Chapter 15 - Communication

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Romi Almanzor May 19, 2021

Central Colleges of the Philippines

(by Mateo Era)

The larger the company the wider the data flow of the company. Within the business
community, this is a much more serious problem. Distance may be a problem for remote
staff or multiple office locations. Alternatively, there could be insufficient communication
mechanisms in place that aren't fully assisting the company's knowledge flow.

If you’re employed at a well-established organization, you probably need to deal with some
flawed system that was successful 10 years ago but just isn't cutting it today. If you have
recently expanded into a bigger operation, your system may have come about organically
and not have the adaptability and productivity needed for a growing team. It's something I've
seen in almost every team I've served on. There is a meeting scheduled. You make the
decision to do something. Then months go by and nothing gets done because everybody
thinks it should be done by someone else. There will be enough blame to go around later.

This is inefficient, because if information or feedback is not passed on and projects become
stalled, the team leader will be held responsible. To counteract this, you must work hard to
develop your teamwork skills. Setting up a company-wide task management and goal-
setting framework is the remedy. You won't have to think about it as much if you're using a
decent task management app. All duties can and should be immediately allocated to
particular individuals. Since the activities are public, it's always obvious who's responsible
for what, and there's a lot less work that goes unfinished.

Effective organizational communication occurs when communication processes and

channels deliver the right information to the right people at the right time in a format they
understand, as well as a feedback loop that confirms the message was received and

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