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Authors Title Objectives/ Argument Theoretic Conceptu Methodology Significance/

Research s/ al al Findings
Questions Hypothesi Framewor Framewor
s k k
ADB PATHS  Locale: Asia Developing Asia
DIVERGE  IN  is now forecast to
RECOVERY contract by 0.4%
FROM  THE  in 2020, less than
PANDEMIC the 0.7%
envisaged in the
Outlook 2020
Update in
Growth will
rebound to 6.8%
in 2021, but
prospects diverge
within the region
Projected growth
in East Asia in
2020 is upgraded
from 1.3% in the
Update to 1.6%
as the People’s
Republic of
China and
recover more
quickly than
expected. Growth
in 2021 is still
forecast at 7.0%.
The earlier South
Asia forecast for
6.8% contraction
is upgraded to
6.1% in line with
an improved
projection for
India, as
accelerates, from
9.0% contraction
to 8.0%. Growth
will return in
2021, at 7.2% in
South Asia and
8.0% in India.
Recovery in
Southeast Asia
continues to lag
as virus
efforts in the
larger economies
forecasts are
downgraded for
2020 from 3.8%
contraction to
4.4%, and for
2021 from 5.5%
growth to 5.2%.
Growth forecasts
for Central Asia
and the Pacific
are unchanged
from September.
Central Asia is
still projected to
contract by 2.1%
this year, and the
economies by
6.1% as global
continues to
demand and low
oil prices will
keep regional
inflation in check
at 2.8% in 2020
and 1.9% in
Abrigo, Michael Projected Locale: The COVID-19
R. M., Jhanna Disease Philippines epidemic is
Uy, Nel Jason Transmission, expected to affect
Haw, Valerie Health System To assess the not only the
Gilbert T. Ulep, Requirements, potential country’s health
and Kris and impact of the system, but also
Francisco- Macroeconom COVID-19 the economy.
Abrigo ic Impacts of outbreak on Projections based
the labor force on a Leontief
Coronavirus participation input-output
Disease 2019 among model suggests
(COVID-19) households, that the
in the the authors Philippine
Philippines linked the economy may
population- lose between
level SEIR 276.3 billion
model to an (best case) and
individual- PHP 2.5 trillion
level micro- (worse case) due
simulation to COVID-19.
model. The transport,
storage, and
sector is expected
to suffer
substantial losses
because of
expected declines
in tourism (PHP
11.7- to 124.3-
billion). Other
services (PHP
(PHP 82.1- to
and wholesale
and retail trade
(PHP 93.2- to
724.8-billion) are
projected to be
affected by
weaker global
and domestic
Extending the
ECQ by one
more month may
potentially cost
the Philippine
economy at least
PHP150 billion
due to possible
declines in
consumption as
workers remain
unemployed for
longer periods.
Alfano, The Efficacy This paper The Results show that
Vincenzo, and of Lockdown aims to fill researchers lockdown is
Salvatore Against the gap in pursue their effective in
Ercolano. COVID-19: A the objectives by reducing the
Cross-Country literature means of a number of new
Panel by quantitative cases in the
Analysis assessing, panel analysis, countries that
at an building a implement it,
internation longitudinal compared with
al level, the dataset with those countries
effect of observations that do not. This
lockdown from countries is especially true
measures all over the around 10 days
(or the lack world, and after the
of such estimating the implementation
measures) impact of of the policy. Its
on the lockdown via efficacy
numbers of feasible continues to
new generalized grow up to 20
infections. least squares days after
Given this fixed effect, implementation.
policy's random
expected effects,
change in generalized
effectivene estimating
ss over equation, and
time, we hierarchical
also linear models.
the effect
of having a
d over a
number of
days (from
7 to 20
ADB Asia–Pacific Locale: Asia Digitalization
Trade and automation
Facilitation may help address
Report 2019: some long-
Bridging trade standing issues
finance gaps in trade finance,
through such as high
technology transaction
processing costs
and costly know
SMEs are usually
burdened by high
interest rates
and collateral
while banks are
discouraged by
the high cost of
ADB The COVID- In Forecasted that
19 Impact on collaboration the Philippines'
Philippine with the economic growth
Business: Key Philippine would slow to
Findings from Department of 2.0 percent. This
the Enterprise Finance, the follows the
Survey Asian economy's
Development outstanding
Bank (ADB) performance in
conducted an 2019, when it
enterprise expanded by
survey during approximately
28 April–15 6.4 percent. They
May 2020. The did, however,
questionnaire forecast a
was designed significant
to investigate rebound of 6.5
the impact of percent in 2021,
coronavirus assuming the
disease virus is contained
(COVID-19) by June of this
on Philippine year
along with the
effect of the 16
March 2020
quarantine and
such as the
imposed by the
around the
Capital Region
(NCR). It also
aimed to help
government in
their economic
strategies in
response to the
ADB MSMEs Key Locale: Strengthening the
to Southeast Southeast Asia dynamics of
Asia's Post- micro, small, and
COVID-19 medium-sized
Recovery enterprises
(MSMEs) with
innovation and
on will be key to
Southeast Asian
devastated by the
disease (COVID-
19) pandemic.
MSMEs are a
critical driving
force in
Southeast Asian
accounting for an
average of 97%
of all enterprises
and 69% of the
national labor
force from 2010
to 2019. They
contributed an
average of 41%
of each country’s
gross domestic
product over the
same period.
Constantin, M., Reimagining Locale: Tourism made up
Saxon, S., & the $9 trillion Australia, 10 percent of
Yu, J. tourism Bahrain, global GDP in
economy— Belgium, 2019 and was
what will it Canada, Egypt, worth almost $9
take? Finland, trillion, making
France, the sector nearly
Germany, three times larger
Hong Kong, than agriculture.
Indonesia, However, the
Israel, Italy, tourism value
Kenya, chain of suppliers
Malaysia, New and
Zealand, Peru, intermediaries
Philippines, has always been
Singapore, fragmented, with
South Africa, limited
South Korea, coordination
Spain, among the small
Switzerland, and medium-size
Thailand, and enterprises
the United (SMEs) that
Kingdom. make up a large
portion of the
have generally
played a limited
role in the
industry, with
partial oversight
and light-touch
Department of 2019 MSME Locale: The 2020 List of
Trade and Statistics Philippines Establishments
Industry Method: of the Philippine
Survey Statistics
Authority (PSA)
recorded a total
of 957,620
operating in the
country. Of
these, 952,969
(99.51%) are
MSMEs and
4,651 (0.49%)
are large
Micro enterprises
(850,127) of total
followed by
small enterprises
at 10.25%
(98,126) and
enterprises at
0.49% (4,716).
International Annual global This article Shutdown of
Council for micro-, small examines informal MSMEs
Small Business and medium- whether may result in
sized SME vulnerable
enterprises financing individuals
report in Belgium losing income
has actually and employment.
suffered as A number of
a result of fiscal stimulus
the measures have
successive been launched by
crises national
since 2008, governments to
and if so, support
what are economic growth
the during the Covid-
explanatory 19
factors. pandemic. These
concessional and
emergency loans,
debt relief, tax
breaks and
exemptions as
well as utility
payments and
as unregistered
business entities,
are unable
to access these
International Chapter 1: Locale: Cross- As a result of the
Monetary Fund The Great country pandemic, the
Lockdown.” global economy
In World is projected to
Economic contract sharply
Outlook by –3 percent in
2020, much
worse than
during the 2008–
09 financial
crisis. In a
baseline scenario,
which assumes
that the pandemic
fades in the
second half of
2020 and
efforts can be
unwound, the
global economy
is projected to
grow by 5.8
percent in 2021
as economic
helped by policy
National Addressing Locale: COVID-19 is
Economic the Social and Philippines expected to
Development Economic significantly
Authority Impact of the affect the tourism
COVID-19 sector. In 2018,
Pandemic international
contributed 1.5
percent of
Philippine GDP.
5 Chinese
tourists 6
comprise the
second largest
number of
foreign tourists to
the Philippines,
accounting for
22.0 percent (1.8
million arrivals)
of total foreign
arrivals in 2019,
next only to
Korea (24.0%
share; 2.0 million
arrivals). Chinese
tourists spent
around PHP110.8
billion, or over
one-fourth of
total tourism
receipts in 2018.
Koreans spent
billion. With the
travel ban to and
from China and
its administrative
regions and a
partial ban to and
from South
Korea, the
tourism sector is
expected to be
Nicholls, A. Are AML Locale; In the aftermath
(Anti-Money- Unspecified of the Global
Laundering) Economic and
requirements Financial Crisis,
hindering banks have
SME access to become a lot
trade finance? more
Caribbean conservative in
Trade Law their lending
and practices. SMEs
Development lower access to
“good collateral”
and often shorter
credit histories
make them
riskier prospects
than established
companies. In
cases where trade
finance requests
are rejected,
SMEs either have
to find an
alternative source
of financing the
transaction or
abandon it
altogether. SMEs
also often lack
information on
the trade finance
options available
to them.
Piette, C., & Sensitivity to Locale; Credit demand
Zachary, M. the crisis of Belgium from SMEs
SME declined, albeit
financing in This article to a lesser extent
Belgium uses various than demand
qualitative and from larger
quantitative firms, which
data sources to made more use
investigate of alternative
how bank instruments
loans granted owing to their
to Belgian easier access to
SME s were financial
affected markets. On the
supply side,
survey data
indicate that
banks perceive
SME s as
presenting a
higher risk, so
that they apply
tighter credit
conditions to this
type of firms.
Firm-level data
suggest that the
increase in credit
risk was mostly
within a
relatively small
fraction of
Belgian SME s
whose financial
somewhat faster
after the onset of
the crisis. These
divergent risk
profiles seem to
have been taken
into account by
Belgian banks in
their credit
policy. This is
confirmed by an
analysis that
links the
situation of the
SME s to their
access to bank
credit. It shows
that Belgian
banks do indeed
take account of
the SME s’
situation but did
not become more
risk-averse after
the onset of the
crisis as far as
existing lender-
relationships are
However, they
tended to favour
lower risk
profiles when
granting loans to
SME s which
were not part of
their existing
Scarinci, C. A post- This paper The Previous research
superstorm focuses on methodology in disaster
Sandy study small used for this planning has
of small business research was a revealed that
business preparedne combination most businesses
disaster ss for survey/intervie are unprepared
preparedness disaster, w of small for disaster,
and after businesses specifically small
perspectives Superstorm impacted by businesses, since
on planning Sandy, to Superstorm they focus little
for future determine Sandy. of their attention
incidents. whether the and resources on
disaster disaster
experience preparedness.
business The survey
owners to results revealed
develop that the majority
contingenc of respondents
y and did not have
disaster plans in
recovery place prior to
plans to Sandy and that a
better small percentage
prepare developed
for future contingency or
incidents. disaster recovery
plans to better
for future
incidents, post-
Sandy. The
interview portion
of the research
valuable insight
about how these
businesses dealt
with the disaster,
what they learned
from the
experience and
their perspectives
on contingency
planning and
disaster recovery.
Shinozaki, S. The COVID- Locale; SEA The pandemic
19 impact on Countries has severely
micro, small, strained firms,
and medium- especially micro,
sized small, and
enterprises: medium-sized
Evidence from enterprises.
rapid surveys
Many suspended
in Indonesia,
operations after
the Lao
People’s the virus
Democratic outbreak and
Republic, the were compelled
Philippines, to reduce their
and Thailand. workforce
because of poor
demand as a
result of strict
leaving them
with sharply
reduced sales
and revenue.
Shinozaki, S. COVID-19 This paper The ADB The global
and L. N. Rao Impact on examines conducted a economy has
Micro, Small, the initial rapid survey experienced
and Medium- impact on from 30 March epidemics in the
Sized MSMEs of to 16 April past—the Severe
Enterprises the 2020 to assess Acute
under the ECQ and the initial Respiratory
Lockdown: lockdown 1-month Syndrome
Evidence from measures impact on (SARS) and the
a Rapid using MSMEs of the Middle East
Survey in the evidence COVID-19- Respiratory
Philippines obtained associated Syndrome
from a quarantine and (MERS). The
rapid lockdown SARS outbreak
nationwide measures. The in 2003 involved
survey survey also more than 8,000
conducted explored cases affecting
from the possible 26 countries,
end of government including
March to policy options Hong Kong,
mid-April to support China; the
2020 and MSMEs’ People’s
derives needs. It was Republic of
policy carried out China (PRC);
implication online via Singapore;
s. social media Taipei,China;
(Facebook) and
and networks Viet Nam. The
of MERS outbreak
the Bureau of occurred in Saudi
Small and Arabia in 2012
Medium and spread to
Enterprise several
Development Asian economies,
under the including
Department of Malaysia, the
Trade and Philippines, the
Industry and Republic of
the Philippine Korea, and
Chamber of Thailand. During
Commerce and the MERS
Industry outbreak, the
number of micro,
This study small, and
provides both medium-sized
descriptive and enterprises
regression (MSMEs) fell by
analyses to 0.4% in the
estimate the Philippines, with
COVID-19 employment
impact on dropping by
MSMEs at the 3.3%
initial stage of during 2012 and
the pandemic, 2013. The
addressing the numbers
impact increased by
by firm size 0.6% and 2.5%,
and industry. respectively,
after the
outbreak settled
down in 2014
Vandenburg, P., SMEs This Locale: Cross- Small and
Chantapacdepon in Developing introductor country medium-sized
g, P., & Asia y chapter enterprises
Yoshino, N. New reviews the (SMEs) make a
Approaches to key market significant
Overcoming failures contribution to
Market faced the economies of
Failures by SMEs
Asia. Their sheer
and the
number is
policies overwhelming,
and as they account
programs for 98% or more
designed to of all enterprises
address in
them. It is most countries.
prefaced by They generate
a look at
importance investments in
of SMEs in plant
14 selected and machinery,
countries. and create value
through the
production of
goods and
services. More
progressive SMEs
are innovators of
process and
pushing outward
the technological
frontier. Most
serve the
domestic market,
services, but
also supply the
export market.
Smaller firms are
in the production
of parts and
components for
regional and
global value
chains serving
large producers
locally or abroad

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