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Romi Almanzor March 25, 2021

Central Colleges of the Philippines

Organizational Structure
(by Christopher Adel)

A company's organizational structure aids in the assignment of a hierarchy that determines duties,
responsibilities, and oversight. It's the strategy that lays out who reports to whom and who is in
charge of what. It's typically recorded and circulated in the form of an organizational chart with work
titles and reporting structures.

A business's organizational structure is most definitely functional, based on work responsibilities.

Although small companies often have a loose hierarchy, it is important to have some sort of
hierarchical structure so that workers know who is overseeing their work and can assist with
problem-solving and other issues. This arrangement also aids them in comprehending their job's
potential for advancement.

The framework is all about how tasks are divided across different functions or teams. Delegating
and diversifying activities is beneficial. People have a wide range of abilities.

1. A salesperson can master talking to a customer outside of his or her office, while a
procurement professional can master talking to vendors located far away to buy production-
related products.

2. It's also necessary to have a framework so that people know who to contact. Individuals are
generally organized into hierarchies or echelons in an organization. In a production
environment, a blue collar worker may report to his supervisor, who most likely has a cabin
in a corner of the same production environment.

While it is not entirely an egalitarian way of doing things, it is beneficial when workers from all
functions work together to achieve the organization's vision, motto, or aim while putting personal
disagreements aside.

Structure is the only way to delegate power, obligation, and transparency within a community of
people; without it, the group would be nothing more than a collection of individuals, each doing
their own thing, going their own way, and accomplishing nothing productive.

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