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Nuclear Research Assignment

Mr. Bowman

You assignment is to research some aspect of nuclear power and write a paper or give a
presentation. Here are some topics from which you can choose. If you would like to do a topic
that is not on this list, your topic must be approved by me first.

A Case Study into the Chernobyl or Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
What happened or went wrong? Who is to blame or is there no one to blame? What were the
effects (environmental and human)? What are the long term impacts for the region?

A Study of the Crisis in Japan

Include a detailed study of what exactly went wrong. What is currently known about the how
severe is the accident? Was there any human negligence or is it just the perfect storm of natural
disasters? What is the long term impact for the region?
Note: This will be difficult because the information is continually changing as the crisis is

U.S. Nuclear Safety

How safe are the nuclear power plants in the United States? What safety measures are in place
to minimize the risk of a nuclear disaster in our country?

What happens in a Nuclear Meltdown?

Describe in detail what occurs when a nuclear reactor undergoes a meltdown. What are the
stages of a meltdown? Once a meltdown occurs, what must be done in order to control the

Disposal of Nuclear Waste

How is nuclear waste currently being disposed? What should the US do with spent nuclear fuel?
How long is spent nuclear fuel dangerous? Should Yucca Mountain be used as a nuclear waste

Should Iowa invest in nuclear energy?

What is the Iowa legislature currently debating regarding nuclear energy? What benefits does
nuclear energy offer Iowa? What drawbacks are there to expanding nuclear energy in Iowa?
Should the crisis in Japan impact the decision the Iowa Legislature is going to make?
You may include a letter to you state representative as a substitute for one page of the paper or
one minute of presentation.
You may choose to do one of the following:

Paper: Minimum of 3 pages (double spaced, size 12 Times or Ariel font, standard 1 inch

PowerPoint Presentation: 5-8 minutes in length

Internet Research:
Research for this project is not limited to certain websites. However, you must choose reliable
websites on which to base your research. The most reliable websites will still be .gov, .org,
and .edu websites, but depending you your research topic, you may need to use some .com sites.
Remember that Wikipedia is not a reliable source, so you should not cite it in your paper.

Non-website based research: You should find at least two scholarly articles from an EBSCO
search. I found the Academic Search Elite returned some good results.

You can get to EBSCO from

Username: humbhs
Password: nwiaea

Citations: Scientists use the APA style for citations.

APA Style guide found here:

You must use In-Text Citations and supply a Works Cited page.

Turn it in: I will get you passwords to the site to turn in a digital copy of the
paper. I will also like a hard copy for grading.

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