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Vocabulary Activity Planning Sheet

Directions for Full Credit: Use the vocabulary activity planning sheet to plan your strategy instruction. Please submit this
completed template to Canvas.

Name: Jacob Carrillo

Strategy: Modified Frayer Model
Content Area and ELA Standards: 9-10.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence
clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
HS.C4.4 Analyze the purpose, process, implementation, and consequences of decision making and
public policies in multiple settings and at various levels.
Objective: Students will understand the words Exile, Execute, and Imprisonment and will be able to
use them in a sentence.
Supplementary Links to Resources (if any):

:*You may use bullet points if desired in the blue sections below*

Vocabulary Strategy Awareness & Explanation (Purpose for selecting the strategy)
How will provide students with a clear picture of the why and how?
I am using a modified Frayer Model that will branch out and include a section containing
a root word. This will allow for students to understand the roots of these words and be
able to understand them and use them effectively.

Vocabulary Strategy Procedure-the “how-to”

Detail how you will introduce the vocabulary concept rooted in Latin/Greek roots, how you will propel
understanding of the generative use of these roots, and finally, how you will establish the proficiency of
the objective through an effective closing that can be assessed.
The teacher will go through the Modified Frayer Model along with the class, after going
through the root word and its definition small groups will be formed to help each fill out
the rest of the Model.
Peer Reflection: Enlist your partner in assessing your vocabulary activity in depth. Reflect on their
assessment before implementing the activity in your digital learning experience. (optional
implementation) They will be looking at a few factors:

1. A discipline-specific topic is identified and a clear and creative vocabulary activity is

created for one or two Latin or Greek roots.
2. The activity builds generative knowledge and allows the student to think critically about
the words.
Have your peer write a 1 paragraph detailed reflection about your strategy based on their own self-
assessment. (Please ask them to be honest as any critiques should be welcomed and reciprocated.
Additionally, your assessment does not impact their grade.)
● How did the structure of this strategy support learning in their discipline specifically?
● What were their strengths and areas for growth (please consider both their planning and your
instruction of the strategy).

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