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It is a requirement for 10th Grade IB students in order to allow them to demonstrate their
development in the 10 “Approaches to Learning” (ATL) Skills: Communication,
Collaboration, Organization, Reflection, Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Critical
Thinking, Creative Thinking, Transfer, and Affective Skills


PERSONAL PROJECT, regardless if students plan to continue into DP
 Spend approximately 25 TOTAL hours on the project
 Document AT LEAST 3 meetings with supervisor
 CONSISTENTLY add PROCESS JOURNAL entries into ManageBac
 Meet the DEADLINES FOR PHASES of the Project (Students will receive grades in
Critical Thinking for meeting the deadlines)
 WRITE YOUR REFLECTIVE REPORT to demonstrate development in the ATL Skills,
using the IB rubric as your guideline
 MANDATORY ATTENDANCE at Exhibition Night (Monday, April 16)


 Worksheets required by IB
o The Cover Sheet
o Academic Honesty Form (documents the 3 meetings with the supervisor)
 The Project Report (maximum 3,500 words)
 Bibliography
 Process Journal Extracts (up to 10)
 Evidence of your product (pictures or actual product)
 Supervisors will assess the project based on the REFLECTIVE PROJECT PAPER, using
the IB rubric.
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 TOTALS
Criterion A: The student The student is able The student is able The student is able The student is able
Investigating does not to to to to
i. Define a clear achieve a state a goal and outline a basic and define a clear and define a clear and TOTALS:
goal and global standard context for the appropriate goal challenging goal highly challenging
context for the described project, based on and context for the and context for the goal and context for
project, based on by any of personal interests, project, based on project, based on the project, based on
personal interests the but this may be personal interests; personal interests; personal interests;
ii. Identify prior descriptors limited in depth or identify basic prior identify prior identify prior
learning and below. accessibility; learning and subject- learning and subject- learning and subject-
subject-specific identify prior specific knowledge specific knowledge specific knowledge
knowledge relevant learning and subject- relevant to some generally relevant that is consistently
to the project specific knowledge, areas of the project; to some areas of the highly relevant to
iii. Demonstrate but this may be and demonstrate project; and some areas of the
research skills limited in adequate research demonstrate project; and
occurrence or skills substantial research demonstrate
relevance; and skills excellent research
demonstrate limited skills
research skills
Criterion B: The student The student is able The student is able The student is able The student is able
Planning does not to develop limited to develop adequate to develop to develop rigorous TOTALS:
i. Develop criteria achieve a criteria for the criteria for the substantial and criteria for the
for the standard product/outcome; product/outcome; appropriate criteria product/outcome;
product/outcome described present a limited or present an adequate for the present a detailed
ii. Plan and record by any of partial plan and plan and record of product/outcome; and accurate plan
the development the record of the the development present a and record of the
process of the descriptors development process process of the substantial plan and development process
project below. of the project; project; demonstrate record of the of the project;
iii. Demonstrate demonstrate limited adequate self- development process demonstrate
self-management self-management management skills. of the project; excellent self-
skills skills. demonstrate management skills.
substantial self-
management skills.
Criterion C: The student The student is able The student is able The student is able The student is able
Taking Action does not to create a limited to create a basic to create a to create an TOTALS:
i. Create a product/ achieve a product/outcome in product/outcome in substantial excellent
outcome in standard response to the goal, response to the goal, product/outcome in product/outcome in
response to goal, described global context, and global context, and response to the goal, response to the goal,
global context, by any of criteria; demonstrate criteria; demonstrate global context, and global context, and
criteria the limited thinking adequate thinking criteria; demonstrate criteria; demonstrate
ii. Demonstrate descriptors skills; demonstrate skills; demonstrate substantial thinking excellent thinking
thinking skills below. limited adequate skills; demonstrate skills; demonstrate
iii. Demonstrate communication and communication and substantial excellent
social and social skills. social skills. communication and communication and
communication social skills. social skills.
Criterion D: The student The student is able The student is able The student is able The student is able
Reflecting does not to present a limited to present a basic to present a to present an
i. Evaluate the achieve a evaluation of the evaluation of the substantial excellent evaluation TOTALS:
quality of the standard quality of the quality of the evaluation of the of the quality of the
product/outcome described product/ outcome product/ outcome quality of the product/ outcome
against their criteria by any of against his or her against his or her product/ outcome against his or her
ii. Reflect on how the criteria; present criteria; present against his or her criteria; present
completing the descriptors limited reflection on adequate reflection criteria; present excellent reflection
project has below how completing the on how completing substantial on how completing
extended their project has extended the project has reflection on how the project has
knowledge and his or her knowledge extended his or her completing the extended his or her
understanding of and understanding of knowledge and project has extended knowledge and
the topic and the the topic and global understanding of the his or her knowledge understanding of the
global context context; present topic and global and understanding of topic and global
iii. Reflect on their limited reflection on context; present the topic and global context; present
development as IB his or her adequate reflection context; present excellent reflection
learners through the development as an on his or her substantial on his or her
project IB learner through development as an reflection on his or development as an
the project. IB learner through her development as IB learner through
the project. an IB learner the project.
through the project.

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