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Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques

SCENARIO: The Case of Athena


Read the sample scenario in the box and answer the questions provided afterwards. This
activity will help gauge your knowledge on the counselling process.

Athena is a 15-year-old student who was sent to the counselling office by her
teacher who saw that she was constantly sleeping during class lectures. The teacher
who sent the referral was her first period teacher.
Upon checking her student file, she had no disciplinary offenses and seemed to
be a conscientious student. She had no resistance in engaging in the counselling
relationship since she really wanted someone to talk to. After a few sessions, the
counsellor learned that Athena was living with her single mother and the second
eldest among five siblings. Her father recently passed away, and her mother, due to
work, became neglectful of them. She admitted that she takes care of her younger
siblings at night, when their mother is on her night job as a call-center agent. Apart
from watching over her siblings, she uses the evening time to study her lessons
since she felt that she had insomnia. Although she is aware that she fell asleep in the
referring teacher’s class, she clarified that she was “struggling to keep herself active
and awake despite the teacher’s boring way of teaching the subject.”

1. Imagine that Athena is your client, what would be your opening

statement to her on your initial interaction?

(First interaction should encompass warmness and start building rapport to the client.
The counsellor should not confront the client immediately with her concern. The
counsellor can start by complimenting the client with affirming and warm statements
or noticing the current mood of the client or have a moment for few casual
conversation like asking her few of her interest etc. )

Example opening statement: “Good Morning Athena, You look lovely today in your red
dress. “

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Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques

2. What issues that needs to be resolved can be identified in the case of


 Sleeping in class
 Managing her time and organizing her work/tasks.

 She felt that she has insomnia. ( needs confirmation if this is disruptive

AFFECTIVE ISSUES: (other issues that might be addressed)

 Grief from her father’s loss and processing if there are emotional triggers.
 Having a person to talk with, share sentiments with and can comfort her.
 Taking some of the responsibilities of her mother.
 Perhaps, resenting her mother (although not being mentioned. Needs
confirmation from her.)
 Maybe involving some family conflicts since their eldest can also help her with
taking care of her younger siblings.( needs confirmation from her)

3. What process and outcome goals could be formulated to help Athena?

Before formulating the outcome goals with Athena it’s also important to address
the following questions in each phases of counselling? Developing the outcome
goals should be collaborative between Athena and the counsellor.

 What do you want to get out of the counselling process?

 What they believe is inhibiting them from achieving these goals?
 What are their expectations?
 What are their motivations for changing?


 Emotional regulation and effective coping strategy

 Establish and maintain good relationship and support system
 Management and organization of task and responsibilities

Sample Behavioural outcome goals using the SMART Format:

(Setting goals should be in collaborative approach between the client and counsellor)



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Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques

What are Indicators to How can it be The importance When should it be

the specific say it’s accomplished? of achieving accomplished?
goals that accomplished. the goal.
needs I
need to
I will not be Can participate Have a quality I can comply Daily basis
sleepy in in class actively sleep. on the needed
class and get better requirements at
anymore grades on Accomplish school and
activities. outputs or become
school attentive in
requirement every class
on time. discussion.

Manage time
on a daily
and school

Seek help
from other

with mother
and discuss on
some issue on
school to
address some
of it that
affects school

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Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques

Counselling Process (H. Hackney and S. Cornier (2005) The Professional Counsellor .
Bonton: Pearson. P.25:

1. Relationship Building
2. Problem Assessment
3. Goal setting
4. Counselling Intervention
5. Evaluation, Termination and Referral

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