Chapter 9 - Organizational Agility

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Romi Almanzor May 19, 2021

Central Colleges of the Philippines

Organizational Agility
(by Dreg Caya)

In today's digital world, it's difficult to run and expand a company of any scale. This is true both in
terms of market performance and long-term sales growth, as well as in terms of employee
engagement, growth, and success.

With the pace of business continuing to increase, there needs to be greater coordination and
execution around strategic priorities, and to be more open to market trends and business
demands. At the same time, more employee coaching and real-time development is required given
that diverse workforces involve different professional backgrounds, ability levels, performance
goals, and working styles.

Organizational agility is strengthening relationships between managers and direct reports and
giving them a working environment to improve collaboration, innovation and growth-conversations
enabled by technology. Further, agile organizations drive strategic business goals in more effective
ways that improve margins, predictability and profitability.

The only genuinely sustainable competitive advantage in today's digital economy is the pace at
which an enterprise can sense and respond to its customers' needs. Its strength is its ability to
produce value in the shortest time possible, to rapidly adapt and introduce new strategies, and to
reorganize to better meet emerging opportunities.

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