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Consumer Behaviour Projects/ Term Paper

M.B.A. III Semester (Marketing Specialization) 2020-22 Batch

Projects to be undertaken in groups of 4 students or less. A suggested outline for the Project Report is given below. Date of Submission for
Written Report: By 7.11.21 (Can be submitted earlier). Submission will be followed by an online viva for the team. A LL TEAM MEMBERS MUST

Group (Student Roll Nos. &

S. N. Project Title
Design and implement a study to assess the impact of sales promotion measures on
consumer attitudes and behavior towards brands. Choose a specific product
1. category for the purpose
Design and implement a study to understand brand switching behavior with regard to
mobile services. Relate the behavior with consumer demographics and
2. psychographics.
Design and implement a study to assess differences in ethnocentrism amongst Indian
consumers. Is there any relationship between ethnocentrism and demographic and
select psychographic variables? Present your findings and also suggest implications, if
3. any, for marketing strategy.
Conduct a study to explore the consumption behavior of consumers at the bottom of
the pyramid (BOP) for various durable and nondurable product categories. Based on
your findings make a set of recommendations for marketers targeting this consumer
4. segment.  
Design and conduct a study using both quantitative and qualitative research methods
to understand attitudes towards smoking. Relate these to consumer demographics
and select psychographics. Is there a difference in the attitudes of smokers and non-
5. smokers.? Make recommendations for a marketing plan to discourage smoking
Select two product/services that appear to have a good potential in the older-age
group market but at present are being poorly marketed. Present a plan for more
6. effective marketing in order to take advantage of this opportunity
Design and implement a study to assess the impact of cause-related marketing on
7. consumer attitudes and brand choice
Design and implement a study to examine how the Covid19 pandemic has impacted
8. consumer behaviour with regard to apparel and accessories.
9. Conduct a study to understand consumer attitudes towards different brands of one
high involvement product and one low involvement product using (i) the tri-component
model and (b) Fishebein’s multi-attribute model. What implications do your findings
have for market leaders and market followers with regard to bringing about attitude
change amongst consumers.
Design and undertake a study to understand why consumers engage in negative word-
of-mouth regarding their purchase and consumption-related experiences. Identify
10. possible implications this has for marketers.
Select two recent innovations and conduct a study to obtain consumer evaluation of
these on the five factors that influence the rate of diffusion. Develop a set of
11. recommendations to promote the adoption of the product by the target market.
Design and conduct a study to understand consumer attitudes and behavior towards
technology based services. Link these attitudes and behavior to relevant demographic
12. and psychographic dimensions
Use the content analysis methodology to study the decision-making role of male and
female consumer portrayed in the mass media in India for various product categories.
Design and implement a brief study to evaluate whether the roles portrayed are in
13. touch with reality. Present your findings
Study consumer awareness and understanding of the Consumer Protection Act and
attitudes towards the same. Recommend a set of measures to encourage awareness
14. and use of the Act for consumer welfare and safety.
Design and undertake a study to understand what does ‘social status’ mean to
consumers, how important enhancing their social status is for them, the various ways
they may adopt to enhance their social status, and what role it has to paly in their
purchase decision-making (Underlying purpose is to understand the role that brands
15. can play in consumer desire to enhance their social status
Design and implement a study to understand the awareness and attitudes of
consumers towards climate change and the role that they themselves play in this
context (Underlying purpose is to understand how brands can use this information to
position their new range of consumer durables/fmcg products).
17. Design and implement a study to understand the place of social media in the life of
young adults today. What are the rational and emotional benefits that social media is
seen as offering to these users? How is it impacting their lives? ( The study is being
conducted from a non-profit/public policy perspective to develop strategies/
communication messages to help consumers use social media in a positive manner and
avoid its excessive use negative consequences).

Suggested Outline of Assignment Report:

1. Abstract/Summary
2. Introduction
3. Literature Review
4. Objectives
5. Research Methodology
6. Findings
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
8. Limitations
9. References

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