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Question 1 (10 points)


Matching Pre-test

A. Selecting Foods That Contain Nutrients

Matching: Write the letter of the word in the space provided.

Column B
Column A
a. water-soluble vitamin
1. The part of grains and plant foods that
cannot be digested b. protein
2. A nutrient that provides energy and c. fat
helps the body store and use vitamins
and minerals. d. amino acids

e. water
3. The building blocks that make up
proteins f. calorie

4. A nutrient that is involved with all body g. fiber

processes, makes up the basic part of
h. saturated fat
the blood, helps with waste removal,
regulates body temperature, and i. carbohydrate
cushions the spinal cord and joints
j. incomplete protein
5. A vitamin that dissolves in water and k. trans or hydrogenated
cannot be stored by the body in
significant amounts

6. A protein from plant sources that does

not contain all of the essential amino

7. A type of fat from dairy products and

meat and poultry.

8. A unit of energy produced by food and

used by the body

9. A nutrient that is needed for growth; to

build, repair, and maintain body
tissues; to regulate body processes;
and contains amino acids.

10. A nutrient that should be eaten along

with fats, proteins six times per day.

11. This type of fat should be totally

Question 2 (10 points)

B. Eating for Health

Matching: Write the letter of the word in the space provided.

Column B
Column A
a. diabetes
1. Disease in which the body
produces little or no insulin b. low density lipoproteins (LDLs)
2. Disease in which fat deposits on c. antioxidants
the artery walls
d. olives, most nuts and avocados
3. Substances that protect cells
e. plaque
from being damaged by
oxidation. f. omega 3

4. Hardened fatty deposits in blood g. atherosclerosis

vessels caused largely by trans
h. hypoglycemia
or partially or fully hydrogenated

5. Condition in which the pancreas

produces too much insulin and
the blood sugar levels become

6. Reducing hydrogenated fats

keeps this “bad” type of
lipoprotein at low levels in your

7. A poly-unsaturated fat found in

fish, flaxseed and walnuts

8. Examples of mono-unsaturated
Question 3 (10 points)

C. Developing Healthful Eating Habits

Matching: Write the letter of the word in the space provided.

Column B
Column A
a. carbohydrate loading
1. Taking vitamins in excessive amounts
b. electrolyte
2. A nutrient that becomes electrically
c. protein loading
charged when in a solution such as a
body fluid d. metabolism

3. The rate at which food is converted into e. mega dosing

energy in body cells.

4. An eating strategy in which extra protein

is eaten to increase muscle size

5. An eating strategy in which a few days

of a very low carbohydrate intake is
followed by a few days of a very high
carbohydrate intake
Question 4 (10 points)

D. Maintaining a Desirable Weight and Body Composition

Matching: Write the letter of the word in the space provided.

Column B
Column A
a. body mass index (BMI)
1. A drug that eliminates water from
the body b. diuretic
2. A quick weight loss strategy that is c. adipose
popular for a short time
d. overweight
3. A body weight that 10 percent or
e. underweight
more than desirable body weight
f. desirable weight
4. A body weight that is 10 percent or
or below desired body weight g. essential body fat
h. fad diet
5. The weight that is healthful for a
person i. basal metabolic rate (BMR)

6. The number of calories the body

uses at rest

7. The amount of body fat needed for

optimal health

8. Fat that accumulates around internal

organs, within muscle, and under
your skin

9. The percentage of fat tissue and

lean tissue in the body
Question 5 (10 points)

E. Developing Skills to Prevent Eating Disorders

Matching: Write the letter of the word in the space provided.

Column B
Column A
a. purge
1. A drug that decreases appetite
b. binge
2. An eating disorder in which a person
c. eating disorder
binges and purges
d. body image
3. An eating disorder in which a person
starves himself/herself and weights 15 e. anorexia nervosa
percent or more below desirable weight f. obesity
4. A body weight that is 20 percent or more g. anorectic drug
than desirable body weight
h. addiction
5. To eat large amounts of food over a
i. bulimia
short period of time
j. binge eating disorder
6. A mental disorder in which a person has
a completing need to starve, to binge, or
to binge and purge.

7. An eating disorder in which a person

cannot control eating and eats excessive

8. The perception a person has of his/her

body’s appearance.

9. To rid the body of food by vomiting or by

using laxatives and diuretics

10. A completing need to take a drug or

engage in a specific behavior
The part of grains and plant foods that cannot be Fiber

A nutrient that provides energy and helps the Fat

body store and use vitamins and minerals.

The building blocks that make up proteins Amino Acids

A nutrient that is involved with all body processes, Water

makes up the basic part of the blood, helps with
waste removal, regulates body temperature, and
cushions the spinal cord and joints

A vitamin that dissolves in water and cannot be Water-Soulble Vitamin

stored by the body in significant amounts

A protein from plant sources that does not Incomplete Protein

contain all of the essential amino acids

A type of fat from dairy products Saturated Fat

and meat and poultry.

A unit of energy produced by food and used by Calorie

the body

A nutrient that is needed for growth; to build, Protein

repair, and maintain body tissues; to regulate body
processes; and contains amino acids.
A nutrient that should be eaten along with fats, proteins six times per day. Carbohydrate

This type of fat should be totally avoided Trans or Hydrogenated

Disease in which the body produces little or no insulin Diabetes

Disease in which fat deposits on the artery walls Atherosclerosis

Substances that protect cells from being damaged by oxidation. Antioxidants

Hardened fatty deposits in blood vessels caused largely by trans plaque

or partially or fully hydrogenated fats

Condition in which the pancreas produces too much insulin and hypoglycemia
the blood sugar levels become low

Reducing hydrogenated fats keeps this “bad” type of lipoprotein low density lipoproteins (LDLs)
at low levels in your arteries.

A poly-unsaturated fat found in fish, flaxseed and walnuts omega 3

Examples of mono-unsaturated fats olives, most nuts and avocados

Taking vitamins in excessive amounts mega dosing

A nutrient that becomes electrically charged when in a solution electrolyte

such as a body fluid

The rate at which food is converted into energy in body cells. Metabolism

An eating strategy in which extra protein is eaten to increase muscle size protein loading
An eating strategy in which a few days of a very low carbohydrate Carbohydrate loading
intake is followed by a few days of a very high carbohydrate intake

A drug that eliminates water from the body diuretic

A quick weight loss strategy that is popular for a short time fad diet

A body weight that 10 percent or more than desirable body weight overweight

A body weight that is 10 percent or or below desired body weight underweight

The weight that is healthful for a person desirable weight

The number of calories the body uses at rest basal metabolic rate (BMR)

The amount of body fat needed for optimal health essential body fat

Fat that accumulates around internal organs, within muscle, adipose

and under your skin

The percentage of fat tissue and lean tissue in the body body mass index (BMI)

A drug that decreases appetite anorectic drug

An eating disorder in which a person binges and purges bulimia

An eating disorder in which a person starves himself/herself and anorexia nervosa

weights 15 percent or more below desirable weight

A body weight that is 20 percent or more than desirable body weight obesity

To eat large amounts of food over a short period of time binge

A mental disorder in which a person has a completing need to starve, eating disorder
to binge, or to binge and purge.

An eating disorder in which a person cannot control eating and eats binge eating disorder
excessive amounts.

The perception a person has of his/her body’s appearance. Body image

To rid the body of food by vomiting or by using laxatives and diuretics purge

A completing need to take a drug or engage in a specific behavior addiction

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