Better Use Word Such As "Speech"

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Om Swastiastu

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Namo Buddhaya

The honorable member of the judges of the English Speech Competition on Pekan Olahraga
dan Prestasi PPPJ 78.
Please introduce my name is Putu Delia Ayusyara Divayani. It is such a privilege for me for
Better use word such as "Speech"
being here as a representative of the class of VIII to deliver my opinion regarding The Urgency
of the Establishment of Jampidmil as a Strengthening of the Single Prosecution System.
"has added: / "just added"
Ladies and gentlemen, we know that the Attorney General Office has just added a structure
within the internal institution, as we know as the Jampidmil. Then, why did our institution add
the existence of this structure?
In Indonesia, prosecution is under the Attorney General's Office headed by the Attorney
General. The adoption of the dominus litis principle has the consequence that the prosecution
policy must be carried out in one hand, namely the Attorney General. The Attorney General as
the highest public prosecutor is not only at the Attorney General's Office but also at other
institutions authorized by law. This is what is known as the principle of the Single Prosecution
System. The word "implied" is used too often, resulting in the meaning
of a sentence being unclear
If we look at Article 57 of the Law on Military Courts, it is also implied that the principle of
the Single Prosecution System is implied. It is explained that in implementing the task of
prosecuting the Oditurat General is responsible to the Attorney General as the highest public
However, when we look at our institution, previously there was no position structure as a means
to convey the accountability of the Oditurat General to the Attorney General. This makes it
difficult to report the handling of cases to the Attorney General and vice versa. This is where
the leadership of the Attorney General Office saw the need for a breakthrough.
This challenge was then answered by establishing a new structure at the Attorney General
Office, namely the addition of Jampidmil. The establishment of this new structure can certainly
minimize the gap in the prosecution of civil and military cases. The inclusion of Jampidmil in
the structure of the Attorney General Office is a policy that the prosecution is at one door,
namely the Attorney General.
in the application of the sentence in the context of "
realize" it is better to change it to "embody/actualize"

If we look at the substance, the formation of Jampidmil will certainly strengthen the authority
of the Attorney General as the highest public prosecutor. Not only that, it also pushes the
prosecution authority to only be given to the Attorney General Office. And in the end, the
existence of a new structure in the Attorney General Office can realize the implementation of
the Single Prosecution System as an optimization of prosecution.
Ladies and gentlemen, the increase in the authority of the Attorney General Office is both a
matter of pride and a challenge for us. It will be a challenge because there will be new powers
that need to be implemented. We need to be proud because it means that our beloved institution
is given a new portion of trust by the state and society.
However, I believe, in accordance with the principle that the Attorney General Office is one
and inseparable, all responsibilities and challenges will be shared and resolved together. No
term this is your problem. No term this is my problem. Let's unite the perception that this is a
problem and we shared responsibility.
And I believe that in the hands of all of us, the proud Indonesian Prosecutors, the Attorney
General Office will grow into a successful institution. Let's work hard together to form a better
Attorney General Office in the future.
That is all the important point in my speech. I do apologize if there are still many shortcomings
in this speech. Thank you very much.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Wassalam’ualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Note : the content of the speech is quite

good, contains evidence and opinions.
but unfortunately the opinions that are
published sometimes use repeated and
inaccurate sentence structures resulting
in unclear meanings

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