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Enfermería Clínica 31 (2021) S296---S300

The contribution of family functions, knowledge

and attitudes in children under five with stunting夽
Praba Diyan Rachmawati ∗ , Mira Triharini, Putri Dewi Suciningtyas

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Received 15 September 2020; accepted 21 September 2020

KEYWORDS Abstract The objective of study is to analyze the relationship between the function, knowl-
Family functions; edge and attitude of families with the nutritional status of stunted children. The design of this
Knowledge; study was a cross-sectional. The population was the mothers of children under five with stunting.
Attitudes; The sample consisted of 129 respondents selected through purposive sampling. The indepen-
Stunting; dent variables were family function, knowledge and attitude, while the dependent was the
Under five children nutritional status. The data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using the Spear-
man rho with ˛ < 0.05. The results show that there was no relationship between family function
with the nutritional status (p = 0.553, r = 0.053), however knowledge (p = 0.004, r = 0.249) and
attitude (p = 0.000, r = 0.637) had a relationship with the nutritional status. Family knowledge
and attitude determine the nutritional status of stunting children. It is important for nurses to
develop education for families to prevent stunting.
© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Introduction Stunting can hurt children under five due to interference

such as low intelligence, decreased immunity and delayed
One of the nutritional problems that has not yet been growth and development. This will have an impact on these
resolved in Indonesia is stunting.1 Stunting shows that there children when they are adults.2,3
has been long-term (chronic) nutritional insufficiency that The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is higher than in
starts before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after birth. other countries in Southeast Asia, such as Myanmar (35%),
Vietnam (23%) and Thailand (16%). Indonesia is ranked 17th
out of 117 countries that have complex nutritional prob-
夽 Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of lems including malnutrition (19.6%) and stunting (37.2%).4
the 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH) in con-
Indonesia is included in the 14 countries with the largest
junction with the 7th Asian International Conference in Humanized rate of stunting in children under five and it ranks 5th after
Health Care (AIC-HHC). Full-text and the content of it is under India, Nigeria, Pakistan and China.5 The incidence of stunt-
responsibility of authors of the article. ing in East Java Increased from 2007 to 2010, the results of
∗ Corresponding author. the study stated the incidence of stunting in East Java was
E-mail address: (P.D. Rachmawati). 39.4%.6
1130-8621/© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Enfermería Clínica 31 (2021) S296---S300

Several research studies into the factors that correlate edge and attitude was done using a questionnaire prepared
with the background of stunting have been carried out such by the researchers through the different stages of discus-
as those looking at feeding patterns and lifestyle.7 Another sion with experts. It was tested for validity and reliability
important factor is family function. The family functions can and declared to be a valid and reliable questionnaire.
influence the presence of a healthy lifestyle in the family, The research questionnaire was given to the mothers in
including meeting the nutritional needs that are appropriate the Integrated Service Post (POSYANDU). Before the respon-
for the child.8 A good family function will affect the mother dent filled out the questionnaire in order to participate in
when she is providing care for her child.9 The mothers play this study, the researcher explained the study first and then
a role in providing nutrition to their children.10 There is a the respondent signed an informed consent sheet.
relationship between maternal attitude and the husband’s
support of nutritional practices.11 The mother’s behavior Data analysis
related to providing nutrition to her child is very important
for the child’s growth and development. Achieving an age of
The analysis of the data was done using the Spearman Rho
growth potential in the first 2 years of life makes it is very
statistical test ˛ ≤ 0.05.
important that the child is given proper nutrition.12 Fulfill-
ing the proper nutrition during pregnancy can also affect the
child’s nutritional status. Pregnant women must get ade- Ethical aspects
quate nutrition through nutritional supplementation (iron
tablets or Fe) and health monitoring.13 This study has been approved by the Health Research Ethics
Efforts to reduce the prevalence of stunting have been Committee Faculty of Nursing of Universitas Airlangga
carried out to support the achievement of the health devel-
opment targets following the 2015---2019 Strategic Plan. The Results
family area focuses on the approach used for implementing
a healthy Indonesia program.5 However, children under-five
Most of the respondents (79.1%) were 18---35 years old. More
has still been found with stunting. Besides the role and func-
than half of the respondents (59.7%) had an elementary
tion of the family, the knowledge and attitude of the mother
school level of education. The largest percentage did not
is still a fundamental problem affecting childcare. This study
work (48.1%). The majority of the respondents in this study
aims to analyze the influence of family function, knowledge,
had a family income in the low category (99.2%). The largest
and attitude related to children under five with stunting.
percentage were in the age category of 4---5 years for as
many as 59 of the respondents (45.7%). The category of giv-
Method ing exclusive breast feeding was in the category ‘not giving
as much’ at 58.1% (Table 1).
Design The biggest value was for effective family function,
where the children in the stunted category totalled as many
The design of this study used a cross-sectional approach. as 72 (55.8%) respondents. In this study, it was found that
there was no significant relationship between family func-
tion and the nutritional status of stunted children with a
Population and study setting
value of p = 0.553. The total number of respondents who had
good knowledge and children in the category of stunted was
The population in this study consisted of all families with 52 (40.3%). Knowledge is significantly related to the nutri-
stunted children aged under five. The criteria for determin- tional status of stunting children with p = 0.004 and r = 0.249.
ing the sample was through purposive sampling. The total The highest number for the mother’s attitude was where
sample consisted of 129 respondents who met the inclusion the respondents had a positive attitude and children in the
criteria, which was where the mother lived together with stunted category (50.4%, n = 65). This study shows that atti-
her child and took care of the child directly. tude has a significant effect on children with a stunted
nutritional status as indicated by p = 0.001 and r = 0.637
Variables (Table 2).
The mean score obtained from the 7 sub-variables of fam-
The independent variables in this study were family func- ily function shows the lowest average value was effective
tion, knowledge and attitude in relation to caring for responsive with an average score of 11.40 and the highest
children under five. The dependent variable in this study was average score is the General Function 29.07 (Table 3).
the nutritional status of stunted children under five years
old. Discussion

Data collection The majority of respondents have effective family func-

tions and family function is not related to the nutritional
The instrument used in the collection of the family function status. This result is in line with the previous studies.15 Fam-
data was a questionnaire modified from the Family Function- ily function is one of the factors that influence a child’s
ing Device (FAD) consisting of 60 questions. These items were health status. Families must do so in a mutual, supportive
used to measure family function and they were developed by and respectful manner to increase their strength and com-
Epstein et al. (1983).14 The measurement of family knowl- petence. Previous studies show that good parenting from

P.D. Rachmawati, M. Triharini and P.D. Suciningtyas

Table 1 Characteristics of the respondents (n = 129).

Characteristics Category n %
Age 18---35 years old 103 79.8
36---50 years old 24 18.6
>50 years old 2 1.6
Education Elementary school 92 71.3
Junior high school 22 17.1
Senior high school 14 10.9
High education 1 0.8
Family income Low income 128 99.2
High income 1 0.8
Child age <2 years old 42 32.6
2---5 years old 87 67.4
Exclusive breast feeding Given 54 41.9
Not given 75 58.1

Table 2 Factors influencing the nutritional status of stunted toddlers (n = 129).

Variable Nutrition status n % p r

Severely stunting Stunting

n % n %
Family function
Effective 20 16.3 72 55.8 93 27.9 0.553 0.053
Ineffective 16 12.4 21 15.5 36 72.1
Less 9 7 12 9.3 21 16.3 0.004 0.249
Enough 16 12.4 29 22.5 45 34.9
Good 11 8.5 52 40.3 63 48.8
Negative 35 27.1 28 21.7 63 48.8 0.001 0.637
Positive 1 0.8 65 50.4 66 51.2

family has a close relationship with the nutritional status of responsiveness was because of the large number of family
children, because parents will provide protection and care members. The impact that arises here is a lack of affection
for the child lovingly.16 and family attention. In addition, a possible cause is still
The results show that the majority of respondents have found early marriage in families. This is where there is psy-
effective family functions. The highest value is indicated chological unpreparedness related to building a household.
for General Function and the lowest for affective respon- The value of general function includes the family being
siveness. The possible cause of the low value of affective able to fully provide the food intake that a child need. Worry
and a fear of poor growth and development are felt by many
families, especially the mothers when caring for their chil-
Table 3 Family functions related to children under five dren. There is often a person to them who they always talk to
with stunting (n = 129). about the development and growth of their children. In addi-
tion, the high value for general function is that the majority
Parameter Mean SD
of mothers in the Galis Puskesmas are mothers who do not
Problem solving 11.44 1.96 work. The mothers are directly involved in childcare, where
Communication 15.84 3.26 the time spent with their children is longer than that of
Roles 21.64 4.27 working mothers.
Affective responsiveness 11.40 2.15 The family function tends to be how the family pro-
Affective involvement 15.03 3.09 vides support and its role in fulfilling the child’s nutrition. In
Behavior control 17.28 2.73 Indonesia, the influence of culture, habits and daily lifestyle
General function 29.07 4.08 is very influential on how the family care for children under
five. Research says that the influence of culture and lifestyle

Enfermería Clínica 31 (2021) S296---S300

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culture in the context of childcare. A lack of knowledge We would like to thank the respondents who participated in
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and children will also have an impact on maternal feed-
ing practices.7 In addition the family economic factors, also
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