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Antifungal susceptibility testing of Malassezia yeast: Comparison of two

different methodologies

Article  in  Mycoses · September 2016

DOI: 10.1111/myc.12556


19 780

9 authors, including:

Florencia Rojas Susana Córdoba

Instituto de Medicina Regional - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste 1-Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacion…


María de los Ángeles Sosa Maria E Cattana

National University of the Northeast "Dr Julio C. Perrando" Hospital


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Received: 31 March 2016    Revised: 11 August 2016    Accepted: 12 August 2016

DOI: 10.1111/myc.12556


Antifungal susceptibility testing of Malassezia yeast:

comparison of two different methodologies

Florencia D. Rojas1 | Susana B. Córdoba2 | María de los Ángeles Sosa1 | Laura C. Zalazar3 | 

Mariana S. Fernández1 | María E. Cattana1 | Liliana R. Alegre1 | 
Alfonso J. Carrillo-Muñoz4 | Gustavo E. Giusiano1

Departamento de Micología, Instituto de
Medicina Regional, Universidad Nacional del Summary
Nordeste, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina All Malassezia species are lipophilic; thus, modifications are required in susceptibility
Departamento de Micología, Instituto
testing methods to ensure their growth. Antifungal susceptibility of Malassezia spe-
Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas,
ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, Buenos Aires, cies using agar and broth dilution methods has been studied. Currently, few tests
Chaco, Argentina
using disc diffusion methods are being performed. The aim was to evaluate the in
Cátedra de Matemática Aplicada, Facultad
vitro susceptibility of Malassezia yeast against antifungal agents using broth microdi-
de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del
Nordeste, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina lution and disc diffusion methods, then to compare both methodologies. Fifty
Departamento de Microbiología, ACIAM, Malassezia isolates were studied. Microdilution method was performed as described
Barcelona, Spain
in reference document and agar diffusion test was performed using antifungal tablets
Correspondence and discs. To support growth, culture media were supplemented. To correlate meth-
Florencia D. Rojas, Departamento de
Micología, Instituto de Medicina Regional, ods, linear regression analysis and categorical agreement was determined. The
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, strongest linear association was observed for fluconazole and miconazole. The high-
Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.
Email: est agreement between both methods was observed for itraconazole and voricona-
zole and the lowest for amphotericin B and fluconazole. Although modifications made
to disc diffusion method allowed to obtain susceptibility data for Malassezia yeast,
variables cannot be associated through a linear correlation model, indicating that
inhibition zone values cannot predict MIC value. According to the results, disc diffu-
sion assay may not represent an alternative to determine antifungal susceptibility of
Malassezia yeast.

disc diffusion, lipid-dependent yeast, minimal inhibitory concentration

1 | INTRODUCTION The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute reference document,

CLSI M27-­A3, describes a standard methodology to determine in vitro
Yeast of Malassezia genus are normal inhabitants of the human skin susceptibility of Candida species and Cryptococcus neoformans.9 However,
microbiota and other warm-­blooded vertebrates, especially found in this method cannot be used to determine the susceptibility of lipophilic
seborrhoeic areas. These lipophilic yeast are associated with der- yeast like Malassezia spp. All Malassezia species are lipophilic and most of
matological diseases such as pityriasis versicolor, seborrhoeic dermati- them, lipid-­dependent; thus, modifications are required in susceptibility
tis, dandruff, atopic eczema/dermatitis and folliculitis.3,4 Additionally, testing methods to ensure their growth such as the use of supplemented
some Malassezia species are recognised as emerging pathogens that, culture medium, different inoculum size, temperature and reading time.
in some cases, may cause invasive fungal infections in susceptible Antifungal susceptibility of Malassezia species using agar and
patient groups.5–8. broth dilution alternative methods has been studied.5,10–21 Currently,

Mycoses 2016; 1–8 © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH  |  1

2       Rojas et al.

few antifungal susceptibility tests are performed using disc diffusion After vortexing to disperse Malassezia clumps, the inoculum was
methods, but only when studying the non-­lipid-­dependent species, standardised spectrophotometrically at 530 nm to 1 McFarland stan-
M. pachydermatis.22,23 dard and validated by quantitative plate count on Dixon Agar (106
Determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) by broth UFC mL−1). Inocula were diluted 1:100 in supplemented RPMI 1640
microdilution is not an applicable method in a routine clinical labora- medium providing a final inoculum size of 0.5–2.5 × 103 CFU mL−1.20
tory. Therefore, other methods such as the agar diffusion test have The plates were incubated at 32°C and visual reading was performed
been developed as an alternative to simplify antifungal susceptibility every 24 h for about 3 days.
testing. For azole drugs, MIC endpoints were defined as the lowest con-
The aims of this study were to evaluate the in vitro antifun- centration that produces a prominent reduction in growth (≥50%) rel-
gal susceptibility of three Malassezia species against fluconazole, ative to the drug-­free growth control, slight reduction for TRB (80%)
voriconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, miconazole, amphotericin and complete inhibition for AMB (100%). Data obtained were reported
B and terbinafine using both broth microdilution and agar diffusion in absolute frequencies displaying the number of isolates according to
methods, and to compare both methodologies using linear regression MIC values, for each species tested.
analysis and categorical agreement. At present, no breakpoints are established for antifungal agents
against Malassezia species. The interpretative criterion was assessed
according to breakpoints established in CLSI reference documents
for Candida albicans. For FLC, isolates with MIC ≤2 μg mL−1 were
categorised as susceptible, 4 μg mL−1 as sensible-­dose dependent
2.1 | Malassezia strains
(S-­DD) and ≥8 μg mL−1 as resistant. For ITZ and VCZ, isolates with MIC
A total of 50 Malassezia isolates were studied including 30 Malassezia ≤0.125 1 μg mL−1 were categorised as susceptible, 0.25–0.5 μg mL−1
furfur (M. furfur), 10 M. globosa and 10 M. sympodialis. All strains were as sensible-­dose dependent and ≥1 μg mL−1 as resistant. Isolates with
isolated from clinical samples obtained from human patients with AMB MIC >1 μg mL−1 were categorised as resistant.
diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor, seborrhoeic dermatitis, folliculitis and For disc diffusion method, Mueller-­Hinton agar with glucose (2%)
atopic dermatitis. The yeast were deposited in the culture collection and methylene blue (5 mg L−1) was used. This medium was supple-
of Mycology Department, Instituto de Medicina Regional, Universidad mented with peptone (1%), ox bile (0.5%), malt extract (0.5%), Tween
Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) (Argentina). Identification was per- 40 (0.5%), Tween 80 (0.05%), glycerol (1%) (Biopack) and chloram-
formed by polymerase chain reaction -­ restriction fragment length phenicol (250 mg L−1).
polymorphism (PCR-­RFLP).24 Isolates were sub-­cultured for 72 h onto Plates were inoculated with 0.5 mL of the inoculum suspensions
modified Dixon Agar at 32°C before antifungal susceptibility testing. adjusted to 1 McFarland poured onto the agar surface (flooding) and
Quality control strains, Candida parapsilosis ATCC 22019 and the excess liquid was immediately removed.
C. krusei ATCC 6258 were included in each assay. AMB (10 μg), FLC (25 μg), KTZ (15 μg), ITZ (10 μg), MCZ (10 μg),
Written informed consent from the patients was obtained accord- TRB (30 μg) and VCZ (1 μg) Neo-­Sensitabs tablets (Medica-­Tec,
ing to the current Ethics Committee of Instituto de Medicina Regional. Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina) and paper discs of FLC (25 μg)
provided by the Department of Mycology (ANLIS ‘Dr. Carlos Malbrán’,
Argentina) were used. Plates were incubated at 32°C for 72 h, with
2.2 | Susceptibility testing
daily reading. The inhibition zone was considered up to the limit of col-
Broth microdilution method was performed as described in the CLSI onies of confluent growth. For AMB, the complete clear zone with no
document M27-­A3.9 Stock solutions of fluconazole (FLC), voricona- visible growth was measured. For both tablets and discs, the interpre-
zole (VCZ), ketoconazole (KTZ), miconazole (MCZ), itraconazole (ITZ), tative criterion was according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.25,26
amphotericin B (AMB) and terbinafine (TRB) (Sigma-­Aldrich, Buenos
Aires, Argentina) were prepared at 100 times the highest concentration
2.3 | Statistical analysis
to be tested in dimethyl sulfoxide (Anedra, San Fernando, Argentina)
(10 times for FLC) and stored at −70°C until use. The final concen- The degree of linear relationship between the MICs and the inhibi-
trations for all drugs were 0.03–16 μg mL except for FLC (0.125– tion zone diameters was analysed using Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
64 μg mL−1). To support growth of lipid-­dependent yeast, RPMI 1640 cient (ρ). To quantify the relationship between these two variables,
medium (Gibco, Buenos Aires, Argentina) was supplemented with glu- linear regression analysis was performed. As an adjustment measure,
cose (1.8%) (Cicarelli Reagents, San Lorenzo, Argentina), peptone (1%), coefficient of determination R2 was calculated. infostat software
ox bile (0.5%), malt extract (0.5%) (Laboratorios Britania, Autónoma de 2014 (Cátedra de Estadística y Biometría de la Facultad de Ciencias
Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tween 40 (0.5%) (Sigma-­Aldrich), Tween 80 Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba,
(0.05%) (Anedra), glycerol (1%) (Biopack, Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina) was used for the statistical analysis.
Argentina) and chloramphenicol (250 mg L−1) (Sigma-­Aldrich). The categorical agreements and percentages of discrepancies were
All inoculum suspensions were prepared in sterile saline from evaluated. Discrepancies between methods were considered very major
colonies grown on a 5-­day culture on modified Dixon Agar at 32°C. errors (VME) when the microdilution method categorised the organism
Rojas et al. |

as resistant but the diffusion method categorised the organism as sus- Table 1 shows in absolute frequency the number of isolated strains
ceptible. Major errors (ME) occurred when the microdilution method according to MIC value obtained.
categorised the isolate as susceptible but the diffusion method catego- FLC, AMB, MCZ and TRB displayed higher MIC values and were
rised it as resistant. Minor errors (mE) occurred when the microdilution more variable than KTZ, ITZ and VCZ, for the three species tested.
method categorised an organism as susceptible or resistant and the FLC showed the highest MIC values. For ITZ, 90% of isolates were
diffusion method categorised it as susceptible dose dependent or the inhibited by the lowest antifungal drug dilution (MIC90: 0.03 μg mL−1).
microdilution method categorised it as susceptible dose dependent and Results of agar diffusion test for the 50 isolates studied are sum-
the diffusion method categorised it as susceptible or resistant. marised in Table 2. Both FLC disc and tablet showed the widest range
of inhibition zone diameters, with a broad dispersion of the values
around the mean value, especially for M. furfur. MCZ also showed a
3 | RESULTS wide range of results, but the dispersion was lower than FLC.
In general, there was not a significant difference between results
Both, supplemented RPMI 1640 medium and Mueller-­Hinton agar, for the three species evaluated, except for M. sympodialis against FLC,
allowed growth of Malassezia species studied. Reading times for which resulted in higher inhibition zones and less dispersion of the
microdilution and disc diffusion test were not species dependent and values compared with the other species.
results could be recovered at 72 h for both methods. Figure 1 shows scatter plots of inhibition zone diameters against
For disc diffusion, inhibition zone could be read at 48 h for some of respective log2 MIC for the antifungal drugs tested. The relationship
the isolates, but the diameters measured at 72 h were longer. This is due between variables was not linear for KTZ and ITZ, as shown in the
to the trailing phenomenon, that it is quite evident 3 days after incubation. figures.
MIC and zone diameter values obtained with QC strains were Results of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient are presented
within the range established in reference documents.25,27 in Table 3. In all cases, negative relationship between variables was

T A B L E   1   Absolute frequencies of strains according to the MIC values obtained

MIC μg mL−1 (number of strains)


M. furfur (n = 30) 0.5 (2) 0.03 (27) 0.25 (1) 0.125 (1) 0.03 (27) 0.03 (8) 0.125 (5)
1 (3) 0.06 (2) 0.5 (1) 0.25 (3) 0.06 (2) 0.06 (10) 0.25 (5)
2 (2) 0.125 (1) 1 (5) 0.5 (2) 0.125 (1) 0.125 (7) 0.5 (2)
4 (7) 2 (11) 1 (3) 0.25 (2) 1 (5)
8 (5) 4 (7) 2 (6) 0.5 (3) 2 (5)
16 (3) 8 (4) 4 (6) 4 (3)
32 (5) 16 (1) 8 (3) 8 (1)
64 (2) 16 (4) 16 (2)
128 (1) 32 (2) 32 (2)
M. sympodialis (n = 10) 0.5 (3) 0.03 (9) 0.5 (2) 0.5 (2) 0.03 (8) 0.03 (7) 0.125 (4)
1 (3) 0.06 (1) 1 (4) 1 (3) 0.06 (2) 0.06 (3) 0.25 (3)
2 (2) 2 (4) 2 (2) 0.5 (3)
4 (2) 4 (2)
8 (1)
M. globosa (n = 10) 1 (1) 0.03 (8) 0.5 (2) 0.25 (1) 0.03 (10) 0.03 (3) 0.25 (5)
4 (3) 0.06 (2) 1 (2) 0.5 (1) 0.06 (3) 0.5 (1)
8 (4) 2 (1) 1 (1) 0.125 (3) 1 (2)
16 (1) 4 (3) 2 (1) 0.5 (1) 16 (1)
64 (1) 8 (1) 4 (3) 32 (2)
8 (1)
16 (1)
32 (1)

M., Malassezia; MIC, minimal inhibitory concentration; FLC, fluconazole; VCZ, voriconazole; KTZ, ketoconazole; MCZ, miconazole; ITZ, itraconazole; AMB,
amphotericin B; TRB, terbinafine.
4       Rojas et al.

T A B L E   2   Inhibition zone diameters (mm) for the 50 Malassezia yeast

Disc diffusion inhibition zones (mm)


M. furfur (n = 30)
Range 9–52 7–48 25–40 15–21 9–32 31–55 22–35 14–28
AM 30.6 28.1 32.8 18.2 16.1 43.2 29.2 20.5
SD 10.6 12.2 4.02 1.36 4.41 5.2 3.44 3.21
M. globosa (n = 10)
Range 12–46 10–40 24–38 16–26 11–20 36–42 21–30 14–24
AM 28.1 25.3 30.7 20.2 14.8 38.8 25.4 19.7
SD 8.34 7.93 2.96 2.96 2.86 3.21 2.62 3.26
M. sympodialis (n = 10)
Range 19–35 17–43 26–38 16–25 9–21 30–48 23–32 16–29
AM 37.4 32.6 31.4 19.8 15.0 40.8 28.8 23.0
SD 8.32 7.52 3.92 2.48 4.8 5.44 2.64 2.8

Mm, millimetres; AM, arithmetic mean; SD, standard deviation.

observed. The strongest linear association was observed for FLC, both species tested, obtaining a restricted range of MIC values, similar
disc (ρ = −0.71) and tablet (ρ = −0.70). to that observed in previous investigations.12,13,17–19,21 These azole
Table 3 shows the coefficient of determination, R , obtained by agents are widely used for treatment of skin diseases associated with
linear regression analysis comparing disc diffusion and broth microdi- Malassezia yeast; ITZ is considered a good option for the management
lution results. The analysis was not performed for KTZ, ITZ and TRB of Malassezia superficial infections which require oral therapy and
because variables were not linearly associated. KTZ is widely used for topical treatment.28–30 Although VCZ showed
The categorical interpretation based on the in vitro results of the itself as an active drug for most of the isolates tested, MIC values
50 Malassezia yeast against antifungal drugs and agreements between were higher than those for ITZ and KTZ. These data are in concord-
the two methods are presented in Table 4. Clinical breakpoints have ance with other studies.10,12,17,20
not been established for MCZ and TRB in the reference documents; High MIC values and a significant dispersion were observed for
so, the agreement could not be performed. Considering disc diffusion FLC, similar to those obtained in previous investigations.10,14,16,17,19–21
method, the arithmetic mean was a value within the susceptible cate- Using interpretative criteria established for Candida species and FLC,27
gory for all drugs, except for MCZ. we found that more than 60% of isolates were categorised as SDD
The highest numbers of isolates categorised as resistant were or resistant to this drug. These results are important especially con-
recovered against FLC and AMB, regardless of the methodology used. sidering that FLC is the most widespread drug used for yeast fungal
The highest agreement between both methods was observed for ­infection, including those caused by Malassezia species.
ITZ and VCZ, and the lowest for AMB and FLC. TRB shows low or no in vitro activity against common yeast
FCZ showed a significant difference in the categorisation of iso- genera.31,32 High MIC values reported in this study suggest that
lates between both methods. For microdilution method, 68% of the this drug has also low in vitro activity against Malassezia genus. The
isolates showed a decreased susceptibility against this drug (SDD: results obtained in this study are even higher than those in previous
24% and R: 44%). However, with the diffusion method, both tablet investigations.12,16,33
and disc, strains were mostly categorised as susceptible (78% and 72% Wide MIC range and high geometric mean were obtained for MCZ,
respectively). similar to those reported in previous investigations.13,19,20 Due to the
Against VCZ and AMB, all isolates were categorised as susceptible high MIC values against the three species, it might be thought that
with disc diffusion method. However, with the microdilution method, in some cases treatment with this azole drug could not be effective.
more than 60% of the strains were categorised as resistant according However, to consider that is debatable, because concentrations of this
to the CLSI document for Candida sp. antifungal used in formulated products are significantly higher than
those used in vitro testing.34
The M27-­A3 document determined that Candida species with MIC
4 |  DISCUSSION higher than 1 μg mL−1 are likely to be resistant to AMB.9 Using this
breakpoint for Malassezia yeast, more than 50% of the isolates were
Data obtained with broth microdilution methodology indicated categorised as resistant. Velegraki et al. [16] reported high MIC for
that ITZ and KTZ were highly effective drugs against the Malassezia AMB to M. furfur and M. globosa employing broth microdilution and
Rojas et al.       5 |
(a) 55 (b) 50
50 45

InhibitionzoneFLC Malbrán (mm)


Inhibition zone FLC (mm)

5 5
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
log 2 MIC FLC (µg mL–1) –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
log 2 MIC FLC (µg mL–1)

(c) 45 (d) 45

40 40

Inhibition zone ITZ (mm)

35 35
Inhibition zone KTZ (mm)

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
log 2 MIC KTZ (µg mL ) log 2 MIC ITZ (µg mL–1)

(e) 60 (f) 35

55 30

Inhibition zone VCZ (mm)

Inhibition zone MCZ (mm)


20 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
log 2 MIC MCZ (µg mL–1)
log 2 MIC VCZ (µg mL )

(g) 30 (h) 35

Inhibition zone TRB (mm)
Inhibition zone AMB (mm)


20 20
F I G U R E   1   Scatter plots of MIC
(μg ml−1) vs. inhibition zone diameter 15

(mm) determined using FCZ tablet (a), 15

Malbrán paper disk (b), ketoconazole
(c), itraconazole (b), voriconazole (d), 5
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
amphotericin B (e), miconazole (f) and –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log 2 MIC TRB (µg mL–1)
log 2 MIC AMB (µg mL–1)
terbinafine (g) tablets.

E-­test methodologies. Recently, Iatta et al. studied a large number of the Neo-­Sensitabs® tablets assay for testing FLC, VCZ, ITZ, MCZ, TRB
M. furfur from bloodstream infections and results showed high AMB and AMB against lipid-­dependent Malassezia species, compared with
MIC values regardless of the different media used.16,21 These high a broth microdilution method using supplemented medium. A similar
MIC against AMB are significant, especially because this drug is one study was realised by Yurayart et al., [41] but only for M. pachydermatis
of the main treatment options for systemic infection, particularly in and with no modification of the methodologies used.
paediatric patients.8,35,36 Although there is no available standardised methodology for
Most of the correlation studies of Neo-­Sensitabs® tablets and Malassezia sp., the comparison between both methods allowed deter-
CLSI broth microdilution were conducted for Candida species and fila- mining the extent to which inhibition zone variation represents the MIC
mentous fungi.26,37–40 We assessed for the first time, the suitability of variation. Scatter plot and determination of Pearson coefficients were
6       Rojas et al.

T A B L E   3   Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients and coefficients Pearson coefficients for these drugs indicated a probable linear rela-
of determination (R2) obtained by correlating inhibition zone tionship, when linear regression analysis was applied, the determina-
diameter and corresponding MIC value tion coefficients (R2) obtained were very low, indicating that the linear
Pearson correlation model does not explain the relationship between the two variables.
Antifungal drug coefficient (ρ) p-value R² The R2 obtained for FLC was even lower than that obtained in the
Fluconazole −0.71 <.0001 0.680 study realised by Maldonado et al. for Candida species.39
Malbrán For all the other drugs, coefficients were not enough to estab-
Fluconazole −0.70 <.0001 0.565 lish that a linear relationship exists between MIC and inhibition zone
Ketoconazolea −0.2 .1627 – diameter variables.
Itraconazole a
−0.02 .8785 – The agreement between the disc diffusion and microdilution

Miconazole −0.52 .0001 0.231

methods has been extensively studied in Candida species and Cr. neo-
formans. Previous investigations conducted in Candida species against
Voriconazole −0.47 .0016 0.290
FLC, reported higher agreement (85.9–95.5%) and lower discrepan-
Amphotericin B −0.45 .0012 0.469
cies (0–4.8% for VME and 2.4–8.84% for mE) than those obtained in
Terbinafinea −0.34 .0220 –
this study.37–40 Regarding FLC Malbrán discs, Rodero et al. reported
a 2
R could not be calculated because variables were not linearly a concordance of 94.7% with 4.8% of mE, 0.3% ME and 0.2% VME
for Candida species, displaying a better correlation between the two
methods than the one observed in this study for Malassezia strains.26
useful tools, which allowed establishing whether these variables were Disc diffusion method was not able to detect those Malassezia
linearly related and, given the case, the magnitude of that relationship. strains categorised as resistant by the microdilution method for
Scatter plots and Pearson coefficients showed that the variables AMB, resulting in the highest VME compared to other drugs (64%).
were not linearly associated for KTZ and ITZ. The few publications Contrary to these results, Espinel-­Ingroff et al. obtained high agree-
regarding the correlation results for these drugs make the compari- ment between AMB Neo-­Sensitabs tablets and the reference method
son difficult. Espinel Ingroff et al. studied the correlation for Candida (98.2%) for Candida spp.37
species and Cr. neoformans against ITZ, obtaining Pearson coefficient It is proposed for a susceptibility test to be considered specific that
values of 0.85 and 0.79 respectively. These values are much higher occurrence of VME and ME should be <5%. Only for ITZ and VCZ, this
than those obtained for Malassezia yeast in this study.37 value was obtained, although in both cases resulting in a higher mE. This
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was significant only for MCZ value represents isolates categorised as SDD with the microdilution
and FLC (P < .0001). The values obtained for FLC were similar to those method that were not detected by the diffusion method. It is important
reported in other studies for Candida species.26,37–40 But even though to highlight that as there were no isolates categorised as resistant to

T A B L E   4   Categorical interpretation, discrepancies and total agreement between broth microdilution and disc diffusion tests for 50
Malassezia yeast

Number of isolates Errors (%)

Antifungal Method S SDD (I) R Very major Major Minor (%)

Fluconazole BMD 16 12 22
Tablet DD 39 3 8 25.0 0 28.0 47.0
Disc DD 36 2 12 18.0 0 24.0 58.0
Itraconazole BMD 50 0 0
DD 45 5 0 0 0 10.4 89.6
Voriconazole BMD 44 6 0 0 0 12.5 87.5
DD 50 0 0
Amphotericin B BMD 18 32
DD 50 0 0 64.0 0 0 36.0
Ketoconazole (a,b) DD 44 6 0 N/A
Miconazole DD 12 29 9 N/A
Terbinafine (a,b) DD 31 19 0 N/A

S, susceptible; SDD, susceptible dose dependent; R, resistant; BMD, Broth microdilution; DD, disc diffusion; I, intermediate; N/A, not applicable.
Interpretive breakpoints for ketoconazole, miconazole and terbinafine have not been established by reference method, so categorical agreements and
discrepancies were not evaluated.
For ketoconazole, miconazole and terbinafine there is no SDD category. Intermediate is used in these cases.
Rojas et al. |

these drugs by the microdilution testing, so it was impossible to deter- 10. Miranda KC, de Araujo CR, Costa CR, Passos XS, de Fátima Lisboa
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