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Media scapes in China

The empire of figures transforms into connected media facades

Thomas, TS, Schielke Lin, LM, Ma
ERCO, arclighting Fujian Feixiang Lighting Design

ABSTRACT across China derives from the Chinese government. Their powerful
Multiple connected buildings with one common animation have organization and investment allowed the presentation of the first
emerged as a new type of media facade design. This development nationwide animation for one event. On the other hand, it enhanced
is especially visible in China, where some of these light shows national identity by delivering local culture, patriotic beliefs and
were launched in connection with important national and inter- values on hundreds of illuminated skyscrapers. The governmental
national political events. Though many studies analyzed single authority in controlling animation of skyscraper groups is unique
media facades, the research of large groups of media facades is rare. worldwide.
Therefore, this paper introduces this development in the context
of cultural tradition and urban design in China and discusses the 2 RESEARCH METHOD
meanings with regard to delivering identity, political communica-
tion, branding for tourism, night-time economy and sustainability. The study indicates why China has used large groups of media
The findings suggest that the local building tradition, urban design facades for national identity and explains the luminous codes. In
history as well as the local political system are essential factors for order to identify which factors contributed to the development and
the significant rise of connected media facades in metropolises in to evaluate the meaning, the analysis does not focus on technical
China. The results lead to the conclusion that the Chinese govern- aspects but rather on historic development, social issues, political
ment has the authority to control the urban night-time design by communication and ecology. A case study illustrates the meaning
using light shows to enhance local as well as national identity and more in detail.
present technology leadership. Further on, the urban light shows
are a medium to stimulate the night-time economy. Sustainability 3 CULTURE, URBANISM AND MEDIA
and investment costs are critical factors regarding the acceptance
of large-scale media facades.
Due to the fact that large groups of connected media facades have an
CCS CONCEPTS urban origin, the aim is not targeted at individual architecture but
at urban design. Distance from the western-centric perspective on
• Social and professional topics; • Cultural characteristics;
urban space is helpful to understand Chinese ideas of scale and city
layout, argues Borgmann [6]. The root of the traditional Chinese
city is influenced by three philosophical concepts: Confucianism,
Media architecture, China, Architecture Theory Daoism and yin and yang [31]. In addition, Chinese geomantic con-
ACM Reference Format: cepts have an impact on the location of buildings. These concepts
Thomas, TS, Schielke and Lin, LM, Ma. 2021. Media scapes in China: The have led to ideas of harmony and balance in urbanism. The ideal
empire of figures transforms into connected media facades. In Media Archi- city is conceived as a whole. Therefore, Lee suggests to view the
tecture Biennale 20 (MAB20), June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Chinese city as a monument in its entirety [31]. A characteristic
Netherlands. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
feature of modern China is the large scale and the concept of maxi-
mum quantities in urban development in China [52, 57]. Building
1 INTRODUCTION construction is at once political and something else like formal or
technological, argues Zhu [57].
The agglomeration of media facades in Chinese cities creates im- Traditional landscape paintings, such as the masterpiece "A Thou-
pressive panoramic animations and has led to a new form of urban sand Li of Rivers and Mountains" by Wang Ximeng reveal the idea
identity at night (Fig. 1). Traditional Chinese values like appreci- of multiplicity with hundreds of details that are slowly perceived
ation for abundance and characters seem to have a great impact when the scroll is unrolled in a horizontal direction [57]. It rep-
on the city development with its luminous expression at night. resents a vision characterized by an abundance of signs and by
An important factor for the rapid spread of these media scapes movement. For Shiqiao, the figuration gives rise to philosophical
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or and aesthetic forms and spaces [52]. The Chinese writing system
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed unites form and meaning and represents for him far more than just
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. a linguistic strategy. Chinese writing offers small narratives and
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). is placed in strategic positions. Contemporary Chinese, however,
MAB20, June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands display exaggerated forms of text and visually define the city in a
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9048-4/21/06. new way, Shiqiao noted. In this way, characters convey meanings. The dynamic images that appear like giant television screens in

MAB20, June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands Thomas Schielke and Lin Ma

Figure 1: Light show with connected media facades for the 40th anniversary of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in Futian
Central Business District in Shenzhen, China. Lighting control by Osram / Traxon e:cue. Image ©Traxon e:cue.

Shanghai convey the message that they are paving the way for the launched annual light festivals with "Fête des Lumières" or "Vivid
Chinese century, states Campanella [8]. Sydney", China has invested in an infrastructure that allows the
The aspect of media architecture has been widely discussed as a country to present light shows on a daily basis.
phenomenon of individual buildings that have a media facade and
seek for attention in their urban environment [23, 24]. However,
in recent years, Chinese cities have generated connected media 4 CASE STUDY: G20 SUMMIT IN HANGZHOU,
facades, creating an imagery of large animated panoramas. The 2016
horizontal format of connected adjacent buildings transcends the G20 is an international forum for governments and central bank
early phase of single media facades and evokes the impression governors and was held in China for the first time in 2016. The
of an animated skyline like a landscape of digital images, which city of Hangzhou in eastern China received a multi-billion dollar
could therefore be assigned to the term media scape introduced by makeover for the major political event [40]. One third of the city’s
Appadurai for global cultural developments [2]. The idea of creating 6 million residents were reportedly "persuaded" to leave the city
large and spectacular images with dynamic colored electric lighting to avoid conflict between the international visitors and the local
with multiple buildings dates back to the World Exhibition in Paris population [41]. The site for the light show was in Qianjiang New
[37]. Jean-Michel Jarre presented early examples a temporary light Town and consisted of a large public square and groups of skyscrap-
show with projections on several skyscraper with "Houston - A City ers around it. According to the manufacturer, the cost for the G20
In Concert" in 1986 or "Paris La Défense - Une Ville En Concert" in Summit venue was 24 million USD [16]. The animation included 35
1990 [25]. The first major nighttime festival for daily shows emerged buildings that could be viewed from different locations and across
in Hong Kong in 2004 with the "Symphony of Lights" show, which the river [58]. In addition to the vertical buildings, the scenography
was based on a coordinated effort between the civil and private included two iconic buildings at the public square and a horizon-
sectors [38]. The dramatic economic impact of the SARS epidemic tal building structure and a fountain. Most of the buildings have
was one reason for the luminous branding for tourism, remarked media facades with dense vertical lines that transform into large
Petty [38]. An early example of a completely covered group of high-resolution screens. The G20 light show was composed of three
buildings with media facades emerged with the "City of Dreams" themes: "Soul of City", "Spirit of Water" and "Shadow of Light". Ac-
project of four tall towers in Macau in 2009 [7]. The Chinese city cording to CCTV, 4G wireless connection technology was used for
of Nanchang took a big step in terms of the amount of connected the first time to control the light show, which consumed 500kWh for
buildings with the launch of a light show in 2014. The award for each act [9]. Furthermore, for the opening gala evening of the G20
"Most buildings in a permanent light and sound show" by Guinness summit, the performance "Hangzhou, A Living Poem" was shown at
World Records was achieved in 2015 with a total number of 293 the West Lake combining traditional Chinese music with Western
building in Nanchang [21]. While cities like Lyon or Sydney have classical music and directed by Zhang Yimou [11]. After the G20

Media scapes in China MAB20, June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands

summit, both the West Lake show and the Qianjiang New Town is that the light shows are always accompanied by on-site music,
light show became permanent installations [13]. The common ani- ranging from traditional to pop. Thus, these light shows contribute
mation for all buildings included imagery of animals and plants that to the urban soundscape and the phonic identity of a city [45].
emphasized naturalness, as well as high-speed trains and airplanes By presenting national symbols, media facades take on the role
that reinforced transportation, and cartoons for a playful impres- of luminous monuments for the night, reminding citizens of social,
sion of the urban stage [5]. The music included different styles such cultural and technological achievements. However, urban light
as opera, pop or dance music. Since many citizens were sent from shows have an ambivalent relationship with cultural heritage. Their
the city, the G20 light show targeted international visitors and was content, which includes natural sea life, picturesque landscapes,
broadcast to a global audience through television and social media. and historic architecture, expresses an appreciation for culture
The large-scale media facade animation allowed China to send a and heritage, but the skyscrapers with their screens are part of
powerful signal as a technologically advanced country. Modernist an intense urbanization movement that displaces the memory of
skyscrapers were transformed into urban scenography on this scale traditional culture and shows little respect for traditional small-scale
for the first time at a major international political event. Similar architecture and the incorporation of landscape design. Qi regards
light shows with media facades were created for the BRICS Summit the light show in the Forbidden City as a nightclub atmosphere
in Xiamen (2017), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Sum- that does not adequately respect the rich cultural history [56].
mit in Quingdao (2018), the 70th Anniversary People’s Republic of
China (2019) and the 40th Anniversary in Shenzhen (2020). 5.2 Politics
Political leaders and governments have used urban lighting to at-
5 DISCUSSION tract attention and spread their ideology. China is the first nation to
The imagery of the media facades can be seen as a code that con- have used connected media facades as part of political events and
veys different meanings [49]. Shifts in urban identity are analyzed, public relations. The idea of using outdoor lighting as part of politi-
followed by changes in political, technological, economic and eco- cal communication can be found in the 20th century. The Nurem-
logical domains. berg Rally with the "Cathedral of Light" in 1936 and Mussolini‘s
state visit with the "Via Triumphalis" on the Unter den Linden boule-
vard in Berlin in 1939 were part of the Nazi party’s propaganda to
5.1 Urban Identity
create an emotional response. In this century, the art installation
Considering that most major cities in China only emerged with the "Countdown Machine" on Hong Kong’s tallest skyscraper in 2016
economic liberalization in 1979, connected media facades provide revealed the political impact of a single media facade, where the
a spectacular medium as an alternative to historical landmarks or artwork was cancelled after a short time due to diplomatic risks [3].
conventional monuments to create an urban identity. The anima- The impact of political crises on light shows was also evident in
tions on the high-rise buildings seem to embody a fantastic utopia. Hong Kong’s 2019 anti-government protests, where the New Year’s
Urbanization and high-tech have led to smart, connected cities that light show, with its dominant fireworks and media facades in the
are more emotional at night with the luminous storytelling than background, was canceled [33]. China’s trend of investing in presti-
the glass skyscrapers during the day (Fig. 2). The diverse buildings gious symbols for political representation in key urban locations is
during the day are united into a common narrative at night. Chi- visible in current large-scale construction projects such as Beijing
nese light shows draw attention to modern central city districts, Airport [35]. The connected media facades could be considered an
while other countries also focus on urban projects that rediscover urban expression with a similar representational impulse. The 2016
historic elements, such as the High Line in New York. While public G20 Summit was the first time the Chinese government used the
squares enveloped with luminous screens on skyscrapers, such new visual language of large urban animations as a communication
as New York’s Times Square have a very commercial atmosphere, tool for a major international political event. However, the use of
Chinese media facade groups have so far avoided a commercial media facades for political communication is not limited to China.
identity. Luminous ornaments on building have a long tradition in Media facades have embodied gestures to welcome presidential
China and can still be found on temples as shimmering golden char- visits from China, for example, when the United Arab Emirates
acters [52]. With the advent of neon lighting, Chinese characters welcomed Xi Jinping’s state visit [27]. China itself used its media
were transformed into luminous signs and became characteristic of facades to highlight its health policies against Covid-19 in several
the nighttime image of cities like Hong Kong [53]. While dynamic cities [10, 50]. Two months after the nationwide celebration of the
images were based on an overlay of multiple neon lines, media 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, the Central
facades allow unprecedented flexibility of imagery. The ephemeral, Party School of the Communist Party of China issued a notice
luminous ornaments of the media facades represent the desire for against extravagant landscape lighting installations [13]. This has
a homogenous urban image when they connect a group of build- led to a very cautious assessment of new media facade projects in
ings. Haussmann worked in a similarly in Paris when he created China. Here, the influence of the government becomes very clear -
prestigious boulevards with classical ornaments on facades that either in support of lighting displays to enhance identity, or in sup-
visually connected the buildings, in contrast to the different facade port of reducing or even stopping lighting displays to demonstrate
materials in streets with contemporary architecture [51]. While socially and financially responsible behavior.
many places in the world have seen an increase in the number of
temporary light festivals [24], China has invested in media facades
with permanent light shows. A factor that should not be overlooked

MAB20, June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands Thomas Schielke and Lin Ma

Figure 2: Diagram of media facade choreography analyzing the storytelling with visual patterns, text, abstract and concrete
elements, movements, topics, sound and colors with regard to a light show in Hangzhou, China, 2017. Source: T. Schielke

5.3 Sociology higher in China [32]. The desire to create world records with tech-
The spectacular light shows intensify urban nightlife and empha- nologically advanced light shows has grown beyond architecture
size diversity and change. Their size and the urban context of large as drones became part of events such as during the Olympics or
public squares or waterfronts seem to be geared towards the percep- performances in Xian or Shanghai [4, 46].
tion of large crowds rather than small groups. A publicly accessible
city is an important counterpoint to compact living [51]. The free 5.5 Night-time Economy
of charge light shows are available for all classes, regardless of their Night-time economy includes areas like travel, accommodation,
income or status. The free light shows are available to all classes, restaurants, local transport as well as shopping and cultural events
regardless of income or status. In other political systems that allow and has been calculated for cities like Berlin [15]. The night time
citizens more freedom, the concept of facade lighting has been used economy is also an important factor for urban cities in China [19].
to address important social issues such as affordable housing [49], The free presentation of light shows attracts people in China and
but Chinese citizens may face problems in this case. Opening media could lead to more local consumption as well as tourism. Although
facades to the public on political issues, as in other countries [30], China seems to be interested in promoting the nighttime economy,
will be a challenge for the Chinese government and the current it is worth noting that unlike the screens in New York’s Times
political attitudes. Square or London’s Piccadilly Circus, there is little commercial or
corporate content shown. Urban illumination also has benefits for
5.4 Technology lighting manufacturers. According to the Gaogong Industry Re-
The use of the latest software and hardware for connected me- search Institute, the market for illuminated scenic venues in China
dia facades is not only a signal of technology leadership, but also reached 68 billion yuan ($9.88 billion) in 2017, with the value of
provides China with further opportunities to promote smart city the market expected to rise to 100 billion in 2020, Yau explains [56].
developments. Previously, Las Vegas and New York’s Times Square The Wenzhou light show, for example, required a budget of about
represented leading centers for advanced lighting technology with $90 million [18]. However, Chinese lighting designer Qi Honghai
a focus on entertaining facades [26, 54]. The increasing number of argued in an interview that much more light is consumed than
multiple connected media facade installations throughout China is needed, and the lighting industry is hiding from this develop-
leads to the impression that the technology leadership in urban ment [56]. From a real estate perspective, facade lighting offers a
lighting and control technology has shifted from the USA to China, branding opportunity to make buildings more attractive to tenants.
similar to other high-tech developments [48]. The idea of connect-
ing media facades in different cities has been promoted by a network 5.6 Ecology
supported by the European Union [42]. City-wide management of The environmental discussion of lighting in China is influenced
media facades is not a unique Chinese feature, as it can also be from several directions: the Paris climate agreement signed by
found in South Korea, but the number of cities seems to be much China calls for a reduction in carbon emission [47]. In addition, to

Media scapes in China MAB20, June 28–July 02, 2021, Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands

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