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Week : 11 Date : 9 March, 2021

Subject : English Class : Year 2D

Topic : Unit 3 Pet Show No. of pupils

Theme : World of Knowledge Pupils absent

Main Skill : Listening Pupils present

Content St : By the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to:

Main Skill : 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly.
Complimenta : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds.

Learning S : 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language

Language / Grammar Focus

: Plural animal nouns (e.g. dogs, spiders, rats) colours, prepositions

Previous K : Pupils have heard, seen and read various animals from multiple sources in their daily life experienc

Materials / References
: Lesson SOW Number 87 Superminds TR Page 36

Learning O : a) Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.
: b) Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language
: c) Err:504

Stages Activity
Set Induction
Teacher asns pupils to sing the song in Supermind page 24 to recall pupils' memories. Teacher gives guidance whenever
Practice Teacher elicits key language from pupils. Eg. My favourite toy's _____. My favourite number's _____.
Production Teacher writes a list of vocabulary and phrases on the whiteboard related to toys and numbers. Teacher dril
Practice Teacher asks pupils to draw their favourite toy and numbers in their exercise book. Pupils complete the task.
Closure Teacher asks pupils about what they have learned and recalled from today's lesson. Teacher gives complimen

HOTS Ques :
Construct : Thinking Tools :
Assessmen : Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.

Educationa : Language

Reflection : Objectives achieved. More than 80% of the pupils managed to complete task with guida

Only around 60 % of the pupils managed to achieved the objectives with guidance.

65 % of the pupils need more guidance and remedial activities.

Class postpone because of

Day : Tuesday

Time : 3.30pm-4.30pm

No. of pupils :

Pupils absent :

Pupils present :

word sets.
e of high frequency target language phonemes

ources in their daily life experiences.

Whiteboard, Pictures

word sets.
e of high frequency target language phonemes

es. Teacher gives guidance whenever necessary.

y favourite number's _____.
to toys and numbers. Teacher drills pupils.
ise book. Pupils complete the task.
's lesson. Teacher gives compliment.
anaged to complete task with guidance.

the objectives with guidance.


Week : 11 Date : 9 March, 2021

Subject : English Class : Year 2W

Topic : Unit 3 Pet Show No. of pupils

Theme : World of Knowledge Pupils absent

Main Skill : Listening Pupils present

Content St : By the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to:

Main Skill : 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly.
Complimenta : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds.

Learning S : 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language

Language / Grammar Focus

: Plural animal nouns (e.g. dogs, spiders, rats) colours, prepositions

Previous K : Pupils have heard, seen and read various animals from multiple sources in their daily life experienc

Materials / References
: Lesson SOW Number 87 Superminds TR Page 36

Learning O : a) Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.
: b) Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language
: c) Err:504

Stages Activity
Set Induction
Teacher asns pupils to sing the song in Supermind page 24 to recall pupils' memories. Teacher gives guidance whenever
Practice Teacher elicits key language from pupils. Eg. My favourite toy's _____. My favourite number's _____.
Production Teacher writes a list of vocabulary and phrases on the whiteboard related to toys and numbers. Teacher dril
Practice Teacher asks pupils to draw their favourite toy and numbers in their exercise book. Pupils complete the task.
Closure Teacher asks pupils about what they have learned and recalled from today's lesson. Teacher gives complimen

HOTS Ques :
Construct : Thinking Tools :
Assessmen : Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets.

Educationa : Language

Reflection : Objectives achieved. More than 80% of the pupils managed to complete task with guida

Only around 60 % of the pupils managed to achieved the objectives with guidance.

65 % of the pupils need more guidance and remedial activities.

Class postpone because of

Day : Tuesday

Time : 4.30pm-5.30pm

No. of pupils :

Pupils absent :

Pupils present :

word sets.
e of high frequency target language phonemes

ources in their daily life experiences.

Whiteboard, Pictures

word sets.
e of high frequency target language phonemes

es. Teacher gives guidance whenever necessary.

y favourite number's _____.
to toys and numbers. Teacher drills pupils.
ise book. Pupils complete the task.
's lesson. Teacher gives compliment.
anaged to complete task with guidance.

the objectives with guidance.


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