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Transfer Function

• Definition: The Transfer Function of a linear

time-invariant system is defined to be the ratio of
Laplace transform of the output variable to
Laplace transform of the input variable under the
assumption that all initial conditions are zero.
• The Laplace transform converts the governing
differential equations of a system or its
components into simple algebraic form allowing
the controls engineer to describe the system.
Transfer Function
• Derive transfer function for:
– Translational Mechanical system
– Rotational Mechanical system
– Series RLC system
– Parallel RLC system
• Sinusoidal Transfer function: The steady-state
response of a control system to a sinusoidal
input is obtained by replacing s with jw in the
transfer function of the system
Procedure for deriving transfer
• The following assumptions are made in
deriving transfer functions of physical systems
– It is assumed that there is no loading
– The system should be approximated by a linear
lumped constant parameters model by making
suitable assumptions.

Eg. RC circuit in cascade

Procedure for deriving transfer
• The following assumptions are made in
deriving transfer functions of physical systems
– It is assumed that there is no loading
– The system should be approximated by a linear
lumped constant parameters model by making
suitable assumptions.
Armature Controlled DC motor

ia: Armature current (A), if: Field current (A), eb: Back emf (V)
ea: Applied armature voltage (V), Ra: Armature Resistance,
TM: Torque developed by motor(Nm), La: Armature Inductance,
θ: Angular displacement of motor shaft,
J: Equivalent moment of inertia(Kgm2) ,
f0: Equivalent viscous friction coefficient (Nm/rad/s)
Armature Controlled DC motor
• In servo applications, the dc motors are
generally used in the linear range of the
magnetization curve.
• The air gap flux is proportional to the field
• The torque developed by the motor is
proportional to the product of the armature
current and air gap flux
• The motor back emf is proportional to speed.
Armature Controlled DC motor
• The differential equation of the armature
circuit is
• The torque equation is
• Taking Laplace transforms assuming zero initial

• Transfer function
Block Diagram Representation
• Equations (a), (b), and (c) in Block diagram
Block Diagram
Field Controlled DC motor
Procedure for deriving transfer
• The following assumptions are made in
deriving transfer functions of physical systems
– It is assumed that there is no loading
– The system should be approximated by a linear
lumped constant parameters model by making
suitable assumptions.

Eg. RC circuits in cascade

RC circuits in cascade
• Describing equations for this
system are

Taking Laplace Transform

Transfer Function,
Effect of no loading
• RC circuits in cascade
• Considering no loading effect
• Single RC circuit, let output e1

• Taking Laplace Transform

• Transfer function,

• Total Transfer Function,

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