Administration of Azolla Compost Fertilizer On The Growth of Cocoa Seeds (Theobroma Cacao L) With Different Dosages

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Administration of Azolla Compost Fertilizer on the

Growth of Cocoa Seeds (Theobroma cacao L) with
Different Dosages
Yuanita , Daryono dan Haryatie Sarie
Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda
Kampus Gunung Panjang Jl. Samratulangi Samarinda 75131

Abstract:- Azolla compost is an organic fertilizer that Azolla compost is an organic fertilizer that can save on
contains very high nitrogen (N) elements. Azolla compost the use of inorganic fertilizers and helps in improving the
can be used as a substitute for urea fertilizer which has the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil so that
same ability to improve soil structure to become loose, add it is very beneficial for plant growth (Kustiono et al., 2012).
nutrients and can increase the growth of cocoa seedlings. Azolla compost is a fertilizer that comes from good organic
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of matter, because it contains higher nutrients than other organic
applying Azolla compost on the growth of cocoa seedlings fertilizers, so its use is less, and this fertilizer is not
and to determine the appropriate dose of Azolla compost contaminated with heavy metals that harm plants, is not
to increase the growth of cocoa seedlings. The research contaminated with plant-destroying organisms/bacteria, and is
was carried out at the Agronomy Laboratory of the not contaminated with plants. harmful to humans (Ronal
Plantation Cultivation Study Program at the Samarinda 2008).
State Agricultural Polytechnic for 4 months using a simple
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 levels of The cocoa plant is a plant in the form of a tree
treatment and 10 replications, namely no treatment (K0), originating from South America and produces fruit with the
100 g of azolla compost/polybag (K1). , 200 g of azolla main product being seeds which are used for various industrial
compost/polybag (K2) and 300 g of azolla compost/polybag and other fields. Cocoa plants as plantation crops, in general
(K3). The results of the study of giving Azolla compost to cocoa plants are grouped into three types, namely Forestero,
the growth of cocoa seedlings with different doses can be Criolo da Trinitario. This plant can be propagated by
concluded that all parameters observed at the age of 4, 8 generative or vegetative means, generally lindak cocoa (which
and 12 WAP had the best growth and significantly is resistant to pests and diseases) with seeds from selected
different was in the K3 treatment with a dose of parent clones. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) is a prima donna
200g/polybag, than the K0 treatment, K1 and K2. The plantation commodity, this is illustrated by the large number
most appropriate dose for the growth of cacao seedlings is of requests for quality cocoa seeds from farmers in order to
200g/polybag obtain optimal production (Yuanita, 2018). Cocoa cultivation
is largely determined by the availability of good seeds to
Keywords:- Compost, Azolla, Cocoa Seeds. ensure the availability of quality seeds. (Indonesian Coffee
and Cocoa Research Center, 2004).
Seeds are plant material derived from seeds that have
Compost is the result of fermentation or decomposition been sown and have germinated for the next process of plant
of organic matter such as plants, animals or organic waste. growth and development. Characteristics of the seeds are
Naturally, compost can be interpreted as soil particles that are already growing roots, leaves and stems.
negatively charged so that they can be coagulated by cations
and soil particles to form soil granules. Compost can be made Efforts that can be made to increase cocoa productivity
from very young materials found around our environment, are to pay attention to the cultivation aspect of the cocoa plant
such as household waste, leaves, straw, reeds, grass, corn which starts from the nursery. The planting media factor in
husks and animal waste (Djuarnani, et al 2008). nurseries is very important because it also affects the success
of the nursery. Good seed growth will support vegetative
Azolla plants can be used as organic materials that can growth and generative in cocoa plants. Good cocoa seeds are
be petrified in improving the physical, chemical, and able to produce healthy plants, not easily attacked by disease
biological conditions of the soil, so that it is beneficial for and more responsive to fertilization so as to produce quality
plant growth, especially in rice plants (Hadi, 2010). cocoa seeds, one of which is by applying the right fertilizer

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
(Balutan et al, 2016). Fertilization is one of the efforts to 2. Treatment of growing media
maintain cocoa plants in nurseries with the aim of improving Azolla compost treatment was first carried out by mixing
soil fertility Factors that affect cacao seedling are water, evenly between the soil according to the specified dose, after
sunlight, nutrients, temperature and humidity. being mixed it was put into a polybag and left for 1 week, so
that the treatment given could be mixed and reacted with the
Seedling growth is divided into leaf, stem and root soil media.
growth. Leaf growth and stem expansion determine leaf
surface area and crown structure which are very important in 3. Planting.
connection with the photosynthesis process. While the Before planting, first make a planting hole in the
expansion of roots determines the number and distribution of prepared polybag growing media. Planting was done very
roots that will function as organs for absorbing mineral carefully by tearing the polybag with a kater knife before
nutrients (Rahayu 2014). being transferred to the growing media. To prevent cacao
seedlings from collapsing, the media near the base of the stem
Therefore, this study uses Azolla compost as a growing is compacted by hand. After that, the initial measurements of
medium for the growth of cocoa seedlings to add nutrients to the plant were carried out, measuring plant height, number of
plants so that the seeds can grow well and produce healthy leaves and stem diameter.
plants that are resistant to pests and diseases. This study aims
to determine the effect of applying Azolla compost on the 4. Maintenance.
growth of cocoa seedlings and to determine the appropriate Watering is done twice a day, namely in the morning and
dose of Azolla compost to increase the growth of cocoa evening or adjusted to the condition of the soil in the polybag.
seedlings. Embroidery is done if there are seeds that die, that is, one
week after planting. Pest and disease control is carried out if
II. RESEARCH METHODS the plant looks eaten and shows symptoms of illness.

A. Time and Place E. Data Processing

1. Research Time This research was carried out for 4 months, 1. Increase in plant height (cm)
from September to December 2019 Plant height was measured from the base of the stem 1
2. Research Place This research was carried out at the cm above the soil surface marked with a permanent marker to
Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic Pilot Garden. the point of growth of the highest shoot tip using a meter.
Plant measurements were carried out at the beginning of
B. Tools and Materials planting, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP).
The tools used are a meter, micro caliper, hoe, gembor,
bucket, hand sprayer, sieve, cater knife and stationery. The 2. Increase in rod diameter (mm)
materials used in this study were Ferestero or lindak cocoa The diameter of the cacao seedling stem was measured at
seeds aged 1 month, polybags, top soil, Dithane M-45 and the base of the stem 1 cm above the soil surface which was
water. marked with a permanent marker using a micro caliper.
Measurement of stem diameter was carried out at the
C. Research Design beginning of planting, at 4.8 and 12 WAP.
This research was arranged in a completely randomized
design (CRD) with treatment with azolla compost with 4 3. Increase in the number of leaves (strands)
levels and 10 replications. Treatment consists of : The number of leaves observed were leaves that had
1. KO = Control / without treatment fully opened, counted at the beginning of planting, ages 4, 8
2. K1 = Azolla compost 100 g/polybag and 12 WAP.
3. K2 = Azolla compost 200 g/polybag
4. K4 = Azolla compost 300 g/polybag F. Data Analysis
The data obtained were analyzed using variance, if there
was a significant difference in the treatment, then proceed
with the smallest significant difference test (BNT) at the 5%
D. Research Procedure level.
1. Preparation of planting media
The soil used is topsoil or topsoil. The soil is cleaned of
roots, weeds. after that it was crushed with a hoe and sieved.
The sifted soil is put into polybags with a height of 25 cm and
a diameter of 30 cm, each polybag is filled with 3 kg of soil

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION showed that the height of the plants at the age of 4, 8 and 12
WAP was significantly different.
1. Increase in plant height of cacao seedlings aged 4, 8 and
12 WAP Table 2. The Effect of Azolla Compost Fertilizer on Average
Observation of the increase in plant height at the age of Stem Diameter Increase at Age 4, 8 and 12 WAP
4.8 and 12 WAP can be seen in table 1. The results of the Average (cm)
variance of Azolla compost treatment showed that plant height Treatment 4 WAP 8 WAP 12 WAP
at the age of 4 WAP was not significantly different, but K0 0.252a 0.74a 2.82a
significantly different at the age of 8 and 12 WAP. K1 0.252a 1.55b 3.42b
K2 0.415b 1.68b 3.52ba
Table 1. Effect of Azolla Compost Fertilizer on Average Plant K3 0.576c 2.27c 3.92c
Height Gain at 4, 8 and 12 WAP BNT 5% 0.069 0.190 0,217
Average (cm)
Treatment 4 WAP 8 WAP 12 WAP Effect of Azolla Compost Fertilizer on the average
K0 2.38 4.67ab 7.09a increase in stem diameter at the ages of 4, 8 and 12 WAP,
K1 2.63 5,86a 7.80ab showed that with the application of Azolla compost in the K3
K2 2.75 5.55ab 8.27ab treatment the increase in stem diameter was the highest
K3 3.00 5,86a 8.42ab compared to the K2, K1 and K0 treatments. It is suspected that
BNT 5% - 0.657 0,741 in the K3 treatment the presence of sufficient N, P and K
elements, the cocoa seedling growth process will be good,
In the parameter of plant height increase at the age of 4, especially in increasing stem diameter. According to Harjono
8 and 12 WAP, it showed that the increase continued to (2000), in general, macro elements (N, P and K) and micro
increase along with the age of the plant. It can be seen from nutrients are very important for the formation and growth of
the application of Azolla compost which resulted in the vegetative parts of plants such as stems, leaves and roots that
highest average plant height at the age of 4, 8 and 12 WAP in cause the process of cell division, cell elongation and the first
the K3 treatment, namely 3.00 cm, 5.86 cm and 8.42 cm. This stage. tissue-forming cell differentiation. With the addition of
is presumably because the needs of the elements needed by nutrients, it will produce a large amount of chlorophyll
cacao seed plants can be fulfilled by the gradual application of thereby increasing the results of photosynthesis, where the
azolla compost where at the beginning of plant growth it has carbohydrates produced from the photosynthesis process are
not shown significant numbers but at the age of 8 and 12 WAP used for cell division, enlargement and elongation of all plant
the numbers showed significantly different figures. In parts such as stems, so that the stem diameter increases. The
accordance with the opinion of Anna (1997), the availability process of cell division in the cambium and meristic cells
of nutrients in sufficient quantities can stimulate plant growth continues to divide and form new cells. These cells will
and plants can absorb nutrients in the soil. increase the diameter of the plant stem

According to Sutejo (2001), that in general, nutrients in 3. Increase in the number of plant leaves at the age of 4, 8
sufficient and available quantities can stimulate the formation and 12 WAP
or growth of plants, especially plant height and plants can Observations on the increase in plant stem diameter at
absorb nutrients in the soil. With the application of Azolla the age of 4.8 and 12 WAP can be seen in table 3. The results
compost in the K4 treatment, it was sufficient to increase the of the variance of the Azolla compost treatment showed that
nutrient content in the planting medium. As stated Lakitan the increase in the number of leaves at week 4 and 12 WAP
(2002) . that during the period of vegetative growth of plants, was not significantly different, but significantly different at the
the increase in plant weight or size was slow at first but then age of 8 WAP.
took place quickly because it was able to provide the nutrients
needed by plants. According to Sutejo (2002), fertilizer Table 3. The Effect of Azolla Compost Fertilizer on the
application requires knowledge of more appropriate dosages in Average Increase in the Number of Leaves at the Age of 4, 8
accordance with the needs of nutrients needed for plants, so and 12 WAP
that both plant growth and fertilizer application will be Average (cm)
beneficial. Treatment 4 MST 8 MST 12 MST
K0 3.90 7.30a 10.20
2. Increase in stem diameter of cacao seedlings aged 4, 8 K1 4.40 9.8b 11.00
and 12 WAP K2 4.30 10.20b 11.60
Observation of the increase in the diameter of the stems K3 3.70 10.80b 12.20
of plants at the age of 4.8 and 12 WAP can be seen in table 2. BNT 5% - 0.832 -
The results of the variance of Azolla compost treatment

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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