Teaching Portfolio: Students

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GROUP 1, IIIrd year



GROUP 8, IIIrd year



Vth grade

Level A2

o Inductive/ covert way (examples -> rules)
o Deductive/overt way (rules -> examples)

 TOPIC: The present simple

 Form:
1. Affirmative:
Example: to eat
I eat
You eat
He/she/it eats
We eat
You eat
They eat
Rule: Subject + base form of the verb + complement
(+ -s/ -es for he/ she/ it)
2. Negative:
Example: I don’t eat
You don’t eat
He/ She/ It doesn’t eat
We don’t eat
You don’t eat
They don’t eat
Rule: Subject + negative form of the auxiliar DO (don’t/doesn’t for he/ she/it)
+verb+ complement

3. Interrogative:
Example: Do you eat chocolate?
Does she eat chocolate?

Rule: Auxiliar do/ does + Subject + verb + complement

 Uses:

 Actions in the present: She learns English.

 General truths: Water boils at 100o C.
 Something that happens regularly in the present: I go to school every day.
 Storytelling and sportive commentaries: She says that she saw something.
The goal-keeper misses the boal.
 Present simple with future value (timetables): The train leaves at 5:00 o’clock.

 Key-words : adverbs of frequency: always, every day/week/ month/year/Friday,

usually, sometimes, often, never, in the evening/morning etc.
Example: She never lies to her mother.
I do my homework every weekend.

1. Read the text below and underline the verbs on present simple tense.

‟ Shannon Thompson is 14 years old. She lives with her mum, dad and little
brother, Jamie, in Leeds and she goes to Eccleshill School. She’s just an ordinary
teenager – except Shannon is one of Britain’s top swimmers. She’s the British
under-16 100m freestyle champion. Shannon is always busy – she trains hard and
she studies hard.
Shannon’s day starts at 6 o’clock. She gets up, has breakfast and then her mum
takes her to the swimming pool. Her coach, David, is at the pool and she trains for
two hours. After training, she catches the bus to school. Shannon’s a good student
and she likes French and Spanish but her favourite lesson is PE – of course! She
has lunch with her friends at school. Afternoon lessons finish at 3:30 and Shannon
returns to the swimming pool for more training with her coach. She often
swims non-stop for two hours! When she gets home, she has dinner with her
family, but she never watches TV in the evening. She goes to her bedroom and she
does her homework. She’s usually very tired, so she goes to bed at 9:30.
Shannon says: ‘I’m always very busy with schoolwork and swimming but I usually
have some free time at weekends. I often go shopping with my friends on Saturday
afternoons. Sometimes my friends come to my house on Saturday evenings. We
have pizza and watch films or listen to music.
I’m very serious about my swimming. My ambition is  to be an Olympic swimming
champion like  my hero Rebecca Adling ton – she’s got four Olympic medals! I
love swimming and I love my busy life!’ ” (source:

except: only that
freestyle: a free choice of the style to use
busy: engaged in activity
trains: prepares for an activity
hard: needing or using a lot of effort
coach: trainer
non-stop: continuously

2. Mention the uses of the verbs on present simple tense from the first paragraph of the text.
3. Choose the correct answers.
 He start / starts school at eight o’clock.
 We take / takes the bus to school.
 I phone / phones my grandma on Sundays.
 The film begin / begins at five past nine.
 They get up / gets up at 7:15.
 She play / plays basketball on Wednesdays.
 He speak / speaks Spanish with his mum.
 Anne live / lives in Edinburgh.
 Daniel walk / walks to school on Mondays. (source:

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

get     do     leave     listen     start     play     have

    They leave the house at 7:30.

1. I  ....... football with my friends.

2. We ......  lunch at school.

3. The lesson ...... at 10 o’clock.

4. My sister ........ up late.

5. The students ........their homework in the afternoon.

6. Jack ........to music on his phone.


5. Put the following verbs on present simple tense:

To read To teach To write To go

6. Correct the following sentences:

 I doesn’t like going to school.
 She don’t go out frequently.
 I leaves for Paris tomorrow.
 He write a poem.
 You do like chocolate?

7. Translate into English and mention the use of present simple tense in each sentence:

 Maria merge în vizită la sora ei în fiecare sfârșit de săptămână.

 Apa îngheață la 0o C.
 Jucătorul aleargă spre poată și înscrie un gol.
 Ana se sperie întotdeauna când se uită la filme de groază.
 Avionul decolează la 3:00.
 Îți place să joci fotbal?



8. (Homework): Imagine a short story using verbs on present simple tense. (7 lines)


Electronic Source: https://manuale.edu.ro/manuale/Clasa%20a%20V-a/Limba%20moderna


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