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May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you

Om swastiatu,
Namoo Budhaya,
Greetings of Virtue.

To the honourable of judges,

Ladies and Gentlemen,
On this occasion, allow me Meyssa Ratna Juwita as the student representative from
Class Four standing here to deliver a couple of sentence speeches. Furthermore, my
speech is about The Prosecutor's Reform Through The Draft Of Prosecutor’s Bill
As The Implementation Of The Single Prosecution System.

Indonesia adheres to a single prosecution system which means that prosecution

is only carried out by 1 (one) authorized state institution. The enactment of the
Prosecutor's Law Number 16 of 2004 based on Article 18 Paragraph 1 confirms the
the structure
authority of the Attorney General as the Highest Public Prosecutor in the field of
and prosecution. Thus, under the Law Number 16 of 2004, the Public Prosecution Service
organization ofis the only law enforcement institution whose primary role is the upholding of legal In the
the speech speech, the
needs to be supremacy, the protection of the public interest, the upholding of human rights, and the first/second
improved to eradication of corruption, collusion and nepotism. paragraph
make it more Even the international community has committed to jointly remembering the importance should
organized for contain the
example of strengthening the role of prosecutors in law enforcement functions. Indonesia which
reason for
(opening, has ratified International Conventions where Indonesia must implement the norms in the the speaker
reasons, case Convention as a compliance.The Guidelines on The Role of Prosecutors which serve to raise the
examples, theme to be
comparative as guidelines and inspire in the amendment of this Law are mainly matters relating to discussed
theory and independence in Prosecution, Accountability for Case Handling, Professional
strong Standards, and Protection for Prosecutors. Whereas in the criminal justice system in
opinions, then Indonesia, the position of the prosecutor is as the sole public prosecutor and as the only
closing or finalimplementing agency for criminal decisions which has been neglected in its
development. Although the Law on the Prosecutor's strengthens the role and function
of the Prosecutor.
when There are other institutions that also carried out prosecution and execution
entering a functions but not under the leadership of the Attorney General. As with the authority
discussion given to the Corruption Eradication Commission that can eradicate corruption, its
of a implementation causes a reduction in the duties and authority of prosecutors in
speech, it investigation and prosecution and creates dualism of authority between the Corruption
would be
better to Eradication Commission and the Public Prosecution Service. Considering that the Public
start with " Prosecution Service has a dominus litis principle which has a real monopoly on the
ladies and prosecution and settlement of criminal cases.
Also, in the military field, initially the administration of justice for criminal cases within
the Indonesian National Armed Forces was carried out through courts within the Military
Courts. In order to bring the harmony, a Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes
was formed. This is also in line with the principle that the prosecutor is one and
The Draft of on the Prosecutor's Bill is a form of reform of the Public Prosecution
Service to improve the various weaknesses and problems that exist and strengthen the
position and emphasize the duties and functions of the Public Prosecution Service.
The renewal is guided by philosophical, juridical, sociological principles based on the
principle of legality and the principle of opportunity that guarantees legal certainty,
justice, and benefit. Even the Prosecutor's Bill will provide protection for Prosecutors
and their families in accordance with the standards for protecting the profession of
prosecutors in the International Convention.
If the Prosecutor’s Bill becomes the new Prosecutor's Law, justice seekers will place the
foundation of justice on the prosecutor, so that the prosecution process starting from
investigation, prosecution and execution will optimally realize substantial truth and
justice. Finally, we all hope that with the existence of the Prosecutor's Bill, it can be
realized single prosecution system in Indonesia.

Thank you for your kind attention to my speech. I am sorry if there is any word or my
behave which unpleasing you all and to the God I beg for a forgiveness.
The last I say, Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Note : the content of the speech is quite

good, word selection, sentence structure
and includes comparative literature.
However, the opinions presented by the
speakers are not convincing because the
common thread in each discussion is not
clear and the points and objectives
conveyed are a bit floating

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