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чек лист по темам September-December 2021

Этот чек лист поможет вам систематизировать подготовку к устной части IELTS.
Отмечайте те темы, которые вы уже выучили и планируйте изучение новых.

PART 1 PART 2 & 3

☐ Work and studies ☐ Mobile phones
☐ Hometown ☐ Street market
☐ Country ☐ Puzzle
☐ Home, decoration ☐ City
☐ BBQ ☐ Favorite singer
☐ Sky and stars ☐ Local news
☐ Flowers ☐ Helping a friend
☐ Advertising ☐ Smiling people
☐ Special costumes ☐ Plan
☐ Wild animals ☐ Tall building
☐ Holidays ☐ Activity in or near the sea
☐ Environmental protection ☐ Older person
☐ Festivals ☐ Sharing something
☐ Wallet ☐ Article on health
☐ Relax ☐ Art and craft activity
☐ Car trip ☐ Quiet place
☐ Primary school ☐ Film you like
☐ Handwriting ☐ Company
☐ Science ☐ Something interesting on social media
☐ Shoes ☐ Environmental law
☐ Headphones ☐ Something that wasn’t successful
☐ Colors ☐ Piece of equipment
☐ Concentration ☐ Natural talent
☐ Animals and pets ☐ Activity after work or school
☐ Apps ☐ Argument
☐ Weather ☐ Getting up early
☐ Watching TV ☐ Person who offered a clever solution to a
☐ Spending time with others ☐ Business person you admire
☐ Getting lost ☐ Exciting book
☐ Public gardens and parks ☐ Café you like
☐ ☐ Being friendly with someone you dislike

PART 2 & 3
☐ Good service you received
☐ Difficult decision
☐ Famous athlete
☐ Trip by bike, car or motorbike
☐ Foreign person
☐ Waiting for something special
☐ Place you visited on vacation
☐ Creative person
☐ Paid more than expected
☐ Habit
☐ Waste of time
☐ Skill that was hard to learn
☐ Family member that made you feel proud
☐ Something you did that was difficult but
☐ New home
☐ Something you are interested to learn or
☐ Advice you gave
☐ Famous person

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