? Bài Tập Luyện Nghe Tiếng Anh Trong 5 Phút

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📚 Bài tập Luyện Nghe Tiếng Anh trong 5 phút #1 | Study with me ❤

I’m Mary

Exercise 1: Health problems

Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the notes below.

Tom: Hi, Ellen. What's the matter with you?

đau họng
Ellen: I think I've got a terrible cold. My nose is stuffed up and I've got a sore throat.

Tom: Oh, that's too bad. You should be at home in bed. It's really important to get a good rest.

Ellen: Yeah, you're right.

Tom: And have you taken anything for it?

Ellen: No. I haven't.

Tom: Well, you should take some vitamin C and it's also a good idea to drink lots of liquids.

Ellen: That's a good suggestion. I have a bottle of vitamin C at home .

Tom: Have you seen a doctor?

Ellen: Not yet.

Tom: Well, you'd better see a doctor first, and then go back home to rest.

Ellen: Yeah, I'll do it right now.

Tom: Ellen, it's also helpful to cook chicken soup with some garlic in it, and drink a cup every half an
hour. It really works.

Ellen: Oh, chicken stock for a cold? OK, I'll try it. Thanks.

Tom: I hope you recover soon.

Exercise 2: In a camera shop

Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the notes below.

Shop assistant: Good morning. Can i help you?

Customer: Yes, I want to buy a camera. What kind do you recommend?

Shop assistant: Well, it all depends. We have many kinds of cameras here. How much money do you
want to spend?
rẻ xử lí
Customer: I want something cheap and easy to handle.

Shop assistant: Are you an experienced photographer?

Customer: No, I've had no experience at all.

Shop assistant: Here's a camera that would suit you very well. It's got a very good lens and it's all
automatic, so it's very easy to use. Just press one button, and it's done.

Customer: How much does it cost?

Shop assistant: It's only 45 pounds. bảng Anh

Customer: Can I try?

Shop assistant: Of course. Here you are.

hợp lí
Customer: Well, I think the price is reasonable and I like that it is automatic, but I don't like the color. Do
you have any other color?

Shop assistant: Yes. How about this yellow one?

Customer: It looks better is it the same price?

Shop assistant: Yes.

Customer: All right. I will take this yellow one here is 50 pounds.

Shop assistant: Here is your change.

Exercise 3: Marriage

Soo Mi and Steve are talking about marriage in America and in Korea. Listen to the conversation and fill
in the missing information in the notes below.

Soo Mi: Hello, Steve. Have you read this article?

Steve: Not yet. What is in it?

Soo Mi: There are some facts about families in the United States. It says that 50 % of marriages end in
ly hôn
divorce in the United States.

Steve: That's quite high isn't it do many people get divorced in Korea?

Soo Mi: No. Most Korean couples stay together.

Steve: Families are sure different in America.

Soo Mi: Well, there are more divorces but what else is different?

Steve: Well, I think people get married younger.

Soo Mi: How much younger?

Steve: Oh, I think some people get married before the age of 20.

Soo Mi: Really? What else?

Steve: A lot of women work after they get married. And I think most women who have babies go back to
work fairly soon too.

Soo Mi: Yes, according to the survey, 50% of American working women return to work within a year of
having a baby.

Steve: Do women in Korea usually work after they get married?

Soo Mi: No. A lot of women stay at home and take care of their families but a few work.
số liệu
Steve: I see. Here are some more figures. It says 67% of women with children work. And 57% of children
under six have two parents who work or a single parent who works.

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