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On Johni Anwar Street UK, Padang

Mid Semester

Study Program : Public Health

Course : General English

Credit Semester :2

Class : A/B

Lecturer : Mr.JAMARIS.S.S,M.Pd

A. Cross (X) one of the available right answers in the following reading text below from
(1) to (5) carefully
A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestine of humans and animals. Some
tapeworms attach themselves to the intestinal wall by means of suckers of their heads.
Others float freely in the intestines and absorb food through the wall of their bodies.
1. What is the suitable title for the text above?
a. Parasite b. Intestine c. humans d. animals
2. What is a tapeworm?
a. A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestine of human and animal.
b. A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestine of humans and animals.
c. A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in humans and animals.
d. A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestine
3. How do some tapeworms attach themselves?
a. Some tapes attach themselves to the intestinal wall by means of suckers of their
b. Some tapeworms attach our selves to the intestinal wall by means of suckers of
their heads
c. Some tapeworms attach themselves to the intestinal wall by means of suckers of
their heads
d. Some tapeworms attach themselves by means of suckers of their heads
4. How do the others float freely?
a. The other float freely in the intestines and absorb food through the wall
b. The others do not float freely in the intestines and absorb food through the wall of
their bodies
c. The others float freely in the intestines and absorb through the wall of their bodies
d. The others float freely in the intestines and absorb food through the wall of their
5. What do you think about parasite?
a. I think it is very good for my self
b. I think it is not very good for my self
c. I think it is very useful for my self
d. I think it is very dangerous for humans and animals

B. Cross (X) one of the available right answers account on medical knowledge from (6)
to (10) carefully
6. What is gynecologist?
a. It is a medical person that cares about midwifery
b. It is a medical person that cares about nursery
c. It is a medical person that cares about sanitary
d. It is a medical person that cares about patient
7. What is an internist?
a. A medical person consulting about internee
b. A medical person treating about internee
c. A medical person talking about internee
d. A medical person taking medicine about internee
8. The nurses…… us …… ourselves well.
a. The nurses has us take care ourselves well
b. The nurses had us take care ourselves well
c. The nurses have us take care ourselves well
d. The nurses have them take care ourselves well
9. Out patient …… medical persons ………. friendly and professionally.
a. Out patient getting medical persons behaved friendly and professionally
b. Out patient got medical persons behaved friendly and professionally
c. Out patient get medical persons behave friendly and professionally
d. Out patient gets medical persons behaved friendly and professionally
10. Serologist ……. his team work also …… the international conference
a. Serologist makes his team work also invited in the international conference
b. Serologist make his team work also invited in the international conference
c. Serologist made his team work also invited in the international conference
d. Serologist make his team work also invite in the international conference
C. Cross (X) one of the available right answers in the following reading text below from
(11) to (15) carefully
A tapeworm consists of numerous segments. When a new segment forms, the older ones
move to the back of the animal. Each segment contains hermaphroditic sexual organs
( that is male and female organs. The uterus of each segment fills with eggs, which
develops into embryos. Generally, when the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment breaks
off and is eliminated through the host’s excretory system. These embryos hatch, develop,
into larvae and grow to adult only if ingested by an intermediate host.
11. How many segments do tapeworm consists of?
a. A tapeworm consists of one segment
b. A tapeworm consists of numerous segments
c. A tapeworm consists of segments
d. A tapeworm consists of numerous applications
12. When does the older segment move to the back of the animal?
a. When a new segment forms, the older ones stop to the back of the animal
b. When a new segment forms, the older ones move to the back of the animal
c. When a new segment forms, the older ones get trouble to the back of the animal
d. When a new segment forms, the older ones delay to the back of the animal
13. How many sexual organs do each segment contain?
a. Each segment contains one hermaphroditic sexual organs only
b. Each segment does not contain hermaphroditic double sexual organs
c. Each segment contains two hermaphroditic sexual organs ( that is male and
female organs)
d. Each contains hermaphroditic sexual organs ( that is male and female organs)
14. What does the uterus of each segment do with eggs, which develops into embryos?
a. The uterus of each segment gets out with eggs, which develops into embryos
b. The uterus of each segment does not fill with eggs, which develops into embryos
c. The uterus of each segment dismiss with eggs, which develops into embryos
d. The uterus of each segment fills with eggs, which develops into embryos
15. When does the segment break off and is eliminated?
a. When the eggs are not ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is eliminated
through the host’s excretory system.
b. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is eliminated
through the host’s excretory system
c. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is not eliminated
through the host’s excretory system
d. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment is eliminated only through the
host’s excretory system
D. Cross (X) one of the available right answers account on medical knowledge from (16)
to (20) carefully
16. How many sexual organs does human have?
a. Human has double sexual organs
b. Human has triple sexual organs
c. Human has one sexual organ
d. Human has double sexual organs only
17. The uterus of each segment fills with eggs, which develops into embryos. The
underlined word refers to
a. Abdomen
b. Fetus
c. Embryo
d. Urine
18. What do you know about fetus?
a. It is a grown process of child in the world
b. It is a grown process of child in uterus
c. It is a grown process of child at clinic
d. It is a grown process of child in hereafter
19. A normal pregnancy must ….. …….nine months for duration
a. A normal pregnancy must had been nine months for duration
b. A normal pregnancy must has been nine months for duration
c. A normal pregnancy must have been nine months for duration
d. A normal pregnancy must have been more than months for duration
20. How have you coded some patient data?
a. We have code the patient data based on patient admission
b. We have codes the patient data based on patient admission
c. We have coded the patient data not based on patient admission
d. We have coded the patient data based on patient admission

E. Cross (X) one of the available right answers in the following reading text below from
(21) to (25) carefully
Medical bills in the United State have risen outrageously the beginning of the 1960’s, and
steps need to be taken to reverse this trend or the average American will not be able to
afford to medical care. The major factor in increasing the cost of medical care has been the
dramatic increase in the cost of hospital services. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can
be only partly blamed on inflation.
21. What is the best topic in the text above?
a. Medical Bills
b. Medical Record
c. Medical People
d. Medical Centre
22. When have medical bills risen in the United State?
a. Medical bills in the United State have risen outrageously the ending of the 1960’s
b. Medical bills in the United State have risen outrageously the beginning of the
c. Medical bills in the United State have decreased outrageously the beginning of the
d. Medical bills in the United State have risen slowly the beginning of the 1960’s
23. What will American not be able to afford to medical care?
a. American will not be able to afford to medical care because of the cost of medical
care high
b. American will not be able to afford to medical care because of the cost of medical
care low
c. American will not be able to afford to medical care because of the cost of medical
care labile
d. American will not be able to afford to medical care because of the cost of medical
care rise irregularly
24. How can the rise in the cost of hospitalization be?
a. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be only partly blamed on inflation.
b. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can not be only partly blamed on inflation.
c. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be only fully blamed on inflation.
d. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be not partly blamed on inflation.
25. What is hospitalization?
a. It is economical treatment system
b. It is medical treatment system
c. It is social treatment system
d. It is medical record system
F. Cross (X) one of the available right answers account on medical knowledge from (26)
to (30) carefully
26. What do you know about diarrhea?
a. It is soft texture feces
b. It is liquid urine
c. It is liquid feces
d. It is solid feces
27. What causes diarrhea?
a. Virus causes diarrhea
b. Serum causes diarrhea
c. Covid 19 causes diarrhea
d. Bacteria causes diarrhea
28. What will you do “welcome a new patient”?
a. We will welcome a new patient antipathy
b. We will welcome a new patient professionally
c. We will expel a new patient professionally
d. We will invite all new patient professionally

29. Dentist is a medical person who detects ……….

a. A medical person does not detect about public health teeth only
b. A medical person detects about public health nutrition
c. A medical person detects about public health teeth
d. A medical person detects about public health environment
30. What should you conduct when you have finished all duty as medical record?
a. We should not recheck all patient data
b. We should play android through all patient data
c. We should back home soon
d. We should recheck all patient data

G. Cross (X) one of the available right answers in the following reading text below from
(31) to (35) carefully

Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of medical
care is malpractice. Increasingly large awards for malpractice have caused doctors to
increase the rate to cover the higher malpractice insurance premiums. Because of the large
malpractice awards, doctors are also prescribing more conservative and more costly
treatment for patients as a defense against malpractice claims. Whatever the causes of the
wild increase in the cost of medical care, the government needs to take strong action
before it is too late for Americans.

31. What is another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of
medical care?
a. Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of
medical care is malpractice.
b. Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of
medical care is malnutrition
c. Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of
medical care is high cost
d. Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of
medical care is mall and life need.
32. What have increasingly large awards for malpractice caused doctors to increase the
rate to cover the higher malpractice?
a. It is insurance
b. It is insurance premiums
c. It is not insurance premiums
d. It is premiums
33. Why are doctors also prescribing more conservative and more costly treatment for
a. Because of the large malpractice awards, doctors are not prescribing more
conservative and more costly treatment for patients as a defense against
malpractice claims.
b. Because of the large malpractice awards, doctors are only prescribing more
conservative and more costly treatment for patients as a defense against
malpractice claims.
c. Because of the large malpractice awards, doctors are also prescribing more
conservative and more costly treatment for patients as a defense against
malpractice claims.
d. Because of the large malpractice awards, pharmacists are also prescribing more
conservative and more costly treatment for patients as a defense against
malpractice claims.
34. Absolutely what causes wild cost in medical care?
a. Premium Insurance claim
b. Insurance claim
c. Electric claim
d. Malpractice claim
35. What does the government need to do before it is too late for Americans.
a. The government needs to take strong action before it is too late for Americans.
b. The government should not need to take strong action before it is too late for
c. The government rejects to take strong action before it is too late for Americans.
d. The government lets take strong action before it is too late for Americans.

H. Cross (X) one of the available right answers account on medical knowledge from (36)
to (40) carefully
36. A medical person working not on medical standard procedure is mentioned…..
a. Mal practice
b. Professional
c. Professional award
d. Bumpkin
37. What must a sickly person have solution for normal healthy life ?
a. He must change his life pattern discipline
b. He must end his health life pattern
c. He must change his health life pattern discipline
d. He must follow healthy life style as discipline as possible
38. Some one who cares everything about his body can be said…
a. Personal Hygiene
b. Medical Hygiene
c. Privacy Life
d. Medical Cost
39. A medical person working for data patient organize is mentioned
a. Medical Treatment
b. Medical Recorder
c. Medical Person
d. Medical Bills
40. A patient where mind and mental are disconnected is said
a. Normal Mental
b. Abnormal life
c. Mental disorder
d. Mentally action

I. Cross (X) one of the available right answers in the following reading text below from
(41) to (45) carefully

Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil provide chemical elements
essentials for plant nutrition. Natural substances such as animals dropping and
straw have been used as fertilizer for thousands of years, and lime has been used
since the Romans introduced it during the Empire. It was not until the nineteenth
century, in fact, that chemical fertilizer became popular. Today, both natural and
synthetic fertilizer are available in a variety of forms
41. What is the suitable topic for the text above?
a. Frozen Feed
b. Fertility
c. Fist
d. Fertilizer
42. What is Fertilizer?
a. Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil provide chemical elements
essentials for plant nutrition
b. Fertilizer is not any substance that can be added to the soil provide chemical
elements essentials for plant nutrition
c. Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil provide chemical elements
essentials for animals
d. Fertilizer is any substance that can be lowed to the soil provide chemical elements
essentials for plant nutrition.
43. What have natural substances been used as fertilizer for thousands of years?
a. Synthetic substances such as animals dropping and straw have been used as
fertilizer for thousands of years
b. Natural substances such as animals dropping and straw have been used as
fertilizer for thousands of years
c. Nature such as animals dropping and straw have been used as fertilizer for
thousands of years
d. Natural substances such as mankind dropping and straw have been used as
fertilizer for thousands of years
44. What has been used since the Romans introduced it during the Empire.
a. The lime has not been used since the Romans introduced it during the Empire.
b. The lime has used since the Romans introduced it during the Empire
c. The lime has been used since the Romans introduced it during the Empire
d. The lime has been used since the Asians introduced it during the Empire.
45. What has become fertilizer popular
a. That natural fertilizer becomes popular
b. That fertilizer becomes popular
c. That chemical fertilizer does not become popular
d. That chemical fertilizer becomes popular
J. Answer the following instructions accounted on perspective thought
46. Write down your self identity
47. Write down your family members identity
48. Write down your diary activity
49. Write down your object presentation
50. Write down your healthy body care


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