Nike Case Analysis 20021141035

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Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad

Name of the Faculty Dr. Saradhi Kumar Gonela

Course Sport & entertainment Marketing

Semester – III Batch of 2020-22

Assignment Date 12-11-2021

Submission Date 13-09-2021

Topic: Social Strategy at Nike- Case Learning

Individual Assignment

Sl. No. PRN Name Remarks

1. 20021141035 Gouri Sohani
Nike Case Analysis
This case examines how Nike utilizes their social media sites in an attempt to understand
why they are so successful with social media marketing. The year when social
networking attracted people’s attention, they reduced their traditional advertising spend
gradually and tried their hand at social media and networking. They haven’t reduced their
overall spend, they preferred to focus on non-traditional advertising. This is
accomplished by evaluating their social media marketing strategy with the N-Rel
framework along with metrics and key performance indicators.
Nike’s social media actions develop a better relationship with its customers by creating
online communities. They committed themselves to a social strategy linking product and
experience in 2012.Nikes strongest attributes are their use of each social media site as a
small part of a much larger social marketing effort, targeting different audiences, linking
platforms to each other and using each site to its strengths. I.e. Facebook as a main hub.
They have great use of celebrities and advocates who help spread the Nike name to wider
audiences. They run campaigns associated with big global sporting events as a way of
extending their reach. They never try to sell products; they try to sell the experience. In
China they tried to show that running is not just good but also enjoyable by showing
interaction with runners through “Run for” China campaign.

Key learnings from the case:

1. Nike used a very organic way of advertising. They used reference groups, i.e. the
stars to advertise their products, because you can learn from the stars, the
motivation level is very high in people when they learn or see their stars use the
2. Understanding that marketing in the digital age is a conversation, not a
monologue, Nike dropped its spending on TV and print advertising by 40%
between 2010 and 2012 – but increased its overall marketing budget to $2.4 billion
in 2012. Nike chose to use a combination of technological innovations, data
analytics and social media engagement to reach this new, digitally savvy audience.
3. For Facebook: Digital strategy- exclusive content, encouraging users to create and
use the content. Social strategy: increase the Nike+ community wherein the
average user is both the starting and ending of the message, encouraging the users
to engage within themselves by providing them incentive, and expressing curiosity
around the product. As of August 2013, the main Nike Facebook page has over 15
million likes, the Nike Football page has 19.4 million likes, and the Nike
Basketball page has over 5 million – posts typically see a high level of interaction
and discussion.
4. For twitter: Digital Strategy- announcing the product launches, used to connect the
fan bases to sports hero, launch of #Makeitcount campaign. Social Strategy-
Social strategy for twitter was reinvented via launch of campaigns, the value of
what fans do have increased. Similarly, on Twitter, the brand is also engaging
millions of fans – 1.7 million on the core Nike account, 1.2 million on the brand’s
US-based store account, and 1.4 million on the Nike Football account.
5. For YouTube: Digital strategy- Expanded the orbit of advertisements, Redefining
advertisements through YouTube. YouTube is basically the starting point of any
consumer in the Nike World.
6. Partnership with Apple, Myspace, Goggle, Facebook, Nike has always ahead of its
time. One of their biggest accomplishments was the creation of Nike+ in 2010 – a
device that lets users track their exercise regimens, upload these to the web,
monitor their progress, and share their achievements socially

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