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Problem Solving: Customer Service


During our last quarter, Watchflix Company lost approximately ten percent,

making it a total loss of five hundred of our customers. From the company's satisfaction

survey, it shows that the majority of the customers canceled their subscriptions because

they were not satisfied with services of our customer care team. Therefore, the report

below will provide an analysis of the impacts of our company's customer care service

team on towards satisfying our customers. In addition to this, I will give in-depth

recommendations that will be of significant value in solving the problem.


Fixing Customer Care Service Problem

Developing Customer Service Communities

In this approach, the team will put into consideration customers' diverse needs.

This will offer the company's customer service team a platform to understand our

customers and develop new, better ideas. Thus, making it easier to counter the existing

customer complaints regarding the team (Gardner 302).

Avail Multichannel Support

Surname 2

Multichannel support basically involves providing our customer care service team

with alternative platforms to connect with our customers (Ahmad 47). An excellent

example is the use of social media platforms instead of having only to reach the primary


Impacts of Poor Customer Service to Customers

Based on the Watchflix company survey, it is evident that poor customer care

service delivery led to the existing surge in customer satisfaction measures. Because of

this, our customers experienced reoccurring issues with slow services. As a result of this,

our customers experience slow deliveries regarding their requests. This is because they

have to wait quite long for their grievances to be heard. For instance, some attribute that

it took quite long to get movie listings of their choices even after reaching out to the

customer care service team. Another impact, because of this problem to our customers, is

difficulty contacting our customer care representatives to solve their grievances in

advance (Carvalho 37). These are but a few impacts I managed to analyzed based on our

customer's reports.

If these issues get addressed following the measures as mentioned above to fix

our customer service problem, the team will have a chance to positively impact our

customers more so by putting their interest utmost priority. This is because customers

who encounter the best customer care service experience will explore more of our

services (Lafreniere n.p). Failure to address these issues will adversely impact our

customers increasing the dissatisfaction rate. This is because they will be unhappy having

experienced poor services, and the majority will continue to unsubscribe from our

Surname 3


 Providing training for customer care services. The type of training given is to enhance

customer care services where the team gets educated on how they should relate with

the customers. The team should also be reliant and effective when it comes to

addressing the complaints raised by the customers. This training service should take

approximately one week.

 The company needs to evaluate the customer survey data where the necessary action

will be taken towards improving the customer's experience.

 Establishing the needs and wants of the customers. This may include the provision of

quality services to customers.

 The company should analyze customer reviews to determine the areas they need to

improve. They can do this by analyzing the comments left by users on the internet.


The essay above shows that when changes are made in the company's customer

care team, the customer experience can be improved. The highlighted recommendations,

such as offering training sessions to the customer care team, will play a huge role when it

comes to improving the customers' experience. I, therefore, conclude by outlining that the

recommendations outlined should be highly considered. For the effectiveness to be

determined, an analysis needs to be conducted after one month.

Surname 4

Work Cited


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. International Journal, 2(7), 47-56.

Carvalho, Amélia, and Teresa Fernandes. "Understanding customer brand engagement with

virtual social communities: A comprehensive model of drivers, outcomes, and

moderators." Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 26.1-2 (2018): 23-37.

Gardner, Jacob, and Kevin Lehnert. "What's new about new media? Homultichannelel networks

work with content creators." Business horizons 59.3 (2016): 293-302.

Lafrenière, Daniel. Delivering Fantastic Customer Experience: How to Turn Customer

Satisfaction Into Customer Relationships. CRC Press, 2019

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