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Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd

Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

Unit Code BSBMGT516

Unit Name Facilitate Continuous Improvement

Assessment T1 Due Date See Training Schedule


Student Name Student ID LON0000

Declaration of authenticity

I, the above-named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment (and any
additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not
plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged,
this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been
submitted for assessment.

I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies
and Procedures.

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

This assessment is a project that requires you to assist with the resolution of a business problem by
applying continuous improvement.

You are required to:

● Choose one of the two projects provided by your trainer

● Review and assess the business problem
● Identify how a CI (Continuous Improvement) project can best assist the organisation/department
● Develop and facilitate implementation of a CI project

Some help text is provided to give you clear guidelines for the completion of this assessment. Delete the
help text when submitting.


This section is about:

● Understanding the business problem that requires a continuous improvement intervention

● Applying the DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control) approach to develop
and implement a continuous improvement project

1. Choose a project to complete your assessment. Indicate below what project you have

Project 1

2. Undertake a GAP analysis based on your project. What gaps have you identified?

Current state Desired future state Gaps Remedies

The organisation has a Present zero costumer Lack of professional Provide adequate
high rate of customer complaints logistics training for
complaints qualification for new warehouse staff.
Organize the
Lack of leadership warehouse layout.
skills for the
logistics team Improve the
leader. replacement model.

Promote demand

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

There is no forecast.
specialized staff to
handle complaints.

The organization has 50% reduction in process The credit check Outsource the
delays in the time between order and process is slow and credit check.
acceptance of the delivery. neglected.
orders. Introduce an
The account internet ordering
department is system connecting
workloaded customer, head
office, warehouse
and carrier.

The organisation has A company capable of Workloaded staff. Reorganize staff

problems with changes. keeping up with changes in
the market and with Outdated Promote ongoing
maximum synergy between organization. training and
personnel, staff and incentive programs
Non-Proactive for employees
departments. Employees

The company has not a A company capable of The company Introduce process
culture of continuos reassessing and improving doesn’t have an quality control and
improvement its processes quickly and operational quality assessment metrics
effectively. metric.

3. Apply the DMAIC approach. (The DMAIC plan must be appropriately developed. You should
demonstrate ability to critically analyse and address the requirements of the DMAIC
approach when planning for improvement)

3.1 Define

The greatest problems faced by the organization are the slowness in ordering processes due to the
mechanism of credit check, the workload of the accounts department, The centralization of order
verification due to lack of leadership and teamwork in the warehouse, the unpreparedness of the
warehouse staff, and the outdated logistical processes. The biggest issues seen from the eyes of the
customers are errors in delivered orders and inefficiency in customer complaints service, these problems
give the company a negative and disorganized image. With this assessment, I hope to streamline the
order process, modernize the customer's shopping experience, reduce staff workload, significantly reduce

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

logistics errors, increase the synergy between departments and teams, increase employee morale, and
encourage the team improvement. In addition, I also hope to implement an organizational culture of
continuous improvement through quality metrics and team training, increase competitiveness and finally
improve the company's position in the market by delivering the best possible customer experience.

3.2 Measure

Custom Ord
er er
Customer credit order
Service check lead
Office solicitation

GA credit
Departm check
Wareho GA order
P execution

Custom er
er complai
Customer Complaint
Service Process
Wareho GA order order
use P correction execution

With the current process there are three main gaps in the order execution process. The first gap is in the
credit verification process adopted by the company. With a growing organization, the demand of the
accounts department grows exponentially, so that it becomes impossible for a part of the purchasing

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

process to depend directly on this sector. This failure is the main cause of the delay in releasing orders to
the Warehouse.

The second major gap is the unpreparedness of new warehouse staff and the centralization of warehouse
tasks in just one person, which increases the risk of human error and also increases the time between
order release and execution.

The third gap is the lack of a specialized service in the customer's success and in the correction of wrong
orders, without this specialized service, customers don’t feel heard, and the company presents a
disorganized image.

To prepare a measurement plan to characterize these failures, it is necessary to collect and categorize
complaints made by customers, calculate the time it takes the customer to complete an order, calculate
the time taken between the order release by the CSO and the order release through the warehouse,
calculate how much the company would spend on hiring new employees and how much the company
would invest in modern logistics systems and staff training. With this data, it is possible to define the best
measures to be taken by the company at that moment.

3.3 Analyse

In the current process, there are some steps that only serve to delay the process between the order
requested by the customer and delivery by the carrier. Credit checking by the accounts department is
unnecessary, as there are currently many credit checking companies that can greatly streamline this part
of the process. Order processing by the CSO is also unnecessary when most wholesale and retail
companies already operate in the online market, so a shopping site for ABC would be enough to process
orders and expedite their release in the Warehouse, which still exists the possibility of integration between
the ABC website, the credit verification company website and digital payment systems.
It is also unnecessary for all orders to be verified by Mark, as with the proper training, the other two
employees would be able to do this verification and streamline this part of the process.
The root of the company's problems is the inability to adapt to new demands and technological advances,
and problems tend to increase as the organization remains outdated.

3.4 Improve

Issue Solution Expected Outcome

Streamlining the
purchasing process,
Slow credit check process Process outsourcing
reducing the workload of
the accounts department

unpreparedness of new Staff training Greater autonomy and

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

efficiency in logistical
processes and reduced
human error
warehouse staff Organize the warehouse layout Less time for adapting
new employees and
streamlining logistical

Improved teamwork.
Improved adaptation of
Centralization of warehouse’s leadership and management
new employees.
tasks training for Mark
Reduction of human

Computer systematization of the Samantha's workload

Lack of specialized staff in
purchasing process and relocation reduction and better
customer success
and training of Samantha for customer service
Customer Success Officer

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

Custom Ord complaint
er er s
Customer Complaint
Success s
Wareho Order order
use execution

Credit checking credit

company check
online shopping
system lead

3.5 Control

For the situation of ABC Shop Supplies Pty Ltd. a good tool to assist in the continuous improvement
process is the PDCA cycle. The current project develops the planning of what must be done in the
continuous improvement process, and as soon as the project is put into practice, metrics and process
verification tools must be imposed, in order to identify possible failures and improvements in the
organizational process. To carry out this verification phase, it is advisable to hire a consulting company,
thus providing an outside and more modern view for the company.

The key points for verifying the continuous improvement process are the external channels for evaluating
companies, the customer success office, customer complaints data, the warehouse organization and the
dynamics between employees and between sectors.

Once this verification is done, it is necessary to update the initial continuous improvement plan and
continue the PDCA cycle.

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement


This section is about:

o Leading the continuous improvement process

o Support the organisation in the continuous improvement effort
o Monitor and adjust strategies for continuous improvements
o Manage opportunities for continuous improvements

Address the tasks that follow, referring to your CI project and the DMAIC plan for CI that you have
developed in section 1.

Some help text is provided to give you clear guidelines for the completion of this assessment. Delete the
help text when submitting.


1. Leadership

The vision of this continuous improvement project is to achieve excellence in terms of the customer's
shopping experience and success. With a focus on agile decisions, modern departments, practical
service and standardized processes that enable the measurement, evaluation and constant improvement
of processes, teams and departments, we aim to develop a culture of continuous improvement that fully
encompasses the entire organisation. This project is necessary for the organisation to reach its maximum
potential while adapting to market changes and new customer needs, making the company position itself
in an increasingly positive way in the market. The main objectives of this continuous improvement project
are the constant updating of ordering processes, the modernization of the logistic system, the excellence
in the quality of our products, the increase in the morale and well-being of employees and the continuous
development of our team through use of technological tools, modern resources, and of creating
competitive environments.

2. Team engagement

The first fundamental strategy to ensure that team members are actively encouraged and supported to
participate in decision-making processes is the creation of a light and competitive organizational culture
that awakens and strengthens in employees the feeling of belonging to the organisation and of possibility
of individual, social or economic growth.
Another strategy is to create a system capable of rewarding employees according to the proposed
organizational culture, so that the rewards should encourage engagement in decision-making and should

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

also be proposed so that the employee is not afraid to assume the responsibility for their participation or
their initiative.
A third strategy is to invest in hiring people with a profile that is adequate for the company's organizational
culture and to invest in training for the development of leadership skills, making the employee understand
the relevance of their participation in the decisions made in the organisation and encourage other
employees to participate as well.

3. Stakeholders

Stakeholder Role Responsibility Interest and authority in

the CI project

Team supervisor training staff Look for the General/ No authority

improvement of the role

Marketing advisor layout organization Look for alternatives to General/ technical

improve the image of knowledge
the company.

Project manager Computer Leadership and Maximum/ High

systematization/ management training. authority
improve internal Look for alternatives for
processes systematization.

4. Communication

The communication systems used to keep stakeholders aware of the processes will be via memo,
minutes and email. The information to be shared concerns the development and effectiveness of the plan,
possible updates, changes, critical points and/or hits. Communication must be established by these
means always after the meetings. In addition, every fifteen days, the person responsible for the project
must inform the stakeholders about the progress of the proposed strategies. In addition, the team as a
whole needs to be aware of the progress of the project, aiming at the transparency of the measures
adopted. Thus, monthly, the employees involved should receive in their email (professional) a summary
with the main points that were covered with the strategies throughout the month.

5. Communication sample

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

From: Project Manager

To: Marketing Advisor

Subject: Weekly results


I send this email to update you regarding the analysis of the weekly results of the improvement

After creating the new layout, it should be forwarded to our marketing and advertising team for
analysis. What has been observed so far is that the proposal offered meets our demand,
however the chosen palette differs from the image delivered so far, so we will probably have to
change it. In addition, we continue with the application and analysis of the plan. Have a great
week and feel free to contact me if you need.

Yours sincerely,

6. Sustainability requirements

A fundamental requirement was taken into account in the elaboration of the plan: the reduction of waste
production and energy savings. As currently, most of the company's processes were done without
automation, a lot was spent on printing papers, drafts, reports and so on. In addition to the development
time of certain activities that made employees work beyond their hours, generating greater energy

The automation of certain processes allows the problem of waste to be mitigated, since a large part of
what was previously recorded on paper, with the automation is now carried out by the system and/or
saved in the cloud. In addition, the backlog of activities decreased, which helps to save energy.

To ensure the effectiveness of the measures, there must be adequate training of the team, in addition to
effective communication by the supervisors, who must report to the person responsible for the project,
regarding the importance of the new measures.

7. Mentoring and coaching

1) Leadership development: for a continuous improvement project to be effective, leaders must be

integrated and in tune with the demands of the process. In addition, they need to know how to

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

communicate the perceived needs to their team. Therefore, a fundamental process is that the leaders
undergo mentoring on project management and internal communication.

2) Career development: another point that can be fundamental in the effectiveness of a process of
constant improvement is that the employees involved not only feel that they are a fundamental part of the
process, but that they perceive it as the proper development of the proposed tasks, linked to a set of
attitudes can bring benefits to your organizational health, even contributing to your career plan. Often,
however, it is difficult to see these paths on your own, so it is useful to have a specialized person to help
you understand these path options.

8. Mentoring and coaching process sample

Participants Contents Length Specifications Sessions

Coach Importance of One day No more than 20 As many as

the operational participants at a needed
team for the time
and growth of
the company.

Staff Career path. Only for

operational staff

9. Knowledge management strategy

One of the biggest challenges for a company is to hold on to its team's talents. Because knowledge
management is related to people management, then lack of retention is a challenge. To facilitate
retention, it is necessary to think about measures that aim to improve the work environment, considering
the characteristics and profile of each employee. With this, it is possible to take advantage of the potential
of employees, taking from them what they offer the best when carrying out their activities.

Google Drive is an excellent knowledge management tool for companies. It has paid and free versions
according to storage capacity. With Digital Transformation, it is an excellent tool in which you can save
documents in various formats, such as excel spreadsheets, and allow access to folders for specific
people online.

10. CI Register

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

Departmental Improvement Start date Target date Costing Improvement

detail steps

Operacional Training staff October, 15th October, 30th $5000 > Hire an
> Establish
what will be
needed for
> Application


1. Monitoring

1 – Google Analytics

The first tool tip for analysing indicators comes from this internet giant. Google Analytics is a platform that
measures KPIs related to hits on your company's website.

2 – Geckoboard

In addition to being a tool for monitoring and analysing KPIs, Geckoboard also offers the possibility of
integrating the data obtained by the platform with other software you use in your company.

3 – Olation

Olation is a flexible and robust data management system. This tool works independently of your
machine's operating system. This prevents, for example, the system from crashing in the middle of an

4 – Simple KPI

Simple KPI helps you monitor and visualize the key performance indicators of your business. It is cloud-
based and can be accessed from anywhere.

2. Communication

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

As already mentioned, transparency in communication is the key to the success of any organisational
process. Thus, all processes of analysing and measuring results must be shared in a strict and clear way.
The analysis schedule must be made available to all interested stakeholders and, for each new result,
interested parties must receive an attachment via email containing all relevant information. In addition, the
results must be available in the cloud, so that anyone responsible can access them. However, each
analysis strategy has a requirement and way of operating, so that the documents generated must be
encrypted and cannot be changed, ensuring that each stakeholder receives the information as recorded
by the systems.


1. Communication

The results of continuous improvement efforts must be formally communicated to employees via emailed
reports. Nevertheless, team meetings are also important for the transfer of this information, enabling
socialization among team members, celebrating positive results, planning new goals and, therefore,
cultivating a feeling of unity among employees. These results should also be presented as an incentive
for those involved in improvements through lectures, promotions and affirmative actions.

2. Communication process sample

Dear collaborator,

Please find attached the results obtained by the company through the continuous improvement project. In
summary, we obtained positive results with the implementation of the company's website and the online
purchase system integrated with digital payment systems and with the third-party credit verification
company. With these implementations, the relationship between the headquarters and the warehouse
became more organic and precise, and the processing time for purchase orders was significantly
reduced. In addition, with the new customer success office, it was possible to pay more attention to
customer suggestions, which gave us topics for the next phase of improvement.
Another change that brought positive results was the new organization of our warehouse and the new
logistical system. With the most modern system and with a more prepared team, order errors were
reduced to zero, and the time between the order release by the system and its release by the warehouse
decreased proportionally.
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 13 of 15
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

In the report you will have full access to all the information, we still have a lot to improve, but with your
help, ABC Shop Supplies Pty Ltd. will be a reference in the packaging market.


3. Team performance process

Survey of training needs: The first step in structuring quality Training and Development is to produce a
document called the Training Needs Assessment (TNA). This record is a diagnostic process, which seeks
to find the skills that need to be developed in the company.
For this, it is important to look at the goals of the project, the problems that need to be improved through
improvement in training and the expectations you have from carrying out training.
It is important to collect feedback from employees, managers and customers by conducting
In addition, it is necessary to observe quantitative indicators (productivity, return on investments, among
others) and qualitative indicators (quality of life, technological innovation), in order to have a view of the
current situation of the business.

Planning: Planning should include a number of key topics to structure the process well. You need to think
about the content that will be taught, the reasons for focusing on these aspects, the target audience,
teaching methods, selection of instructors, location, date and duration of the course and also the general

4. Team performance template

Goals Faced problems Expectations Due to the Action taken

original project

Excellence in Training period Update training No Restructuring of

service exceeded the plan to reduce the original plan to
plan. time. accommodate the
new deadline.

Optimization of The decrease in Strengthen Yes That answer was

service time service time is training. expected. Training
linked to a needs to be
decrease in the focused on the
quality of service. quality of care.

Correct use of Some employees The use of new No Communicate

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 14 of 15

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement

automation tools find it difficult to tools will bring through a timely

leave the old way advantages to the meeting the
of operating. entire production importance of
process and adapting to
customer service. changes.
Emphasize the
need to take
drastic measures
if the request is
not fulfilled.

5. Further improvements

The key point that needs to be improved in the company, as presented in the plan, is the customer
service process. Furthermore, a crucial point to be rethought in future projects is the need to use new
technologies. The company's technology sector is behind in relation to competitors (not a great part of the
processes were not automated). In a future plan, this issue must be embraced and dealt with with the
utmost urgency, because at a time when everything is done by digital means, the automation of certain
activities and the application of electronic tools and processes can not only help hospitalization, but also
also externally in relation to customer experience and brand image.
Another area to be addressed in future processes is the company's marketing part. Linked to the idea of
automation and modernization of processes, the media and communication with customers needs to be
revised and reformulated, in order to bring a new perspective with regard to the customer experience and
expansion of the company in the market.

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8) (ESOS 14.2) V2 March 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F

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