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Challenge 2:
1. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: A, to tell the readers some tips to save on electricity

2. The purpose of keeping air circulating in our house is?

Answer: B, to makes the AC work normally.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

Answer: E, to tell the readers some tips about hair dyes.

4. According to the monologue, the best tip to remove hair

dyes stains in your skin is…
Answer: A, to clean them with the product itself.

5. The tips will be useful for?

Answer: E, the people who want to dye their hair.

B. Challenge 3:
1) Monica called Melani.
Answer: E, because she wants to know some tips to avoid

2) Monica wants to get some tips to avoid plagiarism from

Answer: D, Because Melani is an experienced writer.
3) A writer should learn how to repeat similar ideas using
different words.
Answer: A, in order to avoid plagiarism.

4) If you don’t cite properly.

Answer: B, you will be called a plagiarist.

5) If you quote someone else’s writing in your paper.

Answer: C, don’t forget to use quatation marks.

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