Project Management Framework - Capstone

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Project Scope

The scope of the project is to produce an excel sheet template that automatically calculates the
dimension of a signboard from the design signboard drawing. The data that is required for the project is
extracted from Arahan Teknik Jalan 2E/87 Guide Sign Design Applications manual and tabulated in Excel.
Then, formulas are created to calculate the dimension.

Project Objectives
The aim of the project is to produce a template that engineers can use to calculate the dimension of the
signboard. Hence, the objectives of the project are as follows:
 To tabulate the unit letter heights/letter widths, spacing constants, mosaic sizes in Excel.
 To produce at template the calculates the dimension of the signboard

Critical Success Factors

The critical success factors for this project are when the letters from a signboard drawing are type in the
Excel box, it automatically calculates the length of the words horizontally and vertically using the
formula that has been provided in the manual. Each of the letter represents either capitalized letter or
small letters have their own specified value. The value from the length of words, the size of the letter
and constant for first and last letters are applied to the formula will produce the total length of the
word. Later, it will be applied to final formula that calculates the width and length of the signboard.

The constraints that might be experienced later in the project are as follows:
 Each of the letter correspond to their own specific value either capitalized letter or small letter
which have different values so there will be difficulty in separating each of the value in the excel
 Linking the all the formulas together to the final formula that calculates the length and the
width of the signboard.
 To ensure that the template is working, must have access to the signboard design drawing that
to be apply to the excel, so might face difficulty on obtaining the drawing since it is confidential

Identify Stakeholders
The stakeholders for this project are the civil engineers that are working estimating the cost of the
signboard from the drawing

Identify Project Team

Resource Role Resource Name Responsibility

Project Manager - -

Business Analyst - -

Project Sponsor - -

Project Organization & Governance Chart

Resource Plan
The resources that will be required to complete the project are as follows:

 Engineers: Advise and guidance are required from time to time until the completion of the
project as they are going to be the end users.
 Arahan Teknik Jalan 2E/87 Guide Signs and Application manual: This is the source for the value
of unit letter heights/letter widths, spacing constants, mosaic sizes and the formulas that are
going to be extracted into Excel.
 Signboard design drawing sample: Suitable drawing sample will be obtained by requesting from
the head of design & technical unit consultant to be apply in the project.

Equipment/Materials Resources

The equipment that will be going to be utilize in the project is Microsoft Excel software. Microsoft Excel
will be the main tool for this project because is very convenient as it will be accessible and easy to use by
the end user. Microsoft Excel has features that can create formula which is the backbone for the
template to work successfully. Beside that it is also the best way to store data, perform calculations,
easy to edit the data if there will be change in the manual in the future and the most important the
formulas stay consistent across of all the data that will be stored.

Work Breakdown Structure

A. Initiate Project
a. Develop Project Charter
i. Define Scope and Objectives
ii. Define Materials, Resources and Equipment
iii. Identify Constraints
iv. Develop Budget
B. Plan Project
a. Develop Work Breakdown Structure
b. Finalize Project Plan
C. Execute and Control Project
a. Obtain a copy of Arahan Teknik Jalan 2E/87
i. Tabulate the required information into Microsoft Excel
b. Obtain a drawing sample of existing project to be used in the template
c. Develop the formulas to calculate the dimension of the signboard
d. Testing the workability of the template by referring to the drawing sample
D. Close the Project
a. Conduct post-project review

Project Schedule Management

Cost Management Plan
The cost for the implementation of the project only will involve with a small cost. Therefore, the budget
allocated for the project is only RM50. There is no need of sponsor since the cost is small. The money
would be source from own money. The cost would involve a photocopy of Arahan Teknik Jalan 2E/87
(Pindaan 2015) Guide Signs Design and Application and a photocopy of the road signboard drawing. The
price for photocopy of the manual and the drawing probably would be range between RM10 to RM20
each depend on the cost from the photocopy shop. The cost to produce the template is free.

Deliverable Acceptance Plan

Risk Management

The risk that might be emerge later in the project are as follows:

Risk Mitigation plan

Technical risk The formula in the template might not produce the designated outcome due to
mistype the data for the values and formula from the manual. To avoid this, the
data will be checked twice and will be manually calculated by using calculator.
Schedule risk The project might be not finish in time. This is due to delay in obtaining the
design drawing sample. Therefore, permission to obtain the drawing sample will
be apply sooner to the respective engineer since the drawing is confidential.

Phase 3 of Capstone – Strategic Thinking

1. Choose 2 from below describe about project. (100 words)
p/s: must be your own choice of words.

a) Economically
b) Socially
c) Politically
d) Technologically
e) Ecologically
f) Legally

For this project it is based on the aspect of economically and technologically. For economically
the usage of the formula will save up the time for the engineers to do the preparation of the
document tender as well as an accurate measurement of the road signboard dimension since
the template can minimize human error. In terms of technologically, upgrading using computer
software in work from the “traditional way’ is a welcome effort in the technological advance era
especially in engineering field. Engineers must adapt the modern world by creating a new way
to simplify their work yet maintain the quality of the work.

2. As you discover Constraints and Risk Management (Phase 2) during the

planning process of your project management, clearly defining the problem
from a strategic point of view and provide possible solutions. 100 words

The constraint that are critical in the project are more towards producing the template which is
finding the best possible way to linking the formulas together. To overcome the constraints,
need to research more on the features that are exists in Microsoft Excel as well as finding the
similar example online.
As for the risks in the project the best possible solutions are to carefully produce the template
by starting to produce it as early as possible before at least one month before the due date
since it is the first time doing it and there is no similar template exist to be referred to.

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