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Learning outcomes,
A. Interpret clinical signs and symptoms
B. Evaluate laboratory data
C. Critically appraise treatment options
D. State goals of therapy
E. Describe a pharmaceutical care plan to include advice to a clinician
F. Describe the prognosis and long-term complications
G. Describe the social pharmacy issues which could include compliance and lifestyle

Case Presentation
Mrs. ML is a 63-year-old, high 160 CM, weight 75 Kg, waist circumference 85 CM,
BP 142/86 mm Hg, on amlodipine 5 mg/d, mixed dyslipidemia with an LDL-C of 110
mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) of 49 mg/dL, Total cholesterol
225 mg/dL and triglycerides of 185 mg/dL. She got new medications Simvastatin 10
mg/daily po and warfarin 5 mg/daily po.
Social history: smoke 1/2 pack cigarette/day, drink alcohol occasionally, living
Family history: both parents developed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), father has
lipid disorder.
1. Count 10 year later cardiovascular disease risk using FRS
2. Describe the goals of therapy
3. Analysis the potential ADR or side effect or drug interaction
4. Describe of pharmaceutical counselling about her medications and her lifestyle
5. Describe the monitoring therapy

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