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Tacloban City

Eastern Visayas State University

College of Engineering
Department of Geodetic Engineering

Mission: A leading state university in technological and professional education

Vision: Develop a strong technologically and professionally competent product human resource imbued with positive values needed to propel sustainable develop.
Core values: Excellence, Value-laden, Service driven, Unity in diversity.



Name: Sudario, Bren Isaac S. Date: Sep 30, 2021

ETHICS Exercise #1 (For Chapter 1)

Name: Bren Isaa S. Sudario

Course and Section: BSGE 4-A
I. Fill in the blank
1. Ethics is the science of the morality of human conduct.
2. Moral is a science which directly implies rules or directions for thought or
3. Dicatates of Reason refer to laws, percepts, good customs and
traditions, and conscience
4. Morality of human conduct is the formal object of Ethics as a science.
5. Acts of Man is an act done by a human being without advertence and
6. An act is moral if it is in agreement with the dictates of reason
7. Morality is the agreement or disagreement of uhman acts with the
dictates of reason.
8. Ethos is the Greek term for “characteristic way of acting”.
9. Moral means “mor” or “mos” in Latin
10.Imputibility of the act is the characteristic of an act as worth rewarding
or punishing.

II. Explanation

1. Explain the distinction between Human act and Act of Man.

- Both are act performed by human being. Human act is an act that is
deliberate and free act and is performed with awareness or advertance
and has a purpose or motive. Act of Man refers to the action by human
without advertance, or without exercising their freedom of choice.

2. What is Science and why is Ethics considered a science?

- Science claims to be a rather comprehensive and carefully ordered
collection of organization data, including the explanations or justifications
for such data's accuracy. Like science ethics is a comprehensive and
logically organized set of knowledge concerning the morality of human
behavior, as well as the evidence that these data are correct.

3. Explain Morality and why an Act of Man cannot be an object of morality.

- Morality is described as a set of values that enable people to work
together in groups. It's what civilisations regard as proper and acceptable.
However, because an act of man is performed without the exercise of free
will, it cannot be considered moral.

4. Explain the distinction between Ethical and Moral.

- Ethical implies that there is thinking involved, that it goes beyond rules,
that it is usually regarded universal, and that it is aimed to ensure the
survival of society or the community by adhering to good customs and
tradition. Morality, on the other hand, focuses on what is described, such
as adhering to rules, conventions, and regulations. For me the simplest
way to distinguish what is Ethics and Moral is when we say Ethics or
Ethical are the values or the general guidlines while Moral or morality are
the norms which are rules and expectations that define how people should
and should not act in different social settings.

5. Discuss the importance of Ethics

- The importance of ethics for me is how it help to bring yourself for the
greater good because when there is ethics it is important on how we
rationalize things and how we reflect our actions to the possible
outcomes. Furthermore, it provides scientific evidence of the unworthiness
and irrationality of such things.

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