Module 1 Paper

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Module 1 Reflection

Jacob Carrillo

Arizona State University

Professor Dyer


Module 1 Reflection

This module has taught me a lot about what literacy means in the modern classroom. It

has also taught me how certain literacies connect to each and can be used across different

disciplines. We learned throughout this that learning is done by thinking and by making the

student invested in their learning. Using technology is very useful for this because tools in it not

only provide a way for students to do their work by interacting with it but also provides

experience using that tool which they can bring over to other subjects. An important aspect of

modern literacy as well is changing the way we think about things including how we think about

how our special education classes are going to teach modern literacy to the students within it,

and how those students are going to perceived when teaching them. It also important to identify

students’ differences and similarities when building classrooms that teach disciplinary. As for a

difference how, technology plays a role in teaching literacy within the class will be different

from grade to grade, or from class to class, or even from student to student but it should always

play some level of a role. As for a difference fostering engagement will always be important to

build disciplinary literacy across both special education and general education that is a similarity

for both how that is done may be different from class to class or even student to student but

students who are not invested in their work will never learn.

Learning from my experience comes from being able to put in effort into your work and

the course content and having the support to make that effort productive. I do not think it needs

to come from pure enjoyment of the content, I for example never loved math but I learned it and

passed my math classes because I was willing to put the effort into learning and had teachers that

were willing to help me succeed. I think in that way disciplinary learning comes from both effort

on the student’s part and support from the teacher. To develop skills, one needs to be in an

environment to learn that skill and have a willingness to learn that skill. I think module 1 talked a

great deal about how scaffolding and support is important for making sure students are

successful in developing disciplinary literacy within their class. I think a big part of that support

is promoting inclusion within the classroom and getting students to be able to work together

respectfully, including students who may be neurodiverse and in need of altered instruction

methods to be successful in developing disciplinary literacy. Creating a class that is inclusive is

important to making sure every student is able to learn and grow in an environment that is safe

and nurturing so that a student can encourage engagement in the class. I think overall module 1

has taught me a lot about both teaching literacy in the modern world and across different

disciplines as well as creating an environment capable of enabling the learning these literacies.


Definition of literacy in a digital age. NCTE. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2021, from

FairfaxNetwork1. (2017, August 18). The power of LITERACY: Read, write, Think, DISCUSS-



International Literacy Association. (2019). Engagement and adolescent literacy [Position

statement and research brief]. Newark, DE: Author.

Neurodiversity: The future of special education? ASCD. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2021,


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