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Synopsis submitted to Madurai Kamaraj University

for the Award of the Degree of

K. SELVAM, MTM., M.Phil.,
Regn. No. P4220

Under the Supervision of

M.Sc., P.G.D.C.S.A., M.T.A., M. Phil., Ph. D
Principal i/c, Associate Professor and Head
Department of Tourism Management
Madurai Kamaraj University College
Madurai- 625 002


(University with potential for excellence)
MADURAI- 625021

MARCH 2019




Tourism is the second largest industry in the world and it is one of the global
industries and the most important in the world economy. It is estimated that the tourism
industry holds the bulk of the workforce in worldwide. It involves the movement of people
to, and stay at various destinations. Today many new types of trends are found in tourism
and it is promoted through the marketing strategy on the needs, and expectations of the
market to optimize the factors and elements that contribute to the enhancement of
attractions and their services in tourism and its relevance even in the absence of
competition enhances its values and it provides satisfaction. This leads to increases in the
revenues, incomes, opportunities and so on. In modern times it is the economic
contribution to overall economy which has brought tourism into sharper focus. In fact,
tourism has many dimensions and therefore, impinges on a society in a number of different
ways.3 This thesis focuses on one of the earliest form of tourism namely Religious


The word “Tourism” originated from Latin word “TOURNUS”, which means a
tool for describing a circle of turner’s wheel. It is from this word the concept of round or
Package tour was evolved. It was as late as 1643. This term was first used in the sense of
travelling from place to place. The word “tourism” consists of all these trades, which
together satisfy the varied needs of the travellers.

Finally, to UNWTO. (United Nation World Tourism Organization) defines tourism

as a set of activities undertaken by people travelling to and staying in places outside their
usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for Leisure, Business and Other


In the Concept of Religious Tourism, the practice of religious tourism is visiting
more than one religious sites. To learn the practices of cultural activities, habitat,
entertainment, enjoyment, and so on. Some of the points of the concepts of religious
tourism are: It is more than pilgrimage, seeing changes for the religious harmony, and the
opportunity for the promotion of destinations and it is livelihood of them.


Religious communities located throughout the world sometimes arrange trips to
holy sites. These groups often organize events to raise funds to cover the cost of the trip so
that members who lack the means to cover their own costs are able to go on the trip. In
some instances, religious groups contact other members of the faith who live close to the
holy sites and arrange for travellers to stay in monasteries or other properties that are
operated by members of the religious faith.

The review of existing literature on the chosen topic of the thesis are as follows:
Donald V.L Macleod in the book Tourism, Globalisation and Cultural – an island
community Perspective has defined the Religious tourism concept as a personalised
experience and practice of the lifestyles of the future activities of the old civilisation or
cultures that follow many of the activities and some spirituality and faith based on

Aruna Deshpande in the book 150 Fascinating Destinations in India describes

Pondicherry as a place of religious tourism with several sites of religious and spiritual
interest. Additionally, visitors interested in religious sites in southern India will find

Community Perspectives”, Published by: Viva Books Private Limited, 4737, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
New Delhi - 110002. 2006.

Pondicherry to be an ideal base, as the city has excellent road connectivity. Puducherry as
a secular state that has many Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs etc.3


The Reviews of literature presented in this chapter has covered the religious concepts,
benefits of tourism, religious Tourism in India along with religious tourist destinations in
India and also Puducherry. The Religious Tourism has been Organized from rights from
the beginning of organized tourism in world. India being a country with many religious
practices has great opportunity for Religious Tourism. The reviews show that the religions
have got many visitors in the form of Pilgrims and general tourists but there is a lack of
organized Religious Tourists with respect to Puducherry (UT). Inspite of the economic
benefit, religious harmony benefit availability of world famous Religious Destinations it is
found that the Opportunities for Religious Tourism in Puducherry (UT) is not put to best
use therefore this study is validated to Present “Potentials, Problems and Prospects of
Religious Tourism in Puducherry (UT


A trip to Puducherry is like a journey in time with a vibrant present celebrating its
interesting past. “History goes back to the Roman times, but factually started with the
arrival of the French in 1963, who founded the town and built it in its present form, during
the two and a half centuries they occupied it.” “Puducherry” is the French interpretation of
the original name “Puducheri” meaning “new settlement”. Many pilgrims have shared the
town’s hospitality on their way to the temple town of Rameshwaram, thus enriching its
culture. Puducherry also had a flourishing maritime history. Excavations at Arikamedu,
about 7 kms to the south of the town, show that Romans came here to trade in the 1st
Century AD. The trade included dyed textiles, pottery and semi-precious stones. The
findings are now displayed in the Puducherry Museum. Ancient Roman scripts mention
one of the trade centres along the Indian coast as Poduca or Poduke, which refers,
historians affirm, only to the present Puducherry. Before this period nothing is known with

Aruna Deshnapande, “150 FASCINATING DESTINATIONS IN INDIA”, published by: Crest
publishing House, G2 – 16 Ansari road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002. 2003.

certainty. Puducherry (UT) wise the religious population and its frame works of religions
are discussed given under below:

Religion Wise Population in Puducherry Union Territory: Religion forms an integral

part of Indian Social System. The pre-independence Census Reports data on religion
presented for 6 major religions namely Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains,
Buddhists, and Others. The 2011 census of religious population at the Puducherry Capital
Region, Karaikal, and Mahe. But the Yanam region religion were presented for 3 major
religions namely Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Others details are given below in
table 8.1.

Table Number: 8.1

Religion Wise Population in Puducherry (UT)


Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage

1 Hindus 855294 90.00 % 152638 76.23 % 27940 66.82 % 53537 96.24 %

2 Islam’s 32674 3.44 % 28835 14.40 % 12856 30.74 % 1191 2.4 %

3 Christs 58328 6.14 % 18391 9.19 % 958 02.29 % 873 1.57 %

4 Sikhs 245 0.03 % 46 0.02 % 03 0.01 % 03 0.01 %

5 Buddhist’s 366 0.04 % 63 0.03 % 21 0.05 % 01 0.00 %

6 Jains 1328 0.14 % 54 0.03 % 14 0.03 % 04 0.01 %

7 Others 2054 0.22 % 95 0.10 % 24 0.06 % 17 0.03 %

TOTAL 9,50,289 100 % 2,00,122 100 % 41,816 100 % 55,626 100 %

Source: Government of Puducherry, 2011. (


The Objectives of the Study are:
1) To document the religious Potentials of Puducherry Union Territory.
2) To Study the Possibilities of religious tourism in Puducherry Union Territory.

3) To identify the Problems for Religious Tourism at Puducherry Union Territory.
4) To Offer Prospective suggestion and solutions for identified problem


Puducherry is considered as one of the Religious, Peaceful and booming weekend

destinations and has the immense potential to strengthen the local economy besides
opening employment opportunities. Puducherry has a distinct spiritual vibration that
cannot be felt anywhere else in India. The blend of spiritual aura, Colonial heritage, Tamil
Culture and the cosmopolitan flair of many nationalities is an additional advantage to this
spiritual land. This inherent ambience of Puducherry becomes most evident in the oldest
part of the town which flanks the seashore and boulevard. Quiet beaches and peaceful
resorts in the north and south of the city balance the town‟s busy, yet easy going life. The
town of Puducherry has a wide choice of hotels to choose from, Beach resorts for tourists
and families, Heritage hotels for those who want to experience something out of the
ordinary, high class commercial hotels for the corporate visitors and the Ashram and
Auroville Guest Houses for the spiritual seekers. Puducherry is also emerging as a
favourite shopping destination for many of the travellers, besides being the birth place of
several world class brands in leather, pottery, aromatics, fashion and handmade paper. The
rich heritage of Puducherry with a spiritual aura draws tourists from far and wide. The
growing number of Religious and weekend tourists and the emergence of Puducherry as
premier destination in South India prompted a systematic enquiry into the phenomenon.


The scope of the Study is to bring out the Tourism Attractions in the Religious
Tourism destination and to know details about the Places of the Worship (Temples,
Churches, Mosques, Meditation Hall, Yoga Centre, Ashrams, and etc.), Beaches, Resorts
and restaurants, Monuments and statues, Parks, Gardens, Museums, and other tourist spots
in the Puducherry (Pondicherry) Union Territory four regions Tourism destinations such as
Puducherry Capital Region, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam.


The religious tourism market in Puducherry Union Territory regions is still in its
initial stage of development. The sector has been plagued with obstacles and problems
which have resulted in the minimization of its role in economic and social development
and the absence of clear strategic perspectives and means of development therefore until
now the subject of religious tourism in Puducherry wasn’t placed in the strategic
development plans; this contributed to a continuous decrease concerning the importance of
this type of tourism. Along with the general lack of data and information regarding this
special aspect of tourism, historical religious sites are poorly managed, maintained and
interpreted. There has been little support or encouragement for archaeological research
which would contribute to the fund of information and interpretation. Most importantly,
the industry lacks set itineraries that could enhance and attract tourists and pilgrims to
these sites. Many of the problems which face religious tourism and holy sites in
Puducherry are cultural and political: There are conflicts regarding doctrine and
interpretation between Muslims, and of course deep political conflicts between Christians
and Jews concerning the status and interpretation of the Holy Land. These religious and
political conflicts present a set of challenges which are not within the range of the tourism
industry to address. This study is significant because it is the first academic study peaceful
and treating religious tourism in Puducherry and to explore the complex changes which
have taken place since the state borders changed in 1967, dramatically affecting tourism.
By examining analytically, the religious tourism sector, including its infrastructure and
superstructure, the study aims to shed light on issues critical to the development of the
tourism sector in Puducherry (UT). As will be shown, religious tourism generates
investments and boosts related industries, such as handicrafts. Shopping, and etc. The
research presented here is based on certain assumptions about the relationship between the
tourism industry and religious tourism destinations:

Promoting religious tourism as a product, especially the various Hindus, Islamic

and Christian holy sites, would lead to an increase in national income from tourism.

Neglect of proper services and facilities provided to the tourists adversely affects
the growth of the tourism industry; concomitantly, development of facilities and services
for tourists would contribute to increase growth in the industry.

Modern media, such as the Internet, play an important role in attracting tourists to
Puducherry union territory and promoting the many attractions that it has to offer.

The common religious heritage between the three monotheistic religions in the holy
sites can be a factor in promoting dialogue and positive relationships between these
religious traditions.

Religious tourism is a great Opportunity for the entire nation. Puducherry with
unique tourism potential can make use of the religious harmony commonly prevailing to
develop Religious Tourism. This study presents a blend of religious centres of all religions
in the entire state of Puducherry with an Improved framework for religious tourism in
Puducherry (UT).


The Limitation of the studies are:

1. The Religious Centres of Puducherry (UT) are Seprated by the geographical

location has Puducherry is Spread to entire South India.

2. The general attitude of tourist visiting Puducherry is leisure and weekend visiting
based therefore a concentrate effort to visit the religious centres is yet become

3. Environmental conditional in Puducherry has high amount of Cyclonic monsoon

during November and December months of the year, this environmental condition
overlaps with the general tourism season of India namely November to February.

4. The Political administration of Puducherry (UT) does not cover some of the famous
religious centres such as Nagore Dargah, Velankanni church in Tamilnadu
therefore the religious tourists are missed for Puducherry.

5. Since Puducherry was under French rule and the neighbouring states (Tamilnadu,
Kerala and Andhra Pradesh) were in British rule the general cultural Practices are
also varying. This Leads to certain limitations in organizing religious Tourism.


The Period of the Study of this research used Literary data of Past 30 years. The
Primary data was collected over two years (2016 to 2017).


In the present study use of both primary and secondary resources date were
evaluated along with the challenges faced, the problems and prospects of religious tourism
in Puducherry Union Territory. A brief description of the methods adopted is as under:

14.1 Literary Method: For tracing the history of tourism development and its religion
activities the use of secondary resources was made. Following secondary resources to seek
information about various developmental programmes, festivals, and tourism-related facts,
the following were considered:

i) Religion and its Religion tourism reviews of Puducherry Union Territories.

ii) Five Year Plan of Government of India and Government of Puducherry.

iii) Statistical reports and its outline of Puducherry Union Territory.

iv) Annual Reports, estimates of receipts, budget and accounts of Government and
Puducherry Union Territory.

v) District (regions = Puducherry Capital Region, Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam) yearly
report, Gazetteers for the Puducherry and so on.

14.2 Survey Method: The primary data for the present study were collected from the
tourists visiting the Puducherry Union Territory regions of Puducherry Capital Region,
Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam to seek their views with regards to tourist’s attractions,
facilities available and problems and prospects faced while visiting different religious and
other tourist’s sites in the following manner with the help of a Questionnaire.

15. DATA COLLECTION: The Data were collected in two methods such as:

16.1 Primary Data: Data were collected through a questionnaire, Interviews, observation
and discussion to the directly from the main part destination gazetteer, and folders released
by the Department of tourism in the Puducherry (Pondicherry) destination.

16.2 Secondary Data: Secondary data were collected from both published and
unpublished sources to understand, substantiate and validate the principal facts, concepts,
theories, roles, functions, issues, challenges, problems and prospects of weekend tourism,
tourist expectations and tourist experiences. The main sources of secondary data were
national and international journals, books, magazines, databases, newspapers, pamphlets,
brochures, State and Central Government tourism reports, World Travel and Tourism
Council Reports, and United Nations World Tourism Organization Reports. Information
and data related to the origin, evolution, growth and current developments in tourism
industry, domestic tourism, Religious tourism, tourist’s expectations, experiences and the
tourist’s satisfaction were obtained from these secondary sources.

16.3 Tools for Analysis: The collection of primary and secondary data was analysed by a
Chart analysis and etc. They were more meaningful tools for analysing the Topic in the
Data Collection technique questionnaire was used by the researcher for collecting primary
data. Interview Schedule refers to a list of questions that was discussed with the respondent
in person by an interviewer who has also recorded the answers given by the respondent.
Also the respondents were allowed to fill the questionnaires by themselves if they wished
to do so. The Researcher used multiple choice, Yes or No type, Likert’s Scale Type,
Ranking type, and extra types of questions in the interview Schedule., Garrett’s Ranking
Score Table and etc. are also used in the statistical tool analysis of them.


1. The entire reports are organized and presented in the Five chapters.
2. The First Chapter gives an introduction to the tourism subject, tourism history,
structure, various Concepts and definitions, types, benefits, and religious tourism
situation in India.

3. The Second Chapter deals with the Reviews of the Religions and Religious
tourism, concepts, problems, Destinations in India, role of Governments
Puducherry Union Territory and Puducherry and Tourism.
4. The Third Chapter deals with of the Puducherry Union Territory tourism historical
background, the profiles (General Information), tourism Infrastructure, Tourism
Types, accommodation and restaurants, and Better development.
5. The Fourth Chapter includes details about the various definitions & concept of
religion and religious Tourism, religious activities, religious Events, and the Data
Analysis and interpretation of the Puducherry Union Territory Religious Tourism
Problems, Prospects and Potential.
6. The Fifth Chapter includes the Suggestions, Recommendation and the Conclusion.

Pondicherry has various unique fairs and festivals throughout the year. A strong
connection with Tamil Nadu blended with the history of French and the strong influence of
the ashram together bestow:

Table No. 17.1

Favourable and Famous Fairs and Festivals in Puducherry (UT)

Sl. Span of
Regular Date of Event Name of the Festival & its Importance
No. the Event
Particularly tamil month MASI MAGHAM: The Puducherry In &
1 of Masi & the Star of Around all Gods in a Chariot at the Sea snore Annual
Maagam. of them.
MANGANI – Karaikal Ammaiyar temple
Every Year Tamil
which holds and throw the mangoes worships
4 Month Aani lasting a Annual
the prayer and aims to send Goddess
Every Month the MASK FESTIVAL – It is Promote Tourism
5 Annual
English month of April and Traditional and Cultural activities.
BASTILLE DAY: the Fête de la Federation
Every year the English
6 which celebrated the unity of the French Annual
M0onth of 14th July
Source: Developed by Researcher using Literary sources and Personnel observations.


These are the Statistical tools used in this Dissertation for Analysing the data. After
analysis, the data the collected are presented in tables. After the presentation of analysed
data in tables, their interpretation is also given. The data were gathered using a
Questionnaire. The questionnaire is based upon the opinions and views of the Tourists of
the different religions about the Holy places and related information’s in Puducherry
Union Territory In Sample size of the Survey there are totally 200 Respondents Requests
and our Opinion in the Puducherry Union Territory Religious Tourism were are collected
through the Questionnaire. They were 160 respondents who were Domestic Tourists and
40 Respondents were International tourists.

Table Number: 18.1

Problems in Religious Tourism at Puducherry (UT)

Problems in the Religious SDA DA NE A SA

Tourism at Puducherry
(UT) N P N P N P N P N P

Availability of Dharshan
1 60 30 Nil Nil 40 20 56 28 44 22

Not Allowing Other religion

2 20 10 20 10 Nil Nil 80 40 80 40

3 Overcrowding on Festival Nil Nil 120 60 42 21 Nil Nil 38 19

4 No Tourist Circuit Bus Nil Nil 80 40 80 40 40 20

No Parking Facility, Package

5 100 50 100 50 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
and Non Season Offer

6 Poor Road Facility Nil Nil 90 45 110 55 Nil Nil Nil Nil

Quality and Quantity of and

7 Nil Nil 70 35 100 50 30 15 Nil Nil

Safety/Security and Medical

8 80 40 80 40 40 20 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Facility in accommodation
Source: Primary Data

As per the Table Number 19.1 the problems of the religious tourism at Puducherry
(UT). Some of the problems are inferred below such as:

Among the Problems of Availability of Dharshan time Domestic tourists needed

more dharshan time has denoted by 24 (48) Percent respondents of Religious tourists to

Among the Problems of Not allowing people of Other Religion Domestic tourists
needed more all tourist allow has denoted by 32 (64) Percent respondents of Religious
tourists to Puducherry

Among the Problems of No tourist circuit buses Domestic tourists needed more
buses has denoted by 32 (64) Percent respondents of Religious tourists to Puducherry.


19.1 Suggestions: Religious tourist expectations regarding the tourism facilities like
transportation, accommodation, safety and security, hygienic factors, etc. need to be
analysed periodically in the light of the ever changing expectations of the tourists.

1. Religious tourist satisfaction factors such as attractions, accessibility,

accommodation, entertainment activities, service quality and shopping facilities need
to be addressed more steadily and systematically.

2. Religious tourist satisfaction factors such as attractions, accessibility,

accommodation, entertainment activities, service quality and shopping facilities need
to be addressed more steadily and systematically.

3. PTDC has to embark on a massive awareness campaign about the potential of

Puducherry for religious period. However, appropriate care may be taken in instilling
the tourist’s consciousness about respecting local ethos and culture. Through
circulation of information brochures and leaflets or notifications at the hotels about
Dos and Don’ts during their visit

4. Puducherry Tourism needs to concentrate more on promoting religious tourism as it
reduces seasonal issues of the destination and keeps the tourism business live and
active throughout the year.

19.2 Recommendations: Based on the findings of this research, following

recommendations are made in order to increase the number of tourist arrivals and to make
their trips memorable. Recommendations are made with respect to four important
components of tourism such as Attractions, Transport, Accommodation and other Tourist

1. Provide furniture to sit and relax along the open and rural religious sites.

2. Basic tourist facilities such as tourist information centres, safe drinking water
facilities, seating arrangements, kiosks, clean and hygienic rest rooms, and adequate
parking place need to be provided.

3. A joint initiative by Puducherry and Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation

(TTDC) may help develop the religious tourism sites and its activities etc

4. Hop on Hop off buses operated by PTDC/ PRTC are required to make local
sightseeing trips a pleasant exercise. If these services are not possible, at least One
Day tickets (that include unlimited travel for a day) at nominal costs may be tried out.


The area of the Further researches are:

1. A similar study for other states

2. A Comparative study on Religious Tourism in Puducherry and Tamilnadu.
3. An exclusive study on specific religions such as Hinduism, Christianity, Islam
and etc.
4. A study on Event Management for Religious Tourism
5. A study on Development of culture as a destination through Religious Tourism.


1. Religious Tourism in Puducherry can be initiated has a seprate wing with all
types of religion. This will help inter-religious harmony in Puducherry Capital

2. Puducherry (UT) is Spread across three states of South India. Each of the
districts have important religious centres. So a state religious Pilgrimage tour
can be organized using PTDC (Puducherry Tourism Development Corporation).
For example, in the case of Hinduism the four Important Destinations of
Puducherry (UT) are namely Manakula Vinayagar Temple in Puducherry, Sri
Thirunallar Saneeswarar Temple in Karaikal, Sri Krishna Temple in Mahe and
Venkanna Babu Perumal Temple in Yanam.

3. Matrimandir in Aurovile has many tourist and religious visitors but these
location has a limitation on the number of visitors permitted for a day may be
announced online along with online booking. It will help for a planned tour for
the destination.

4. Puducherry has lot of lesser known religious centres which are not event
highlighted in tourism brouchers. Such as Kottakuppam Church,
Veerampattinam – Sengazhneer Amman temple, Prathinkara Kali Temple,

5. With respect to Karaikal a great opportunity is available to conduct of Religious

Tourism covering Thirunallar in Karaikal, Nagore Dargah, Velankanni Mothers
Marry Church in the Neighbouring Tamilnadu.

6. Puducherry (UT) has many festivals each festival can be made a special
occasion for organising tourism carnival.

7. Culture of Puducherry (UT) has lot of performing arts such as Therukoothu,

Bommallattam, Karakam, Puliyattam, Hotter ballons and etc.

8. Introduce tourism police, Bay of Watch Life Gods.


The main objective of this research is to develop a profile and an operating model for
weekend tourists and to examine the gaps in expectations and experiences of weekend
tourists on tourism facilities and destination specific factors of Puducherry destination. The
study found that majority of the religious tourists are satisfied with the available tourism
facilities and destination specific factors. Religious tourist’s problems and prospects
depend on two main factors such as tourism facilities and destination specific factors.
Further, satisfaction of Puducherry weekend tourists was influenced by factors such as
transportation, accommodation, destination facilities, cultural and spiritual attractions,
shopping, entertainment, water sports and other tourist amenities. The study has shed light
on the primary characteristics of the religious tourists. The research findings have
facilitated to explain the purpose for taking holiday and festival period and also brought
out religious tourist’s travel behaviour. Majority of religious tourists to Puducherry arrived
from Bangalore and Chennai. These findings should provide sufficient information or
knowledge for better marketing strategies to attract this tourist segment.


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