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Abandon – leave without planning to come back

Keen – sharp, eager, intense

Jealous – afraid that one you love might prefer someone else

Tact – ability to say the right thing/ ortama gore davranma

Oath – a promise that smt is true, a curse/ and icmek

Vacant – empty, not filled

Hardship – smt that is hard to bear, difficulty

Gallant – brave ,showing respect for women

Data – facts, information

Unaccustomed – not to used to smt

Bechelor – a man who has not married

Qualify – become fit, show that you are able / ixtisas derecesini temin etmek

Corpse – a dead body

Conceal – hide

Dismal – dark and depressing

Frigid – very cold

Inhabit – live in

Numb – withoutthe power of feeling

Peril – danger

Recline – lie down, scretch out, lean back

Shriek – scream

Sinister – evil, wicked, dishonest,frightening

Tempt – try to get someone to do sth, invite / bastan cikarmak

Wager – bet/ nahis ,iddia

Slum – a very poor and crowded area

Maid – a women who worked as a servant

Typical – usual, of a kind

Minimum – the least possible amount, the lowest amount

Scarce – hard to get, rare

Annual – once a year , sth that appears yearly or lasts for a year

Persuade – win over to do or believe, make willing

Essential – necessary, very important

Blend – mix together thoroughly, a mixture

Visible – able to seen

Expensive – costly, high-priced

Talent – natural ability

Devise – think out, plan, invent

Toe – leg finger

Wholesale – in large quantity, less than retail in price

Slaughter – the killing of many people cruelly

Vapor – moisture in the air that can be seen, fog; mist

Moisture - a liquid such as water in the form of little water in the air

Swamp – an area of low- lying, uncultivated ground where water collects

Eliminate - get rid of, remove, omit

Villain – a very wicked person

Cellar – room a below ground level in a house

Dense – closely packed together, thick

Utilize – make use of

Humid – moist, damp

Theory – explanation based on tought, observation, or reasoning

Descend – go or come down from a higher place to a lower level

Circulate – go around, go from place to place or person to person

Enermous – extremely large, huge

Predict – tell beforehand

Vanish – disappear, disappear suddenly

Tradition – beliefs, opinions, and customs handed down from one generation to another

Rural – in the country

Burden – what is carried ,a load

Campus – grounds of a collage, university , or school

Majority – the larger number, greaeter part, more than half

Assemble – gather together, bring together

Explore – go over cerafully, look into closely, examine

Topic – subject that people think, write or talk about

Debate – a discussion in which reasons for and against sth are brought out

Evade – get away from by trickery or cleverness

Probe – search into, investigate

Reform – make better, improve by removing faults

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