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Nama : Putu Eka Kharisma Dewi

NIM : 20110201001
Nama : Modesta Hemal
NIM : 20110201005

B ) Markers: (See the Skills section, Discourse Markers, pages 139-145)
1.Ordinal numbers: Put these into the correct order:
The most popular, third, fifth, the second most popular, fourth
Answer : Third , fourt , fifth , the most popular , the second most popular.
2.Circle the words that could replace “although” in this sentence.
“...although most people turn the TV on every day, they do not actually watch it very much”.
(lines 35-37)
Even though/ when/ in comparison to/ despite the fact that/ in order to/ finally
Answer: Even though
b) Structure:
1). Divide this compound sentence into two. What’s the subject of the second part?
“They phoned more than a thousand people all over the United States and asked them
questions About how they spend their free time.” (paragraph 3, lines 19-22)
Answer: 1.They phoned more than a thousand people all over the United States
2.asked them questions About how they spend their free time.”.
- subject of the second part is they.
2). Look at this sentence and answer the questions about it.
“More than 70% of those asked said that they watch TV every day or almost every day.”
(para.4, Lines 25-27).
- What’s the subject of this sentence? (Who said something?)
Answer: subject( they), said ( those).
What’s the main verb? (What did they do?)
Answer: main verb(Watch), they do(watch TV every day or almost every day).
What question do the underlined words answer?
Answer: what do they do in their free time?
d). Modal verb:
Find and underline the modal verb that expresses possibility.
“During a typical television program, they may eat dinner, do housework, read a newspaper
or Magazine, talk to their children or even read to them. The TV may be on, but it is just
background music.
Answer: 1. they may eat dinner, 2. The TV may be on, but it is just background.

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