion could be avoided with control over the release of DNA at the
mandatory labelling of nano-ingredients target site.
and formulations. Tables 7 provides Nanobiotechnology is already enabling
information on nano agrochemicals which scientists to rearrange the DNA of
are now on sale or in development. agricultural crops. In 2004, the ETC Group
reported that researchers at Chiang Mai
Nano-genetic manipulation of University in Thailand had been able to
agricultural crops and animals alter rice color from purple to green.
They reported that ultimately the Thai
For decades, molecular biologists researchers hoped to use their technique
have sought to genetically engineer to develop Jasmine rice varieties that can
microbes, plants and animals, but be grown all year long, with shorter stems
have been faced with many technical and improved grain color (ETC Group
limitations and hurdles (Zhang et al. 2006).
2004). There have also been reports that
Nanobiotechnology now appears to
cellular ‘injection’ with carbon nanofibres
offer a new suite of tools to manipulate
containing foreign DNA has been used
the genes of plants or animals by
to genetically alter golden rice (AzoNano
using nanoparticles, nanofibres and
nanocapsules, rather than using viral
vectors, to carry foreign DNA and
chemicals into cells (Bharali et al. 2005; Synthetic biology seeks to create
He et al. 2003; Radu et al. 2004; Roy entirely new organisms
et al. 2005; Torney et al. 2007; Vassaux
‘Synthetic biology’ is the name given to a
et al. 2006). These nanomaterials can
new area of work that combines genetic
transport a much larger number of genes
engineering with nanotechnology,
as well as the chemicals that trigger
informatics and engineering. The United


Kingdom’s Royal Society has described have applications in monitoring crop
synthetic biology as “an emerging area of growth, in animal breeding and in disease
research that can broadly be described diagnostics. Its developers believe that it
as the design and construction of novel will enable manufacture of a hand held
artificial biological pathways, organisms device which can sample cow’s milk and
or devices, or the redesign of existing indicate within an hour whether or not
natural biological systems” (U.K. RS 2007). the bacteria which cause Bovine Mastitis
The Royal Society explains that: “The are present (Clifford 2007). Another
application of engineering principles to Australian group has developed a new
the design and construction of complex hand-held monitoring device which
biological systems is likely to provide a can detect sheep lice on a shearer’s
step change from the tweaking of existing blade. The system uses colorimetric
genomes usually described as genetic detection based on gold nanoparticle
engineering”. clusters (Nanotechnology Victoria
undated). Other potential applications
It is likely to be some time before artificial
for nanosensors include improving crop or
organisms capable of self-replication
animal genetics.
are developed, although critical
breakthroughs in the quest to develop The quest to develop wireless nano
synthetic life are being achieved. One of surveillance systems to enable remote
the first steps in the creation of an artificial farm surveillance, and perhaps ultimately
organism occurred recently, when automated farm management, remains
synthetic biology researchers successfully at an early stage of development.
Over time proponents hope that
emptied one bacteria of its entire genetic
nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology
makeup, and replaced it with that of
monitoring systems will enable the
another bacteria, literally transforming
development of tiny, self-powered
one species into another for the first time
surveillance systems which can be
outside a virus (Lartigue et al. 2007).
distributed across a farm and effectively
Synthetic biology has potential monitor on-farm conditions, for example
applications throughout agricultural soil moisture, temperature, pH, nitrogen
and food production systems. The ETC availability, the presence of weeds,
Group reports that Amyris Biotechnologies and disease or vigor of crops or animals
is developing synthetic microbes to (Joseph and Morrison 2006; Opara 2004;
produce nutraceuticals, vitamins and U.S.DoA 2003). Bath and Turberfield (2007)
flavours for use in food processing (Amyris have recently reviewed development of
Biotechnologies 2006; ETC Group 2007). what they call DNA nanomachines “in
Codon Devices is also developing which individual molecules act, singly
synthetic biology applications for and in concert, as specialized machines”,
agriculture, including efforts to improve capable of responding to external stimuli.
the efficiency and control of genetic They note that DNA based sensors which
engineering of plants. For a detailed respond to temperature and pH have
introduction to the area of synthetic already been developed. Interactive
biology see ETC Group (2007). nanotechnology surveillance systems
are also predicted that could respond
to conditions observed, for example
Nano-sensors for on-farm monitoring
by releasing nano-fertilizers in response
and surveillance to identified nitrogen stress. However,
Nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology despite the strong interest in nano-
sensors are being designed for a based automated surveillance and
range of agricultural applications. farm management systems, it is likely to
An Australian research facility has be some time before such systems are
developed ‘nanoarrays’ which could technically and practically viable.

Friends of
Nanofoods and nano agrochemicals
pose new health risks

The incorporation of manufactured biologically inert in bulk form and is widely

nanomaterials into foods and beverages, used as a food additive. However in vitro
nutritional supplements, food packaging experiments show that as a nanoparticle
and edible food coatings, fertilizers, or particle up to a few hundred
pesticides and comprehensive seed nanometres in size, titanium dioxide
treatments presents a whole new array damages DNA, disrupts the function of
of risks for the public, workers in the food cells, interferes with the defence activities
industry and farmers. of immune cells and, by adsorbing
fragments of bacteria and ‘smuggling’
them across the gastro-intestinal tract,
Manufactured nanomaterials may
can provoke inflammation (Ashwood et al
pose serious health risks 2007; Donaldson et al. 1996; Dunford et al.
Our bodies’ defensive mechanisms are 1997; Long et al. 2006; Lucarelli et al. 2004;
not as effective at removing nanoparticles Wang et al. 2007b). A single high oral dose
from our lungs, gastro-intestinal tract of titanium dioxide nanoparticles caused
and organs, as they are with larger significant lesions in the kidneys and livers
particles (Oberdörster et al. 2005a). of female mice (Wang et al. 2007b). Table
Nanoparticles are also more adhesive 8 provides a key summary of the existing
than larger particles to surfaces within scientific evidence of the toxicity of just
our bodies (Chen et al. 2006a). As a result some of the nanomaterials now used by
of these factors and their very small size, the food industry.
nanoparticles are much more likely to be The potential for ingested non-
taken up into our cells and tissues than are degradable nanoparticles to cause long-
larger particles. term pathological effects in addition to
Numerous in vivo experiments using rats short-term toxicity is of great concern. A
and mice have demonstrated gastro- small number of clinical studies suggest
intestinal uptake of nanoparticles (Chen that non-degradable nanoparticles and
et al. 2006b; Desai et al. 1996; Hillyer and small microparticles which do not provoke
Albrecht 2001; Wang et al. 2007a; Wang an acute toxic response can accumulate
et al. 2007b) and small microparticles in our bodies and over time result in the
(Hazzard et al. 1996; McMinn et al. development of ‘nanopathologies’, for
1996; Wang et al. 2006). Pathological example granulomas, lesions (areas of
examination of human tissues also damaged cells or tissue), cancer or blood
suggests ingestion and translocation of clots (Ballestri et al. 2001; Gatti 2004; Gatti
microparticles up to 20µm in size (Ballestri and Rivassi 2002; Gatti et al. 2004).
et al. 2001; Gatti and Rivassi 2002) To our knowledge no long term
A growing body of evidence experimental studies have been
demonstrates that some manufactured conducted to investigate the potential
nanoparticles will be more toxic per for manufactured nanomaterials to show
unit of mass than larger particles of the chronic toxicity. However even long-term
same chemical composition (Brunner et (2 year) animal experiments are not able
al. 2006; Chen et al. 2006b; Long et al. to adequately identify the potential for
2006; Magrez et al. 2006). For example nanomaterials to cause long-term health
titanium dioxide is considered to be problems within a human’s life span. It


Why nanoparticles pose
new risks
• Nanoparticles are more chemically
reactive than larger particles
• Nanoparticles have greater access to our
bodies than larger particles
• Greater bioavailability and greater
bioactivity may introduce new toxicity
• Nanoparticles can compromise our
immune system response
• Nanoparticles may have longer term
pathological effects

Nanotoxicity remains very poorly

understood. We don’t know:
• What levels of nano-exposure we are
currently facing
• What levels of exposure could harm
our health or if there is any safe level of

is sobering to note that although there routine basis. This is of great concern
is scientific consensus that inhalation because scientists still do not know what
exposure to asbestos can result in lung levels of nanomaterial exposure may
cancer, animal experiments investigating harm workers’ health, and whether or not
this link remained inconclusive because any level of occupational exposure to
the development of asbestos-induced nanomaterials may be safe. Furthermore,
disease takes longer than the lifetime reliable systems and equipment to
of laboratory test animals (Magrez et prevent occupational exposure do not
al. 2006). This suggests strongly that the yet exist, and we have yet to identify
precautionary principle should be used a general basis for measuring and
when developing regulations to ensure characterizing nanomaterial exposure
that long-term exposure to manufactured that does occur (Maynard and Kuempel
nanomaterials does not result in harm to 2005; U.K. HSE 2004).
health. Studies have shown that nanomaterials
gain ready access to the blood stream
Occupational health risks must be following inhalation, which may be the
primary route of occupational exposure
addressed as a matter of urgency
to nanomaterials (Oberdörster et al.
As with the production of all 2005b). At least some nanomaterials can
nanoproducts, workers who handle, penetrate the skin (Ryman-Rasmussen
manufacture, package or transport et al. 2006), especially if the skin is flexed
foods and agricultural inputs that contain (Rouse et al. 2007; Tinkle et al. 2003),
manufactured nanomaterials are likely or exposed to surfactants (Monteiro-
to face higher levels of nanomaterial Riviere et al. 2006) as is likely in many
exposure than the public and on a more workplaces. Nanoparticles and even small

Friends of
microparticles can be taken up through marketed by Taiyo International). There
broken or damaged skin (Oberdörster et are also a number of companies selling
al. 2005a). ‘generic’ nano-additives, such as nano
zinc oxide, nano silica and other nano-
encapsulated active ingredients (see
Appendix A).
Nanoparticles and the link to
The potential for potent bioavailable
Crohn’s disease and immune
nano-nutritional additives to deliver
system dysfunction excessive doses of some vitamins
or minerals is also concerning. For
It is well known that people with
example online industry magazine Food
asthma are especially susceptible to air
Processing.com reports that a United
pollution. In effect, asthma sufferers
States company is now promoting its
act as the ‘canary in the mine’, alerting
those around them that air pollution
nano-formulated Vitamin E delivers “10
levels are getting dangerously high.
times the adult recommended daily
Scientists have very recently suggested allowance for vitamin E can be delivered
that the growing prevalence of immune to consumers ... without change in
system dysfunctions and inflammations taste or appearance of clear, fortified
of the gastro intestinal tract such waters and other functional beverages”
as Crohn’s disease (a damaging (Shelke 2007). Yet scientists recognise
and chronic inflammation of the that substances which are not toxic in
gastrointestinal tract which can lead themselves can have a toxic effect if
to cancer) may be a similar warning consumed in excessive quantities. For
signal in relation to nanoparticles and example, excessive consumption of
particles a few hundred nanometres in Vitamin A can cause adverse skeletal
size in our food (Ashwood et al. 2007; effects and bone fractures in the limbs
Gatti 2004; Lomer et al. 2001; Lucarelli (Downs 2003). Excessive consumption of
et al. 2004; Schneider 2007). Vitamin B6 can cause a nerve disorder
that can lead to pain, numbness,
and weakness in the limbs; excessive
consumption of folic acid can cause
Toxicity risks of nanofood additives crippling neurologic damage (U.S. IOM
Very few studies have investigated 1998). If nano-nutritional additives and
the toxicity of nanoparticle nutritional supplements provide an excessive dose
additives. Some preliminary studies looking of some vitamins and nutrients, these may
at 300nm nanoparticles of iron fed to mice also interfere with the absorption of other
have found that although the nutrients. Dr Qasim Chaudhry who leads
bioavailability of iron was increased the nanotechnology research team at
greatly, there was no toxicity problem the United Kingdom’s Central Science
(Rohner et al. 2007; Wegmüller et al. Laboratory warns that nanoparticle and
2004). However another preliminary nano-encapsulated food ingredients
experiment has shown that mice fed a “may have unanticipated effects, far
high dose of nanoparticles and even small greater absorption than intended or
microparticles of zinc can suffer severe altered uptake of other nutrients, but
organ damage and blood thickening little, if anything, is known currently” (Parry
(Wang et al. 2006). 2006).
The failure of governments to require There is also the possibility that
comprehensive safety testing of Toxicity nanoscale ingredients or contaminants
risks in nano additives is concerning, given may themselves pose toxicity problems
that 300nm iron and zinc particles are that are difficult for food regulators to
now marketed for fortification of foods identify. UK consultant Neville Craddock,
and beverages (e.g. SunActive® products a leading expert in food safety testing,


Table 8: Experimental evidence of the toxicity of selected nanomaterials now in commercial
use by the food industry

Nanomaterial and Size and physical Experimental evidence of toxicity

current applications description
20nm Destroyed DNA (in vitro; Donaldson et al.
Titanium dioxide 1996)

Small microparticle form

30nm mix of rutile and anatase Produced free radicals in brain immune cells
widely used as food additive;
forms of titanium dioxide (see (in vitro; Long et al. 2006)
nanoparticle form used as
antimicrobial and U.V. protector
in food packaging and storage
containers and sold as food Nanoparticle, size unknown, rutile DNA damage to human skin cells when
additive and anatase forms exposed to UV light (in vitro; Dunford et al.

Four sizes 3-20nm, mix of rutile High concentrations interfered with the
and anatase form function of skin and lung cells. Anatase
particles 100 times more toxic than rutile
particles (in vitro; Sayes et al. 2006)

25nm, 80nm, 155nm 25nm and 80nm particles caused liver

and kidney damage in female mice. TiO2
accumulated in liver, spleen, kidneys and
lung tissues (in vivo; Wang et al. 2007b)

Silver 15nm Highly toxic to mouse germ-line stem cells

(in vitro; Braydich-Stolle et al. 2005)
Used as antimicrobial in
food packaging, storage
15nm, 100nm Highly toxic to rat liver cells (in vitro;
containers, chopping boards
Hussain et al. 2005)
and refrigerators, also sold as
health supplement
15nm, ionic form Toxic to rat brain cells (in vitro; Hussain et al.

Zinc and zinc oxide 20nm, 120nm zinc oxide powder 120nm particles caused dose–effect damage
in mice liver, heart and spleen. 20nm
Sold as nutritional additives particles damaged liver, spleen and pancreas
and used as antimicrobial in (in vivo; Wang et al. 2007a)
food packaging
19nm zinc oxide Toxic to human and rat cells even at very low
concentrations (in vitro; Brunner et al. 2006)

58±16 nm, 1.08±0.25µm zinc Test mice showed severe symptoms

powder of lethargy, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Nanoparticle dose produced more severe
response, killed 2 mice in first week, and
caused greater kidney damage and aneamia.
Greater liver damage in microparticle
treatment (in vivo; Wang et al. 2006)

Silicon dioxide 50nm, 70nm, 0.2µm, 0.5 µm, 50nm and 70nm particles taken up into
1µm, 5 µm cell nucleus where they caused aberrant
Particles a few hundred nm in protein formation and inhibited cell growth.
size used as food additives, Caused the onset of a pathology similar to
nano form touted for use in neurodegenerative disorders (in vitro; Chen
food packaging and von Mickecz 2005)

Friends of
has warned that safety regulators will Future chemical-release packaging
find it difficult to detect and assess the technologies are being designed to
safety of nanoscale food ingredients release nanocapsules of flavours, odors or
or contaminants: “The analysis of a nutritional additives into foods and
[nano]particle-sized item in a food beverages over time. Such packaging
product would not be an every-day offers benefits to processors, such as
test” (Rowe 2006). This suggests that risk reduced processing costs and longer shelf
management schemes to ensure the life of foods and beverages. However
safety of nanofoods face potentially consumer benefits such as stronger tastes
insurmountable practical obstacles. or flavours appear to be outweighed by
This casts doubt on the perception that the potential new health risks associated
appropriate regulations can ensure the with ingestion of nanomaterials. Edible
safety of nanofoods. nano coatings, being developed for
confectionery, bakery products and fresh
fruit and vegetables, will also result in
Public health issues associated with
increased ingestion of nanomaterials, with
potential new health risks.
Beyond the need to ensure the safety
The use of nanomaterials in food
of nanofood additives, it is also useful to
contact materials including packaging,
question whether or not fortifying food
cling wrap, storage containers and
with nano nutrients is actually desirable
from a public health perspective. There chopping boards could also potentially
is a growing number of manufacturers increase the probability of nanomaterial
prepared to claim that their nano-fortified ingestion. It appears possible that
beverages or foods will meet a large part, nanomaterials could migrate from various
or even the entirety, of an individual’s food packaging into foods. Polymers and
dietary needs. For example Toddler chemical additives in conventional food
Health’s range of fortified chocolate and packaging are known to migrate from the
vanilla ‘nutritional drinks’, which include packaging into food products (Franz 2005;
300nm particles of SunActive® iron, is Das et al. 2007). Conversely, flavours and
marketed as “an all-natural balanced nutrients in foods and beverages are also
nutritional drink for children from 13 known to migrate into plastic packaging.
months to 5 years. One serving of Toddler The Institute of Food Science and
Health helps little ones meet their daily Technology has stated its concern that
requirements for vitamins, minerals and manufactured nanomaterials are already
protein” (Toddler Health undated). Yet no being used in food packaging, despite
matter how fortified, nanofoods cannot migration rates, and thus exposure risks,
substitute for the nutritional value of a remaining unknown (IFST 2006). The United
diet based on a variety of fresh, minimally Kingdom’s Central Science Laboratory
processed foods. There is a real possibility and Danish scientists at the National Food
that the promotion of nano-fortified foods Institute are currently investigating the
could be one factor in people eating potential for nanomaterials migration
less fruit and vegetables, with associated from food packaging into foods (U.K. FSA
negative public health outcomes. 2006; ElAmin 2007f). Preliminary results
of a study carried out in the UK indicate
Nanofood packaging represents new that nanomaterial migration from the
routes of nanoexposure two polymer nanocomposites tested
(nanoclay-in multilayered PET bottles, and
The use of manufactured nanomaterials nanosilver-polypropylene composite) may
in food packaging and edible coatings be minimal (Chaudhry 2008). However,
will undoubtedly increase the likelihood until these studies are completed, there
of the public ingesting nanomaterials. remains an absence of any published


data quantifying rates of migration What makes nano silver a more
of manufactured nanomaterials from powerful antibacterial than larger
packaging into foods (Nanlogue.net silver particles?
In ionic form silver is both a powerful antibacterial agent
and toxic to cells in culture. Because nanoparticles of
Challenges facing antibacterial silver have a greater surface area than larger particles of
and nano-sensor packaging silver, nano silver is more chemically reactive and more
readily ionised than silver in larger particle form. Nano
Anti-bacterial nanofood packaging
silver therefore has greater antibacterial and toxic effects
and nano-sensor technologies
compared to larger silver particles partly because it is
have been promoted as delivering
more readily converted to silver ions. However there is also
greater food safety by detecting preliminary evidence that nano silver can exert effective
or eliminating bacterial and toxin antibacterial action at a considerably lower concentration
contamination of food. However it than that of silver ions (Lok et al. 2006).This suggests that
is possible that nanomaterials will the antibacterial properties and toxicity of nano silver are
migrate from antibacterial food not explained only by its chemical composition and the
packaging into foods, presenting new production of ions alone.
health risks. This appears inevitable Physical characteristics of nanomaterials, such as their
where nano-films or packaging are size, shape and surface properties, can exert a toxic effect
designed to release antibacterials that goes beyond that associated with their chemical
onto the food surface in response to composition (Brunner et al. 2006). For instance, Hussain
detected growth of bacteria, fungi or et al. (2005) demonstrated that nanoparticles of silver
mould. produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and this can result
in oxidative stress-mediated toxicity. Production of ROS,
De Jong et al. (2005) have
highly reactive molecules which include free radicals, can
warned that although promising,
interfere with cellular metabolism, cause inflammation and
nanotechnology based toxin damage proteins, membranes and DNA. ROS production
indicators in nano-sensor is a key mechanism for nanomaterials toxicity (Nel et al.
packaging also face significant 2006).
practical difficulties. Because toxins The powerful antibacterial and toxic effects of nano silver
in foods are not homogeneously may also be of concern given that the burgeoning use of
distributed throughout food, to be nano silver in food contact materials and other disinfectants
100% effective a sensor must not only is likely to result in both humans and environmental
be extremely sensitive to very small systems facing greater overall exposure to silver.

Powerful antibacterials
such as nano silver may
interfere with beneficial
bacteria in our bodies
and the environment,
and ultimately result in
the development of more
virulent harmful bacteria
(see also Melhus 2007;
Senjen 2007; Throback
et al. 2007).

Friends of
amounts of a toxin, but also be able to vegetables (Lang and Rayner 2001).
sample the whole of the food product or If processed, nano-packaged food
beverage. is marketed successfully as safer than
Canadian-based civil society eating fresh, unpackaged foods, and
organization The ETC Group (2004) has consumption of fresh foods declines
suggested that while useful in food further, it is possible that the net outcome
monitoring, nano-sensor packaging and will actually be poorer health.
nano track and trace barcodes will not
address the root problems of the industrial Health risks associated with
agriculture and food system that result nano agrochemicals
in contaminated foods. They suggest
that “faster meat (dis)assembly lines, Exposure to conventional pesticides
increased mechanization, a shrinking has been linked to greater incidence
labour force of low-wage workers, fewer of cancer and serious reproductive
inspectors, the lack of corporate and health problems among agricultural
government accountability and the workers and their families (Davidson and
great distances between food producers, Knapp 2007; Hanazato 2001; Relyea and
processors and consumers” are ultimately Hoverman 2006). Nano-formulations of
existing agrochemicals are designed to
responsible for the rising incidence of food
be more reactive and more bioactive
than conventional agrochemicals. There
While any illness as a result of food is the real possibility that although smaller
contamination is unacceptable, it is quantities of chemicals may be used,
important to remember that for every nano agrochemicals may introduce even
person who suffers illness as a result of more serious environment and health risks
food poisoning, there are 50 who suffer than the conventional chemicals that
ill health as a result of poor diets and they replace.
inadequate consumption of fruit and


Nanofoods and nano agriculture pose
new environmental risks
The production, use and disposal of foods, packaging and food contact materials
food packaging and agricultural products including cling wrap, chopping boards,
containing manufactured nanomaterials cutlery and food storage containers.
will inevitably result in the release of these Nano titanium dioxide, one of the most
nanomaterials into the environment. widely used nanomaterials, caused organ
This may be the result of waste streams pathologies, biochemical disturbances,
associated with manufacturing, wear and respiratory distress in rainbow trout
during the product’s use, or following end (Federici et al. 2007). Nano titanium
of life product disposal or recycling. Other dioxide is also toxic to algae and to water
nanomaterials will be released into the fleas, especially after exposure to UV light
environment intentionally, for example as (Hund-Rinke and Simon 2006; Lovern and
pesticides or plant growth treatments. Klaper 2006). Other preliminary studies
Although commercial use of have also found that nano zinc is toxic to
nanomaterials by the agriculture and algae and to water fleas (Luo 2007) and
food sectors is increasing, the ecological that nano zinc oxide is toxic to bacteria
risks associated with nanomaterials and to water fleas (Heinlaan et al. 2007).
remain very poorly understood. Some These findings are concerning, especially
aquatic organisms appear to concentrate as water fleas are used by regulators as
manufactured nanomaterials, but an ecological indicator species.
their uptake into plants has not been The effects of nanomaterials on
studied, and it is unknown whether or not bacteria, microbes and fungi in natural
nanomaterials will accumulate along systems remain very poorly understood.
the food chain (Boxhall et al. 2007; Tran It is possible that the increased presence
et al. 2005). Early studies demonstrating in waste streams of highly potent
the potential for nanomaterials now in antibacterial nanomaterials could disrupt
commercial use to be environmentally the functioning of beneficial bacterial in
harmful underscore the urgent need the wider environment, for example those
for further research (Moore 2006). The performing nitrification and denitrification
environmental risks associated with crops in freshwater and the marine environment
which have been genetically engineered (Throback et al. 2007). Nano-antimicrobial
using nanomaterials and synthetic biology agents could also disrupt the functioning
organisms being developed for agriculture of nitrogen fixing bacteria associated
are even more poorly understood. with plants (Oberdörster et al. 2005a).
Any significant disruption of nitrification,
Nanomaterials now in commercial use denitrification or nitrogen fixing processes
could have negative impacts for
pose serious ecological risks
the functioning of entire ecosystems.
Despite the limited number of studies There is also a risk that widespread use
examining the ecological effects of of antimicrobials will result in greater
nanomaterials, there is already evidence resistance among harmful bacterial
suggesting that nanomaterials in populations (Melhus 2007).
commercial use by the agriculture and
Although not currently in commercial use
food industry may cause environmental
by the food industry, carbon nanotubes
harm. This is especially true for
have been touted for future use as
antibacterial nanomaterials such as silver,
antibacterials in food packaging and
zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which
food manufacturing (ElAmin 2007c) and
are increasingly being added to food

Friends of
in packaging films designed to extend to “be prohibited until appropriate
food’s shelf life (FoodQualitynews.com research has been undertaken and it
2005). The environmental risks of carbon can be demonstrated that the potential
nanotubes remain poorly researched, benefits outweigh the potential risks” (U.K.
however preliminary studies demonstrate RS/RAE 2004, Section 5.7: paragraph 63).
that byproducts associated with their This recommendation should be applied
manufacture can cause increased in respect of all nano agrochemicals.
mortality and delayed development
of the small estuarine invertebrate The claim that nano agrochemicals will reduce
Amphiascus tenuiremis (Templeton et al. the overall use of pesticides should be received
2006) and delayed hatching of zebra fish critically given similar, unfulfilled, promises made
(Danio rerio) embryos (Cheng et al. 2007). by many of the same companies in relation to
GE crops.

Nano agrochemicals may introduce

more problems than the chemicals Nanobiotechnology and synthetic
they replace biology pose even more uncertain
Conventional agricultural chemicals ecological risks
used in pesticides, chemical fertilizers, The ecological risks posed by crops
seed and plant growth treatments have genetically engineered using
been implicated in polluting soils and nanoparticles rather than other vectors
waterways, have caused substantial are likely to be very similar to those
disruption to these ecosystems and have associated with existing GE crops. The
led to biodiversity loss (Beane Freeman et significance of the use of nanoparticles
al. 2005; Petrelli et al. 2000; van Balen et may simply lie in their overcoming some
of the technical barriers previously faced
al. 2006).
by genetic engineers (Zhang et al. 2006),
Proponents claim that the greater thereby enabling a new generation of
potency of nano-formulated pesticides, GE crops to be released commercially.
and the greater capacity to target If this occurs, it could result in a new
their application or release to specific wave of erosion of genetic diversity of
conditions, will deliver environmental food crops as existing strains and species
savings through reduced applications are displaced. It would also present a
and reduced run off. However the new source of the same ecological risks
same characteristics which make nano- identified with contemporary GE crops.
pesticides more effective than their bulk These include: genetic contamination of
counterparts - increased toxicity, more wild relatives and other crops resulting in
bioavailability to target pests and greater increased weediness or development
longevity in the field - also present new of herbicide/ insect/ virus resistance,
risks to humans and the environment. a negative impact on animal populations
Because nano agrochemicals are being through reduced food availability or
formulated for their increased potency, it toxicity to non-target species; the use of
is possible that they will introduce even insect or virus resistant crops encouraging
greater ecological problems than the the development of more virulent and
chemicals they replace. Nano formulated difficult to control viruses. Ecosystem level
agrochemicals may result in more disruption could result from any or all of
persistent residues and create new kinds these (Ervin and Welsh 2003).
of contamination in soils and waterways. Given that synthetic biology organisms
will be artificially created, potential
The United Kingdom’s Royal Society
environmental and biosafety risks are
and Royal Academy of Engineering have
impossible to predict. Synthetic biology
called for the environmental release of
organisms could disrupt, displace or infect
nanoparticles to be “avoided as far as other species, alter the environment in
possible”, and for their intentional release


which they were introduced to the extent producing specialised crops (ETC Group
that ecosystem function is compromised, 2004; Scrinis and Lyons 2007). This could
and/ or establish within a system such lead to further losses of agricultural and
that they become impossible to eliminate ecological diversity.
(ETC Group 2007; Tucker and Zilinskas The potential for nano-strengthened
2006). Many synthetic biologists, working bioplastics to reduce our reliance
with fairly simple genetic circuits, report on plastic food packaging has been
preventing rapid mutation of the circuits touted as a key environmental benefit.
as being a key challenge to their work. Packaging accounts for about 40% of
The potential for synthetic biology the entire plastic production worldwide
organisms, released into the environment, and roughly half of this is used for food
to mutate in unpredictable ways is packaging (Technical University of
therefore of great concern. Denmark 2007). If safe and effective
The wide scale and worldwide genetic nanobioplastics can be developed, that
contamination of both GE free crops do not result in greater overall use of
and GE free food processing highlight plastics, these could deliver environmental
the difficulties of contamination in an savings. However the potential for nano
industry that involves self-replicating fillers to present new environmental risks
(living) organisms and millions of people once the bioplastic degrades remains
(Friends of the Earth International 2007). poorly understood.
Although no one has yet succeeded in
manufacturing a self-replicating synthetic
organism, given the growing number of Unfortunately, nano-sensor and chemical release
researchers active in the field, and the nano-packaging appear likely to expand our
overall use of packaging by increasing the food
hundreds of millions of dollars invested in
industry’s use of packaging for individual food
research, there are compelling reasons
items, including fruit and vegetables.
to establish strict regulation of synthetic
biology before it becomes a reality.
To date there is no life cycle analysis
Nanotechnology used in agriculture of the energy required to produce,
and food production has broader package and transport nanofoods
compared to conventional production.
environmental implications
However it appears likely that the
Nanotechnology could entrench our expansion of nanotechnology in food
reliance on chemical and fossil fuel processing and packaging could result
intensive industrial agriculture at a time in a higher overall ecological footprint.
when there should be greater efforts to Nano food packaging, which has a
move away from chemical-intensive primary goal of extending the shelf-life
agriculture. The use of nanotechnology of packaged food, is likely to encourage
in agriculture will compete with and manufacturers to transport food over
undermine agricultural alternatives such ever greater distances, and thus
as organic farming which have been contribute to the growth of food transport-
demonstrated to deliver a wide range of related greenhouse gas emissions. If
other environmental benefits Long-term nanotechnology results in people eating
studies how that organic farming results in nano-fortified processed foods at the
reduced use of water and fossil fuel expense of fruit and vegetables, this
energy, higher soil organic matter and could also expand the energy demands
nitrogen, reduced soil erosion and greater associated with food production.
agricultural and ecological diversity
(Hisano and Altoé 2002; Pimental et al.
2005). Nanotechnology also appears
likely to intensify existing trends towards
ever larger scale farming operations,
and an even more narrow focus on

Friends of
Time to choose sustainable food and farming

Producing enough safe, healthy for more environmentally sustainable

food to meet the needs of all global food production. Against the back
citizens, and doing so in an ecologically drop of climate change, there is a
sustainable and socially just manner, mounting recognition that meeting a
will be a growing challenge in the greater proportion of our food needs
decades ahead. Proponents of on a regional basis, reducing the
nanotechnology predict that it will greenhouse gas emissions associated
deliver more environmentally benign with food production and transport, and
agricultural systems which are also vastly using less fossil-fuel intensive agricultural
more productive - the solution both to inputs makes environmental sense. Yet,
environmental degradation associated nanotechnology appears likely to result
with conventional agriculture, as well in new pressures to globalize each sector
as to widespread hunger. However of the agriculture and food system and
Friends of the Earth is concerned that to transport agricultural chemicals, seeds
while nanotechnology may deliver and farm inputs, unprocessed agricultural
efficiencies in some areas, on balance commodities and processed foods over
it may introduce more health and even further distances at each stage in
environmental problems than it solves, the production chain.
while doing nothing to redress the root Nano agrochemicals designed for
causes of existing inequities in global controlled self-release in response to
food distribution. changing environmental conditions and
nano-sensor based farm management
Nanotechnology is unlikely to deliver systems, aim to enable larger scales of
production of more uniform crops. In
environmentally sustainable food
this way, nanotechnology entrenches
systems and expands the industrial scale model
Nanotechnology in agriculture stands of monoculture agriculture which has
in contrast to growing public support resulted in rapid losses of agricultural and


biological diversity over the past century. Nanotechnology could make existing
Nanotechnology in agriculture appears inequities worse
likely to entrench our dependence on By underpinning the next wave of
a chemical-intensive system at a time technological transformation of the
when there is increasing public support global agriculture and food industry,
for organic farming that reduces the use nanotechnology appears likely to
of chemicals (Feder 2006). Because further expand the market share of
nano-pesticides are designed to be major agrochemical companies, food
more potent weed and pest killers, they processors and food retailers (Scrinis
may also prove more toxic to non-target and Lyons 2007). Nano track and
wildlife than conventional agrochemicals. trace technologies will enable global
If these nano agrochemicals are processors, retailers and suppliers to
biopersistent, they could simply introduce operate even more efficiently over larger
a new generation of hazardous pollution geographic areas, giving them a strong
into soils and waterways. competitive advantage over smaller
operators. Nano food packaging will
Worldwide food systems are in trouble extend food shelf life, enabling it to be
transported over even further distances
The world produces more than enough while reducing the incidence of food
food to meet the dietary needs of spoilage, significantly reducing the costs
our population of 6.6 billion, but the of global suppliers and retailers. Potent
distribution of this food is extremely nano agrochemicals are being
inequitable (FAO 2006). While over 300 developed by the major agrochemical
million people are now clinically obese companies and appear likely to further
(WHO 2007) more than 850 million people concentrate their market share in what
experience extreme hunger (FAO 2007a). is already a highly concentrated sector
Over 2.5 billion people world-wide rely (ETC Group 2005).
on agriculture to make a living (Oxfam Furthermore, nano-encapsulated
Australia undated). However control of pesticides, fertilizers and plant growth
the global food system, valued at US$4 treatments designed to release their
trillion, is held by a dwindling number of active ingredients in response to
multinational companies (U.S. DoA ERS environmental triggers could enable even
2005). Food distribution and retail sales are larger areas of cropland to be farmed
concentrated in the hands of a few big by even fewer people. Nanotechnology
companies, who exert a great influence enabled remote farm surveillance
over product supply, and who play a and automated farm management
key role in determining which crops systems could dramatically accelerate
farmers grow, where and at what price existing trends towards large-scale, high-
(Reardon et al. 2003; WHO Europe technology agricultural production,
2007). requiring almost no on-farm labour (ETC
This disparity between who produces Group 2004; Scrinis and Lyons 2007).
agricultural products and who owns Some observers see the potentially
and profits from them is one of the major greater efficiencies associated with
factors in the growing inequity in access automated nanomanagement systems
to food. It has also resulted in the as delivering social benefits (Opara 2004).
paradox where many of the people However as automation would reduce
that experience extreme hunger include dramatically the need for farmers and
people who are engaged in successful farm labourers, this could also result in
farming. the further decline of rural communities
(Foladori and Invernizzi 2007; Scrinis
and Lyons 2007). Nano agricultural
applications that reduce labour

Friends of
requirements, but increase capital costs whether food is still ‘fresh’ or edible
could also make it even more difficult for could displace knowledge passed
small farm owners to remain economically down through generations on how to
viable. Whereas the cost of agricultural identify safe, fresh food. Traditionally we
inputs, including technological inputs, has have sourced vegetables by their color
increased in recent decades, commodity and texture, and fish by the clarity of its
prices have fallen and farmers’ incomes eyes. But the expansion of nano-sensor
have stagnated or declined; small farmers packaging could mean that we buy
around the world have struggled to these packaged products on the basis of
remain viable (Hisano and Altoé 2002; the color indicated by the nano-sensor
La Via Campesina and Federasi Serikat instead.
Petani Indonesia 2006; Philpott 2006). If farm nano-surveillance and
By deepening existing trends towards a automated management systems are
globalized agriculture and food industry developed as predicted, our ability
controlled by small numbers of large to farm could come to depend on
operators, nanotechnology could further technological packages sold by a small
undermine the ability of local populations number of companies. Nano farming
to control local food production, a right systems could commodify the
known as food sovereignty (Nyéléni - knowledge and skills associated with
Forum for Food Sovereignty 2007). food production gained over thousands
of years and embed it into proprietary
nanotechnologies on which we could
Nanotechnology could further erode become completely reliant (Scrinis and
our cultural knowledge of food and Lyons 2007).
Whereas nanofoods are increasingly Nanotechnology introduces new
marketed as delivering consumer privacy concerns
benefits, in addition to the new health
and environmental risks they introduce, Nano-sensor and track and trace
packaging also introduce new privacy
they could also have negative
concerns. They are designed to increase
social consequences by eroding our
the ability to monitor food products and
understanding of how to eat well and
their condition through each link in the
agricultural knowledge which has
supply chain (LeGood and Clarke 2006).
developed over thousands of years.
This capacity is useful for a number of
Nano food processing and commercial, security and public health
nanonutritional additives are likely to reasons. But the potential tracking of
erode our cultural understanding of the foods after their point of sale also raises
nutritional value of food. For example privacy and ethical concerns, especially
many of us eat citrus fruit or berries which relating to what sort of information will be
are naturally high in vitamin C, when we collected and how this information will be
feel the onset of a cold. However nano controlled. Information gathered about
processing and nano nutritional additives the consumer (for example purchasing
could enable nano-fortified confectionery habits or their location of residence) could
to be marketed as having the same be used by companies who hope to
health properties as fresh fruit. With the gain a commercial advantage through
increasing use of nanotechnology to alter targeted marketing or product promotion,
the nutritional properties of processed or on-sold to others. There is also the
foods, we could soon be left with no potential that nano-sensors could be used
capacity to understand the health values to gather more sensitive information about
of foods, other than their marketing individuals, for example genetic makeup,
claims. Similarly, nano packaging that health or disease profiles.
incorporates sensors which indicate


Synthetic biology poses broader social
and ethical challenges
To date research into synthetic biology
research has been carried out without
any meaningful effort to consider the
broader social and ethical implications
of creating artificial life, or to involve the
public in assessment of these. Given Real food
public concerns about technological
Real food embodies the principles that we believe
manipulation of living organisms in relation
are necessary for healthy, environmentally and
to GE crops, it appears likely that the
socially sustainable food: produced without
public would also be concerned about harmful chemicals, minimally processed,
organisms manipulated or created using affordable for all members of the community,
synthetic biology. It is therefore essential produced under fair labour conditions, and where
that the ethical challenges concerning possible eaten close to where it was grown to
the creation of artificial life are addressed support local farmers and to minimise the climate
early on, alongside public involvement cost of food processing and transport.
in decision making about governance
issues and research funding. This must
Real farming
address concerns relating to the extension
Real farming embodies the principles that we
of intellectual property rights to living
believe are necessary for environmentally and
organisms, and the potential for synthetic
socially sustainable agriculture: safe for the
biology to further concentrate corporate
wider environment and human health, providing
control of food production.
a fair income and fair conditions to farmers and
food workers, respectful of the right of local
Real food and real farming offers real producers to food sovereignty, and relying on
minimal external inputs (e.g. chemical fertilizers
alternatives to nano agriculture
or pesticides).
Friends of the Earth Australia, Europe and
United States suggest we should not
take big risks with nanofood in an
attempt to overcome widespread poor Fresh, minimally processed, organic
eating habits and diet-related disease. food delivers real nutritional benefits
Instead, we should support healthier
eating habits based on eating more Rather than looking to manufactured
fresh fruit and vegetables, including nanomaterials to boost the nutritional
value of foods like chocolate bars,
minimally processed, organic food (real
ice cream or soft drinks to overcome
food). Similarly, we suggest that nano
widespread nutritional deficiencies in
agrochemicals, nano-manipulated seeds
industrialized countries, we should be
and nanosurveillance systems are not
the solution to the huge environmental making every effort to ensure that people
problems facing global agriculture. eat a varied diet of fresh foods that
Rather, we should support smaller includes adequate fruit and vegetables.
scale, ecologically sustainable farming The health benefits of eating
practice that also makes positive social minimally processed, organic foods
contributions to local communities make intuitive sense. There is now
(real farming). also increasing empirical evidence of
the high nutritional value of organic,
minimally processed foods. A four year,
£12 million study involving 33 European
academic institutions led by Newcastle

Friends of
University has confirmed that, compared technologies will provide for equitable
to conventionally grown produce, household and national food security
organic produce has higher nutritional in the next decades”. Friends of the
values. The study found that organic Earth suggests that nano-enabled
produce contained greater quantities of agriculture appears likely to entrench
substances thought to boost health and the problematic aspects of conventional
combat disease. Organic vegetables agriculture. In contrast, as part of a new
had as much as 40% higher antioxidant healthier paradigm of food and farming,
content, while organic milk contained small-medium scale, locally controlled
up to 90% greater antioxidant levels organic production has a vital role to
compared to conventional milk (Times play. The rapid growth of sales of organic
Online U.K. 2007). and fair traded food attests to the
There is also a growing recognition that burgeoning public interest in agriculture
fresh foods which have been minimally that is both environmentally sound and
processed have the highest health value. socially just. Global sales of organic food
The intactness or wholeness of certain and beverages reached almost US $40
foods may affect the availability of billion in 2006 and are the fastest growing
nutrients and beneficial compounds they food sector (Organic Monitor 2006).
contain, and can be an important factor Commercial organic production is now
influencing our insulin and glycaemic practiced in 120 countries (FAO 2007b).
responses. For example the metabolic Organic farming is delivering significant
and hormonal effects are different for environmental and socio-economic
comparatively intact soybean products benefits, while on a global scale
like tofu or drinks, compared to those supporting similar or increased yields
made from soy protein isolates (Wahlqvist compared to chemical-intensive industrial
and Lee 2006). agriculture. A recent study compared
yields between organic and conventional
agriculture in 293 cases world wide
In its Proposed Second WHO European Action
and found that organic yields were
Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy 2007–2012, the comparable to conventional agriculture in
World Health Organization’s Regional Committee the Global North and greater than those
for Europe has recognized that diets which are of conventional agriculture in the Global
high in fruit and vegetables and low in industrially
South (Badgley et al. 2007). A 22 year trial
processed foods deliver important health benefits
(WHO Europe 2007). in the United States found that organic
farms produced comparable yields, but
required 30% less fossil fuel energy and
water inputs than conventional farms,
Benefits of small-medium scale and resulted in higher soil organic matter
organic farming and nitrogen levels, higher biodiversity,
greater drought resilience and reduced
Recent decades have revealed the soil erosion (Pimental et al. 2005). Regional
high environmental costs associated agro-ecological initiatives in Brazil have
with industrial scale chemical-intensive delivered yield increases of up to 50%,
agriculture, including biodiversity loss, toxic improved incomes for farmers, restored
pollution of soils and waterways, salinity, local agricultural biodiversity and
erosion and declining soil fertility. The reinvigorated local economies (Hisano
FAO(2007b) has observed that there and Altoé 2002). While the number of farm
is now “uncompromising evidence of workers in conventional agriculture is in
diminishing returns on grains despite the decline, organic farms have created an
rapid increases of chemical pesticide additional 150,000 jobs in Germany (Bizzari
and fertilizer applications, resulting in 2007).
lower confidence that these high input


Nano-specific regulation required
to ensure food safety

A growing number of civil society been approved in bulk form, it remains

organizations world-wide have called legal to sell it in nano form. There is no
for precautionary management of requirement for new safety testing, food
nanotechnology. This has included the labelling to inform consumers, new
release of “Principles for the Oversight of occupational exposure standards or
Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” mitigation measures to protect workers or
(ICTA 2007). At its release in July 2007 to ensure environmental safety. Incredibly,
this document was endorsed by 40 civil there is not even a requirement that the
society organization signatories from manufacturer notify the relevant regulator,
around the world, including Friends of that they are using nanomaterials in the
the Earth Australia, Europe and United manufacture of their products. Despite a
States. Nanofood scientists have also perception in some quarters that those
called for new regulations to ensure that engaged in synthetic biology research are
all nanofood, nano food packaging regulated adequately by GE regulations,
and nano food contact materials are this is not the case.
subject to nanotechnology-specific There is an urgent need for regulatory
safety testing prior to being included in systems capable of managing the many
commercial food products (IFST 2006; new risks associated with nanofoods and
Lagaron et al. 2007; Sorrentino et al. 2007). the use of nanotechnology in agriculture.
In its 2006 report, the European Union’s Alongside managing nanotoxicity
Scientific Committee on Emerging and risks, governments must also respond
Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to nanotechnology’s broader social,
recognized the many systemic failures of economic, civil liberties and ethical
existing regulatory systems to manage challenges. To ensure democratic
the risks associated with nanotoxicity control of these new technologies in the
(E.U. SCENIHR 2006). Yet recent reviews important area of food and agriculture,
of regulatory measures in the United public involvement in nanotechnology
Kingdom, the United States, Australia decision making is essential.
and Japan found that none of these
countries require manufacturers to
conduct nanotechnology-specific safety Senior scientists call for precautionary
assessments of nanofoods before they are management of nanotoxicity risks
released on to the market (Bowman and
In 2004 the United Kingdom’s Royal
Hodge 2006; Bowman and Hodge 2007).
Society – the world’s oldest scientific
Regulatory systems in the United institution – in conjunction with the
States, Europe, Australia, Japan and Royal Academy of Engineering made
other countries treat all particles the very explicit recommendations for
same; that is, they do not recognise that the precautionary management of
nanoparticles of familiar substances may nanotoxicity risks (U.K. RS/RAE 2004):
have novel properties and novel risks
(Bowman and Hodge 2007). Although • “We recommend that chemicals in
we know that many nanoparticles now the form of nanoparticles or nanotubes
in commercial use pose greater toxicity be treated as new substances …in the
risks than the same materials in larger Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
particle form, if a food ingredient has and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)…

Friends of
(Section 8.3.2: paragraphs 18 & 19)” regulation explicitly excludes food and
most food packaging, although some
• “We recommend that ingredients in
chemicals involved in creating packaging
the form of nanoparticles undergo a
may come under this legislation (ElAmin
full safety assessment by the relevant
2006b). Pesticides are regulated as either
scientific advisory body before they are
plant protection products or biocidal
permitted for use in products… (Section
products and need to be assessed and
8.3.3: paragraph 24 & 23)”
authorised before use. As many pesticides
• “We recommend that the ingredients are a source of surface and ground
lists of consumer products should water pollution, they are also subject to
identify the fact that manufactured water legislation. None of the existing EU
nanoparticulate material has been regulations applicable to agriculture, food
added (Section 8.3.3: paragraph 26)” or food packaging currently consider or
mention nanoscale products or materials.
• “Until more is known about
environmental impacts of nanoparticles In July 2007, the European Parliament’s
and nanotubes, we recommend Committee on the Environment, Public
that the release of manufactured Health and Food Safety recognized
nanoparticles and nanotubes into that existing food safety standards
the environment be avoided as far as are inadequate to manage the new
possible (Section 5.7: paragraph 63)” risks associated with nanofoods. It
recommended that because of the
• “Specifically, in relation to two main different toxicity profile of nanomaterials,
sources of current and potential they should be assessed as new
releases of free nanoparticles and chemicals: “the permitted limits for an
nanotubes to the environment, we additive in nanoparticle form should not
recommend: be the same as when it is in traditional
(i) that factories and research [bulk] form” (Halliday 2007b). This
laboratories treat manufactured would require the introduction of new,
nanoparticles and nanotubes as if they nanotechnology-specific safety standards
were hazardous, and seek to reduce and testing requirements. Perhaps to this
or remove them from waste streams. end, the European Food Safety Authority
(Section 5.4: paragraph 41) (EFSA) has been asked by the EU to
(ii) that the use of free (that is, not provide an initial scientific opinion on
fixed in a matrix) manufactured the potential risks arising from the use of
nanoparticles in environmental nanotechnology in food (EAS 2007). The
applications such as remediation be deadline for this report is 31 March 2008.
prohibited until appropriate research
has been undertaken and it can
Current EU food regulations require all
be demonstrated that the potential
foods to be safe
benefits outweigh the potential risks.
(Section 5.4: paragraph 44)” The general safety article of the EU
Food Law Regulation 178/2002 requires
all food for consumption to be safe.
European Regulation As an overarching safety article, this
The European Union regulates food and should apply to all nanofoods and food
food packaging at a European Union packaging containing nanomaterials.
level, and once agreed the directives However, as noted above, no European
and regulations are implemented on a regulations recognise the critical issue of
national basis (see Appendix B for an particle size, so if a substance has already
overview of the applicable laws). REACH been approved in bulk form, there is no
(Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation regulatory trigger to require new safety
of Chemicals), the EU’s new chemical assessment before a particle is used in


Five reasons why existing laws are
inadequate to assess the risks posed by
nanofoods, nano food packaging and nano

Reason 1: Toxicity risks of nanofoods and nano

agrochemicals remain very poorly understood.
The current scientific evidence of the risks associated with
nanomaterials is sufficient to warrant a precautionary
approach to their management. However significant
knowledge gaps remain, presenting a barrier to the
development of effective regulation to manage nanofoods
and nano agrochemicals.

Reason 2: Nanomaterials are not assessed as new

chemicals. Existing regulations do not treat nanomaterials
as new chemicals. If a chemical has been approved in larger
particle form, the new use of the substance in nanoparticle
form does not trigger any requirement for new or additional
safety testing. This has been recognized by the United
Kingdom’s Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering
as a critical regulatory gap. They recommended that all
nanomaterials be assessed as new chemicals (U.K. RS/RAE

Reason 3: Current methods for measuring exposure

are not suitable for nano. Existing regulations are based
on the mass of the material as a predictor for expected
exposure rates. This approach is completely inappropriate for
nanomaterials as the toxicity can be far greater per unit
of mass (Reijnders 2006). Scientists have suggested that
nanoparticle surface area or the number of nanoparticles is a
more valid metric for measurement of nano exposure (Nel et
al. 2006; SCENIHR 2006).

Reason 4: Current safety testing is not suitable for

nano. Even if a nanomaterial triggered new safety testing,
current test guidelines are inadequate for nanomaterials as
they do not assess key properties that influence nanotoxicity.
These include: shape, surface, catalytic properties, structure,
surface charge, aggregation, solubility and the presence or
absence of ‘functional groups’ of other chemicals (Magrez et
al. 2006; Nel et al. 2006). Nanomaterials must also face full
life-cycle assessment, which existing regulation does not

Reason 5: Many safety assessments use confidential

industry studies. Past assessments of nanomaterials
safety by the European Scientific Committee on Cosmetics
and Non-food Products and the United States Food and
Drug Administration have relied on proprietary company
studies (Innovest 2006). There is often no requirement for
the safety of nanomaterials to be assessed by independent
nanotoxicologists or for the results and methodology of this
safety testing to be made public.

Friends of
nano form in food ingredients, additives Commission, via the EFSA. Currently the
or packaging. This means that in practice minimum particle size is only prescribed
many nanomaterials could be used as in the case of microcrystalline cellulose
additives in foods and food packaging (E460) and minimum molecular weight
without legally requiring new safety distribution in the case of carrageenan
assessment. (E407, a chemical extracted from red
algae that is added to commercial ice
creams as an emulsifying agent). Size is
EU novel foods regulation needs not specified in relation to any of the other
to cover nanofoods permitted additives on the above list, and
The EU novel foods regulation 258/ nanomaterials are not recognized to be
requires mandatory pre-market approval new substances. In its 2006 review the UK
of all new ingredients and products FSA reported that there are no immediate
(introduced after May 1997), including plans to redress this regulatory gap (U.K.
product safety assessments carried out FSA 2006).
by the EFSA. The regulation requires
assessments on the composition,
EU food packaging regulation is under
nutritional value, metabolism, intended
review, but will it cover nano ingredients?
use and the level of microbiological and
chemical contaminants. Studies on the EU Food Packaging Regulation (EC
toxicology, allergenicity and details of 1935/2004) covers all materials that
the manufacturing process may also be come into contact with food such as a
considered. However, once again, as packaging, bottles (plastic and glass),
the regulation makes no distinction in cutlery, domestic appliances and even
relation to particle size, nanoparticles will adhesives and inks for printing labels.
not require new safety assessments if the Similarly to the regulation on novel foods,
substance has already been approved in it requires the establishment of a positive
bulk form. list of authorised food contact materials,
EU Regulation 258/97 is currently and an assessment of their potential
under revision and this may provide an toxicity or safety. However its weakness
opportunity to change the legislation is that once again, the failure to identify
to cover nanofoods properly. In a nanomaterials as new substances means
review of this legislation the U.K. Food that nanomaterials of substances which
Standards Agency (FSA) stated that the are already authorised in bulk form for
regulation appears to be adequate use in food contact materials will not be
for most products. However as the FSA subject to new safety assessments.
acknowledged, nano forms of substances This regulation also requires that
that have a history of use are exempt authorised food contact materials
and would escape additional safety must be traceable. The Institute of
requirements. Food Science and Technology (IFST),
the leading European independent
professional qualifying body for food
EU Food Additive Use Directive needs
scientists and technologists, have argued
to be expanded to include nano-sized
that “traceability should include a
specific reference to the presence of
The EU Food Additive Use Directive nanoparticles and should, ultimately,
lists all permitted food additives, the enable the relevant safety dossiers for
maximum level of their use and the foods these materials to be accessed” (IFST
in which they can be used (EU directive 2006).
89/107). All additives on this list have Interestingly the special case of active
been assessed for safety by the Scientific packaging is covered in some detail
Committees which advise the European in this framework, requiring that active


packing ingredients must comply with 91/414, Council Directive 79/117,
EU 89/107 – the food additive directive. Regulation 396/2005 and Directive 98/8/
EU food packaging regulation currently EC and Directive 76/769/EEC) need to be
sets exposure standards and regulations assessed and authorised before use. As
regarding the migration of chemicals and many pesticides are a source of surface
other ingredients from food packaging and ground water pollution, they are
and other food contact materials into also subject to the EU Water Framework
foods. However once again, there are Directive. However none of this legislation
no nanotechnology-specific exposure currently considers nanoscale products,
standards or requirements for new safety or recognizes nanomaterials to be new
testing of nano packaging, for example to substances. Friends of the Earth strongly
determine whether or not nanomaterials recommends that all new pesticides
will exhibit a higher migration rate from and biocides and any new nano-
packaging into foods. formulations of existing products require
In the instance of edible coatings additional safety assessment before their
based on manufactured nanomaterials, authorisation for commercial use.
nanomaterials ingestion is inevitable,
which may present health risks (see health US regulatory environment: no data,
section). Nanomaterials used in edible
no problem?
coatings should be evaluated as novel
foods, requiring strict nano-specific safety In the United States, nanofoods and
testing, even if the bulk material has most food packaging is regulated
previously been approved as safe. by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), while agrochemicals
are regulated by the Environmental
EU labelling laws need to cover
Protection Agency (EPA). Neither EPA nor
nanomaterials and ingredients
FDA have recognized nanomaterials to be
EU food labelling laws require the names new chemicals or have required any new
of some ingredients to be listed on oversight of them.
product labels, and in some specified As in the EU, Australia and elsewhere,
cases their physical condition or treatment US legislation fails to recognise that
they have undergone. To ensure the nanoparticles present new and often
capacity for informed consumer choice, greater toxicity risks than larger particles
the label should indicate if nanomaterials of the same chemical composition.
have been used in the food or in the food Nanoparticles of substances that have
packaging. The IFST suggest that, in the been previously approved in larger
case of food additives, this could be done particle form do not trigger requirements
by modifying the E-number system with a for new safety testing, and can legally be
subscript “n” (IFST 2006). However there used commercially without notifying the
is currently no legal requirement for the relevant regulator.
composition of food contact materials
In a blow to the precautionary principle,
to be declared. Friends of the Earth
transparency and the right of consumers
recommends regulatory amendments
to choose nano-free, the FDA has also
to ensure that consumers can establish if
refused to label nanofoods and other
nanoparticles have been added to food
products (Randall Lutter, USFDA deputy
packaging or food contact materials.
commissioner for policy, cited in: Bridges
EU pesticide and biocide regulation US food and agrochemicals regulation
needs to cover nano-formulations rests on the principle that an absence of
Products covered by the EU Pesticides evidence of chemical or product harm,
and the EU Biocides Directive (Directive even if very little research has been
conducted into its safety, means that the

Friends of
product is considered safe. This has been FDA requires companies to provide their
called the ‘no safety data, no problem’ own safety testing data, from which the
approach. This approach places a burden FDA also specifies the conditions for its use.
on the community to demonstrate that a However manufacturers of food additives
nano product is harmful, before regulators can legally market a product if the
will control its release, for example by chemicals have already been approved
requiring manufacturers to conduct for commercial use (US Food and Drug
new safety testing. This reversal of the Administration 2007). If they have already
burden of proof not only undermines the been approved for use in larger particle
precautionary principle, it also acts as a form, nanoparticles do not legally require
disincentive for companies to engage in any additional authorisation or trigger
comprehensive product safety testing. new safety testing, despite the fact that
A further and very serious weakness many may introduce new toxicity risks.
is that US regulators often focus on Additionally, food ingredients that are
the marketing claims of product classified as ‘generally recognized
manufacturers, rather than the actual as safe’ (GRAS) do not require any
content of foods, packaging, pesticides premarket authorization from the FDA.
etc. Despite the authority of regulators The GRAS system also fails to distinguish
to regulate products’ content, if a between substances in larger particle or
manufacturer chooses not to make nanoparticle form.
marketing claims about its product’s nano If manufacturers determine that there is
content, there is a real possibility that a no migration of nanomaterials from food
product could be treated as nano-free. packaging to food products, their food
packaging is not regulated as a food
additive. As “no migration” can legally
US food and food packaging regulation
include a small amount of migration, this
leaves many nano products unregulated
is a serious regulatory gap (Monsanto
Food additives and new dietary v. Kennedy 1979). Even small amounts
ingredients in food supplements require of nanomaterial contaminants in foods
‘premarket authorization’ from the FDA. could pose serious toxicity risks.
For this authorisation to be granted the


The EPA appears reluctant to use its There is some evidence of confusion
powers to regulate nano agrochemicals among Australian regulators regarding
nanoproducts. Syngenta has sold its
The EPA has legal powers to compel
nano-formulated plant growth regulator
nano agrochemicals manufacturers to
Primo MAXX in Australia for several years.
provide toxicity data and to demonstrate
However, as recently as October 2007 the
product safety – that is, to place the
APVMA said that they had not received
burden of proof on the manufacturers
applications for nanopesticides, and also
(Davies 2007). However the EPA is
claimed that “any such applications are a
yet to decide whether or not nano
fair way off” (Salleh 2007). Although new
agrochemicals warrant new safety testing.
formulations of pesticides are routinely
To date it has not required manufacturers
assessed by the regulator, there is still no
introducing nano-formulations of existing
nanotechnology specific safety testing.
pesticides to submit their products to
A public statement on regulatory
nanotechnology specific safety testing.
aspects of nanotechnology in food
In early 2007 the EPA announced its applications by FSANZ suggests that
intention to regulate as biocides (i.e. similar to the US FDA, FSANZ has yet to be
chemicals used to kill microorganisms) convinced that the risks associated with
all nano products, including food nanofoods warrant regulatory oversight:
packaging and other food contact “While no evidence of any adverse
materials, which contain nano silver effects is currently available, Food
and whose manufacturers make claims Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
of antimicrobial action (Acello 2007). maintains a watching brief on the use of
However in September 2007 the EPA nanotechnology by the food industry.
disappointed many observers when it Safety questions may arise as we learn
said it would only regulate the silver ions more about the practical applications of
released from washing machines, and nanotechnology in foods and these will
was taking no action to manage the risks be considered on a case by case basis”
posed by the growing number of other (Gruber and Belperio undated).
consumer products which contain silver Australian regulators appear to be
nanoparticles (EPA 2007). struggling to stay abreast of the rapid
expansion of nanotechnology into
Australian regulation also leaves many agriculture and food systems. However
nano products effectively unregulated their apparent support for the ‘no data,
no problem’ approach being taken
In Australia nanofood additives and
by the US is a real concern. Given the
ingredients are regulated by Food
growing evidence of serious toxicity risks
Standards Australia and New Zealand associated with nanomaterials already in
(FSANZ), under the Food Standards Code, use by the agriculture and food industry,
while agrochemicals and veterinary nanotechnology-specific regulations for
products are the responsibility of the the food sector are urgently required.
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary
Medicine Authority (APVMA).
As with the EU and US systems, Australian
regulations are primarily focused on “new”
chemicals. To date, Australian legislation
fails to recognise that nanoparticles
present new and often greater toxicity
risks than larger particles of the same
chemical composition (Bowman and
Hodge 2006).

Friends of
The right to say no to nanofoods

The industry is ignoring early public lack of transparency, a lack of choice

concern about nanofoods about exposure, risks to health and
Public awareness about nanotechnology the environment, unfair distribution
remains very low. However, early surveys of risks and benefits, a lack of socially
show that once given information about useful applications and a lack of public
nanotechnology, people do not want participation in decision making (Gavelin
to eat nanofoods or foods wrapped in et al. 2007; Macoubrie 2006).
packaging that contains manufactured Public concerns about nanotechnology
nanomaterials. are greatest when nanotechnology
Public engagement initiatives and is applied to food. Participants in a 2006
experimental studies suggest that once consumer conference in Germany,
provided with information about organized by the German Federal Institute
nanotechnology, the public is concerned for Risk Assessment (BfR), expressed
about many of the same issues the most serious reservations about
identified in relation to GE food: a nanotechnology when it was applied to


foods (German FIRA 2006). A year later ability of even government regulators to
the BfR conducted a survey of 1,000 determine whether or not nanomaterials
people and found that a majority of are already in commercial use. Whereas
people not only do not personally want to nanotechnology industry analysts suggest
eat nanofoods, but also think that that as many as 600 nanofood products
nanotechnology should not be used in may now be commercially available
food applications at all. 60% of survey (Daniells 2007), conversations with US,
respondents were against the use of Australian and German food regulators
nano additives to prevent spices from reveal that they have extremely limited
becoming lumpy; 84% rejected the idea information about whether foods, food
of using nanoparticles to make foods look packaging and agricultural products now
appealing for longer (Halliday 2007c). A contain manufactured nanomaterials, let
study conducted in the German speaking alone which nanomaterials are used in
part of Switzerland also found that people which products. This clearly undermines
did not want to eat nanofoods or foods the capacity of those charged with
wrapped in nano packaging (Siegrist et ensuring the safety of our foods to know
al. 2007). Similarly, a United States survey whether or not existing safety standards
of 1,014 adults found that only 7% of are meeting the new challenges
respondents were currently prepared associated with nanofoods.
to purchase foods produced using
nanotechnology. 29% would not purchase
food produced using nanotechnology, People’s right to make informed food
while 62% wanted more information about choices and to say ‘no’ to nanofoods
health risks and benefits before they
would consider buying nanofoods (Peter Mandatory labelling of all nanofoods is
D. Hart Research Associates 2007). required to enable people to make an
Yet despite early studies indicating informed choice about whether or not to
serious public reservations about eat them. However beyond the need for
nanotechnology in food and agriculture, labelling to enable informed purchasing
and a key wish for transparency to enable choices, the public must be given the
people to make informed food choices, opportunity to be involved in decision
the food industry is pushing ahead with making about the use of nanotechnology
the commercialisation of nanofoods, while in the food and agriculture sector
refusing to disclose which foods products Given the significant implications of
and food contact materials now contain nanotechnology for our relationship
nanomaterials. For example although with food and agriculture, and for food
BASF sells its nano synthetic lycopene to producing communities worldwide, we
the world’s major food and beverage call for public involvement in all aspects of
companies, it has refused to identify the decision making, including the right to say
companies to which it sells the nano no to nanofoods.
lycopene or the products in which it is
used (Shelke 2006).

The need for greater industry

transparency in its use of
In addition to preventing people from
making informed choices about whether
or not they want to eat nanofoods,
the food and agriculture industry’s
refusal to speak publicly about its use of
nanotechnology has compromised the

Friends of
Recommendations for sustainable
food and farming

A moratorium on food nanotechnology the purposes of health and environment

assessment given early evidence that they
Friends of the Earth calls for a moratorium
pose many similar health risks to particles
on the commercial release of food
less than 100nm in size.
products, food packaging, food contact
materials and agrochemicals that contain
manufactured nanomaterials until Assessment
nanotechnology-specific regulation is • All manufactured nanomaterials must
introduced to protect the public, workers be subject to nano-specific health and
and the environment from their risks, and environmental impact assessment and
until the public is involved in decision must be demonstrated to be safe prior to
making. approval for commercial use in foods,
In line with recommendations from the food contact materials or agricultural
United Kingdom’s Royal Society and Royal applications.
Academy of Engineering’s 2004 report • Assessments must be based on the
on nanotechnology, intentional release precautionary principle and the onus must
of nanomaterials into the environment be on manufacturers to comprehensively
should be prohibited until this can demonstrate the safety of their product.
be proven to be safe. This prohibition No data, no market.
should include on-farm use of nano • Safety assessment must be based on the
agrochemicals and all synthetic biology nano content of products, not marketing
applications. claims.
• Safety assessment must include the
product’s entire life cycle.
What government must do:
• Social and cultural implications of
nanotechnology’s expansion into the
1. Establish comprehensive and agriculture and food systems must be
precautionary legislation to addressed alongside concerns over
manage the risks associated with safety.
We call for the establishment of regulatory Transparency
regimes requiring comprehensive • All relevant data related to safety
assessment of all manufactured assessments, and the methodologies used
nanomaterials in food, food packaging, to obtain them, must be placed in the
food contact materials and agricultural public domain.
products. • All manufactured nano ingredients must
be clearly indicated on product labels to
Nanomaterials regulated as new allow members of the public to make an
substances informed choice about product use.
• All nanomaterials must be subject
to new safety assessments as new Public involvement in decision making
substances, even where the properties of • The public, including all stakeholder
larger scale counterparts are well-known. groups affected, must be involved in all
• Particles up to 300nm in size must be aspects of decision making regarding the
considered to be ‘nanomaterials’ for use of nanotechnology in the food and


agriculture sector. The right to say no to shows, or shifting financial incentives to
nanofoods needs to be assured. encourage greater consumption of fresh
• A wide range of participatory processes foods.
must be initiated to enable early stage
input from the general public and civil
society into new technology assessment, What industry must do
determination of research priorities, and Food producers and retailers must respect
agreement on priorities and principles for people’s right to safe foods, and to
public policy and legislation. make informed food purchasing choices.
• Resources must be provided to Food producers and retailers must stop
enable participants to take part in these selling nanofood, nano food packaging,
processes in a meaningful way. nano food contact materials and nano
agrochemicals until:
Urgent inquiry into the broader risks
• The public is involved in decision
associated with small particles in foods
Furthermore, we call for national
• Nanotechnology-specific regulation is
governments to support an independent
introduced to protect the public, workers
inquiry into:
and the environment from potential new
• The health implications of the rising risks associated with nanotoxicity.
incidence of incidentally produced
nanoparticles in processed foods and
whether a policy response is required from
governments. • Manufacturers must work with regulators
to ensure that their products have
• The health implications of particles
undergone appropriate safety testing,
<20µm in size, and whether a policy
and must provide the relevant data
response is required from governments to
regarding the health and environmental
ensure that particles in this size range do
safety of their product. No data, no
not present unacceptable health risks.

2. Support sustainable food and
• All relevant data related to safety
farming to improve public and
assessments, and the methodologies used
environmental health to obtain them, must be placed in the
Governments must: public domain.
• Develop policies for sustainable small • All food and agricultural products which
scale farming, appropriate to geographic include manufactured nanomaterials
and cultural context, and ensure they must be clearly labelled to allow members
are properly implemented and funded. of the public and farmers to make an
• Public research funding and public informed choice.
agricultural subsidies must not
marginalize ecologically compatible
farming models.
What concerned individuals and
• Food and farming technologies must
be assessed in relation to environmental, organizations can do
social and cultural implications.
• Holistic food policies must be developed 1. Hold government and industry to
that encourage healthier eating habits, account over nanofoods
rather than consumption of low nutritional • Write to your local councillor and
value, highly processed foods. Initiatives members of state, federal and regional
could include limiting advertisement of parliaments, requesting their support for a
junk foods during childrens’ television moratorium on the use of nanotechnology

Friends of
for the food sector. Demand that scale retailers and buy directly from local
governments regulate and label food, farmers, butchers and bakers. You could
food packaging and agricultural even consider joining a food co-operative
products that contain manufactured or bulk buying scheme.
nanomaterials, before allowing any further • Avoid eating highly processed foods
commercial sales. and eat more fresh food instead.
• Ensure that food and agricultural Processed foods not only have higher
manufacturers take seriously public environmental costs of production and
concerns about nanofoods. Contact have lower nutritional value, they are
the manufacturers of foods you eat also a big source of incidentally produced
often and ask them about what steps nanoparticles in foods.
they are taking to keep unsafe, untested • Avoid highly packaged foods
nanomaterials out of the food they sell. – packaging is energy intensive and
• Insist that governments and industry produces lots of waste and is often
take seriously the risks of occupational unnecessary. Let your local food outlets
exposure to nanomaterials for food and and the manufacturers of your favorite
agricultural workers. If you are concerned foods know that you want to see less food
about nano-exposure in your work place, packaging. You could even consider
talk with your colleagues or your union leaving your food packaging in the store.
representative about opportunities for • Support the right of communities
collective action to secure a safe work to control local food trade, including
place. deciding how food is grown, who can sell
• Contact civil society organizations you it and what can be imported.
think may be interested in taking action
to ensure precautionary management
of the use of nanotechnology in food
and agriculture applications. Find out
what environment, public health, farmers
and civil liberties organizations in your
neighbourhood are doing to work
towards alternative food systems that
deliver positive environmental and social

2. Choose food that is healthy for you

and the environment, and pays a fair
wage to food producers
There are many simple steps we can all
take to make food choices that are good
for our health, good for the environment,
Visit our websites to learn more about
and that support fair conditions for nanotechnology or to support our work towards
farmers. safe foods:
• Make environmentally friendly food and
Friends of the Earth Australia
farming choices – look out for the organic http://nano.foe.org.au
label at your supermarket or store.
Friends of the Earth Europe
• Buy fair trade products whenever
possible - fair trade products ensure that nanotechnology/index.htm
working conditions are reasonable and
Friends of the Earth United States
that a fair wage is paid to farmers in the http://www.foe.org/camps/comm/nanotech/
Global South.
• Support local food producers and small


Ampiphilic Micelle
Amphilic describes a molecule combining hydrophilic (water An aggregate of molecules, where in an aqueous solution
loving) and lipophilic (fat loving) properties. the hydrophilic (water loving) head regions form a protective
barrier around the oil containing hydrophobic (water hating) tail
Anatase form of titanium dioxide regions in the micelle centre.
Found as small, isolated and sharply developed titanium dioxide
crystals. Mitochondria
Organs within cells which provide the cell with energy.
A molecule which slows or prevents destructive oxidation (the Mucosa
interaction of substances with oxygen in a process that can lead The moist layer that lines the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.
to their breakdown). Oxidative stress can damage cells.
Biocide Materials that are created by mixing nanomaterial fillers into a
A biocide is a pesticide used in non-agricultural applications, base material.
mainly as an anti-microbial agent.
Biopolymer Nano-sensor that incorporates a biologically active interface,
Any polymer (a long repeating chain of atoms) found in nature. e.g. DNA, proteins etc.
Examples include starch, proteins and DNA.
Bioavailability Nanoscale chemical, biological or physical sensory points or
Bioavailability measures the extent to which a substance can system used to detect and convey information about a given
reach the systemic blood circulation and its availability at the environment, e.g. temperature, pH, location, or the presence of
site of action. diseased tissue.

Dendrimer Nanotubes
Dendrimers are three-dimensional, synthetic macromolecules A carbon molecule that resembles a cylinder.
with branching parts, usually formed using a fabrication process
at the nanoscale. Nanowires
A nanowire is an extremely thin wire with a diameter on the
Carbon fullerene (‘buckyball’) order of a few nanometers (nm) or less.
A fullerene is a pure carbon molecule composed of at least 60
atoms of carbon which has a shape similar to a hollow soccer Non-degradable particles
ball or a geodesic dome. Particles that our bodies are not able to decompose into
materials which can be used or removed. Also called persistent
Crohn’s disease particles.
A damaging and chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal
tract, which can lead to cancer. Oxidative stress
An imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen and
Emulsion a biological system’s ability to readily detoxify the reactive
A suspension of small globules of one liquid within a second intermediates or easily repair the resulting damage.
liquid. The two liquids stay separate.
Encapsulation A pesticide is any chemical used for control of plant or animal
A process in which particles or droplets as active ingredients pests. Pesticides include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides,
are coated to create capsules. nematocides and rodenticides.

Fair trade PET

Fair trade is an organized social movement which promotes fair Polyethylene terephthalate. A thermoplastic material used to
standards for international labour, environmentalism and social manufacture plastic soft drink containers and rigid containers.
policy in the production of food and goods. The movement
focuses in particular on exports from the Global South to the Polymer
Global North. A substance made of many repeating chemical units or
molecules. The term polymer is often used in connection with
Granuloma plastic, rubber, or elastomer.
A small mass or nodule of chronically inflamed tissue that
is usually associated with an infective process or injured Quantum dots
tissue, for example as seen in Crohn’s disease, tuberculosis, A quantum dot is a particle of matter so small that the addition
sarcoidosis etc. or removal of an electron changes its properties in some useful
way e.g. it might glow under UV light
Intracellular organelles
A differentiated structure, or small organ, within a cell, that Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
performs a specific function. Very small molecules which are highly reactive due to the
presence of unpaired valence shell electrons, includes oxygen
In vitro ions, free radicals and peroxides. ROS form as a natural
Experiment performed in a test tube or culture. byproduct of the normal metabolism of oxygen and have
important roles in cell signalling. However, during times of
In vivo environmental stress ROS levels can increase dramatically and
Experiment performed in a living organism. result in significant damage to cell structures (oxidative stress).

Lesions Rutile form of titanium dioxide

Abnormal tissue found on or in an organism, usually damaged The most common form of titanium dioxide, has a tetragonal
by disease or trauma. unit cell.

Liposome Submucosa
Oily, microscopic capsules designed to package and deliver In the gastrointestinal tract, the submucosa is the layer of loose
biological cargo, such as drugs, to cells in the body. connective tissue that supports the mucosa and joins it to the
bulk of underlying smooth muscle.
A large immune cell that envelopes invading pathogens and Synthetic lycopene
other foreign material. Lycopene is a bright red natural color and powerful antioxidant
found in tomatoes and other red fruit. Synthetic lycopene
is derived artificially and is increasingly produced at the

Friends of
Appendix A
Appendix A: List of agriculture and food products identified by Friends of the
Earth that contain manufactured nanomaterials

Table 1: Nanomaterials in agricultural products

Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or
Primo MAXX plant Syngenta 100nm particle size The extremely small http://www.syngentapp.
growth regulator emulsion (“micro- particle size allows Primo com/prodrender/index.
emulsion concentrate”) MAXX to mix completely asp?nav=CHEMISTRY&P
with water and not settle rodID=747
out in a spray tank
Geohumus Soil Geohumus Biocompatible high- Soil enhancer with water http://www.geohumus.
Wetting Agent performance polymer storage capacity based com/download/
on nanotechnology geohumus_flyer_eng.pdf
Irrigation emmitter/ Geoflow Nanoclay platelets http://www.ptonline.
plastic pipe (PolyOne’s Nanoblend com/articles/200602fa2.
MB) html


Table 2: Nanomaterials in food packaging
Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or
Durethan® KU 2-2601 Bayer Silica in a polymer- Nanoparticles of silica in http://www.research.
based nanocomposite the plastic prevent the bayer.com/edition_
penetration of oxygen 15/15_polyamides.pdfx
and gas of the wrapping,
extending the product’s
shelf life.
Hite Brewery beers: Honeywell Honeywell’s Aegis OX • Oxygen and Carbon http://www.packaging-
three-layer, 1.6L beer nylon-based nano Dioxide Barrier gateway.com/features/
bottle composite • Clarity feature79/
• Recyclability http://www51.
• Ease of Preform honeywell.com/sm/
• Processability aegis/
• Flavor/Odor/Aroma
• Structural Integrity
• Delamination
• Aegis® barrier nylon
resins can be found
in a multitude of
applications globally.
Miller Beers: Nanocor Imperm nylon/nano- Imperm is a plastic http://www.nanocor.
• Lite composite barrier imbued with clay nano- com/applications.asp
• Genuine Draft technology produced by particles that make http://www.forbes.
bottles less likely to com/investmentne
• Ice House Nanocor shatter and increases wsletters/2005/08/
shelf life to up to six- 09/nanotechnology-
month kraft-hershey-cz_
Nano Plastic Wrap SongSing Nano zinc light catalyst Antibacterial, anti-uv, http://www.ssnano.
nanotechnology temperature resistant, net/ehtml/detail1.
fire proof php?productid=73
Cadbury Schweppes: Plantic Technologies Thermoformed Plantic® • Biodegradable after http://www.plantic.
• Cadbury® Dairy R1 trays (nano- use com.au/docs/Plantic_
Milk™ Milk Tray™ composite biopolymer) • Compostable to Cadbury_CS.pdf
European standards
• Cadbury® Eden EN13432
chocolate boxes • Made from renewable
• Shelf-ready and sustainable
packaging for the resources (non-GM
Cadbury® Fun Filled corn starch)
• water dispersible,
won’t pollute local
groundwater systems
or waterways
• In use since 2002.
Marks & Spencer Plantic Technologies Plantic Plastics • Biodegradable after http://www.plantic.com.
Swiss Chocolate use au/docs/Plantic_MS_
Assortment • Compostable to CS.pdf
European standards
• Made from renewable
and sustainable
resources (non-GM
corn starch)
• Certified safe for
disposal in soil (by
Constantia multifilm Constantia multifilm Nano-composite polymer A clear laminate with http://www.constantia-
N-Coat outstanding gas barrier multifilm.com/
properties, developed
primarily for the nuts, dry
foods, and snack markets
DuPont™ Light DuPont Nano titanium dioxide U.V.-protected plastic http://www2.dupont.
Stabilizer 210 food packaging com/Titanium_
Adhesive for Ecosynthetix 50-150nm starch nano- The adhesive requires http://www.physorg.
McDonald’s burger spheres less water and less time com/news71748835.
containers and energy to dry. html

Friends of
Product category Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or

Cleaning agent Baby bottle cleaning Kheo Sung World Inc Nano silver http://www.i-sangshin.com/
Cleaning agent Generic additive I&E Nano silver Also recommended for use in cooking http://nanoine.com/product/e_
equipment, crockery, food storage product01_1.php
Cleaning agent Ionic Zone Nano TiO2 Ionic Zone Nano titanium dioxide A safe, highly tested, new product from http://www.air-purifiers-superstore.
PCO Liquid Japan that also makes surfaces self- com/TiO2_catalyst_self_cleaning_
cleaning and resistant to odor, second hand liquid.html
smoke, etc.
Cleaning agent Nano Clean Spray ECOsmart AustralAsia P/L Nano titanium dioxide Once contact is made, the microbe is http://www.ecosmarte.com.au/
oxidized and dies instantly. nano/index.htm
Cleaning agent Nano silver colloid Nanogist, Co Ltd Nano silver colloid http://nanover.en.ecplaza.net/
Cleaning agent Nano silver dish wash Nanogist, Co Ltd Nano silver Exhibits excellent antimicrobial efficacy to a http://nanover.en.ecplaza.net/


wide spectrum of microorganisms.
Cleaning agent Nano silver disinfectant Nanogist, Co Ltd Nano silver NANOSILVER Disinfectant Spray can help http://nanover.en.ecplaza.net/
spray protect your family by helping prevent the
spread of harmful bacteria and controlling
mould and mildew.
Cleaning agent Nano silver hand Nanogist, Co Ltd Nano silver http://nanover.en.ecplaza.net/
Cleaning agent Nano Silver Spray SongSing nanotechnology Nano silver Sterilization, deoderization http://www.ssnano.net/ehtml/
Cleaning agent Nano silver wet wipes Nanogist, Co Ltd Nano silver Kills and removes wide spectrum of http://nanover.en.ecplaza.net/
Cleaning agent Nano silver wet wipes Nano Silver Wholesale Nano silver http://www.nanosilverwholesale.
Ltd. com
Table 3: Nanomaterials in kitchen equipment/cooking

Cleaning agent Nano-in Natural Nano-Infiity Nanotech Micelle product Patents: U.S.No5, 244580, U.S.No5, 2441, http://www.nano-infinity.com.
environmental cleaning 323, Invention No.56086, 57199, 65557, tw/product03.htm
agent and 65654 Food class non-ionic surfactant,
natural coconut oil and 100% orange oil.
Cleaning agent Washing up gloves Kheo Sung World Inc Nano silver http://www.misian.com/eng/sub/
Cooking equipment GreenPan™ with HSN Ceramic nano coating Ceramic based, nano nonstick GreenPan™ http://kitchen-dining.hsn.com/
ThermolonTM non-stick Thermolon™ greenpan-w-thermalon-technology-
frypan 6pc-cookware-set_m-10031074_
Cooking equipment Marble Durastone non- Joycook Nano silver Interior Nano Silver 5 Ply Coating - Marble http://kitchenlines.com/product_
stick frypans and woks Durastone info.php?products_id=37&osCsid=d
Cooking equipment Nano silver cutting A-Do Global Nano silver 99.9% anti bacterial http://www.adox.info/?doc=shop/
board item.php&it_id=000123
Cooking equipment Nano silver cutting Nano Silver Wholesale Nano silver http://www.nanosilverwholesale.
board Ltd. com
Cooking equipment Nano Silver Teapot SongSing nanotechnology Nano silver Antibacterial http://www.ssnano.net/ehtml/
Cooking equipment Non-stick self- Nanofilm LTD 10nm film Non-stick, long-lasting, contaminant http://www.nanofilmtechnology.
assembling nanofilms releasing, non-staining, applied during OEM com/products_name/reactive-glass.
for glass bakeware manufacture htm

Cooking equipment Oilfresh 1000 Oilfresh Corp nanoceramic catalytic Frying oil refining catalytic device designed http://www.oilfresh.com/of1000.
pellets to prolong freshness of oil while in use for html
deep frying significantly longer
Product category Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or reference
Crockery and cutlery Antibacterial Kitchenware NCT (Nano Care Nano silver Nano-silver based patented technology http://www.nanocaretech.com/En_
Technology) to be applied on the surface of products, ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=13
providing antibacterial substance and
hardness enhancement
Crockery and cutlery Antibacterial Tableware NCT (Nano Care Nano silver Nano-silver based patented technology http://www.nanocaretech.com/En_
Technology) to be applied on the surface of products, ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=14

Friends of
the Earth
providing antibacterial substance and
hardness enhancement
Crockery and cutlery Silver Nano Baby Milk Baby Dream Nano silver http://babydream.en.ec21.com
Drink Bottle
Crockery and cutlery Silver Nano Baby Mug Baby Dream Nano silver http://babydream.en.ec21.com
Food cleaning agent Nano-in Natural Nano-Infinity Nanotech “Nano micelle Nano micelle product containing natural http://www.nano-infinity.com.tw/
Environmental Cleaning Co. Ltd product” glycerin product03.htm
Food Storage Toppits Fix-Brat Alufolie Melitta “Carbon in glass http://www.melitta.info/cms/presse/
matrix” pressedb/presse_artikel.php?table=1&kat

Food Storage Food Container NS A-Do Global Nano Silver 99.9% anti bacterial nano technology http://www.adox.info/?doc=shop/list.
Food Storage Fresh Box Silver BlueMoonGoods Nano Silver Foods stay fresher longer in the BEST silver http://www.bluemoongoods.com/silver_
Nanoparticle Food nano food container sold nanoparticle_food_containers.htm
Storage Container
Food Storage Nano Silver Food Storage JR Nanotech Plc Nano Silver http://www.jrnanotech.com/consumer_
Containers goods.html
Food Storage Nano Silver Food Storage Nano Silver Products Nano Silver http://www.nanosilverproducts.
Containers com/mm5/merchant.
Food Storage Nano Silver Food Storage Nano Silver Wholesale Nano Silver They are newly developed antimicrobial http://www.nanosilverwholesale.com/
Containers Ltd. food containers which are made by nano nano_silver_products.html
Food Storage Nano ZnO Plastic Wrap SongSing nanotechnology Nano zinc oxide http://www.ssnano.net/ehtml/detail1.
Food Storage Silver nano antibacterial WorldOne Nano Silver Silver Nano Antibacterial bags act as a safe http://www.worldoneusa.com/atibag.html
bag and naturally anti-germ, anti-mold and anti-
fungus agent.
Refrigerator LG Refrigerator that LG Electronics Nano silver, nano Bio silver and Bio shield, with nano-size http://www.tokolg.com/promotion2.asp
incorporates Bioshield™ carbon silver particles, coat the interior of the
refrigerator (Bio silver) and the gasket (Bio
shield) of the refrigerator, thus perfectly
preventing the intrusion of bacteria from
Refrigerator Refrigerator Daewoo Industries Nano Silver Superior deodorant and antibiotic power, we http://www.daewoo-electronics.de/eu/
have applied it to major parts of refrigerator products/cool_ref_glos.asp
in order to restrain the growth and increase
of a wide variety of bacteria and eliminate
Refrigerator Refrigerator Hitachi Nano titanium filter www.hitachi.com.au


Refrigerator Samsung Refrigerator Samsung Nano silver http://www.samsung.com/Products/
RS2621SW Refrigerators/SidebySide/RS2621SWXAA.

Table 4: Nanomaterials in foods and beverages
Product Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or
category reference
Beverage Nano Tea Shenzen Become Industry & nanoparticles (160nm) Patent No.: 01100033.3 - The http://www.369.com.cn/En/
Trading Co three-step preparation method nanotea.htm
and its application for nanotea,
Patent No.: 02100314.9/
00244295.7 multi-layers swinging
nano-ball milling procedures

Beverage Nano Slim™ Nano Slim “Nano-DiffuseTM Orosolic acid (derived from the http://www.nanoslim.com/
Technology” Lagerstroemia speciosa plant) nanoslim_information.shtml

Beverage Nanoceuticals Slim RBC Lifesciences “NanoclustersTM” http://www.rbclifesciences.

Shake Chocolate com/Meal_Replacement_

Beverage Nanoceuticals Slim RBC Lifesciences “NanoclustersTM” http://www.rbclifesciences.

Shake Vanilla com/Meal_Replacement_

Beverage Fortified fruit juice High Vive.com 300nm iron (SunActive http://www.highvive.com/
Fe) sunactiveiron.htm

Beverage “Daily Vitamin Boost” Jamba Juice Hawaii 300nm iron (SunActive 22 essential vitamins and minerals http://jambajuicehawaii.
Fortified fruit juice Fe) and 100% or more of your daily com/vita-boost.asp
needs of 18 of them!

Beverage Oat Chocolate Toddler Health 300nm iron (SunActive “Toddler Health is an all-natural http://www.toddlerhealth.
Nutritional Drink Mix Fe) balanced nutritional drink for net/OatChocolate.php
children from 13 months to 5
years. One serving of Toddler
Health helps little ones meet their
daily requirements for vitamins,
minerals and protein”

Beverage Oat Vanilla Nutritional Toddler Health 300nm iron (SunActive “Toddler Health is an all-natural http://www.toddlerhealth.
Drink Mix Fe) balanced nutritional drink for net/OatVanillia.php
children from 13 months to 5
years. One serving of Toddler
Health helps little ones meet their
daily requirements for vitamins,
minerals and protein”

Food Canola Active Oil Shemen Nano-sized self http://www.shemen.co.il

assembled structured
note: website only in
liquids = micelles

Table 5: Nanomaterials in food additives

Product Product name Manufacturer Nano content Claim Web address or
category reference
Generic food AdNano Evonik (Degussa) Nano Zinc Oxide (food www.
additive grade) advancednanomaterials.com

Generic food Aerosil, Sipernat Evonik (Degussa) Silica (food grade) Free flow aid for powdered www.areosil.com
additive ingredients in the food industry

Generic food AquaNova NovaSol Aquanova Product micelle (capsule) of “An optimum carrier system of http://www.aquanova.
additive lipophilic or water insoluble hydrophobic substances for a de/product-micelle.htm
higher and faster intestinal and
dermal resorption and penetration
of active ingredients.”

Generic food Bioral™ Omega-3 BioDelivery Sciences Nano-cochleates as small Effective means for the addition http://www.
additive nano-cochleates International as 50nm of Omega-3 fatty acids for use in biodeliverysciences.com/
… cakes, muffins, pasta noodles, bioralnutrients.html
soups, and cookies… cereals, chips,
and candy bars.

Generic food NanoCoQ10® Pharmanex Nano coQ10 Nano technology to deliver highly http://www.pharmanex.
additive bioavailable coenzyme Q10 com/intercom/productDetail.
...making them up to 10 times do?prodId=01003662&mkt
more bioavailable than other forms Id=2031
of CoQ10

Generic food Nano-self assembled Nutralease Nano micelles for Improved bioavailability means http://www.nutralease.
additive structured liquids encapsulation of nutraceuticals are released into com/technology.asp
membrane between the digestive
(NSSL) nutraceuticals
system and the blood

Generic food Solu™ E 200 BASF Vitamin E nano-solution Solubilsates of fat-soluble vitamins http://www.human-
additive using NovaSol nutrition.basf.

Generic food Synthetic lycopene BASF LycoVit 10% (< 200nm Manufacturer http://www.human-
additive synthetic lycopene) nutrition.basf.com


Table 6: Nanomaterials in food/ health supplements
Product name Manufacturer Nano content Web address or reference
Aufbau for Kids Vitosofan Nano zeolith plus vitamins https://www.vitafosan.de/index.
Bio-Sim Nano Health Solutions Nano silica http://www.fulvic.org/html/nano_bio-
C.L.E.A.N Products (1-5) SportMedix Nanotechnological-based https://www.sportmedix.com/index.
supplements php?lang=english&page=products&sh_
Colloidal Silver Cream Skybright Natural Health Nano silver http://www.skybright.co.nz
Colloidal Silver Liquid Skybright Natural Health Nano silver http://www.skybright.co.nz
Crystal Clear Nano Silver Nano Health Solutions Nano silver http://www.fulvic.org/html/nano_silver.
LifePak Nano Pharmanex CR-6 LipoNutrients http://www.pharmanex.com/corp/
lifepak® nano, a Pharmanex Nano multivitamin http://www.pharmanex.com/corp/
multivitamin nutritional pharmanews/pressreleases/11-30-
supplement 05.shtml

Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C Powell Productions 100-150nm “Smart” Liposomal http://healthspotlight.com/liposomal-

Nano-Spheres™ encapsulation.html

Maat Shop Crystal Clear Ma’at Shop Nano silver http://spiritofmaat.com/maatshop/

NanoSilver n2_biosim.htm

Maat Shop Nano-2+ Ma’at Shop Nano silver http://spiritofmaat.com/maatshop/

Maat-Shop Nano2Bio-Sim Ma’at Shop Nano diatomaceous earth http://spiritofmaat.com/maatshop/
Men Power Vitosofan Nano zeolith plus selenium and http://www.Vitasofan.de
Mesocopper Purist Colloids Nano copper http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoGold Purist Colloids Nano gold http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoIridium Purist Colloids Nano iridium http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoPalladium Purist Colloids Nano palladium http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoSilver Purist Colloids Nano silver http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoTitanium Purist Colloids Nano titanium http://www.purestcolloids.com
MesoZinc Purist Colloids Nano zinc http://www.purestcolloids.com
Nano Calcium/ Mag-I-Cal.com Nanoparticles (<500nm) http://www.mag-i-cal.com/
Magnesium calciummagnesium.htm

Nano Humic and Fulvic Nano Health Solutions Nano humic and fulvic acid http://www.fulvic.org/html/nano_
Acid humic___fulvic__acid.html

Nano Know how Vitosofan Nano zeolith http://www.Vitasofan.de

Nano Silver dispersion Nano Silver Technology Nano silver http://www.nanobiosilver.com/index.

Nano-2+ Nano Health Solutions Unspecified - nanoscale http://www.fulvic.org/html/nano2_

minerals, amino acids and .html
Nanoceuticals Artichoke RBC Lifesciences “Nanoclusters™” http://www.rbclifesciences.com/
Nano Cluster Products.aspx?ItemID=118

Nanoceuticals Hydracel RBC Lifesciences Unspecified - nanoscale http://www.rbclifesciences.com/

minerals, amino acids and Nanotechnology_Revolution.aspx
Nanoceuticals RBC Lifesciences Mycrohydrin http://www.rbclifesciences.com/
Mycrohydrin Powder Nanotechnology_Revolution.aspx

Nanoceuticals Silver 22 RBC Lifesciences Nano silver http://www.rbclifesciences.com/

Nanoceuticals Spirulina RBC Lifesciences “Nanoclusters™” http://www.rbclifesciences.com/
Nanoclusters Nanotechnology_Revolution.aspx

NanoSil -10 Greenwood Consumer Nano silver http://www.nanosil10.com/index.html


Friends of
Table 6: Nanomaterials in food/ health supplements (continued)
Product name Manufacturer Nano content Web address or reference
NanoTrim NanoNutra™ Labs Molecular weight loss solution http://www.nanonutra.com/nanotrim.
formulated with nano html

Natural-immunogenics Sovereign Silver Colloidal silver hydrosol http://www.natural-immunogenics.

co com/silver_why_sovereign.php

Nutri-NanoTM CoQ-10 Solgar Using NovaSol http://www.naturalgoodnessmarket.

3.1x Softgels com/list2.cfm?cat=60 or http://www.
Ortho-Iron Advanced Orthomolecular 300nm iron (SunActive Fe) http://www.aor.ca/int/products/ortho_
Research iron.php

Silvix3 NaturalCare Nano silver http://www.enaturalcare.com/prod_silv.

Spray for Life Vitamin Health Plus International Nano-droplets of various http://www.healthplusintl.com/
Supplements vitamins products.html

Toxi-Drain Vitosofan Nano zeolith plus herbs http://www.Vitasofan.de


Appendix B
Appendix B: Summary of EU regulations applicable to the use
of nanotechnology in the food sector

EU Regulation/ What does it What are the gaps Website

Directive cover
EU 258/97 • Foods & novel food • Does not cover material that http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/
EU novel foods ingredients not consumed has an established history of l21119.htm
regulation 258/97 before the 15th of May food use
• Does not cover particle size
EU 178/2002 • Food traceability • Too loose http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/foodlaw/
The general safety article traceability/index_en.htm
of the EU Food Law • Food safety
EC 97/618 • Scientific assessment • Doctrine of substantial http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/
Framework for scientific procedures for Regulation equivalence a concern sga_doc?smartapi!celexapi!prod!CELEX
assessment of novel (EC) No 258/97 numdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=31997H0618
Directive 89/107 • Food additive • List of permitted additives http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/
EU Food Additive Use does not specifically cover LexUriServ/site/en/consleg/1989/
Directive particle size L/01989L0107-20031120-en.pdf

EU 94/36 • Colours for use in food • List of permitted colours does http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/
Regulation on colours for stuff not specifically cover particle sga_doc?smartapi!celexdoc!prod!CELEX
use in foodstuff size numdoc&numdoc=31994L0036&model
EU 1935/2004 • Must comply with food • Does not cover particle size http://eur-lex.europa.eu/
EU Food Packaging labelling laws LexUriServ/site/en/oj/2004/l_338/
Regulation l_33820041113en00040017.pdf
• Must not be misleading

• Active ingredients must

comply with 89/107
Directive 91/414 • Pesticide regulations • Needs to cover nano- http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/
Directive 79/117 covering plant based formulations protection/index_en.htm
EC Regulation No products
Directive 98/8/EC, • Regulations covering • Needs to cover nano- http://ec.europa.eu/environment/
Directive 76/769/EEC. biocidal products formulations biocides/index.htm

Friends of
Acello R. 2007. EPA regulates nano product, not nano industry. Small Times available at: delivery systems. Trends Food Sci Technol 17:272–283.
regulates-nano-product,-not-nano-industry/ (accessed 23 August 2008). Chen Z, Meng H, Xing G, Chen C, Zhao Y, Jia G, Wang T, Yuan H, Ye C, Zhao F, Chai Z, Zhu C,
Fang X, Ma B, Wan L. 2006b. Acute toxicological effects of copper nanoparticles in vivo.
American Dietetic Association . Undated. Functional foods. Available at: Toxicol Lett 163:109-120.
(accessed 23 January 2007) Chen M, von Mikecz A. 2005. Formation of nucleoplasmic protein aggregatesimpairs
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