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Solution Manual 3° Ed. Metal Forming: Mechanics and Metallurgy ‘Chapter 1 Determine the principal stresses for the stress state 42 Solution: 1) = 10+5+7=32, In = -(50+35+70) +9 +4 +16 =-126, Is = 350-48 -40 -80 -63=119; 6° —226" -1266-119 = 0. A trial and error solution gives 6 = 13.04. Factoring out 13.04, 6 ?-8.960 + 9.16=0, Solving; 6; = 13.04, 0) =7.785, 05 = 1.175. 1-2 A5-cm. diameter solid shaftis simultaneously subjected to an axial load of 80 KN and a torque of 400 Nm. a. Determine the principal stresses at the surface assuming elastic behavior. b. Find the largest shear stress. Solution: a. The shear stress, t, ata radius, r, is t = 1a1/R where is the shearstress at the surface R is the radius of the rod. The torque, T, is given by T = [2atr’dr = (2nt, /R)|r'dr at,R'2. Solving for = t., t, = 2T/(aR’) = 2(400N)i(a0.025") = 16 MPa ‘The axial stress is 8MNi(a0.025°) = 4.07 MPa (61,02 = 4.07/2 + [(4.07/2)? + (16/2)*)]"2 = 1.029, -0.622 MPa b. the largest shear stress is (1.229 + 0.622)/2= 0.925 MPa ‘A long thin-wall tube, capped on both ends is subjected to internal pressure. During elastic loading, does the tube length increase, decrease or remain constant? Solution: Let y= hoop direction, x = axial direction, and z = radial direction. — x = ¢7 = (I/E)[o - v( 63 + 94)] = (1/E)[o2 - v(209)] = (67/E)(1-20) Since u < 1/2 for metals, ex = €2 is positive and the tube lengthens. 4 A solid 2-cm, diameter rod is subjected to a tensile force of 40 KN. An identical rod is subjected to a fluid pressure of 35 MPa and then to a tensile force of 40 KN. Which rod experiences the largest shear stress? Solution: The shear stresses in both are identical because a hydrostatic pressure has no shear component. 1-5 Consider a long thin-wall, 5 cm in diameter tube, with a wall thickness of 0.25 mm that is capped on both ends. Find the three principal stresses when it is loaded under a tensile foree of 40 N and an internal pressure of 200 kPa. Solution: 6, = PD/4t + F/(nDt) = 12.2 MPa "D/2t = 2.0 MPa 1-6 Thive strain gauges are mounted on the surface of a part. Gauge A is parallel to the x-axis and gauge C is parallel to the y-axis. The third gage, B. is at 30° to gauge A. When the partis loaded the gauges read Gauge A 3000x10° Gauge B 3500 x10° Gauge 1000 x10° a. Find the value of 7. Find the principal strains in the plane of the surface. Sketch the Mohr's circle diagram. ‘Solution: Lot the B gauge be on the x" axis, the A gauge onthe x-axis and the C gauge on the y-axis. 175 MPa and g; = 350 MPa., what is the stress, 63, at yielding according to the Tresca criterion? b) Ifthe stresses in (a) were compressive, what tensile stress. must be applied to cause yielding according to the Tresca criterion? Solution: a) 6; - 63 =2k, 63 0; = 400 - 350 = 50 MPa. b) 63 = 2k — 6; = 400 ~ (350) = 50 MPa Consider a 6-em diameter tube with I-mm thick wall with elosed ends made from a metal with a tensile yield strength of 25 MPa. After applying a compressive load of 2000 N to the ends. What internal pressure is required to cause yielding according to a) the Tresca criterion. b) the von Mises criterion? ‘Solution: a) The ratio of the tube diameter to wall thickness is very large, so it can be treated as a thin wall tube. The stress caused by the pressure can be found by x-and y- direction force balances. From pressure, 6 = Pdi(2t) = 60P and oy = Pd/(4t) = 30P. The stress caused by the axial load is oy = Fi(dt) = -2000N/[x(0.060)(0.001)] -10.6 MPa, so the total stress, 6y = 30P -10.6 MPa 8) 6, =60P = Gmax is the largest stress, Gy = 30P -10.6 MPa and oz = possibilities which must be checked i. If 6, 0, Onin = 0, $0 the Tresca criterion predicts yielding when GPW PAE. If G2 GAS 0, Guin = {GABF so the Tresca criterion prediets yielding when 2 AES ©) 2, BY GBAEY BOBS}? = Vay Consider a plane-strain compression test with a compressive load, F;, a strip width, w, an indenter width, b, and a strip thickness, f, Using the von Mises criterion, find: a) @ asa function of €,. b) F asa funetion of 6; ©) an expression for the work per volume in terms of €, and 65. 4) an expression in the form of 0; = /(K.€,n) assuming FE". ‘Solution: a. If'€,=0,€) =~ e, 2% BaP +E == 1.1548, b.0, = 0,0, =4{1/2)0); PEO FID HADI 6/1154 . dey 6 RS FEISS (43), 2-6 The following yield criterion has been proposed: the two largest shear stresses reaches a eritical value (0i- 0%) + (G5 3) = Cif (0; ~ 03) > (O3- 0%) OF (04~ O) + (01~ O) = Cif (O5- OY < (Or @) where oi > 02 > o, C= 2¥and Y= tensile yield strength. a) Is this criterion satisfactory for an isotropic solid where Y is Justify your answer. b) Plot theo, = 0 yield locus. Sketch the Tresca yield locus on the same plot c) Where ; = 0, find the values of o and oj for ielding will occur when the sum of Stated mathematically sensitive to pressure? i plane strain, , = 0, with & > 0 ii, axisymmetric flow with & = € = &/2 and & > 0 Solution: a) Yes. The value of the lefi hand sides are not affected if each principal stress is increased the same amount, b) First find the constant C, Consider an x-direction tension test, Atyielding, 6 = 6] oy = 62 = 02 = 63 = 0. Therefore (61 - 62)> (62 - 63) so criterion I applies, and C = (oy - 63) + (61 - 62) = 2Y. Therefore C = 2Y. We can also think about an x-direction compression test. At yielding, 6x = 63 = -Y, Gy = G7 = 62 = 03 = 0. Therefore (62 - 63)>(6] - 62)> so criterion II applies, and C = (6 - 63) + (62 - (-2Y) or again C = 2Y. Now consider several loading paths: In region A, oy = 61, by = 62, 62= 63 = 0 and ox >2oy $0 (6 - 63) >(6] - 62) Therefore eriterion I, (6x - 0) + (Gy - Gy) = 2Y, Or ox = Y + oy/2 93) In region B, Ox = G1, Gy = 62, G2= 63 = 0 but Gy <2oy SO (oq - 63)<(6} - 62) Therefore criterion I, (6x - 0) + (oy - 0) = 2Y, or ox = 2Y- oy In region C, oy = 61, 0x= 62, 62= 63 = 0 but dy <26, $0 (6 - 63)<(0] - 62) ‘Therefore criterion Il, (oy - 0) + (ox - 0) = 2Y, or oy = 2Y - oy Inregion D, oy = 6}, ox = 62, 62= 63 = 0 and ay >2ox $0 (03 - 92) >(02 - 63) ‘Therefore criterion |, (Gy - 0) + (Gy - Gx) = 2Y, oF dy = Y + 6y/2 Inregion E, 6, = 04, dy = 03, 62= 62 = O and (01 - 62) >(02 - 63) ‘Therefore criterion |, (Gx - 0) + (6x - Gy) = 2Y, OF ox = Y + oy/2 Inregion f, ox = 61, Gy = 63, 62= 62 = 0s0(6] - 62) >(02 - 63) ‘Therefore criterion |, (Gx - 0) + (6x - Gy) = 2Y, or ox = Y + oy/2 Plotting these in the appropriate regions, and using symmetry to construct the left hand half’ ©) i, For plane strain (ey = 0) and &x > 0, The normal to the locus is at the comer between A and B regions. Both oy = Y + oy/2 and ox = 2Y - Gy must be satisfied. Solving simultaneously, 6x = (4/3)Y but Gy = (2/3)Y ii, Axisymmetrie flow with €y = €z = -(1/2)}ey with &y, > 0, is Region |, $0.6, = Y + oy/2, with (2/3)Y < oy = (4/3) d everywhere in 2-7 Consider the stress states is 3 no 3 3 10 Gand]3 5 0 05 00 a) Find o,, for each, b) Find the deviatoric stress in the normal directions for each ¢)_ What is the sum of the deviatoric stresses for each? Solution: a) (15 + 10 + 5)/3 = 10 and (10 +5 + 0y/3=5 b) 15— 10=5, 10-10 = 0 5— 10 = -5 and 10-5 =5, 5-5 = 0, 0-5 c) The sum of the deviatoric stresses both = 0, 2-8 _A thin wall tube with closed ends is made from steel with a yield strength of 250 MPa, The tube is 2 m. long with a wall thickness of 2 mm. and a diameter of 8 em. In service it will experience an axial load of 8 KN and a torque of 2.7 Nm. What is the ‘maximum internal pressure it can withstand without yielding according to a) the Tresea criterion, b) the von Mises criterion? ‘Solution; Dt ~40 so this can be regarded asa thin-wall tube. For this solution, stresses will be expressed in ksi (x3x0.05) = 4.244 ksi YT (melt) = 2x2.(0320.05) = 2.829 ksi Pai(dt) +4.244 = o/2 +A, where A= 4.244 ksi a) For Mises, substituting 6, = ty, = ty = Tx =O into the yield criterion, Eq. (2-12) 22 = oy 0)? + (0, -G4)2 + (oq Oy)2 + 6g? 2 DY? = 6 24642 + (6 x- Gy) + 6Eay> 2 6 x6yt x7] + 6Tyy7 Y? = 6 y?- oy0y + 6x? + 3t xy Substituting y= 042A, Gy/2 +42 64/2 + AG, 46+ Ityy’ 6,2(1/4 “12+ 1) FOg(A~A)+( GIA)? + (AZ + 3tyy2- V2) = 0. 6,2 + B=0 where B= (43(A2 + 3tyy2- Y2) Substituting B = (4'3)(4.2442 + 32.8292- 202) = 2.008 6,2 = 2.098, 6, = 45.8, 6, = Pdl(2t), P= (2tid)sy = 45.8(260,05013) = 1.528 ksi b) For Tresea, we must find the principal stresses, },2= (0x + Oy)2 = (L/2I[(Oq = By? + 47]! Substituting y= 65/2 +A, 5}, ~ BAI + AD (1/2)[(Gy2- A)? + Aryy?]!/? = B/A)ox + AZ + (1/2)[047/4 - Aso+ A? sty !2 61 = GBiA)oy + A+ (1/2024 - Ao + A2 + 4 Qy2]!/2 02 = BiA)oy + AD-(L/2)[o,2/4- Ao + AP + 4ty,2]"2 There are two possibilities: 43 > 0, and 3 < 0. Ist assume that s > 0. Then 6} -0= Y, GAjox + A/2 + (1/2)[0\7/4 - AO + A? + 4tyy7J!2 = G40, + A2+ 12024 - Ady + A2 + 4tyy2]!/2 = Gi4)og + 4.2482 + (12)f0,24 4.2440, + 4.244? + 432,8297]!/2 = 40 (3/20, + 4.244 + [0.2/4 - 4.2440, + 49.855]!/2 = 80 [0,2/4 - 4.2440, + 49.855]!/2 = 75.756 -~(3/2)0,2 6y2/4 - 4.2440 + 49.855] = [75.756 -3/2)ox]? = $738.9 -227.260, +2.256,2 G2[0.25 - 2.25] + [-4.244 +227.26]Jsy + 49.855 - 5738.9 = 0 26,2 -223.35, + 5689 = 55.85 + 16.49, 6x = 72.34 or 39.36, The smaller value is correct Then P = (2u/d)oy = 39.36(2x0.050/3) = 1.312 ksi Now we must check to see whether 6) > 0, Substituting A = 4.244, t= 2.829 and oy = 39.36 into J; Oy = {223.3 + [223.32 -4x2x 5689]!/2}/(2x2) = 6 = (3/4)oy + A/2 - (1/2)[0,2/4 - Aoy + A2 + Atyy2]!/2 Gy = (3/4)x39.36 + 4.244/2 - (1/2)[39.362/4 - 4.244x39.36 + 4.2442 + 4x2.829 2]1/2 = 31.48. Therefore the solution for G3 > 0 is appropriate. 29 Calculate the ratio of €7%q for a) pure shear. b) uniaxial tension, and c) plane strain tension. Assume the von Mises criterion, ‘Solution: a)o =7, o= Qt)? + 7 y2}", Sie b) G4=2 o=t /2, Os = 0, B= {[(w/2)" + 2 +(0/2)"/2}'7, Bit = VB/2) A material yields under a biaxial stress state, = -(1/2)01, 0) = 0. a) Assuming the von Mises criterion, find dey/ de» What is the ratio of % /¥ at yielding? Solution: dei/de2 = [01 - (62 + 63)/2\ [02 - (63 + 01)/2] = [61 - (0-01/2)/2)/[0 - (-01/2 -61)/2] = (S/4V(3/4) = 5/3 2-11 A material is subjected to stresses in the ratio, o, o the ratio of /Y'at yielding using the a) Tresca and b) von Solution: a) For Tresea, o1~ (-0.50:)= Y, o/V=23 b) For von Mises, {[(.3+.5) + (-.5 — 1)? + (1-3) /2}!2o = Y, Y= 0.77 3g) and o} = 0.50}. Find ses criteria, 2-12 _A proposed yield criterion is that yielding will occur when the diameter of the largest Mohr’s circle plus half the diameter of the second largest Mohr’s circle reaches a critical value. Plot the yield locus in oi vs. 03 in 0} = 0 space. Solution: Divide stress space into regions with different conditions for yielding, To evaluate C, consider an x-direction tension test. At yielding 6, = Y, 6 The diameters of the two largest Mohr's citele are Y. Y = Y/2=C. C=3/2Y 2.13 Make plot of €; versus é for a constant level of €= 0.10 according to a. von Mises, b. Tresea. ‘Solution: Taking =3FSK@ ys“ 50 <2 SEKB yoy" and 6, for von Mises and &—€5=* for Tresca,,6/€ and &/€ can be calculated for various values of p.6/E 1 Tresca von es CHAPTER 3 When a brass tensile specimen, initially 0.505 in. in diameter, is tested, the maximum load of 15,000 Ibs was recorded at an elongation of 40%. What would the load be on an identical tensile specimen when the elongation is 20%? Solution: = na tot = hi(1+En toad) = In(1.4) = 0.365. Grand = Sra fod (IFC ond) = (12,000)/0,2)(1.-4) = 84X10", But al80 Gnas tos) = K(.365)* = 0,6932K. Equating and solving for K, K = 84x10°/0,6932 = 121,000, At 20% elongation, @ = In(1.2) = 0.1823. G = 121,000(0.1823)* = 65,000. s = 65,000/1.2 = 54,180, F = 54,000(0.2) = 10. 8 lbs. 3-2 During a tension test the tensile strength was found to be 340 MPa. This was recorded at an elongation of 30%. Determine n and X if the approximation Fe applies. Solution: 1n = €iras tood = In(1+Cmax oad) = In(1.3) = 0.262. Gras toad = Smax ood (1+Cmax tond) = 340(1.3) = 442 MPa, But also Gypax ood = K(.0.262)"° = 0.704K. K = 442/0.704 = 627 MPa. 3.3 Show that the plastic work per volume is %A7#H for a metal stretched in tension to eit meet Solution: w = Joyde) = Jkes"de, = key" '/(n+1) = keye)"(n+1) = Reh 3.4 Forplane-strain compression (Figure 3.11) a. Express the incremental work per volume, dw, in terms of @ and cé and compare it with dw = cide; + Gxde2 + ordes, b. If S44 express the compressive stress, as a function of o, K and n. Solution: a. With £, =0 and 6, = 0, dw = oxde,, 0) = 67/2, 0 =| AUG, = 6)? H6,— oy? HO 6,/2}" = {[-0/2P +-02) NDR EY ERE AF OE GE = (3/4)0.(4/3)' “de. = (odes b PASSES TE ASIASE 4)". (-6//2))2}"" = GiA)o, (4/3)'"de, 3.5. The following data were obtained from a tension test Load Min. Neck true true corrected dia, radius strain stress true stress, (KN) (mm) (mm) © (MPa) & (MPa) 8.69 0 0 0 813» 0.133 520 520 762 © 686 555 103 381 18. a. Compute the missing values b, Plot both 6 and @ vs. €on a logarithmic scale and determine K and 7. ©. Calculate the strain energy per volume when €= 0.35. Solution: a) Load Min. Neck true tue aR corrected dia, radius strain stress true stress. (KN) (mm) (mm) © (MPa) & (MPa) 0 869 0 0 0 0 27.0 813% 0.133 5200) 520 15 7.62 0.263 7540 654 40.6 686 © 0473 10990 1099 103 0.978 1717 0.26 1631 18 1.65 2561 1.06 2100 3.6 Consider a steel plate with a yield strength of 40 ksi, Young’s modulus of 30x16 psi and a Poisson’s ratio of 0,30 loaded under balanced biaxial tension, What is the volume change, AV/V, just before yielding? Solution: At yielding 6; = 62 = 40,000 psi, 6 = 0. e1 = e2 = (I/E)[oi — voi], es = (VE)- 2voi]: Aviv=e1+ ext es = (61 /E)[2—4 v] = 0.107x10°, 3.7. The strain-hardening of a certain alloy is better approximated by = A[I--exp(-Be)] than by <=4e. Determine the true strain at necking in terms of A and B. Solution: o = A[1--exp(-Be)] =doide = ABexp(-Be); A= A(B+L)exp(-Be); €= In(+ByB. 3-8 Express the tensile strength, in tems of A and B for the material in Problem 3-7. ‘Solution: Gras toad = A {1 —exp[-BUIn(1+B)/B)] Tensile strength = Gina oat EXP(E) ALL+(1+B)] = A+B); (2+B)exp[In(1+B)/B] = A(2+B)(1+B)'™ A metal sheet undergoing plane-strain tensile deformation is loaded to a tensile of 300 MPa, What is the major strain if the effective stress-strain relationship is BOs 5 MPa? Solution: (4/3) O=650(0.015+F )°™; @ =[v(3/4)(300/650 -0.015]!° 0.179 0.155; € = W(4/3)B=

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