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ACTIVITY 9.1: “The Near Future and the Deep Future”

Direction/s: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer for each question
or category. Provide concise answers and explanation.

FONT: Calibri FONT SIZE: 12 PAPER SIZE: 8.5 X 11 (letter)

Activity: Name: Buan, Ivan Kyle N.

“The Near Future and Course: Aeronautical Engineering
the Deep Future” Year & Section: 1Ae-103 Schedule: MWF(12:25-1:25)
1.Two things/events a. I wish to have a planet where living things can live as one and
you wish to happen in coexist with one another.
the NEAR Future
b. I wish our technology in the near future could create the needed

cure for every disease and illness especially cancer and the new type

that will arise.

a. I want this to happen because I want to see a world where
everyone is united and could act as one. I want to see a world free
from discrimination, poverty, hunger, war, and abuse in any of their
forms. I want to see a planet where every living thing could live their
lives to the fullest without any worries.
b. Our technology advances constantly every year and new things
and knowledge are generated from these advancements. As of now,
cancer has no certain cure and we are just depending on
chemotherapy which has a negative effect on the patient. I wish the
technology in the near future could generate a cure for cancer and
other illnesses so that people will not have to suffer anymore.
People do not need to worry anymore about being sick and
oppressed by these matters. Having that accomplishment will have a
very big effect on the lives of mankind that is why I consider it a very
important matter that we should be dealing with.
2.Two things/events a. I wish our planet will not perish and human technology will find an
you wish to happen in answer to preserve this planet and bring back its glorious state.
b. I wish we could have different means of travelling through space.


a. We all know that our planet is affected by the actions that we do

and it kept on receiving negative effects. It is gradually changing
and slowly being destroyed that is why I wish in the deep future,
humans will find a way to preserve our planet and bring its
healthy and marvelous state. Its state where there are sufficient
resources for every living being and living organisms can live in
harmony. State where it can continue to be a habitable place for
b. Scientists nowadays keep on creating vehicles or means of
transportation that could take humans out of our planets. They
kept on sending drones or machineries in order to scout other
planets. I wish in the deep future scientists will find a way for us
to travel easily in outer space for us to find other habitable
planets and if there are other civilizations out there.
Accomplishing this will be a very huge breakthrough in the
history of mankind, being able to discover and unravel the
mysteries of our universe. Having able to find other habitable
planets will help our civilization to survive when our planet
become inhabitable. And if we are able to find other civilizations,
these civilizations can be the answer in saving our planet and
preserving our home. With this breakthrough, we can gain more
knowledge and further advance the technology that we have and
possibilities will be endless and extraordinary.
3.How do you intend I intend to live my life as a human person by fulfilling my dreams and
to live as a human goals first. Having to fulfill my dreams and goals mean I get to live my
person? life with happiness and live it the way I wanted. I also intend to live it
by serving my purpose like being stewards of all creatures, being a
medium of happiness to other people, and a person that will help
establish relationship with others to make unity possible. I want to be
a person that will help preserve this only home that we have before it
is too late. I also want to make my parents proud and happy. I want to
did for me and what the nature provided us and I want to show other
people how important these are in our lives and why we should
cherish and take care of them
4.Give one important One important realization that I had in this lesson is that the future is
realization you have really unknown and uncertain. We have no idea of what could happen
learned in this lesson. but I will say that we can control the events that will occur because
even though future in unknown, the actions that we do in present will
greatly affect the upcoming events that will happen in our lives. The
sake of out future is in our palms that is why we should do everything
that will benefit us in order to ensure a better future.
My Commitment: I promise to always do what will benefit me in order to have a good
future. I will do everything that is not only good for me but for others.
I also promise to take others with my success like my family and
friends. My future will not be only for myself but also for my family,
friends, country, and for my world.

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CRITERIA 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10
Concepts were Concepts were Concepts were
Concepts mentioned but satisfactorily thoroughly
Concepts were barely with minimal discussed and mentioned,
identified or association to explained with discussed and
associated the topic very minimal associated to
with the topic errors the topic
Does not give Gave a good Made a Presented the
Organization a clear presentation of presentation work with
and Clarity presentation the idea/s; that is easy to clarity and ease
of the idea/s other areas follow and making it easy
were still understand to comprehend
Some ideas Almost all of the The ideas given
Very minimal were ideas were exceptionally
Depth and understanding understood clearly showcase a very
Understan- and and explained explained and deep
ding explanation of but with elaborated understanding
the idea/s minimal showing a deep of the whole
presented reflection and understanding work.
association. of the work
The reflection
provided a
Very minimal The reflection The reflection profound
understanding shows some provided very connection to
Application and connection to good examples real life
explanation of real life and connection experiences
the idea/s to real life through very
presented good examples
and anecdotes.
Total Score:

Activity Title: _

Name: Buan, Ivan Kyle Date:

Course: Aeronautical Engineering Year and Section: 1Ae-103

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