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The timeline of dream SMP

FIRST ARC; The war

The first war of dream SMP, where Tommy first build his everlasting house near the lemon tree
that Ponk has made, Tommy started to fight with ponk, and started the trolling from killing
Tommy to trapping his house, sapnap who was In raged by the trolling that happened to his
house, sapnap decided to burn down ponk’s lemon tree. Ponk decided to get revenge by teaming
up with ItsAllisa to get him back, they burned out his entire house, sapnap who wanted the
revenge asked Tommy to join him, even though it was hard, the convincing from sapnap, made
Tommy join him, together they killed and fought with them. During their fights, Dream showed
up, the only dream, the only person who has stopped Tommy's little fit of rage and destroying,
Dream has enough, he made this server as an escape, where peace was found not fights and wars,
Dream decided to stop this problem himself, Dream was wrong when he thought that he could
beat sapnap and Tommy, They killed him in a matter of seconds, the fight started to escalate
quickly from the only dream vs sapnap and Tommy turning into the whole server into chaos,
together Tommy and sapnap was unstoppable, killing everyone and everything that was in their
way, even making dream to logged out of his server temporarily. That was until dream took one
of the things that were most important to Tommy back then, his music discs, Tommy spent hours
or days to find those discs, he was not gonna give up his hard work and tears to only be taken
that easily. In those times, Tommy and sapnap were still allies, so being allies sapnap decided to
help Tommy by taking back those discs that were in dream’s possession, Dream said because of
this, Tommy has shown that he was untrustworthy, and will not give the discs back to him

And if Tommy made any conflict the discs he holds dear will be burned into ashes, while this
was happening sapnap was searching where dream hid Tommy's discs, he found one, he started
running to Tommy while Dream was very very close behind and passed it on. Tommy ran to his
base, went down to his basement and wet into a ravine, he hid it in of the andesite blocks, when
dream was following close he faked where he hid it, distracting dream from what he was doing,
Tommy made a plan, an amazing plan that would win him the war after all. The plan was simple
but amazing, trap dream and all 3, sapnap,Tommy and Tubbo will start hitting the with axes,
they hoped that this was enough to kill dream and get his last music disc back, as he knows that
the last one was in dream’s inventory, the only one chance they will have. After Tommy and
sapnap died they brought beds down to the ravine, and set their set point there so if they die
again they will spawn back into the chaos, they regrouped with tubbo, for one final ambush, but
sadly it was to late dream had found them already, dream brutally killed sapnap, because of that
the responsibility of killing dream was dropped onto tubbo and Tommy's shoulder, they started
to chip at his health, slowly killing him, then Tommy falls into the hands of death, Tubbo was
left, he started to chase after dream, killing him slowly with his stone axe, slow process but it did
it, they managed to kill him, kill the most powerful person on the server, Tommy’s disc was
given back to him, every time that he died to dream didn’t matter anymore, he finally got his
prized possessions back, he decided to hide the discs off-camera so when he was offline neither
dream nor anyone will know where it is. But to his discovery, he didn’t win so easily, not to
dream sure he won his discs back but the war just began.

(Hope u like it six/skleb)

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