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Romi Almanzor May 19, 2021

Central Colleges of the Philippines

Motivating for Performance

(by Eldrin John Abelgas)

Employee morale is critical to the success of every company. If workers are motivated at
work, their primary focus will be on their work, which will result in increased productivity.
Employees remain content and involved in the tasks they are given as long as they are
motivated. If they are actively working, the work will be done in a timely and accurate
manner. To get the most out of their success, it's critical to keep them motivated and
fulfilled. You can do a variety of things to inspire employees to get the most out of them.

Their performance should be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis so that employees
believe that if they perform well, their efforts will be noticed by senior management. Another
important part of inspiring workers is to make them feel respected in the company. Consider
employee input when making decisions so that they feel like they have a say in the

Another important part of inspiring workers is to make them feel respected in the company.
Consider employee input when making decisions so that they feel like they have a say in
the business. Give them something in return when they perform well, it will make them
much more efficient in their work and they will give best to their work.

Not only for performance, rather employee motivation is important for many reasons.
Because when employees stay motivated, it allows the venture and its management to
accomplish its goals. Motivated workers can lead to higher organizational productivity.
Motivated workers perform satisfactorily and stay satisfied with their job that strengthens the
bottom-line of the company.

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