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Chapter 28 To Kill a Mockingbird

Characters involved in Ch. 28

Scout- the narrator of the story; she is now 7 years old, and is getting ready for the school Pageant. She
is playing a ham. Her costume is made out of chicken wire and covered with a special material and also
shiny streaks to look like fat.

Jem- Scout’s brother; he is now 12 years old. The important event that happens to Jem in this chapter
links to chapter one when we first meet him.

Cecil Jacobs- A student from school, also in the play. He plays a cow, and he surprises Jem and Scout on
their way to the Pageant.

Ms. Merriweather- The teacher to both Cecil and Scout, and also in charge of the play.

Important Themes:
 Always be prepared.
 People aren’t always as they seem.
 Miracles can happen.
 People change when they begin to understand others.

Dramatic events of the climatic chapter 28:

 Scout and Jem hear noises on their way back home.

 Person pursing them finally reaches out and attacks Jem first.
 Scout hears Jem screaming, “Run, Scout run, run!” He bravely tries to fend off the attacker.
 She runs off but bumps into a flabby stomach.
 As the attacker tries to harm Scout, the attacker to the ground, and Scout assumes it must be
Jem when she calls to him, he says nothing.

Chapter 28 Summary
Scout is dressed as a ham for the school play. Jem take her because Aunty is doing needlework and
Atticus was tired and reading. While walking towards the school as the evening gets darker, they walk by
the oak tree and both of them get scared by Cecil Jacobs, a student from school. Cecil joins them, and
the three kids make it to the school. Jem leaves Scout with Cecil to go with kids his own age, (another
sign of Jem’s growing up) and plays. Scout and Cecil play games with the thirty cents to play six games.
After a while it’s time for the play to start, but during the middle of it Scout falls asleep, missing her cue.
Towards the end of the play she gets scolded by Ms. Merriweather. Scout is too embarrassed and makes
Jem stay longer until all people leave. As they get closer to home, they are attacked by a mystery man.
As Jem and Scout struggle with the attacker, it seems that another person is present. Another mystery
person carriers Jem back home with Scout following close behind.

Latrice McCaskill
Dr. Owen

Directions: Determine the speaker for each of the quotes listed below.

1. “H-a-a-, gotcha! Thought you’d be comin’ along this way!” ___________________

2. “Somebody’s mashed my costume!” _______________________

3. “Reckon they wouldn’t know what it was if she didn’t tell ‘em.” _______________________

4. “Good Lord… You’re still standing.” ________________________

5. “Did you find anything? I can’t conceive of anyone low-down enough to do anything like this,
but I hope you found him.” ________________________

6. “Mr. Finch, I’ll tell you what I found. I found a little girl’s dress-it’s out there in my car. That your
dress, Scout? “ ________________________

Character Bank:
Cecil Jacobs Jem Scout Atticus

Mr. Tate Dr. Reynolds Aunt Alexandra

Extra-Who is lying on the ground under the big oak tree? And what is the condition of this person?

Latrice McCaskill
Dr. Owen

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