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Naziv rada: Video igre i mentalno zdravlje: Narcizam, usamljenost i zavisnost od video-igara

Autor: Leo M. Ivanišević, dipl psiholog

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Ključnje reči: zavisnost od video-igara, narcizam, usamljenost, mentalno zdravlje


U ovom radu bavimo se problemom zavisnosti od video-igara i povezanošću ovog problema sa

određenim crtama ličnosti kao što je narcizam i psihološkim stanjima kao što je usamljenost.

Prvi deo rada pruža teorijski okvir kojim definišemo osnovne pojmove. Pojasnićemo pojam narcizma
uz pomoć psihoanalitičke teorije objektnih odnosa Hajnca Kohuta. Definisaćemo razlike između
zdravog i patološkog narcizma, opisaćemo narcizam iz razvojnog ugla i pokazati na koji način je
narcizam povezan sa formiranjem zdravih, recipročnih i sigurnih veza sa spoljašnjom sredinom,
drugim ljudima, idejama i ciljevima.

Nakon toga, narcizmu ćemo pristupiti iz medicinskog ugla i dati kratki prikaz dijagnostičkog
kriterijuma za narcisoidni poremećaj ličnosti (DSM-5).

Na kraju, izlistaćemo osnovna obeležja narcizma kao obrasca ličnosti na osnovu pristupa Durvasule
Ramani, kliničkog psihologa i vodećeg svetskog stručnjaka za ovu temu.

Problem zavisnosti definisaćemo iz medicinskog ugla (DSM-5 i ICD-10 klasifikacija), kao iz ugla
humanističkih pristupa (Ross Rosenberg, Gabor Mate). Zatim ćemo definisati i stanje usamljenosti na
osnovu teorije sociologa Roberta Vajsa i teorije afektivnog vezivanja Džona Bolbija.

Drugi deo rada pružiće pregled empirijskih istraživanja koja su se bavila povezanošću ovih koncepata,
pregled rezultata tih istraživanja, kao i kratak opis korišćene metodologije i ograničenja.
Fokusiraćemo se na:

 Studiju Eun Džo Kim i saradnika iz 2007. – Odnos između zavisnosti od online video-igara,
kontole agresije i narcističkih crta ličnosti,
 Studiju Kok Erena i Orsala iz 2017. – Zavisnost od kompijuterskih igrica i usamljenost kod
 Studiju Vanga i saradnika iz 2019. – Povezanost između zavisnosti od mobilnih video-igara,
depresije, usamljenosti i socijalne anksioznosti,
 Studiju Ekinčija i saradnika iz 2018. – Analiza nivoa usamljenosti i zavisnosti od video-igara
kod srednjoškolaca kroz različite varijable

Poslednji deo rada baviće se video-igrama kao predmetom potencijalne zavisnosti. U ovom,
poslednjem poglavlju, izdvojićemo određene ljudske motive i potrebe, kao i određena svojstva video-
igara koji video-igre čine posebno privlačnim i adiktivnim. Daćemo određene praktične implikacije
koje mogu da posluže kreatorima video-igara u kreiranju društveno-odgovornog virtuelnog
okruženja koje će biti bolje prilagođeno ljudskom mentalnom zdravlju, a opet pružati zabavu i

In this paper, we deal with addiction to video games and the connection of this problem with certain
personality traits such as narcissism and psychological states such as loneliness.

The first part of the paper provides a theoretical framework by which we define the basic concepts.
We will explain the concept of narcissism with the help of Heinz Kohut's psychoanalytic theory of
object relations. We will determine the differences between healthy and pathological narcissism,
describe narcissism from a developmental point of view and show how narcissism is related to
forming healthy, reciprocal, and secure connections with the external environment, other people,
ideas, and goals.

After that, we will approach narcissism from a medical perspective and give a brief overview of the
diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder (DSM-5).

Finally, we will list the basic features of narcissism as a personality pattern based on the approach of
Durvasula Ramani, a clinical psychologist and the world's leading expert on this topic.

We will define the problem of addiction from the medical point of view (DSM-5 and ICD-10
classifications), as from the point of view of humanistic approaches (Ross Rosenberg, Gabor Mate).
Then we will define the state of loneliness based on the theory of sociologist Robert Weiss and the
attachment theory of John Bowlby.

The second part of the paper will provide an overview of empirical research that has dealt with the
connection between these concepts, an overview of the results of this research, and a brief
description of the methodology and limitations. We will focus on:

• A study by Eun Joe Kim and co-workers from 2007 - The relationship between addiction to online
video games, control of aggression and narcissistic personality traits,

• Kok Eren and Orsal study from 2017 - Addiction to computer games and loneliness in children,

• Study of Wang et al. From 2019 - The relationship between mobile video game addiction,
depression, loneliness, and social anxiety,

• 2018 study by Ekinci and Associates - Analysis of the level of loneliness and dependence on video
games in high school students through different variables

The last part of the paper will deal with video games as a subject of potential addiction. In this last
chapter, we will single out certain human motives and needs and certain properties of video games
that make video games especially attractive and addictive. We will give specific practical implications
that can serve the creators of video games in creating a socially responsible virtual environment that
will be better adapted to human mental health and provide entertainment and leisure.

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