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MC 701 Foundations of Guidance and Counseling

Complete Name: REMARKS:

(Last name, First name, MI) ( ) COMPLETED


Professor’s note:
Year/Section and Program: MA IN COUNSELING

Date Submitted: 11/6/21


Write an essay about your personal experience, concerns that you encounter from
students, observations, motivations, and your ideas on how your work as a guidance advocate
or guidance teacher may be improved using the principles and relevant laws in guidance and
counseling (Rubric: Word count must be between 500 – 1000 words & grammar, 90%
originality, include citation of reference/s (if needed).

This will be submitted in ePNU.

My undergraduate program in BS Psychology and currently I am registered

Psychometrician. As a student we were specifically exposed and practiced the field of
psychology in the school setting as homeroom guidance facilitator. We also conducted guidance
and counseling session that is why I am more familiar with this field “guidance and
counseling” as compared to other fields in psychology such as the clinical setting and human
resource. I entered the field of education last 2018, and I observed that there is a lack of practice
in the implementation of guidance services in every school here in our Division. Most of
guidance services were implemented by teachers as guidance designates. Although we are
equipped by the division with some related skills in guidance and counseling through
workshops and seminars this is still not adequate to guarantee effective and efficient
implementation of guidance and counseling services since there is still difference in the
implementation between fulltime registered guidance counselors vs. designate guidance
teachers. Issues that arise are role confusion among teachers and students, hassle workload load
because of axillary task, insufficient skill development especially in counseling.

The role confusion is prominent that teacher counselors have to project two distinct
personalities when in front of the learners, as the teacher and another as the guidance counselor.
In different contexts and situations the teacher counselor needs to projects authoritative
personality within the classroom when teaching and this confuses the role of the teacher when
conducting counseling session, which must adhere to a personality of counselor which is more
accommodating and permissive. The inconsistency of personality in projecting these two roles
towards the students confuses them to whether to trust the guidance designate and this result
to biases and transference during counseling session. I observed some students becoming
hesitant to undergo counseling because of this role confusion and doubt if the teacher counselor
can really help or assist them.
Hassle workload because of axillary task is also apparent in most cases because of being the
coordinator. This is because some guidance and counseling services needs thorough process in
preparing documents such as counseling reports and other related task. Sometimes some
students, parents and teachers are not collaborating the in the implementation of the guidance
program. This is a burden in the part of the guidance teacher, having simultaneous demands
from their actual work and axillary work. The lack of Items in guidance and counseling position
is a problem in the school setting. The pressure and demands of task and work related to GC
services assigned on the shoulder of the guidance teacher is strenuous and exhausting on the
part of the guidance teacher. This can compromise their mental health and can result to
ineffective counseling and implementation of guidance services. I also observed some guidance
counselor shifting position to teacher because of higher salary grade and opportunities for
Insufficient skill development in handling counseling cases and the lack of time in
accommodating counseling session also affects the implementation of guidance and counseling
program. The seminars and workshops in equipping the teachers are more focused on
instruction and not on the effective implementation and administering of the core of guidance
and counseling program which is the counseling. This compromises the nature of guidance and
counseling. This results to negative misinterpretation of counseling session as an aid to
problematic students, connotation in relating it to sanctions and punishment and a place to seek
To become effective in the field of guidance and counseling it takes a lot of passion,
compassion and selflessness on the part of the guidance designates. But then as a professional
we do get tired, and face personal problems/issues like the rest and we do also complain when
we can no longer fulfill and be efficient in our duties and responsibilities. We complain not
because we cannot do certain task but most often this root from too much demand and pressure
from work and sometimes an ineffective working environment like for example uncooperative
stakeholders. The only motivation that drives me is faith to humanity, and I know in some way
these deeds will have a ripple effect. Even if we complain or feel hopeless at some point we still
strive to be better and be in control of the situation even if it is demanding and exhausting. To
sacrifice and be genuine with my intentions of helping is rewarding, not on the extrinsic or
superficial aspect, but internally, the level of satisfaction and accomplishment I offered is living
the true nature of being human, to live for others.

Personally, I admit that I have lapses in doing my duties and responsibilities as a guidance
teacher for example not being able to comply, implement and develop some guidance actions
plan and programs especially during this pandemic. One problem is the lack of available
resources to communicate to the students such as gadgets/equipment, poor internet
connectivity. Another concern is the lack of availability and time to conduct counseling session
or accommodate all possible counselee.
Our school has quite number of students who have broken/separated family. I planned a
program to concentrate on interventions like group counseling or support group that I can
propose and conduct to assist them to process some problems they have in common and
through conducting needs assessment to identify underlying themes of issues that needs to be
addressed. It should also be considered asking for supervision from registered guidance
counselor to implement this successfully.
With reference to the principles and relevant laws in guidance and counseling I think what I
need the most is collaboration, guidance and support from my direct supervisors such as the
principal and the CID Guidance Counselor. I also need continuous professional development to
be updated on current trends and strategies in effectively implementing the guidance program
and being one of the chosen scholars is a great help for me to be competent in the field.


The essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide
when writing your essay and check again before you submit your work.

Traits Average Poor Score/ Points

Outstanding (41 - 75 points) (0 - 40 points)

(76 – 100 points)

Focus and The is one clear, There is one topic.

Content There is one clear, well-focused topic. Poor content and
(20%) well-focused topic. Rich content and main ideas are
Very rich in main ideas are clear somewhat clear.
content and main but are not well
ideas are clear and supported by
are well supported detailed
by detailed and information.
Organizatio The introduction The introduction
n (20%) The introduction states the main states the main
is inviting, states topic and provides topic. A conclusion
the main topic, an overview of the is included.
and provides an paper. A

conclusion is
overview of the included.
Information is
relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is
Word The author uses The author uses
Choice (20%) The author uses vivid words and words that
vivid words and phrases. The choice communicate
phrases. The and placement of clearly, but the
choice and words are writing lacks
placement of inaccurate at times variety.
words seem and/ or seem
accurate, natural, overdone.
and not forced.
Voice (20%) The author’s The author’s
The author’s purpose of writing purpose of writing
purpose of writing is somewhat clear, is somewhat clear,
is very clear, and and there is some and there is
there is strong evidence of evidence of
evidence of attention to the attention to the
attention to the audience. The audience. The
audience. The author’s knowledge author’s
author’s extensive and/ or experience knowledge and/ or
knowledge and/ with the topic is/ experience with the
or experience with are evident. topic is/ are
the topic is limited.
Originality 15 pts – 75% - 89% 10pts. – 50% - 74%
(20% 20 pts. – 90% originality originality
above originality


1. All assignments will be posted in the ePNU. Be guided by the specific instructions. If there are questions or
clarifications, inquire through email or by posting a message at ePNU.
2. Please ensure that outputs are accomplished by no other than yourself. Always cite sources (APA 7th

3. All submissions will be uploaded to “assignment” or “turnitin assignment” in the designated ePNU
4. All outputs must be in PDF file Format (maximum size per submission is 10 MB). Format Arial, Font Size 11.
5. Submission of outputs on or before the set deadlines are highly encouraged.
6. All submissions should follow this file name format:

MAC 701<Space><Activity No. 3><space><Name of Learner>

MAC 701 Activity Work No. 3 Dela Cruz, Juan C

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