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The General Attorney In The Trias Politica Frame In the text it

would be better
it would
to leave a sign
be better
such as name,
to include
class, etc
sentence The concept of Trias Politica has basically separated state powers into Three Axis of power.
 First, the power of the legislature
 Second, executive or government power, and implementing laws.
 Then Third, judicial power, namely the judiciary

With this separation of powers, there is no interference between the state organs in the operation
of their respective powers. The estuary is that between the three axes of power there will be a
CONCEPT of "checks and balances", where in the relationship between state institutions there is an
attitude of mutual supervision, mutual testing, so that it is impossible for each state institution to
exceed the limits of power that have been determined.

Limitation of power is an absolute thing that must exist in every legal state.

ladies and gentlemen, i have some question, where is the position of the prosecutor in the
Indonesian constitutional law system? there are similarities in the text with other
The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia has an important role as a liaison between the
community and the state in maintaining the enforcement of laws and norms that apply in society.
Therefore, in carrying out its functions, The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia must work
independently and free from any intervention, including from the government. It is very dangerous if
The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia works with the intervention of other parties.
including but on the other hand The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia must carry out its
an article,
at least it functions, duties and authorities as a law enforcement institution. Given the contradiction between
must the position of the Prosecutor's Office and its function, we need to also look at the provisions in
include a Article 2 paragraph (2) of Law no. 16 of 2004 that the prosecution is carried out independently.
sound or
So it can be concluded that, the The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia is a government
explain the
article and institution. So that the position of The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia in the
relate it to Indonesian constitution is in the realm of the executive, but in carrying out its function as a Public
the Prosecutor,
discussed The General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia must be free from intervention from any party,
including the Government, in order to create a law enforcement process that is fair, professional and

it seems that the speech text has

not been completed because
ote : The content of the speech text is not very convincing. it canthere
be seenis no closing
that sentence orwere
the participants
final statement
unprepared in sending texts due to the absence of an opening sentence, the lack of articles/comparative
literature used, opinions that were still floating and the absence of a final statement. there are similarities in
the text with other participants

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