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232 Chapter 7 + teaching in a way which helps to develop Jearner self-awareness and au- tonomy. Focus The syllabus focus to include: Language awareness (Syllabus Topic 1) ‘The learner, the teacher and the teaching/learning context (Syllabus Topic 2) Planning for effective teaching of adult leamers of English (Syllabus Topic 3) Classroom management and teaching skills for teaching English to adults (Syllabus Topic 4) Resources and materials for teaching English to adults (Syllabus Topic 5) Professional development for teachers of English to adults (Syllabus Topic 6) Appendix 4 Checklist for evaluating a teacher's lesson (from Brown 1994) Teacher observation form A: Observing other teachers Please try to keep in mind the following criteria when observing a teacher. Circle or check each item in the colurnn that most clearly represents your evaluation: 4 excellent, 3 above average, 2 average, 1 unsatisfactory, N/A not applicable. In addition or in lieu of checking a column, you may write comments in the space provided. 1, PREPARATION 7 Degree to which ... 1. The teacher was well-prepared and well-organized in class. Comment: NA4321 2. The lesson reviewed material and looked ahead to new material, Comment NA 4321 3. The prepared goals/objectives were apparent. Comment: NA4321 Providing for effective teaching 233 tl. PRESENTATION Degree to which . .. 4, The class material was explained in an understandable way. 9. Comment: . The lesson was smooth, sequenced, and logical. Comment: |. The lesson was well-paced. Comment: 1. Directions were clear and concise and students were able to carry them out. Comment: - Material was presented at the student’s level of comprehension. Comment: An appropriate percentage of the class was student production of the language. Comment: ‘The teacher answered questions carefully and satisfactorily. Comment: . The method/s was/were appropriate to the age and ability of students. Comment: . The teacher knew when the students were having trouble understanding. Comment: . The teacher showed an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject taught. Comment: . EXECUTION/METHODS . There were balance and variety in activities during the lesson. Comment: ‘The teacher was able to adapt to the unanticipated situations. Comment: NA432 N/A 4 3 2 NWA 432 NA 43.2 NWA432 NA 432 NA432 NA432 NWA432 NWA 432 N/A 432 NA 432 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 234 Chapter 7 16. 17. 19. 20. ai. 22. 24, 25. 26. IV. 27. 28. 29. 30. The material was reinforced. Comment: ‘The teacher moved around the class and made eye contact with students. Comment: . The teacher knew students’ names. Comment: The teacher positively reinforced the students. Comment: Student responses were effectively elicited (j.c., the order jn which the studems were called on). Comment: Examples and illustrations were used effectively. Comment: Instructional aids or resource material was used effectively. Comment. . Drills were used and presented effectively. Comment: Structures were taken out of artificial drill contexts and applied to the real contexts of the students’ culture and personal experiences. Comment: Error perception. Comment: Appropriate error correction. Comment: PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS i Patience in cliciting responses. Comment: Clarity, tone, and audibility of voice. Comment: Personal appearance. Comment: Initiative, resourcefulness, and creativity. Comment: NA 4321 “NA43 21 NA 4321 NWA4321 NWA4321 NA4321 NWA4321 NWA4321 WA4321 NA43 21> NA4321 NA4321 WA 4321 NA4321 waA4321

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