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Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Unit 1


Social media nicks, Favourite clothes, Number of siblings

1st column: beard – hair, overweight – build, bald – hair, dental brace – distinguishing features
2nd column: curly – hair, ugly – opinions about appearance, freckles – distinguishing features
3rd column: muscular – build, well-dressed – opinions about appearance
4th column: plump – build, pretty – opinions about appearance, of average height – build
+ Students’ own answers

1st column: gorgeous – wspaniały, piękny; plain – pospolity, nieatrakcyjny; scruffy – niechlujny; cute
– uroczy
2nd column: stocky – krępy; slender – smukły; chubby – pucułowaty, pulchny; shapely – zgrabny
3rd column: redhead – osoba o rudych włosach; crew cut – fryzura na jeża; ginger – rude; fringe –
grzywka; parting – przedziałek
4th column: mole – pieprzyk; birthmark – znamię; goatee – kozia bródka; pale – blady
+ Students’ own answers

1 after 2 like 3 in 4 from 5 for 6 to 7 to 8 as 9 of

1 of, out 2 on, on 3 on 4 on, down 5 into, to

6 (suggested answers)
1 tights, bra, pants
2 gloves, scarf, cap, hat, necklace, handbag, ring, earring, tie, hairband, belt
3 jumper, coat, fleece, gloves, scarf, boots, sweatshirt
4 sandals, flip-flops, dress, T-shirt, shorts
5 shirt, suit, hat, high heels, dress, tie

1B 2A 3E 4F 5C 6D

1 tartan – the other words describe materials used for making clothes
2 silk – the other words describe the cut of clothes
3 beige – the other words describe opinions about clothes
4 vest – the other words are parts of clothes
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

9 Students’ own answers

1 undressed 2 fashionable, comfortable 3 running 4 worn out 5 short-sleeved, long-sleeved 6 Baggy

1 wear, put, dress
2 suits, match, go, fit, try

Positive: sensitive (insensitive), kind (unkind), self-confident, honest (dishonest), tidy (untidy),
sociable (unsociable), helpful (unhelpful), imaginative (unimaginative), modest, brave, patient
(impatient), tolerant (intolerant), talkative, fun-loving
Negative: absent-minded, messy, naive, selfish, arrogant, stubborn, bossy, argumentative, cruel,
mean, talkative

lazy – hard-working, polite – rude, noisy – quiet, stubborn – easygoing, clever – stupid, open-minded
– narrow-minded, mature – childish, shy – outgoing

14 Students’ own answers

Positive connotation: determined, self-assured, frank, generous, ambitious, economical
Negative connotation: obstinate, self-important, blunt, extravagant, pushy, tight-fisted

1 sensible 2 self-conscious 3 caring 4 amusing

1 a couch potato 2 a big-head 3 a laugh 4 a pain in the neck 5 a coward 6 a wet blanket

18 Students’ own answers

19 (suggested answers)
tired – exhausted, excited – thrilled, horrified – terrified, sad – miserable, happy – pleased, nervous –
anxious, jealous – envious, worried – concerned, fed-up – sick and tired, confused – mixed-up, angry
– furious

1 tired of / fed up with 2 thrilled 3 sad / miserable 4 nervous / anxious / worried 5 worried about 6
confused about / mixed-up with

20 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 moon – happiness 2 down – sadness 3 tears – sadness 4 roof – rage 5 red – embarrassment 6
pieces – sadness

1f 2a 3g 4b 5e 6d 7c
+ Students’ own answers

23 Students’ own answers

1 death penalty 2 Drug abuse 3 freedom of speech 4 unemployment 5 charities 6 corruption 7
racism 8 euthanasia


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1T (I’m really quite shy …)
2T (And the audience can always hear what you’re saying too.)
3F (I mean, I’m really into drama and watching plays on stage.)
4T (It must be very scary to be in front of lots of people! I’d hate to forget my words and get a red

1F 2T 3T 4F 5T

1 on 2 over 3 out 4 on 5 out 6 for 7 in 8 out

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Statement number 3

1C 2A 3B 4E
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 through 2 through 3 off 4 in 5 for 6 to

1 chirpy 2 mischievous 3 disconcerting 4 surly 5 courteous

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

3 Students’ own answers

No, heading B would not be a good summary of the paragraph above. The paragraph suggests teens
have enough sense to choose wisely, not to blindly follow fashion.

1F 2E 3A 4B

a opinion b image c stand d reflection e seen

1 the reflection of our personality
2 stand out from the crowd
3 are seen as more attractive
4 form an opinion about
5 project an image of herself

1 dress 2 dress 3 wear 4 Dress 5 wear 6 dresses 7 wearing 8 dress

9 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1C 2A 3B 4B

1 leads to 2 slips 3 off 4 both 5 both + Students’ own answers

1 belt 2 glove 3 cap 4 socks 5 hat 6 trousers

5 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 agreed, planned 2 made, let 3 had better, would rather 4 wanted, failed

1B 2B 3A 4C 5A

1A 2C 3B 4A 5C

1B 2A 3C


1 telling you to tell you
2 to enjoy to be enjoying
3 to take taking
4 I object people I object to people

1 am not capable of dancing
2 means putting up with
3 to have enjoyed
4 we were made to share
5 went on to talk

1 burst/broke into
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 me not to get so
3 you didn’t put
4 wasn’t allowed to wear

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I’ve always dreamt of meeting Ryan Gosling face to face.
2 Elton John is famous for his work on fighting against the AIDS.
3 I have a lot of respect for Emma Watson, who has got involved in fighting for gender equality.
4 What I admire most in Meryl Streep is her strong personality.
5 I don’t know why people behave so unnaturally when they see a celebrity.
6 I’m very impressed by Emma Stone’s talent.

describe the circumstances of the meeting: C
introduce the famous person and say why you are interested in him / her: E
describe the impression this person gave during a short conversation: A
share the news on his / her future plans: B

1C 2E 3A 4D

5 Students’ own answers

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 In the picture, I can see a man wearing jeans and a T-shirt who looks really tired.
2 The picture is of/shows some tourists in a seaside town. They’re wearing beach clothes, so I guess
they’re going to sunbathe later.
3 In the foreground of the picture, there are some teenagers who are wearing trendy clothes and
look as if they’re posing for the picture
4 In the background, I can see a long queue of people, and I think that they might all be going to a
music festival.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 2


A, B, C, D, E, H

1 neighbourhood, housing estate 2 bedsit, attic, overlooks 3 ground floor, lift 4 suburbs, lawn 5
countryside, views

1 home 2 home 3 house 4 home 5 house 6 home, house 7 home 8 home 9 home 10 home

1 maintain, walking 2 rural, hustle and bustle, urban 3 surroundings, track, chalet 4 convenient,
three-storey 5 residents, amenities

5 (possible answers)
kitchen: sink, dishwasher, oven, cupboard, cutlery, freezer, fridge, sponge, kettle
bedroom: sheets, duvet, pillows, chest of drawers, wardrobe, bookshelf
living room: fireplace, sofa, TV set, bookshelf
garden: gate, fence, hedge, path, patio
bathroom / toilet: washbasin, shower, towel, sponge
extra words: chimney (komin), roof (dach), lift (winda)

A bedside table, B vacuum cleaner, C alarm clock, D solar panels, E coffee table, F bunk bed, G
microwave oven, H rubbish bin, I flowerbed, J bath mat, K photo frame, L remote control

7 Students’ own answers

1 stairs – a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another / steps – a set of
stairs outside the building
2 cushion – a cloth bag filled with something soft, used for making a seat more comfortable/ pillow
– a soft object on which you rest your head in bed
3 oven – an equipment in a kitchen that you heat to cook food in/ hob – the top part of a cooker that
you put pans on
4 carpet – a thick soft cover for a floor / rug – a small carpet
5 radiator – a large metal object on a wall that is used for heating a room / heater – a piece of
equipment used for making a place warm or for heating water
6 shutters – covers that can be closed over the outside of a window / blinds – window covers inside
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 old-fashioned 2 cluttered 3 central 4 spacious 5 homely 6 second-hand 7 fully-furnished/ fully-
equipped 8 fully-furnished/ fully-equipped

1 pokey – small and uncomfortable; musty – smelling unpleasant and not fresh
2 stuffy – too warm and with an unpleasant smell because there is no fresh air; airless – with no
fresh air
3 dingy – dark, unpleasant and often dirty; run-down – in bad condition because no one has spent
money on repairs
4 damp –wet, often in an unpleasant way; tacky – cheap and of poor quality

11 Students’ own answers

12 (possible answers)
utility room: washing machine, sink
shed: gardening tools (spade, rake, trowel)
porch: flower pots, broom, rug
larder: jars, tins of food
lounge: sofa, TV set
loo: toilet paper, toilet brush
cellar: bikes, wood for the fireplace
loft: boxes with old clothes, ski boots, skis

1 iron, hang out 2 empty, load, do 3 hoover, dust 4 open, air 5 sweep, mop 6 water

14 (possible answers)
washing-up liquid – washing up / doing the dishes; cloth – wiping utensils; watering can – watering
plants; dustpan and brush – sweeping the floor; broom – sweeping the floor; ironing board – ironing
your clothes; lawnmower – mowing the lawn; vacuum cleaner – hoovering / vacuuming the carpets

1C 2A 3A 4B 5C 6B

1 in; settle in – zadomowić się
2 out; do out – udekorować coś
3 away; chuck sth away – wyrzucić coś
4 in; put sth in – zainstalować coś, ustawić
5 up; put sth up – ustawić coś
6 out; clear sth out – uprzatnąć

1 let 2 own 3 mortgage 4 rent 5 landlord 6 landlady 7 move 8 rent 9 accommodation 10 agent

18 (possible answers)
1 Do I have to put down a deposit / a deposit down?
2 Can I pay the rent in monthly instalments?
3 How much notice should I give before vacating the place?
4 Are there any other tenants there?
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5 How much do the bills come to every month?

6 Are any other / any extra charges?

19 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

+ Students’ own answers

1E 2B 3A 4C

1 on 2 aback 3 round 4 over 5 up

1 unmade 2 encourages 3 rock 4 far 5 thoroughly 6 price

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Insomnia affects many of our listeners …; one simple rule could solve the problem and that is; Try it.

1C 2C 3A

1 forces 2 make known 3 a range of 4 dressed

1 exquisitely 2 glaringly 3 slightly 4 highly 5 soundly

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 A I don’t really follow the news. B but when I hear something extraordinary, I always look it up.
C from the radio
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 A Agata wanted to give people some hope. B No direct mention of that.

C The best I’ve heard for some time.

1A 2C 3B

1 residence 2 inhabitants 3 neighbourhood 4 affordable 5 homely

make a cup of tea, do your best, make a decision, make a mistake, make noise, do business with
somebody, do an experiment, make money, do somebody a favour, make yourself feel at home, do
research, make a good impression on somebody

6 Students’ own answers


1 (possible answers)
soft furniture, cushions, pastel colours, curtains, candles, warm light, fireplace, blankets

1 Of equal importance 2 Last but not least 3 Secondly 4 Lastly

1E 2B 3A 4C

1 become extremely popular 2 tolerate 3 include 4 family 5 chat 6 improve the mood

5 (possible answers)
1 Hygge has recently taken the world by storm.
2 We must look after our nearest and dearest and at least sometimes have a good natter with them.
3 Since we moved in together, I’ve had to endure your complaints.
4 A cup of freshly-brewed tea always raises the spirits.

6 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 zepsuć sobie życie / zrobić bałagan
2 widny pokój / lekkostrawny posiłek
3 wziąć prysznic / deszcz
4 pozwól mi to zrobić / mieszkanie do wynajęcia
5 ostry nóż / inteligentny umysł
6 podwieźć kogoś / skorzystać z windy
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1B 2C 3B 4B 5A 6C

1C 2A 3B 4C 5B 6C

5 Students’ own answers

1B 2A 3B 4C 5B


1 (possible answers)
1 used to be quite messy / had a tendency to be quite messy / tended to be quite messy / I would
leave a mess
2 wish I hadn’t changed / ’d rather not have changed / If only I hadn’t changed
3 All we wanted was to / What we wanted to do was to / Our only intention was to
4 are fed up with the mess / have had enough of the mess

1 is always leaving 2 It’s no use telling 3 was made to do 4 I had stayed 5 will have moved out

1 tidied your room 2 I had been vacuuming since 3 have you owned 4 was just on the point/verge 5
will be moving house

4 Students’ own answers


1 (possible answers)
cosy, high-ceilinged impractically furnished, painted white, looks cold, spacious, stylish decorations,
tastefully furnished, well-lit

2 (possible answers)
1 On the one hand, the room is bright and spacious. On the other hand, it does not look cosy.
2 The room is practically furnished, which is its further advantage.
3 Additional benefits of this room are the stylish decorations.
4 One considerable drawback of the room is a small skylight, which makes the place badly-lit.

The advantages and disadvantages of studio flats.

1 Firstly 2 Secondly 3 On the negative side 4 Last but not least 5 To sum up

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

but – however, so – consequently, due to – because of, because – due to the fact that, What is more
– Furthermore, and thus – therefore, pros and cons - benefits and drawbacks, should – ought to

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I’d definitely go for the second poster, because it would appeal to more people.
2 In my opinion, the first option would work best, because it shows an unusual place.
3 I think the first option is much better than the remaining ones because it shows the benefits of
taking part in the competition.
4 I’m not too keen on this option as it’s a bit ambiguous and people might not understand the

3 Yes. The student chose the picture and justified the answer. He / she also justified why he / she
rejected the remaining options.

4 Students’ own answers

Unit 3


1 Students’ own answers

psychologia, inżynieria, socjologia, weterynaria, medycyna, medioznawstwo, ochrona środowiska,
ekonomia, marketing i zarządzanie, dziennikarstwo, bankowość i finanse, politologia, sztuka i
wzornictwo, prawo, choreografia, filologia obca, archeologia, biotechnologia, informatyka, studia
filmowe, architektura
+ Students’ own answers

1 certificate 2 wear, uniform 3 attend 4 graduate 5 average 6 repeat 7 grade

1 took 2 failed 3 resit 4 mock 5 made 6 pass 7 revise 8 coursework 9 learn 10 memorise

1 up 2 up 3 up 4 up 5 in 6 of

1 marked 2 passed 3 mark / grade 4 marks / grades 5 pass 6 graded / marked 7 grade 8 pass
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1c 2g 3f 4e 5h 6a 7d 8b 9i

8 Students’ own answers

1 lab 2 gym, playing field 3 secretary’s office 4 canteen 5 staffroom 6 corridor 7 locker room

1 compasses 2 ruler 3 paper clips 4 set square 5 stapler 6 highlighter 7 correction tape 8 pencil
sharpener 9 rubber 10 pencil case 11 blackboard 12 chalk 13 whiteboard 14 felt-tip pen 15 folder

1 give 2 study 3 do 4 work 5 write 6 take 7 get 8 be
Done by the teacher: take the register

1 school year 2 routine 3 packed lunch 4 PE kit 5 concentrate 6 strict 7 present 8 absent 9 sick note
10 end of term

1 stick to deadlines, do their homework, pay attention in class, pick things up quickly
2 play truant, cut classes, answer back, use cribs, disrupt lessons, cheat

1 participate in an exam / be successful in an exam
2 to learn about a subject by going to school / to gain knowledge or experience of something
3 someone whose job is to teach / someone who gives a lecture
4 a group of students who are taught together or a lesson / a room where you have classes in a
5 a set of written or spoken questions used for finding out how much someone knows about a
subject / a short test given to students without any preparation to check that they have been

15 Students’ own answers

1 extracurricular 2 Society 3 exchange programmes 4 voluntary charity work 5 join 6 private tuition 7

A nursery B kindergarten C primary school D secondary school E university / college

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 boarding school 2 public school 3 state school 4 vocational school 5 night school 6 extramural

1b 2c 3e 4d 5a 6f 7g


1 Students’ own answers

Misleading information: A: parents also have an important role by listening to their children read at
home; B: Learning to read is one of the most important skills we ever acquire

1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6A

1 out 2 aside 3 with 4 up 5 down

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

+ Students’ own answers

1C 2B 3D 4A 5C

1 trumpet 2 read 3 heavily 4 press 5 hurdle 6 rewards

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1C 2A 3E

1 – 2 for 3 – 4 – 5 on 6 out 7 –

1 made a successful career 2 collaborated on 3 worked out 4 brainstorm 5 developed

5 Students’ own answers


1O (feel) 2F (confirmed) 3F (surveyed) 4O (often convinced)

1B 2A 3A 4B 5C

1 consuming 2 resourceful, interpersonal 3 distracted, anxious 4 priceless 5 relevance

4 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Jagiellonian University (UJ), founded in 14th century
2 Oxford

1 more, more 2 as, as, far 3 farther / further 4 The, the

1A 2B 3C 4C 5A 6B

1B 2A 3B 4C

1C 2A 3B 4B 5C

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 A: scholarship, apprenticeship, membership; B: assignment, treatment, improvement
2 A: memorise, apologise, modernise; B: broaden, shorten, lengthen
3 A: successful, hopeful, thoughtful; B: courageous, marvellous, rebellious

a doctor / someone who studies physics, especially as their job
relating to the economy / not costing much money
relating to industry / always working very hard
including many details or aspects / able to be understood
completely typical / following the original or traditional standard for something
important because it is old and interesting or impressive / connected with history or with the past
1 historic
2 industrious
3 economical
4 physicist

1 twice as hard to get to
2 has never been good at
3 nowhere near as big as
4 Are you capable of doing
5 a great / good deal easier
6 ought to take pride in

1 historical 2 truly 3 unbeatable 4 physicians 5 rebellious 6 broaden

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I’ve been passionate / crazy about photography for years.
2 I’d like to become a member of an eco group.
3 I’m considering joining a school volleyball team or a biology club.
4 To my mind, extracurricular activities are very helpful in gaining extra skills.

Miriam shares the news about the range of after-school activities at her school, the club she decided
to join and the reason why, and the first class at the chemistry lab.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

She wants to know what extracurricular activities Dora’s school offers and whether Dora has already
joined some club.

1 tough 2 the wide choice of 3 sports 4 to join 5 scientific problems 6 science enthusiasts 7 test tubes
8 the results 9 describe 10 find out 11 discuss 12 wonder

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 It might be a good idea to check the availability of the tickets first.
2 We could always look up some information online.
3 If it’s a choice between a short or long plane journey, I’d definitely go for the short one.
4 I understand why you say that, but couldn’t you put off your day trip on that day?

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 4


1 -ant: shop assistant, accountant, flight attendant
2 -ist: receptionist, pharmacist, economist, journalist
3 -or: actor, director, translator, interior decorator
4 -er: lawyer, manager, engineer, plumber
5 -ian: politician, dietician, electrician, musician

A cashier B waiter C postman D firefighter E hairdresser F judge

lorry / taxi driver, bank clerk, driving instructor, car mechanic, travel agent, police officer, computer
programmer, newsreader
‘newsreader’ is spelt together
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

carpenter – stolarz, bricklayer – murarz, civil servant – urzędnik państwowy / urzędniczka
państwowa, tailor – krawiec/krawcowa, bookkeeper – księgowy/księgowa, tax collector – poborca
podatkowy, florist – kwiaciarz/kwiaciarka, physician – lekarz/lekarka, solicitor – notariusz, radca
prawny, barrister – adwokat, beautician – kosmetyczka, therapist – terapeuta/terapeutka,
copywriter – autor/autorka tekstów reklamowych

white-collar jobs: civil servant, bookkeeper, tax collector, physician, solicitor, barrister, copywriter
blue-collar jobs: carpenter, bricklayer, tailor, florist, beautician, therapist

1 vet / veterinary surgeon / veterinarian 2 surgeon 3 dentist 4 architect 5 teacher/lecturer 6 editor 7
farmer 8 librarian 9 secretary or personal assistant

6 Students’ own answers

1 for, from / at 2 for, down 3 in 4 for, in 5 for 6 on, under 7 with 8 as 9 for, at

8 (possible answers)
1 surgeon, stockbroker 2 gardener, sculptor 3 lifeguard, negotiator 4 lollipop man/lady, assembly
line worker 5 animal shelter volunteer 6 translator, programmer


1 job 2 work 3 work 4 job 5 job 6 work 7 work 8 job

Money: be well / badly paid, earn a good / decent salary, be on a pretty good salary, get a pay rise,
get a bonus, be paid good wages
Hours: do overtime, work shifts, work long hours, work flexitime
Perks: get three weeks’ paid holiday, take early retirement, drive a company car
Promotion: have the chance of promotion, get promoted, work your way up, climb the career ladder

1 work flexitime, get a pay rise
2 does overtime, earns a good / decent salary
3 work shifts, had the chance of promotion
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

4 drives a company car, gets a bonus

5 to climb the career ladder, be well-paid

1 full-time job – done for the number of hours that people normally work in a complete week / part-
time job – done during just some of these hours
2 no difference
3 permanent job – job for a long time / temporary job – job for only a limited period of time
4 be out of work – be unemployed / be off work – on holiday
5 stable job – not changed frequently / casual work – not permanent
6 friend – someone you know well and like / colleague – someone who works in the same
organization or department as you
7 boss – the person who is in charge of you at work / chef – someone who cooks food in a restaurant
8 no difference

1 vacancy 2 submit 3 job 4 experience 5 to 6 do 7 career 8 competitive

1 away, off 2 over, in 3 under, down 4 off, up 5 for, in 6 on, off

1 Cześć Joe. Czy nadal ciężko harujesz? Czy masz więcej luzu?
2 Zła wiadomość. Znów pominięto mnie przy awansach. Chyba rzucę papierami!
3 Sorry, ale nie mogę się z Tobą spotkać. Mam sporo na głowie. Jestem przytłoczona tym projektem,
o którym Ci mówiłam.
4 Źle się dziś czuję, więc chyba wezmę wolne z powodu choroby. Naprawdę nie dam rady dziś
pracować. Przepraszam.
5 To przykre, że Terry nie jest stworzony do tej pracy i że ma zamiar wręczyć wymówienie niedługo.
Pogadamy później.
6 Jestem w biegu cały dzień, mam dużo zajęć.

16 Students’ own answers

1 apply 2 fill 3 attach 4 reference 5 qualifications 6 professional 7 interview 8 accepted 9 impression
10 rejected

1C 2F 3A 4B 5D 6E
be fired / sacked – be made to leave your job, go on strike – to refuse to work for a period of time as
a protest about your pay or conditions of work, be made redundant – be made to leave your job
because you are no longer needed, become unemployed – lose your job, trade union – an
organisation of workers that aims to improve pay and conditions of work , be on the dole – get
money that people who do not have a job get from the government. close down – shut, working
conditions – the environment in which people must work, go bankrupt – admit that you have no
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

money and cannot pay what you owe, increase in wages – increase in an amount of money that you
earn for working

1 seekers, employment 2 seasonal, applicants / applications 3 employable, jobless 4 overworked,
demotivated 5 shortlisted, achievements

1–5: work
+Students’ own answers

1H 2C 3D 4G 5A 6E 7B 8F

Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 The speaker watched TV.
2 No, she is going to become a doctor.
3 It was wet.
4 It was £150.
5 By taxi.

1 At first, we thought of …
2 although she’d always wanted to …
3 It was supposed to …
4 which was much less than … I’d expected
5 I was going to …

1F 2F 3T 4F 5T

1 links 2 check 3 gave 4 fitted 5 went

6 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 His job application was unsuccessful although he has a lot of qualifications.
2 The jobs you’ve had/done before are important to employers.
3 It’s difficult to get a job because a large number of people are applying / because of a large
number of applicants.

1 look for a new position 2 become dissatisfied with 3 prospects for 4 tough decision 5 get on really
well 6 move on 7 advance my career 8 keep in touch

1B 2E 3A 4C

1 dreading 2 applaud 3 answer 4 enforce 5 caught

1 beneficial to (sb/sth)
2 reminiscent of (sth)
3 far-fetched
4 detrimental to (sb/sth)

7 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

A+D, B+F, E+G

1F 2E 3A 4D

1 gives 2 takes 3 devotes / has devoted 4 follow 5 depends 6 take 7 come

1 desirable/undesirable 2 undemanding/demanding, stressless/stressful 3 acceptable/unacceptable

6 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ


1 Students’ own answers

admit, confess; highlight, emphasise; indicate, demonstrate, point out, show; explain, clarify;
evaluate, assess; maintain, hold

1C 2B 3B 4A

1 on promoting 2 of the job 3 see for themselves

gain an insight, seek new opportunities, assign a task, test the waters, give an edge

1 practical experience 2 have all the qualifications and features of character necessary to perform a
job 3 future employees 4 salary, fee

7 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 working 2 must / should 3 to / in order to / so as to 4 in

1A 2C 3B 4C 5A

1A 2A 3B

1A 2B 3C


1 hasn’t hadn’t
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 me to give them that I (should) give / that I gave

3 take up take on
4 be have been

1 being listened to by anyone
2 would be able to attend
3 Shall I take into consideration / account
4 No-one / Nobody is allowed to treat
5 What has been done

1 suggested (that) I should fill in / filling in
2 being explained what to do
3 has been under construction
4 ought to put up
5 is believed to want to

4 Students’ own answers


1 (possible answers)
A The job requires analytical and problem-solving skills. The worker should be responsible, also
detail-oriented and quality-oriented.
B The job requires some technical and problem-solving skills. Also the ability to work in a team and
communication skills would be a plus. Doing this job you need to be focused, detail-oriented and
C The job requires creative thinking and organisational skills. The workers should possess the ability
to cooperate with others, so interpersonal skills are a big advantage. You need to be diligent and
D The job requires interpersonal and communication skills. Language skills are necessary in case of
hosting guests from abroad. A receptionist should be adaptable and well-organised.

2 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I am writing with reference to the advertisement which appeared on the website of the travel
2 I would like to apply for the position of a lifeguard in the open-air swimming pool.
3 As far as my experience is concerned, last year I did a three-month internship in a bank.
4 My responsibilities included dealing with foreign customers.
5 I consider myself an adaptable person.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1B 2D 3C 4A

Photo 3 – a graphic designer

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers
2 (possible answers) babysitter, checkout assistant, shop assistant, gardener, fruit picker, dog sitter,
dog walker, waiter

2 (possible answers)
1 One thing I’d like about being a waiter is meeting lots of different people.
2 I really can’t see myself being a teacher because I just don’t have the patience.
3 I think it might be (a) good experience to assist at a leisure centre. The reason is that future
employers value applicants with experience of working with people.
4 I’d hate to be a gardener. That’s mainly because I’d prefer to work indoors.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 5


1 teenager 2 newborn 3 schoolchild 4 elderly 5 toddler 6 middle-aged 7 young adult

infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, retirement

3 (possible answers)
1 positive 2 positive 3 positive 4 negative 5 negative

1 age 2 difference 3 generation 4 age 5 ages 6 generation 7 age 8 come 9 early 10 generations
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 for 2 of 3 under 4 to 5 at 6 in 7 in

jedynak – only child, rodzeństwo – siblings, narzeczona – fiancée, krewny – relative, szwagier -
brother-in-law, siostrzenica – niece, bratanek – nephew, były mąż – ex-husband, ciotka – aunt, wuj –
uncle, najbliższa rodzina – immediate family, teściowa – mother-in-law, macocha – stepmother,
babcia – granny, niepełna rodzina – single-parent family, dziadek – granddad, prababcia – great-

1 the daughter of your stepfather or stepmother / a sister who has either the same mother or the
same father as you
2 parents, children, brothers, and sisters / a family group that includes grandparents, cousins, aunts
3 someone who is no longer a child and is legally responsible for their actions (no difference)
4 someone you know well and like, but who is not a family member / someone you know a little,
who is not a close friend
5 a connection between two or more people or things / members of your family, especially ones
who do not live with you, for example a grandparent or cousin
6 not involving strong feelings or emotions / reliable and continuing for a long period of time
7 a child whose parents have died / a child who is looked after in someone else’s home for a period
of time

8 (possible answers)
1 My older sister is expecting (a baby).
2 These twins look exactly identical.
3 My brother and I have nothing in common.
4 My teenage sister can’t wait to grow up.
5 I take after my father rather than after my mother.
6 I get on really well with my step-brother. / My step-brother and I get on really well.
7 Is Tim a friend of yours?

9 Students’ own answers

soulmate – someone who you have a special relationship with because you share the same feelings,
attitudes, and beliefs; classmate – someone in your class at school; best mate – a close friend or
companion; flatmate – a person that shares a flat with you; workmate – a person with whom one
works, colleague; teammate – a fellow member of a team

1 friendly, unfriendly 2 friendship 3 friendliness 4 befriended 5 friendless
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 adoption 2 foster family 3 turned 4 keep 5 bringing

1 have 2 get 3 do 4 brush 5 set 6 pack 7 catch 8 do 9 tidy up 10 have
1E 2A 3H 4J 5G 6C 7I 8B 9F 10D

14 Students’ own answers

15 Students’ own answers

1 socialising 2 have a laugh 3 are, doing 4 be stuck indoors 5 join 6 get 7 spend

1J 2G 3C 4D 5H 6I 7A 8B 9F 10E

18 Students’ own answers

1 to 2 out 3 on 4 in 5 out 6 about 7 on 8 out 9 up 10 over

1, 2, 3, 5, 8
1 argued, reconciled 2 argument, make up 3 annoying me 4 got married 5 left 6 get on well 7 fancies
8 going through a crisis

1 disagreements 2 behaviour 3 rebellious 4 argument 5 relationship 6 furious 7 disciplining


1 Students’ own answers

A is wrong because the speaker ‘didn’t want to let Greta’s parents down’, so she wasn’t a parent.
B is the correct answer because the speaker was involved on the day yet wasn’t the bride, she didn’t
want to let the family down, she had her dress chosen by the bride, plus the bride was walking in the
church in front of the speaker.
C is wrong because it was ‘Harry, a close friend’ who did the honours, and is very artistic and posed
everyone perfectly.

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1B 2D 3C 4A

1 upmarket 2 hit the pillow 3 It escapes me 4 tie the knot 5 Left to myself 6 low key

1 break 2 hold 3 burst 4 goes 5 put

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1O 2F 3O 4F 5O

1C 2C 3B

1 bereavement 2 spouse 3 implement 4 liaison 5 alleviate

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1 That’s why; For example 2 Therefore; So, I think … 3 Fortunately; However …

1D 2A 3E

1 understand 2 bridge 3 overcome 4 live 5 produces
Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

exist ≠ egzystować, mobile = mobilny/przenośny, trend = trend, rebellion = rebelia, revolution =

rewolucja, idol = idol, operate ≠ operować (except for the medical context), barrier = bariera

1 visible 2 senseless 3 racial 4 enthusiastic 5 comfortable

8 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1E 2B 3A 4D

1 encounter 2 struggle 3 on the surface 4 unreliable 5 mind-boggling

1 into 2 through 3 up 4 off 5 over 6 to
1 zmienić kogoś w kogoś 2 dotrzeć do kogoś 3 doprowadzić kogoś do szału 4 zostać
zbesztanym 5 sprzeczać się o coś 6 doprowadzać kogoś do granic wytrzymałości

5 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 There are 2 boyfriend or girlfriend 3 can change 4 usually meet 5 who encourage us 6 to do 7 Have
you found your soulmate?

1B 2C 3B 4C 5A

1C 2B 3A 4B


Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

dangerous, separable, admirable, various, variable, acceptable, imaginable, suspicious, desirable,

mysterious, adventurous, poisonous, ambitious, regrettable, valuable, comparable, advisable,
fashionable, spacious

1 Unlike 2 harmonious 3 similarities 4 beliefs 5 inseparable 6 widen

1 gets on my nerves
2 Under no circumstances can/should/must you
3 will always leave
4 can’t have argued
5 ought not to have become

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 I’m joining the forum / the discussion because the issue of giving and receiving gifts concerns most
of us.
2 I’d like to express my view on expensive presents.
3 One great advantage of buying presents in gift shops is that they are beautifully wrapped.
4 You should bear in mind what the recipient/the person you are going to buy a gift for is interested

1A 2B 3B

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 Taking into consideration the costs involved, I would say more people would be interested in the
second option.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 Although some adults might enjoy the vegetarian restaurant, it seems to me that the fish bar
would be far more appealing to the kids.
3 If it’s raining on the day, then the outdoor activity would be less popular.
4 On one hand children really love playing outside, however they might also have a lot of fun playing
indoor games.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 6


Fruit: blackberry, cherry, strawberry, peach, grape, pear, raspberry
Vegetables: bean, pea, beetroot, cabbage, spinach, cucumber, potato, tomato, lettuce, onion,
broccoli, garlic, leek, sweet corn, sweet pepper
Meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, sausage, steak, turkey, bacon
Seafood / Fish: tuna, prawn, herring, mackerel, salmon, lobster, trout
Drinks: milk, fizzy drink, still water, freshly-squeezed juice, lemonade, sparkling water
+ Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1 jam 2 honey 3 oil 4 olive oil 5 biscuits 6 sugar 7 bread 8 flour 9 rice 10 pasta 11 cereal 12 crisps 13
rolls 14 pepper 15 salt 16 (hard) cheese 17 cottage cheese 18 butter 19 mustard 20 cream 21 eggs
22 yoghurt 23 mayonnaise

1 cheese 2 chicken 3 bread 4 chocolate 5 pork 6 coffee

1 unsuitable (Venison is meat from a deer.)
2 suitable for both
3 suitable for both
4 suitable for vegetarians
5 unsuitable (Spare ribs are from a pig.)

1 loaf 2 tin 3 packet 4 cup 5 plate 6 jar 7 bowl 8 bar

1 raw carrots 2 tinned tomatoes 3 Frozen raspberries, fresh 4 Dried plums 5 stale 6 Citrus fruit

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 nut 2 asparagus 3 vinegar 4 kale

9 Students’ own answers

10 Students’ own answers

1 kettle 2 knife 3 fork 4 spoon 5 mug 6 saucepan 7 chopping board 8 plate 9 frying pan 10 teaspoon
11 saucer

1 crockery 2 corkscrew 3 sieve 4 ladle 5 wooden spoon 6 cutlery 7 tin opener

1 Chop 2 Heat, add, Fry 3 make, stir, burn 4 boil, Drain 5 Season, Cut up 6 Grate 7 Place, pour,

14 (possible answers)
roast chicken, beat eggs, melt butter in the frying pan, cook some rice, pour a drink, mix flour with
butter, squeeze a lemon, peel an apple, steam vegetables, stir your tea

1 in, for 2 for 3 off, to 4 out, from / in 5 through 6 out 7 to

16 (possible answers)
1 lemon 2 chocolate 3 chilli peppers 4 banana 5 Brussels sprouts 6 ham 7 rich chocolate cake 8

Positive: 2, 4, 7, 10
Negative: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9

1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

1 with; makes me feel sick
2 down; ate very quickly
3 in; eat at home
4 to; drink in honour of
5 up; satisfy your appetite
6 up; prepare
7 at; eat small amounts

1 recipe, bill, receipt
2 cooker, cook
3 dish, meal, course
4 dessert, desert
5 tasty, tasteful
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Eat: munch on, have a bite, scoff, nibble, snack on, pig out, swallow, gulp down
Drink: pour, sip, gulp down, swallow

(possible answers)
Monica is munching on an apple. Henry is having a bite on the side. Sylvia has just swallowed a plum.
George has just gulped down a bowl of soup. Simon has just scoffed a plate of biscuits. Nina is
nibbling peanuts. Sam is snacking on crisps. Peter is pigging out on a pizza. Paula is pouring a drink.

1 chef 2 serves 3 affordable 4 service 5 book 6 order 7 bill 8 tip 9 average 10 atmosphere

service charge, table for two, main course, set menu, Thai takeaway
+ Student’s own answers

1 put on, lose 2 heavy, light 3 ready-made, convenience 4 go on, stick to 5 balanced, healthy 6 fast,
junk 7 gluten-free, low-fat


1 Students’ own answers

A is incorrect because Dave agrees that it isn’t a diet because he’s already slim.
B is incorrect because Dave says it’s not about getting more muscle, and he’s got a lot of energy.
Example answer: He wants to get healthy / healthier because he says that he wants to avoid going
down with colds and flu.

1A 2B 3C 4A 5C 6C

1 make 2 plan 3 thing 4 out

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

B; mystery diner, No one at the restaurants I eat at has prior knowledge of my arrival, this anonymity

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1B 2D 3D 4C 5A

1 way 2 fork 3 other 4 upfront

1 daunting 2 unfounded 3 particular 4 reassured

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 sadly, a great shame 2 beneficial, essential for well-being 3 bond

1C 2C 3A

1 of, for 2 down 3 over 4 of, from, to

be a big deal to somebody – be essential, adore – enjoy, have the chance – have the opportunity,
straightforward – obvious, build relationships – bond

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 volunteered to take on the challenge
2 throwing food away / chuck out into the bin
3 part of the initiative
4 pass on recipes

1D 2C 3A

Noun phrases: food sharing, food sharing centre, food sharing economy, excess food, party food,
food manufacturers, food products, food sharing family
Verb phrases: give away food, produce food, waste food, chuck food out, salvage food, food goes
off, distribute food, save food, receive food products, eat food, not like the taste of food
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 A society which wastes no resources such as food, electricity, etc.
2 It happens on a regular basis.
3 Food that you cannot eat, that is left over.
4 A situation which is favourable to both sides.
5 You dislike it, find it disgusting.
6 Yes.

1 take the world by storm + spread fast = similar, mean become popular; spring up = means appear
in large numbers
2 similar
3 similar (purchase – formal English, buy – neutral English, get – informal English)
4 similar in the context of the reading text

7 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1 little / much / plenty of / a lot of
2 Plenty of / A lot of / Some / A number of / Few / Not many
3 Not many / Few / Some / Plenty of / A lot of
4 Each / Every
5 something / anything
6 little / much
7 Each / Every

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6A

1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6B


1 a, which 2 –, – 3 –, – 4 –, – 5 like, rather

1 capable 2 made 3 to 4 Another 5 the

1 has been unable to follow 2 are you tasting 3 a great deal of 4 cut down on eating 5 Do you take
sugar in 6 Neither Tom nor Mark eats
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the unacceptable treatment I experienced
yesterday evening in your restaurant.
2 First, when we arrived, it occurred that the table which had been booked ten days before, was
3 To make the matter worse, we had to wait for the starter for over half an hour.
4 In this situation, I expect financial compensation.

1 unacceptable 2 arrival 3 mistakenly 4 entrance 5 annoying 6 misunderstanding 7 astonishment 8
unwilling 9 behaviour 10 unpleasant

1 unacceptable treatment in the restaurant
2 double-booked table, dishes were not prepared for the celebration, the staff were unwilling to
explain the situation or make it possible to talk to the manager
3 to provide the staff with proper training
4 financial compensation

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I understand what you’re saying about the cost, but it really won’t be that much.
2 I completely agree with you about when to hold the party because we must think about people’s
3 For me, the time of the flight wouldn’t be a priority, but I take your point.
4 Personally I love music festivals, but I don’t think that would work for Jacky because she doesn’t
like crowds.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 7


1 armchair: furniture shop
2 bread: baker’s / bakery
3 soup vegetables: greengrocer’s
4 meat: butcher’s
5 book: bookshop
6 medicines: chemist’s
7 pet food: pet shop
8 toys: toy shop
9 skis: sports shop
10 dress: clothes shop
11 violin: music shop
12 hammer / nails : DIY shop

2 (possible answers)
1 rings, necklace 2 trainers, high-heels 3 butter, cheese 4 plants, pots 5 flowers, plants 6
newspapers, bus tickets

a vending machine, b chain store, c shopping mall, d car boot sale, e department store, f market
stall, g auction site, h charity shop, i local / corner shop, j pound store

(possible answers)
1 car boot sale / auction site / charity shop
2 vending machine / local / corner shop / pound store / shopping mall
3 pound store / market stall / shopping mall
4 market stall
5 shopping mall
6 local / corner shop

1 stationery shop 2 gift shop 3 dry cleaner’s 4 fishmonger’s 5 flea market 6 off-licence 7 retail park 8

1 low 2 half-price 3 worth 4 bargains 5 price 6 value 7 top 8 fair

6 Students’ own answers

1 in, from, to, off 2 back, on, by 3 on, in, out, with/among

1 the queue for the checkout, shopping trolleys
2 to keep the receipt, return
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

3 costs, worth, can’t afford it

4 Make a shopping list, carrier bag
5 charges, do my shopping

9 (possible answers)
1 Yes, thank you.
2 Can I help you?
3 Thanks.
4 Behind you, on the right.
5 Where can I pay for this?
6 What size do you take?

1 around 2 on 3 on 4 in 5 up 6 in 7 upfront 8 on 9 aside 10 for

It cost a lot.: This car must cost a packet! The shoes were a bit pricey. We paid through the nose for
this smartphone. What a rip-off!
It did not cost a lot. / It cost nothing.: The service did not cost me a penny. It cost next to nothing. I
bought it for a song. It was dirt cheap.

12 (possible answers)
1 a watch 2 a pair of trousers 3 a jumper 4 a vending machine 5 a blouse 6 a glass / a CD

13 (possible answers)
doctor’s surgery – you are sick; post office: you need a stamp; travel agency – you want to book a
holiday; service station – you need some petrol; police station – you want to report a crime; beauty
salon – you need to have your nails painted; tax office – you want to claim some VAT back; copy
shop – you want to make some copies; garage – you need to have your car fixed; launderette – you
want to do some washing

1 you need to arrange a funeral 2 an optician’s 3 you need some legal advice 4 courier 5 council

1 slogan – hasło; logo – symbol marki
2 billboard – wielkoformatowa reklama; poster – plakat
3 flier – broszurka reklamowa, ulotka; brochure – większa broszura / katalog
4 advertisement – reklama w gazecie, TV, internecie i radiu; commercial – reklama w TV, Internecie,
The photos present a billboard, a flier, and a commercial.

special offer – oferta specjalna; funny marketing campaign – zabawna kampania reklamowa; gift
cards – karta podarunkowa; loyalty points – punkty w programie lojalnościowym; competitive prices
– konkurencyjne ceny; classified adds – ogłoszenia drobne
+ Students’ own answers

1 product placement 2 celebrity endorsements 3 cold calling 4 viral advertising 5 user experience
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

take money out from a cashpoint, pay by card / in cash, key in your PIN number, use your card /
contactless payment, carry loose change / your card, insert your card

1 pay by card, insert 2 Contactless payment 3 carry some loose change 4 take out some money from
a cashpoint

1 borrow 2 lend 3 loan 4 pay 5 savings account 6 set 7 balance 8 transfers 9 statement

1 current account (rachunek bieżący); savings account (rachunek oszczędnościowy)
2 coins (monety); notes (banknoty)
3 interest rate (stopa procentowa); exchange rate (kurs wymiany)
4 standing order (stałe zlecenie); deposit (zaliczka, wpłata, lokata)
5 mortgage (pożyczka hipoteczna); loan (pożyczka pieniężna)
6 debt (dług); credit (kredyt)

1 insured 2 cover 3 quote 4 Take 5 premium 6 print

1 insurance 2 broker 3 holders 4 comprehensive 5 fraudulent 6 commission 7 renew


1 Students’ own answers

1 Anna 2 drinks; Harry: a hot chocolate, Anna: a glass of water 3 book shop 4 because of other

1F 2F 3F 4T 5T

1 through 2 out 3 on 4 off 5 off 6 off

1 swollen 2 proved 3 look 4 do 5 wonder 6 replacement

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5, “… I invited 30 friends.”

1C 2E 3A 4B
1 eventualities 2 likelihood 3 build 4 along 5 common

1 saying 2 hike 3 rake 4 tempered 5 incur

6 Students’ own answers


They spend a long time in the shops. W
They pay particular attention to special offers. W
They are prepared to pay more for top quality products. M
They shop online more often. W
They rarely recommend brands to each other. M
They are willing to leave customer feedback reviews. W

1D 2B 3E

1 choose 2 look 3 need 4 love 5 buy

1 Men shop for needs.
2 Men have a look at a few shirts and buy one.
3 Women like to shop around to compare prices.
4 Women tend to hunt for bargains.
5 Women come along with friends to the shops.
6 Women buy products which are good value for money.

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1B 2B 3A 4B 5C

4 (possible answers)
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 evolution is responsible for it

2 activity you do on your own; activity done together
3 providing conditions for
4 show
5 it is true

1 comparison 2 ensure 3 accompanying 4 Retailers

6 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1 Customers like shop assistants which who take care about of them.
2 Every time you make do the shopping, you want to be served quick quickly.
3 Shoppers say tell other people how what their shopping experience was like.
4 I like stores which whose design is as much customer-friendly as possibly possible.
5 Clients enjoy like to be served by shop assistants who look kindly kind.

1B 2C 3A 4B 5C 6B

1A 2A 3C 4C

1C 2B 3A 4C 5A


1 pay attention (zwracać uwagę), give attention (zająć się czymś, jakąś sprawą), draw attention
(zwrócić czyjąś uwagę na coś)
2 have a look (spojrzeć na coś / kogoś), give sb a look (spojrzeć na kogoś np. w zdenerwowaniu), not
like the look of (nie podobać się z wyglądu, wyglądać podejrzanie)
3 take time (robić coś wolno / zajmować czas), make time (wygospodarować czas), give time
(poświęcić czas)
+Students own answers

1D 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C

1 I’d rather
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 make / have made your purchase

3 to draw / attract our attention
4 I paid in cash
5 had been queuing

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 I received my own debit card from my parents before leaving for university.
2 I decided to use the card at the newsagent’s.
3 I’ll take out some money at the cashpoint and pay in cash.
4 Paying by card is much more convenient than carrying cash with you.

1 grateful 2 out-of-date 3 the most suitable 4 thrilled 5 unexpected 6 disappointed 7 contactless 8
more mature

Amanda has already taken actions: A, B, D, F, G, and I. She hasn’t taken C or H yet. She doesn’t
mention E in her blog.

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 Because of the products on show, I’d say that the picture was most likely taken in a big
department store.
2 I’m speculating here, but taking into consideration the range of clothes on offer I would imagine
that this is an upmarket clothes shop.
3 It’s not that clear but I’d guess that the woman’s selling some sort of jewellery.
4 I can’t be sure but in all likelihood the man is returning some item of clothing he’s not happy with.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 8

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

On land: tram, lorry, bus, scooter, train, motorbike, van, coach
On water: yacht, ferry, speedboat, canoe, fishing boat, ship
By air: plane, helicopter, spaceship, hot-air balloon
scooter: a vehicle with an engine and two small wheels that looks like a small motorcycle or
a child’s vehicle consisting of a board with two small wheels and an upright handle. You stand on the
board with one foot and push with the other.

cable car, sailing boat, ski lift, articulated lorry, four-by-four, hang-glider, sports car, double-decker,
cruise liner
+ Students’ own answers

1 taxi rank 2 motorway 3 bus stop 4 railway / train station 5 coach station 6 airport terminal 7 ferry
terminal 8 car park
underground station, city bike station

4 (possible answers)
a platform – train station, a ticket office – coach station, a departure lounge – airport terminal, a toll
booth – motorway, a timetable – train station, a check-in desk – airport terminal, gate – airport
terminal, a passenger waiting room – train station, a ticket machine – underground station, a duty-
free shop – airport terminal, an information desk – railway station, passport control – airport
terminal, a boarding pass – airport terminal, baggage reclaim – airport terminal

1 catch, miss, leave 2 change, get 3 getting, give 4 check, go, board 5 take, landed 6 got, ask

1 roundabout 2 pedestrian crossing 3 lane 4 track 5 roadworks 6 traffic jam

road sign – a sign that gives information to drivers

runway – a long road used by planes when they land and take off, usually at an airport
traffic lights – a set of red, yellow, and green lights that control traffic
petrol station – a garage that sells petrol for your car
level crossing – a place where a road crosses a railway and gates are used to stop cars when a train is
tunnel – an underground passage through which vehicles travel

7 (possible answers)
1 They are sick and can’t go.
2 You need to change the tyre.
3 for safety reasons
4 about 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5 They are reckless / irresponsible.

6 annoyed / impatient
7 Yes, they do.

1 up 2 down 3 off 4 up 5 down 6 in 7 up

1 a monthly season ticket – bilet miesięczny
2 departure and arrival time – czas odjazdu i przyjazdu
3 a safe landing – bezpieczne lądowanie
4 a flight attendant – steward / stewardessa
5 a final destination – miejsce docelowe
6 a train compartment – przedział
7 a package holiday – wycieczka zorganizowana
8 a ticket inspector – konduktor / kontroler biletów

10 Students’ own answers

1 brochure 2 accommodation 3 sightseeing 4 interest 5 events 6 leaflets 7 natural 8 charges 9
opening 10 closing 11 postcards 12 souvenirs

1 What is the best way of getting round / to get round the city?
2 Can you recommend a good place where I can hire a car?
3 Can I have a copy of city map?
4 What time do museums close?

1A 2B 3D 4C 5E 6F

1 self-catering holiday, rent a cottage
2 guest house, book in advance, single en suite room
3 put up the tent, vacancies
4 posh, with a sea view, resort

1 backpacking holiday 2 adventure holiday 3 cruise 4 city break 5 beach holiday 6 winter holiday

1 chilling, cool 2 arrangements 3 Guided, exploring 4 high, packed 5 inclusive, extras 6 tight 7
hitchhike 8 operator
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 voyage 2 journey 3 tours 4 trip 5 an excursion 6 crossing

1 beach 2 views 3 temperatures 4 tour 5 ruins 6 flight

TRAVEL (noun): train; TRAVEL (verb): return
+Students’ own answers

1 accident 2 lifeguard 3 lifejacket 4 rescued 5 ambulance 6 emergency 7 survived

1G 2A 3F 4B 5E 6D 7C

1 fatalities 2 collision 3 run over 4 drowned 5 crash


1 Students’ own answers

1C 2R 3E 4R 5W

1E 2D 3A 4B

1 up 2 on 3 for 4 out 5 ahead

1 had 2 drive 3 moans 4 Lather 5 dealing

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1B 2C 3B

1 affordability 2 expectations 3 maintenance 4 inconvenience 5 cleanliness

1 racket 2 muffle 3 query 4 adjacent

Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

More and more people are beginning to discover the beauty of travelling solo. Some even say that
such a trip has more advantages than disadvantages. One of the unquestionable pluses could be the
freedom you get when you go somewhere on your own.

At the age of 25 Cassie De Pecol made up her mind to visit all the countries in the world on her own.
She admitted that her main motivation was to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest
person to travel to all the independent countries. However, while going from place to place she
realised that travelling round the world could easily turn into more than just a challenge. It could
easily become her way of life.

1C 2A 3E

1 adventurer 2 difficulty 3 revolutionise 4 bravery 5 unexpected 6 traveller

1 gain, grow 2 reflect 3 arrange, plan 4 face, leave

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1D 2B 3A 4E

fund a trip – sfinansować wycieczkę; present a challenge – stanowić wyzwanie; explore the world –
odkrywać świat; be deprived of sleep – być pozbawionym snu; see a project through – dokończyć
project; have the guts – mieć odwagę

4 (possible answers)
1 realise 2 start / accept 3 life 4 create 5 stop 6 go to / visit

5 Students’ own answers

6 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
They must be well-planned, you should travel by rail, find a hotel that is close to all the attractions,
book restaurants in advance, you should do a lot of walking.

3 (possible answers)
type (verb) – write sth on a typewriter; low (adj) – feeling sad; last (adj) – the opposite of first; stress
(verb) – emphasise; close (verb) – the opposite of open; book (noun) – something you read; sense
(verb) – feel; break (verb) – destroy

1C 2B 3C 4A 5C

1C 2A 3B 4B


1 Students’ own answers

1 adjective 2 verb (-ing) 3 noun 4 verb (passive)

1 foreseeable 2 exploring 3 excitement 4 are put
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 seems to have enjoyed
2 If I had booked
3 better take
4 was the last time
5 on walking

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1D 2A 3B

beautiful: amazing, stunning
impressive: outstanding, awe-inspiring, overwhelming
large: massive, extensive
imaginary: unreal, miraculous
rich: lavish, plentiful

1 I recommend the Underground Route in my town to all fascinated by discovering history.
2 Despite quite a tedious route, the sight is undoubtedly worth visiting.
3 I base my opinion on the fact that the place is visited by thousands of foreign tourists every year.
4 In my view, it is a once in a lifetime experience.


beautiful: magnificent, marvellous, wonderful
impressive: awesome
large: gigantic
imaginary: fabulous, mythical
rich: generous

7 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 There are certain advantages of having regular driving tests for older drivers but the main
drawback is cost, I think.
2 The best thing about teaching young children to ride bikes at school is that they learn safety rules.
3 There are some obvious good points about having a car-free city centre but there are some
negative aspects too.
4 Unfortunately, there are many downsides to the plan to widen the motorway which we need to

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 9


1 Students’ own answers

Literature: chapter, lyrics, paperback, cover, fiction, non-fiction, bestseller
Film: blockbuster, soundtrack, special effects, scene, set, still life, plot, cast
Music: band, orchestra, choir, album, track, single, tune, sketch, lyrics
Fine arts: self-portrait, landscape, curtain, mural, oil painting, watercolours, gallery, exhibition, still
life, sketch
Theatre: stage, act, bestseller, interval, costumes, script, curtain

1 band, tracks, lyrics 2 gallery, still life/oil, sketches, exhibition 3 plot, scenes, soundtrack,
blockbuster 4 acts, script, costumes, stage

4 Students’ own answers

Literature: fairy tale, verse, blurb, sequel, bookworm
Film: trailer, subtitles, box-office hit, box-office disaster, supporting role, sequel, row, standing
ovation, audience
Music: charts, cover version, gig, standing ovation, stage fright, audience, row
Fine arts: bust, statue
Theatre: row, standing ovation, audience, stage fright, supporting role

1 writer 2 actress 3 painter 4 singer 5 conductor 6 sculptor 7 songwriter 8 camera operator
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 playwright 2 novelist 3 author 4 poet 5 composer 6 ballet dancer 7 illustrator

1d 2f 3g 4h 5a 6b 7e 8c

9 Students’ own answers

1d 2f 3e 4b 5a 6c

1 festival 2 live 3 performances 4 open-air 5 tour 6 tickets 7 hall 8 show 9 attract

1 violin 2 cello 3 xylophone 4 drums 5 trumpet 6 guitar 7 saxophone 8 flute 9 piano 10 tambourine

13 Students’ own answers

1 out, out 2 on, up 3 to, off 4 down, up 5 by, on

word noun Verb
star a famous and popular person, to be the main actor or performer in a film, play, television
tune a song or piece of music to make small changes to a musical instrument so that it
produces the correct notes
act one of the parts that a play is to perform in plays or films
divided into
stage the part of a theatre where the to organize an event (a play, an opera etc.)
actors or musicians perform
show a performance, especially in a if someone shows a film or a television programme, or if it is
theatre showing, people can see it; to put something such as a work of
art, an animal, or a plant in an exhibition or competition
read an act of reading something, or a to look at and understand words in a letter, book, newspaper
period of time spent reading etc.
something; a book

1 tune 2 read 3 act 4 show

1 The theatre was packed (with people).
2 The film kept me on the edge of my seat.
3 It’s hard to stand out from the crowd in the world of entertainment.
4 I stayed glued to the screen throughout the whole programme.
5 The film was shot on location in New Zealand.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

6 Celebrities live in the limelight.

1 viewer – someone who is watching, or who watches, television programmes; spectator – someone
who is watching a sporting event
2 novel – a long written story about imaginary or partly imaginary characters and events; short story
– a short piece of fiction
3 boo – to shout at a speaker or performer, to show that you disagree with them or that you think
they are not very good; cheer – to give a loud shout of happiness or approval
4 scene – a part of a play, book, film etc. in which events happen in the same place or period of time;
stage – the part of a theatre where the actors or musicians perform
5 serial – a story that is broadcast or published in a series of separate parts; series – a set of
television or radio programmes that are all about a particular subject, person, or group of people
6 rehearsal – an occasion when you practise for the performance of a play, concert, opera etc; dress
rehearsal – an occasion when performers practise their full performance in exactly the same way as
it will be performed for an audience
7 a stuntman, a stuntwoman – a person whose job is to perform dangerous actions in a film; an extra
– someone who has a very small part in a film, for example as a member of a crowd

1 title role, rave reviews 2 to cast the film, audition 3 will be released, will be shortlisted 4 opening

Positive: amusing, imaginative, fascinating, brilliant, easy-to-read, gripping, enjoyable, funny, clever,
great fun, informative
Negative: heavy going, boring, predictable, dull, silly, disappointing, violent, uninteresting

21 Students’ own answers

soap opera, weather forecast, chat show, breakfast TV, news bulletin, game show, sports highlights

1 journalist 2 articles 3 tabloid 4 daily 5 breaking news 6 headlines 7 edition 8 headline
9 host 10 TV station 11 interview 12 broadcast 13 viewers 14 advertising company 15 commercials
16 media 17 deadlines

1 glossy magazines 2 gossip 3 crosswords 4 quality papers 5 edition 6 features 7 coverage 8 news

circulation – the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold each day, week; obituary – a
report in a newspaper that announces someone’s death and gives a short description of their life
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

and achievements; supplements – things added to a newspaper or a magazine in order to make it

more interesting

Your report was quite biased. N
The TV debate was rather one-sided. N
Your article seems quite in-depth. P
This weekly publishes quite incisive articles. P
The news programmes on this channel are pretty sensational. N


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1B 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B

1T 2F 3F 4T 5F

1 lined up 2 pointed out 3 tastes 4 is up

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1B 2D 3C 4A 5B

1 understatement 2 dead 3 left 4 scot-free 5 comfort

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1C 2A 3E
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1C 2F 3A 4D

1 fussy 2 relieve tension 3 stimuli 4 insecurity 5 blasting 6 damage

1 to, in 2 off, of 3 on, for 4 to, of

6 Students’ own answers


classical music, jazz music, R&B, rock music, punk music, rap music

2 Students’ own answers

Text A: 1✓ 2✓
Text B: 1✓ 2✗
Text C: 1✓ 2✓

1B 2B 3C 4A

groundbreaking = breakthrough, sweep the world off its feet = take the world by storm, have its
origins = derive from, unwind = chill out, come into being = start to exist

6 (possible answers)
1 Lubię muzykę, która daje pozytywną energię.
2 House to gatunek, która ma wszystko, czego mi trzeba, bo sprawia, że dobrze się czuję.
3 To było jak powiew świeżego powietrza, prawdziwy szał.
4 Cenię muzykę, która jest pozbawiona treści politycznych i społecznych.
5 Szukam muzyki, która sprawia, że zatrzymuję się i myślę o rzeczywistości i moralności.

7 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 lent 2 lose 3 effect 4 sleepy 5 lately

1B 2C 3A 4B 5C

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1A 2C 3C 4A

star – a small bright light in the sky at night; a popular person
record – the best achievement so far in a particular activity, especially sport; a large round black
piece of plastic containing music or other sounds
drama – a play for the theatre, television, or radio; something unusual or exciting that happens
station – a building or place where buses, trains, or other public vehicles stop so that passengers can
get on or off; the building where a radio or television company broadcasts from
part – one of the pieces, sections, aspects etc. that something consists of; the person played by an
actor in a film, play, or television programme
track – a railway line; a song or piece of music that is recorded on a CD, tape, or record

1B 2A 3B 4A


1 If only I had time to read. I wish I had time to read. What I’d like is to have time to read. I dream of
having time to read.
2 I wish I hadn’t given away the books from my childhood. I regret having given / giving away the
books from my childhood. It’s a shame I gave away the books from my childhood. Giving away the
books from my childhood was a mistake.
3 I’d sooner you didn’t tell me what books to read. I wish you didn’t / wouldn’t tell me what books to
read. Stop telling me what books to read. I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell me what books to read.

1 The moment I began reading 2 But for your recommendation 3 provided you pay it / me back 4 It’s
no use telling

1 needn’t have bought 2 rather you had not lent 3 wish I had gone 4 nowhere near as good as

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 My classmate encouraged / convinced / persuaded me to take part in this event.
2 I took part in this event because of the promising programme and the intriguing poster.
3 The presenter hadn’t revealed who the special guest was until he appeared on the stage.
4 On the positive side, the venue is perfectly-chosen.
5 I truly / sincerely recommend the show and encourage you to share your opinion about it.

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 Because of 2 since 3 so 4 due to 5 in 6 for 7 all of a sudden 8 in 9 far 10 than 11 on 12 for 13 so as

14 down 15 so

1 She went to the circus because of the star.
2 She’s been doing gymnastics since her early years.
3 It was cancelled due to the artist’s injury.
4 Anna appeared in the ring.
5 Her show was far more fascinating than the one on the TV talent show.
6 Rebecca praises the organisers for their fast reaction. She thinks they did everything so as not to
let the spectators down.

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 Oh, I didn’t realise that we had to be back so early. Do you think we should rather caught an
earlier train?
2 You’re right. Let’s look for alternatives online.
3 That’s a good point, and I haven’t thought about that. Let’s have a rethink.
4 In that case it might be better to forget about the exhibition and go straight to the restaurant. Do
you agree?

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 10


1 basketball 2 climbing 3 boxing 4 ice hockey 5 football 6 gymnastics 7 swimming 8 volleyball 9
cycling 10 sailing 11 handball 12 wrestling

both indoors and outdoors: martial arts, table tennis, ice-skating, high jump, shot put, long jump,
hammer throw
only outdoors: ski jump, motor racing, horse racing
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

bridge, badminton, archery, baseball, canoeing, rugby, shooting, diving, squash, chess, cricket, judo,
running, weightlifting, skiing, golf

cross-country skiing – biegi narciarskie, hurdles – bieg przez płotki, pole vault – skok o tyczce, relay
race – bieg sztafetowy, javelin – rzut oszczepem, decathlon – dziesięciobój, parachuting –
spadochroniarstwo, hang-gliding – lotniarstwo, scuba diving – nurkowanie z akwalungiem,
motocross – wyścigi motocyklowe, obstacle race – bieg z przeszkodami

1 swimmer 2 athlete 3 cyclist 4 skier 5 canoeist 6 sailor 7 footballer 8 runner 9 wrestler 10 climber 11
gymnast 12 basketball player 13 golfer 14 rower + Students’ own answers

1 go, do, play / do 2 play, go, keeping 3 took, play, do 4 went, played

7 Students’ own answers

8 (possible answers)
pitch – football, wetsuit – diving, court – tennis, racket – tennis, rink – ice-skating, board – chess, ring
– boxing, net – volleyball, goggles – skiing, tracksuit – running, pool – swimming, helmet – cycling,
bow – archery, oar – rowing, track – running, club – golf, course – golf, bat – cricket, stick – skiing,
gloves – skiing, slope (piste) – snowboarding, goal – football, skates – ice hockey, weights –
weightlifting, boots – skiing, gym – aerobics, field – cricket

9 Students’ own answers

1 court, pool 2 sticks 3 rinks, skates 4 court, pitch 5 course, clubs

1 race / championship 2 tournaments 3 match 4 Cup 5 championship / Cup 6 competition /
tournament 7 Games

1 competed 2 defending 3 won 4 finalist 5 lifted 6 round 7 crossed

1 ball, blew, shots
2 shot, and, ball, hands

the ball is in your court – it is your responsibility to take action or make a decision
blow the competition away – to defeat someone completely and easily
call the shots – to be in a position of control or authority
a long shot – an attempt or guess that is not likely to be successful but that is worth trying
be neck and neck – be involved in a close race, competition
keep an eye on the ball – to be focused
win hands down – win very easily

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 into, for 2 in, up 3 for, out 4 to 5 by, to 6 up 7 off

1 striker – a football player whose main job or skill is scoring goals / defender – a player whose job is
to stop the other team scoring in a game
2 referee – someone whose job is to make sure that players in a game obey the rules / umpire –
someone whose job is to make sure that players obey the rules in tennis, baseball and cricket
3 penalty – a chance to score a goal or point without other players trying to take the ball off you.
This is given to you because an opponent has broken a rule/ foul – something that you do in a game
or sport that is not allowed by the rules
4 no big difference
5 runner – someone who runs / runner-up – a person or team that does not win a competition or
race but is second, or is close to winning
6 spectators – people watching a sports event / audience – people watching a film or performance
7 no big difference
8 no big difference

1 scored 2 beat 3 draw 4 both 5 game 6 holds 7 disqualified 8 cheering 9 saved 10 final

1 win 2 beat 3 beat 4 win 5 beat 6 win 7 beat 8 win 9 win 10 beat

1 for 2 to 3 of 4 in / on 5 on 6 from 7 for 8 in 9 up

1 whitewater rafting 2 skydiving 3 kite surfing 4 bungee jumping 5 BMX racing 6 highlining

20 Students’ own answers

1 Competitive 2 professional 3 highly 4 promoted 5 relegation 6 fixing, illegal


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1F 2T 3F 4T 5F

1 came 2 make 3 against 4 hands 5 stiff

5 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1C 2A 3C

4 Students’ own answers

1B 2B 3A 4A 5C

1 sound 2 wrong 3 mess 4 grit

7 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1E 2B 3A

1B 2B 3C

1 achievement 2 Sporting 3 determination 4 failure 5 development

1 overcome 2 teach 3 both 4 Doing 5 both

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1B 2D 3A 4C

1 accomplish 2 avoid like the plague 3 worry unnecessarily 4 courageous 5 priceless 6 collaborate 7
continue, persevere

1 start doing 2 accepting 3 make decision 4 accept criticism 5 cope well with problems 6 pay no
attention to
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1c 2e 3d 4a 5i 6b 7f 8h 9g

1C 2A 3B 4A

1A 2C 3A 4C 5B


adjective verb noun
long lengthen length
wide widen width
deep deepen depth
strong strengthen strength
high heighten height
broad broaden breadth
sweet sweeten sweetness
weak weaken weakness

1 competitive 2 pursuit(s) 3 outstanding 4 combination 5 proof 6 willing 7 strengthen 8 gifted

1 Not only did he win 2 had not given up 3 to be enjoying 4 Hardly had I finished / Hardly did I finish
5 Despite losing / having lost / In spite of losing / having lost 6 you had lost

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 I definitely share the view of the majority of disabled athletes.
2 To my mind, it is healthy rivalry that matters most in sport.
3 I fully support the opinion that in the Paralympics all competitors should receive the title of
4 I strongly believe that under no circumstances will the new rules be introduced.

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

A – for and against essay, B – opinion essay

1 Opinion essay: B, F, I, E, G
2 For and against essay: A, C, H, D

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 The first thing I noticed was that all the spectators went quiet for some reason.
2 To start with, I practised on the easy slopes, but later on I progressed to the steep ones.
3 I was nervous about the competition, but it went very well.
4 My younger brother couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his name on the team list.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 11


1 am sick 2 feel unwell 3 am dizzy 4 feel faint 5 get well 6 got sick 7 feeling better 8 am allergic to 9 is
wrong with him 10 looks pale 11 is stressed 12 doesn’t suffer from

Bad: 1, 2, 5, 7
Good: 3, 4, 6

3 Students’ own answers

Boy: 1 nose, 2 head, 3 mouth, 4 cheek, 5 finger(s), 6 leg, 7 toe, 8 foot, 9 back, 10 neck
Girl: 11 ear, 12 forehead, 13 eye, 14 teeth, 15 elbow, 16 chest, 17 arm, 18 shoulder

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Parts of the head: eyebrow, eyelash, chin, lips, tongue, eyelid

Internal organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach
Parts of the body: hip, knee, ankle, thigh, wrist, heel, backbone

1 skin 2 muscles 3 brain 4 waist 5 blood

bladder – abdomen; knuckles – hand; calf – leg; veins – blood system; palm – hand; ribs – rib cage;
skull – head; joints – e.g. hands / legs; gums – mouth

1 migraine 2 cancer 3 flu 4 rash 5 fever 6 hay fever 7 food poisoning

1C 2H 3E 4F 5A 6G 7B 8D

1 sore 2 runny 3 tissues 4 running 5 appetite 6 caught

1d 2f 3a 4g 5e 6c 7b 8h

1 disease – an illness that is caused by infection; illness – the state of feeling ill
2 fatal disease – a disease that causes someone to die; terrible disease – a disease that makes you
feel very bad
3 contagious disease – disease that spreads from one person to another through touch or through
the air; infectious disease – disease that that can spread from one person to another; no big
4 injury – physical damage done to a person or a part of their body; wound – an injury in which your
skin or flesh is damaged, usually seriously
5 bruise – a mark that you get on your body if you are hit or if you knock against something; bump –
a raised part on your skin where you have been injured
6 treat – to use medicine or medical methods to cure a patient or an illness; cure – to stop someone
from being affected by an illness
7 nausea – the feeling that you are going to vomit; vomiting – when food comes up from your
stomach and out through your mouth because you are ill

1 in 2 in 3 up 4 in 5 over 6 from

1c 2d 3e 4f 5b 6a
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1c 2e 3d 4g 5a 6f 7h 8b

1 give 2 have 3 take 4 have 5 give 6 give / take 7 have 8 have

Fit and healthy: be in good shape (być w dobrej formie), follow a well-balanced diet (być na
zbilansowanej diecie), join a gym (zapisać się na siłownię), do regular medical tests (regularnie robić
badania), cut down on junk food (ograniczyć spożywanie niezdrowego jedzenia), give up smoking
(rzucić palenie), fitness freak (miłośnik ćwiczeń fizycznych), keep fit (ćwiczyć, aby zachować formę),
work out (ćwiczyć)
Unfit and unhealthy: be overweight (mieć nadwagę), get out of breath (nie móc złapać oddechu),
lead a pretty stressful life (prowadzić dość stresujący tryb życia), avoid exercising (unikać ćwiczeń)

1b 2a 3e 4c 5d

1 addictions 2 addicted, designer 3 therapist, counsellor 4 hooked 5 traffickers

1 rehab 2 addicts 3 come 4 high 5 clean 6 took

1 paramedics 2 unit 3 theatre 4 critical 5 admitted 6 minor 7 recovery 8 casualties

1 ambulance 2 consult a doctor 3 home visit 4 examination 5 health centre

1 to carry a patient who is unable to walk
2 not to feel pain during surgery
3 e.g. a person who has broken a leg
4 when you have a big wound
5 in hospitals
6 e.g. a nurse


1 Students’ own answers

1E 2C 3B 4D
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1C 2C 3A 4B 5A 6C

1 leave out 2 get out 3 takes it out on 4 wear out 5 speak out 6 works out

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1C 2A 3E 4B

1 publicity
2 testify
3 addictive
4 manipulation
5 stiffness
6 vigorous
7 distrust
8 persistent

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1D 2F 3A 4C

1 difference 2 mental / psychiatric 3 disability / disorder 4 sufferers

cure – cure; treat – treatment; affect – effect; diagnose – diagnosis; impact – impact; support –
support; process – process

5 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ


It was written by a dyslexic student willing to show how dyslexic students feel at school.

1B 2D 3C 4A 5B

3 Students’ own answers

1 run 2 run 3 refers 4 severe 5 assured 6 ill

5 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

1 get 2 make 3 do 4 take 5 give
+ Students’ own answers

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6A

4 Students’ own answers

1B 2C 3A 4C 5B 6C

1 In spite of having her parents’ support, Melanie found it hard to deal with her problems.
2 If it was not for his teacher’s help, Paul would have dropped out of school.
3 The minute you feel down at heart again, you ought to tell me.
4 Depression is believed to have led to the star’s suicide last week.
5 Anxiety and stress are what students complain about most often.

1 is believed to be caused by 2 is regarded as / to be 3 am looking forward to meeting 4 keep in
touch with 5 tell the difference between 6 in the mood to go to / for going to
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 Neither Karen nor Adam feels 2 seems to contribute 3 are used to talking about 4 do me a favour 5
no matter/ regardless of how much

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 After I had returned from the gym, I felt a sharp pain in my tooth
2 I had difficulty finding a dentist because all (the) dentist’s offices were closed on that day.
3 After a few hours, I decided to call the emergency service.
4 Luckily, I didn’t need to have my tooth taken out.
5 I promise I will go for a check-up to the dentist twice a year.

1 felt 2 ignored 3 ached 4 took 5 brought 6 helped 7 was lying 8 hadn’t seen 9 was having 10 have
had 11 have used 12 don’t want

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 It‘s common knowledge that people are under a lot more stress these days than in previous
2 All in all, I would say that using a photo rather than an illustration would be much more dramatic.
3 Taking everything into consideration, I think the poster with the second slogan would be by far
more effective.
4 Everyone knows that there’s a shortage of workers in this industry and that the problem needs to
be addressed.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

6 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Unit 12


anatomy, archeology, astronomy, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, ecology,
economics, ethnography, genetics, engineering, geology, linguistics, mathematics, meteorology,
oceanography, physics, psychology, philosophy, sociology, statistics

Possible answers:
1 biology, anatomy, genetics
2 astronomy, ecology, geology, meteorology, oceanography
3 sociology, psychology
4 computer science, engineering
5 ethnography
6 economics, statistics
7 linguistics

-ist: anatomist, archeologist, biologist, biotechnologist, chemist, computer scientist, ecologist,
economist, geneticist, geologist, linguist, meteorologist, physicist, psychologist, sociologist
-er: astronomer, ethnographer, engineer, oceanographer, philosopher
-ian: mathematician, statistician

3 Students’ own answers

1 as 2 invent 3 designing 4 both 5 an invention 6 make 7 both

5 Students’ own answers

1 take 2 make 3 set 4 perform 5 put

1 do / carry out / perform various experiments
2 formulate a hypothesis
3 run / carry out / perform tests
4 collect the evidence
5 prove the / our hypothesis
6 carry out / do / conduct research

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 research 2 a solution 3 a conclusion 4 findings 5 a cure 6 technology

9 (possible answers)
1 applied 2 reach 3 come up with 4 are seeking 5 compile

1 development 2 appliance 3 exploration 4 application 5 predictions 6 advancement

Positive: the latest, modern, advanced, up-to-date, innovative, present-day, cutting-edge
Neutral: digital, current
Negative: outdated, basic, low

1 microwave 2 hairdryer 3 remote control 4 light bulb 5 wheel 6 printer 7 satellite dish 8 satnav 9
headphones 10 electric toothbrush

1 a mobile phone 2 a button 3 the volume 4 the Internet 5 a text message 6 an app 7 a lamp

1 sockets, extension lead 2 malfunction, cartridge 3 dispose, e-waste, Go, key

1 screen 2 speaker 3 ear buds 4 router 5 flash drive 6 mouse mat 7 power bank

1 replied to 2 forwarded 3 backed up 4 saved 5 updated 6 posted 7 attaching 8 deleted

1 font name 2 print 3 cut 4 paste 5 undo 6 bold 7 italics 8 underline 9 bullets 10 upper / lower case

1c 2e 3d 4a 5g 6b 7f

1 a method of doing something / advanced scientific knowledge used for practical purposes,
especially in industry
2 a page or document that you can read on a website (no difference)
3 to move information to your computer from another computer system or the Internet / to send
documents or programs from your computer to a larger system using the Internet
4 a book containing instructions for doing something, especially for operating a machine (no
5 to find a place, fact, or substance that no one knew about before / to design or create something
such as a machine or process that did not exist before
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 crashed 2 lost 3 into 4 recover 5 cut 6 virus 7 freezing 8 down 9 order 10 ran 11 charger 12 run

21 Students’ own answers

22 (possible answers)
1 change passwords frequently
2 an accountant, to add up figures
3 it comes back undelivered
4 it was broken, got fixed, and works well again
5 restart it


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
I heard / I’ve been told
participate in a competition
connected with
at last
a break
an inventor

1T 2T 3F 4F 5F

1 lonely 2 entries 3 elderly 4 leave 5 related
+ Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1D 2C 3B 4B 5A

1A 2C 3C
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 refinements 2 hampered 3 reluctance 4 recourse 5 malfunction 6 recriminations 7 progress 8

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1A 2C 3B

1D 2C 3B

prolong human life (wydłużyć ludzkie życie), apply technology (stosować technologię), perform
complex surgeries (przeprowadzać skomplikowane operacje), experience things hands-on
(doświadczyć czegoś w prawdziwym życiu)

1 discovering 2 discover 3 invented 4 develop 5 invent

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1C 2B 3B 4A

1 of 2 with 3 for 4 from 5 for
+ Students’ own answers

welcome a development, enhance genes, detect signs of on-coming medical conditions, a vision can
materialise, emulate the past generations

5 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

Why don’t we visit the Science Museum in London?
If I were you, I’d visit the Science Museum in London.
Why not visit the Science Museum in London?
Let’s visit the Science Museum in London.
My suggestion is to visit the Science Museum in London.
How about visiting the Science Museum in London?
I recommend visiting the Science Museum in London.
Visiting the Science Museum in London sounds like a good idea.

1B 2C 3A 4C

1C 2A 3B 4A


1 (possible answers)
1 make / let / have
2 get / put
3 done / carried out / performed
4 trouble / difficulty

2 Students’ own answers

1 put 2 The 3 out 4 would 5 for 6 across

1 took off 2 is in charge of 3 are having new computers installed 4 are bound to find it 5 have
difficulty / am having difficulty finishing

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 Many schools don’t have as well-equipped laboratories as universities.
2 Experts performed the experiments with the use of state-of-the-art equipment.
3 The programme of the workshops was thoroughly elaborated and addressed not only to young
4 It was the first time we had been able to operate a 3D printer.
5 I found this event both educational and adventurous.

1 a student; I belong to a group of students who…
2 Students’ own answers
3 Students’ own answers

1 portable digital devices, microscopes, telescopes, electronic instruments, digital tools, digital
2 learn to search and store required information, solve problems with website resources, cooperate
and communicate via digital tools, learn website etiquette, carry out research, carry out in-depth
investigation, observe, label, compare and analyse data, experiment
3 use: website resources, innovative methods, computer software; learn: website etiquette

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1 It all started after I’d dropped the phone in the bath.
2 What happens is suddenly the screen freezes and everything I’ve typed is gone!
3 It’s an intermittent problem so when I took the car to the garage the problem had disappeared.
4 It’s when I’m streaming films and the picture keeps freezing – it’s really bugging me.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

6 Students’ own answers

Unit 13
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ


A2 B5 C3 D4 E7 F1 G10
+ Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
Spring: 2, 5, 6, 7, 9
Summer: 7, 9
Autumn: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Winter: 2, 3, 4, 8, 10

1 frost 2 rain 3 mild 4 temperatures 5 misty 6 chilly

1d 2c 3b 4a

1 both 2 reach 3 both 4 both 5 both 6 both 7 spell

It’s rainy: It’s pouring down.; There is a bit of drizzle.; We expect scattered showers.; It’s a torrential
It’s windy: There’s a refreshing breeze.; It’s quite blowy outside.; It’s gale-like!
It’s hot: A real heatwave!; It’s baking outside.; What a scorcher!; The heat is unbearable.
Dangerous: A real heatwave!; What a scorcher!; It’s a torrential downpour!; It’s gale-like!; The heat
is unbearable.

1 leaf 2 branch 3 weed 4 bush 5 tree 6 seed 7 grass 8 root 9 soil

a petal – a flower; a bud – a flower; a trunk – a tree; a stem – a flower / a bush; a twig – a tree / a
bush; a thorn – a flower; blossom – a flower / a tree / a bush; bark – a tree

mammals: whale, rabbit, wolf, polar bear, fox, deer, donkey, guinea pig, bat, rat, dolphin
reptiles: snake, turtle, lizard
fish / water animals: shark, salmon, trout, whale, octopus, seahorse, jellyfish, dolphin, turtle
birds: eagle, swan, parrot, owl, pigeon
insects: butterfly, bee, fly, mosquito
A a fox B an owl C a shark D a butterfly E a lizard F a jellyfish
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

10 (possible answers)
Farm animals: cow, pig, goose
Domestic animals: cat, dog, hamster
Wild animals: tiger, rhino, hippo

11 (possible answers)
1 frog 2 eagle 3 rat 4 horse 5 cod 6 falcon 7 puma 8 lion

1 a mountain 2 a sea 3 a forest 4 a river 5 a road

1 island 2 Ocean 3 nature 4 fields 5 cliffs 6 caves 7 valleys 8 waterfalls 9 jungle 10 rain forest 11
volcano 12 coral reef 13 desert

1 scenery
2 coast
3 fishing
4 both
5 flow
6 routes

global warming (globalne ocieplenie); rising sea levels (podnoszący się poziom mórz); ozone layer
(warstwa ozonowa); acid rain (kwaśny deszcz); climate change (zmiana klimatu); melting ice caps
(topniejące lodowce); extinct species (wymarłe gatunki); greenhouse effect (efekt cieplarniany)

1 destruction 2 environmental 3 overpopulation 4 endangered, threatens 5 pollution

1 depleted 2 fuels 3 generating 4 fumes 5 air 6 landfill sites 7 toxic 8 Fly-tipping 9 natural habitats
10 danger of extinction 11 uninhabitable

18 (possible answers)
Individual: use public transport; avoid using plastic bags; fill the car up with unleaded petrol
Government: develop renewable energy sources; ban pesticides; build more bike routes
Both: invest in solar energy; get involved in wildlife conservation; recycle waste

1 In my family we try to sort out all the rubbish and cut down on plastic bags we use.
2 I always remember to turn the lights off and never throw away old batteries.
3 A lot of supermarkets have given up on supplying people with plastic carrier bags for free.
4 We need to look after the environment and make sure we don’t run out of natural resources.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 avalanche 2 flood 3 volcanic eruption 4 drought

21 (possible answers)
blizzard – a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds
famine – a serious lack of food that continues for a long time and causes many people in a country to
become ill or die
ash cloud – a cloud that appears when volcanic ash (tiny fragments of jagged rock, minerals, and
volcanic glass) is propelled into the atmosphere during an eruption
landslide – a heavy fall of earth and rocks down the side of a mountain or steep slope
tidal wave – a very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land; might be caused by
underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption
hailstorm – a storm in which a lot of small balls of ice fall like rain

22 (possible answers)
1 flood 2 earthquake 3 hurricane 4 earthquake 5 famine 6 hurricane

1 Neil Armstrong and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin
2 a satellite
3 e.g. Discovery, Challenger
4 a rocket
5 National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a USA government agency that is responsible for
science and technology connected with space.
6 astronaut
7 going on holiday to e.g. the Moon

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

1E 2A 3B 4D

1T 2F 3T 4F 5F
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 conditions 2 treat 3 constant 4 deep 5 sight 6 go 7 clear 8 burst

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1A 2C 3B

1 clogged 2 gritty 3 filthy 4 beaten-up 5 debris 6 knock-on 7 express

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 Air quality in Poland is among some of the worst in Europe.
2 People are becoming more and more aware of the problem.
3 The problem in southern Poland is the worst.
4 The government has suggested some solutions of dealing with the problem.

1B 2C 3D 4C

1f and it is one of greatest causes for concern
2c it is because the people there use coal to heat up their houses
3a Smog is particularly harmful because
4b people there use coal to heat up their houses more often than in other regions.
5e It’s a worrying problem across the country,
6d the levels of poisonous benzo[a]pyrene are often up to thirty times normal limits

1 air quality / pollution – jakość powietrza / zanieczyszczenie powietrza
2 spa town – miejscowość uzdrowiskowa
3 breathing difficulties – problemy z oddychaniem
4 life expectancy – średnia długość życia
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

5 toxic waste – toksyczne odpady

6 heating fuel – paliwo opałowe

Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 Some people believe that only the government can do something to help the environment; others
think that every effort made by an individual counts.
2 Using fewer detergents may help the environment. Therefore, we should think twice before we
use them in our homes.
3 Why don’t we use electric cars and stop burning coal? These are certainly the best solutions for
improving the air quality.

1B 2E 3A 4C

1 cleaning 2 fresheners 3 growing 4 pollutants 5 exposed

1 came 2 inhale, cease 3 keep 4 spew out 5 spring

6 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 far / a lot
2 can / know how to
3 looks after / cares for
4 Few / Only a minority of
5 For a start / To start with

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1C 2B 3A 4B


1 (possible answers)
attract – attraction(s), attractive, unattractive, attractiveness, attractively
live – alive, living, enliven, lived, lively, liveliness
believe – belief(s), believable, unbelievable, believer, non-believer, disbelieve, disbelief
love – lover, loving, beloved, lovingly, unloved, unloving

2 (suggested answers)
1 had better not touch 2 I had not given 3 could be 4 may / might / could have evolved 5 providing /
as long as / provided you find 6 had never seen such

1 showing 2 creatures 3 stands 4 powerful 5 fliers

4 Students’ own answers


1 (possible answers)
1 a, b, d
2 a, d, e, b
3 a, d, b
4 c, f

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 A powerful tornado devastated the whole town within a few minutes.
2 A long-lasting heatwave caused a shortage of freshwater in our region.
3 Fallen trees and damaged roads left dozens of families cut off the world.
4 Every pair of hands counted, so I decided to join the rescue operation.
5 As a volunteer, you could teach children how to behave during a storm.

1 began 2 was shaking / shook 3 were falling / fell 4 ran 5 joined 6 were running 7 left 8 seemed
9 didn’t collapse 10 saw

suddenly – all of a sudden, unexpectedly
finally – eventually, at last
soon – after a while, shortly
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

when – as soon as, as

6 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 We’re really doing a lot to protect endangered species. For instance, the hunting laws have got a
lot stricter.
2 To give one example related to what I said earlier, flooding is considered to be one result of
climate change.
3 Among other things, we have to make sure we recycle as much as we can – things like plastics,
paper, and electronic devices.
4 I mentioned before that volcanic eruptions are a natural event, but we should be able to predict
them better.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers

Unit 14


1 democracy 2 queen 3 State 4 Minister 5 Cabinet 6 Lords 7 Members 8 Congress 9 Representatives
10 parties 11 Democrats 12 President

1 constitutional 2 democratic 3 national 4 political 5 presidential 6 socialist 7 capitalist / capitalistic 8

1 for 2 general 3 eligible 4 power 5 politicians 6 campaigning 7 debate 8 polling 9 wins 10 policies 11

4 (possible answers)
citizens: cast a vote, re-elect someone
government: govern the country
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

parliament: pass a law, serve a four-year term

politicians: give a press conference, form a coalition

5 Students’ own answers

6 (possible answers)
1 a division of a country that elects a representative to parliament 2 all the people who are allowed
to vote in an election 3 someone who works for a government department 4 similar 5 He or she is
responsible for a politician’s PR (public relations). 6 the most important elected official in a town or

the EU – the European Union – deals with European economic and political matters
NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - safeguards the freedom and security of its member
countries by political and military means, deals with crisis management and peacekeeping
the WHO – the World Health Organisation – is the body of the United Nations (UN) responsible for
directing and coordinating health issues e.g. monitoring the health situation and assessing health
the UN – the United Nations - maintains international peace and security, protects human rights,
delivers humanitarian aid, promotes sustainable development
UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation – is responsible for
coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication, protects
human rights (access to education, freedom of expression etc.)
the Red Cross – provides care to those in need, prevents and relieves suffering in the USA and
worldwide (humanitarian aid), supports America’s Military Families, organises health and safety
Amnesty International – helps fight abuses of human rights worldwide, brings torturers to justice,
changes oppressive laws, frees people jailed just for voicing their opinion
Greenpeace – uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful
world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment
+ Students’ own answers

1 originated, considerably, formation 2 organisation, headquarters, vaccination, communicable 3
economic, growth, stability

1d 2a 3f 4b 5c 6e 7g

10 (suggested answers)
protest march, civil war, rebellion, riot, military intervention, an act of terrorism

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 the armed forces (siły zbrojne) 2 weapons of mass destruction (broń masowego rażenia) 3 Minister
of Foreign Affairs (Minister Spraw Zagranicznych) 4 demonstrate against injustice (protestować
przeciwko niesprawiedliwości) 5 sign a treaty (podpisać traktat)

1 imposed, come, negotiations 2 resort, disperse 3 declare, withdraw 4 talks, preserving

1 pickpocketing, pickpocket 2 burglary, burglar 3 drug dealing, drug dealer 4 mugging, mugger 5
shoplifting, shoplifter 6 vandalism, vandal 7 hacking, hacker 8 bank robbery, (bank) robber, 9 arson,
arsonist no picture: murder, murderer

1 bribery 2 blackmailing 3 expose 4 assassination 5 traffickers / trafficking 6 hostages 7 ransom 8

tax evasion – the practice of avoiding paying taxes, manslaughter – the crime of causing someone’s
death illegally but either without intending to or with reasons that cause it to be less serious than
murder, money laundering – to hide the origin of money obtained from illegal activities by putting it
into legal businesses, drink-driving – driving after you have drunk alcohol, drug-pushing – the action
or practice of selling drugs illegally

1 for, to 2 with, to 3 on, to 4 with, of 5 for 6 of, from 7 against, to, to 8 of

1d 2c 3e 4f 5b 6a

1 składać zeznania w sądzie 2 przetrzymywać w areszcie 3 być sądzonym za napad 4 dostać
dożywocie 5 wszcząć śledztwo / dochodzenie 6 spisać zeznania 7 zbierać dowody 8 nie przyznawać
się do winy
+ Students’ own answers

19 Students’ own answers

20 Students’ own answers

1 poverty 2 gender discrimination 3 unemployment 4 homelessness 5 illegal immigration 6 domestic

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 economic 2 market 3 national 4 bankrupt 5 financial 6 budget 7 income 8 loans

1 stock 2 value 3 recession 4 rates 5 markets 6 crash 7 inflation 8 currency 9 exchange 10 outlook 11


1 Students’ own answers

1B 2C 3C 4A 5A 6B

1 stand 2 going 3 dash 4 pull 5 claim

4 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1C 2A 3B 4D 5C

1C 2A 3E 4B

1 behind 2 job 3 due 4 track 5 nature

5 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1B 2C 3B

1D 2F 3B 4E
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 to, in/around 2 to 3 to 4 to

1 propagate 2 create / build 3 fight 4 meet 5 live in
+ Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

1B 2E 3A 4D

1 look for something / to accept someone or something that is not exactly what you wanted 2 both:
to do something in order to show that an occasion or event is special 3 both: to solve a conflict, or to
find a satisfactory way of dealing with a disagreement 4 both: something that you plan to achieve 5
show a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an
important issue / to take part in something 6 relating to or involving ordinary people, especially in
politics / people who control a country, region, or town and make decisions about its laws

4 Students’ own answers

Use of English

1 Students’ own answers

2 (possible answers)
1 like 2 provoke me to 3 realise 4 would rather watch 5 movie 6 has difficulty 7 moving 8 ought to

1B 2B 3C 4A

1A 2C 3B 4A


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 that you look after / that you should look after
2 However / All the same
3 don’t take kindly / take exception

1C 2A 3D 4B

1 If only people were 2 comes to your mind 3 as if she is 4 to discourage me from defending

5 Students’ own answers


1d 2f 3a 4g 5b 6e 7c

2 Students’ own answers

3 (possible answers)
1 Young people are familiar with the current trends in management.
2 Experienced managers often feel burned out and need innovative solutions.
3 However, a young person is not experienced enough to make strategic decisions.
4 If you start your job career with a high position, you will miss the experience of being an intern.


1B 2A 3B 4C 5B 6A 7B 8C

Young people: young generation, representatives of youth organisations, the young, the younger
generation, youth, 16–17-year-olds, young citizens
Decision-makers: authorities, mayor, minister, government

7 Students’ own answers


1 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

2 (possible answers)
1 That’s quite a controversial statement, but it’s an important point to consider.
2 I must admit that it is something I haven’t considered before, but it needs to be discussed.
3 I can’t say that I wholeheartedly agree with the statement, but I can see some truth in it.
4 That’s a very interesting question, and I’d like to start by saying that there are two ways of looking
at this.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers


Mówienie o teraźniejszości (present simple, present continuous)

1 ’s staying 2 Do you live 3 have 4 prefers 5 doesn’t have 6 makes 7 ’m doing 8 Do you have 9 ’m
running 10 have

1 do you think 2 love 3 am listening 4 play 5 is getting 6 is always telling 7 think 8 is getting 9 Do you
agree 10 do you know 11 are thinking 12 am looking / look

1 am looking 2 am studying 3 enjoy 4 speak 5 is improving 6 want 7 do 8 play 9 go 10 are training 11
read 12 watch

1 I never eat fish.
2 At the moment, my friend is spending two weeks in Scotland. / My friend is spending two weeks in
Scotland at the moment.
3 Every Saturday morning, I play tennis with my friends. / I play tennis with my friends every
Saturday morning.
4 This week, we are doing a project about the environment. / We are doing a project about the
environment this week.
5 My brother sometimes cooks dinner for the family. / Sometimes, my brother cooks dinner for the
6 Our teacher doesn’t usually give us much homework. / Usually, our teacher doesn’t give us much
7 Today, we’re revising the present tenses. / We’re revising the present tenses today.
8 Do you always check new words in your dictionary?
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 can see 2 ’re sitting 3 doing 4 ’re working 5 ’re all wearing 6 is standing 7 ’s writing 8 seem 9 think
10 ’re enjoying

1 live 2 travel 3 are building 4 know 5 is trying 6 sings 7 go 8 like 9 has 10 is always chatting

Mówienie o przeszłości (past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, used

1 used to study 2 did Gary say, didn’t hear 3 missed, was listening 4 weren’t 5 didn’t use to like
6 were watching, came

1 was 2 wasn’t concentrating 3 was explaining 4 got 5 got 6 was having 7 lived 8 was always arguing
9 Did you have 10 spent 11 went 12 had read 13 had 14 came

3 (suggested answers)
1 I was walking past / passing by, noticed, went in, spent
2 I used to go into town, would always stop
3 We were jogging / running through the park, I noticed / saw the letter, I had dropped the previous
day / the day before, It was lying
4 I hadn’t been expecting, he came round / visited me
5 I thought I was late for the rehearsal, hadn’t even started yet
6 we’d been doing, realised; we’d already done
7 started barking, I didn’t manage
8 I didn’t know, I hadn’t known her

4–5 Students’ own answers

1 I was waiting for a bus when I saw my friend.
2 Where were you going when I met you yesterday?
3 I used to play football, but when I changed schools, I stopped.
4 I hadn’t seen Jenny for a long time before we met again at a swimming competition last weekend.
5 While you were watching TV, I did / was doing the washing-up!

1 drove 2 caught 3 took 4 was sitting 5 had 6 came 7 was waiting 8 recognised 9 walked 10 smiled 11
said 12 laughed 13 took 14 went 15 were walking 16 saw 17 had never seen 18 was
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Czasy perfect (present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past perfect simple, past perfect

1 just received, she’s ever been 2 I’ve spoken 3 hasn’t texted, I’ve been waiting 4 I’ve been reading 5
I hadn’t seen

1 ’ve been 2 ’ve been skiing 3 Have you seen 4 haven’t had 5 ’s been 6 ’d been training 7 hadn’t
chosen 8 ’d been looking 9 have just heard 10 has ever made

1 have probably been eating 2 ’ve just finished 3 has taken 4 has made 5 ’s been unwrapping
6 hasn’t expected

4 (suggested answers)
1 So far, I’ve answered 2 Jake’s been taking a lot of time off school recently / has been absent from
school a lot recently 3 I’ve tried, hasn’t left 4 Mike’s just told me, he’d invited 5 I haven’t been
training, I’ve only just started 6 (have) come back

1 ’ve been having / ’ve had 2 ’ve been spending / ’ve spent 3 ’ve been doing 4 ’ve seen 5 ’d intended
6 ’d been thinking 7 haven’t done 8 have decided 9 have been 10 have already read 11 have visited
12 has finished

1 thrilling adventure we’ve ever 2 long time since I played 3 been making a cake for 4 haven’t heard
from Tim since 5 has never driven this motorway

Mówienie o przyszłości (future simple, future continuous, be going to, present continuous, present
simple, future perfect simple, future perfect continuous)

1g 2c 3h 4a 5f 6d 7e 8i 9b

1 you’ll do 2 I’m playing 3 going to learn 4 closes 5 have finished 6 we‘ll be studying 7 I’m going to sit
8 we’ll have been travelling 9 I’ll phone 10 Shall I meet

1 Will you get 2 won’t wait 3 am going to set 4 are all meeting 5 leaves 6 arrives 7 get 8 will have 9
are going to have 10 will have finished 11 will be 12 will be waiting

4 Students’ own answers

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 will be 2 ’ll live / ‘ll be living 3 will have increased 4 won’t have 5 won’t have 6 will be working and
studying 7 ’ll have been using

6 (suggested answers)
1 gets in at / arrives at / is due in at 2 I’m playing, I won’t be able to meet you 3 will definitely win,
he’ll work hard 4 will have delivered; we’ll have a good idea 5 I’m going to buy, I’ll have been using
this one

7 Students’ own answers

1 is giving 2 ’m going to do 3 ’ll start 4 ’ll do 5 ’ll be looking 6 is coming 7 ’s staying 8 is cooking
9 starts 10 ’re both definitely going to watch 11 ’ll have revised 12 I’ll have read 13 ’ll have
understood 14 ’m going to work 15 ’ll deserve

Konstrukcje czasownikowe

Verbs followed by to + infinitive: refuse, afford, allow, choose, offer, manage
Verbs followed by verb + -ing: admit, avoid, thank for, miss, spend time, keep

1 to invite 2 working 3 leave 4 exercising, warm 5 to receive 6 to log, writing

1 doing 2 to go 3 to go 4 to get 5 to meet 6 to buy 7 to lend 8 helping 9 meeting 10 to spend 11
calling 12 trying

1 ’m keen on learning 2 allows us to use 3 offered to give 4 am supposed to do 5 was very grateful
for getting 6 no point (in) calling 7 made us finish

5 Students’ own answers

1 I regret not studying 2 spend so much time playing 3 tried to use 4 stop watching that film 5 go to
the restaurant overlooking 6 getting up (so) early

1 cycling 2 running 3 riding 4 listening 5 to learn 6 to study 7 learning 8 to be 9 going 10 to spend 11
working 12 to improve

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 the 2 the, –, a 3 a, –, the 4 a, a 5 the, the 6 The, –, – 7 The, a, the, a

1 a 2 a 3 the 4 the 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 a 9 The 10 a 11 the 12 – 13 a 14 the

1 I had a great time at the party! Thank you. Pete gave me a lift home. The house was completely
dark and quiet when I got home!
2 I’ve met Brian in the shopping centre today. We’re having lunch together now. I’m going to buy a
new coat later! See you on the bus tomorrow!
3 I’ve just got the results of the maths test. I’ve got all the answers right! I have the best results in
(my) class! It’s cool, isn’t it?
4 I’ve got a couple of questions about the new project. Have you got a moment? If so, call me.

1 the 2 a 3 an 4 the 5 – 6 the 7 – 8 the 9 – 10 the 11 a 12 – 13 the 14 a

5 (possible answers)
1 an excellent programme; last night; about the discovery of the first antibiotics; The programme is
part of a new science serial
2 An English astronaut; has made history; the first official UK astronaut; by a / in a space shuttle
3 Scientists; animals; in the future, people; enter the state of hibernation; to the Moon or planets
like Venus and / or Mars
4 the gap between the rich and the poor in society; bigger and bigger; poorly paid workers
5 at a news item on TV; on Monday, thieves broke into a flat of an old woman / an old lady’s flat; all
her most valuable; The police were alarmed; the thieves

6 Students’ own answers

1 A 2 – 3 the 4 – 5 the 6 the 7 the 8 a 9 – 10 – 11 a 12 a

Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne (some, any, much, many, a lot of, too, enough, (a) few, (a)

1 much 2 any 3 There 4 enough 5 is 6 some 7 A few 8 too 9 few 10 lots of

2 (suggested answers)
1 aren’t any free tables in the restaurant 2 is not enough time to finish the essay 3 give me some
advice 4 ’s not much furniture in the room / is little furniture in the room 5 few chocolates left / not
many chocolates left 6 ’s a music concert/event in the concert hall this evening 7 were (very) few
apples on the table 8 was a lot of / too much sugar in the cake
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 some 2 any 3 much 4 an 5 lot 6 enough 7 It 8 many 9 some 10 few

4 (possible answers)
1 lot 2 few 3 some 4 lots 5 are 6 It 7 some 8 any 9 some 10 some

1 Deer, wolves 2 wives 3 Cod 4 teeth 5 spacecraft 6 ice-boxes, fish

6 (possible answers)
1 little 2 any 3 couple / lot 4 any 5 much 6 lots 7 enough 8 some / enough 9 some 10 no

Przymiotniki i przysłówki (stopień równy, wyższy i najwyższy)

1 better 2 more boring 3 the best 4 the worst 5 cleverest 6 scarier 7 longer 8 most loyal

1 earlier 2 slowly 3 lower 4 further 5 coldest 6 more carefully 7 fast 8 easily 9 long

1 well 2 too 3 such 4 a 5 much / far 6 as 7 how 8 enough 9 little / bit / little bit

Students’ own answers

1 a hard b hardly
2 a lately b late
3 a fortunately b fortunate
4 a slight b slightly

1 more 2 much / far 3 earlier 4 as 5 so 6 than 7 too 8 what 9 such

7 Students’ own answers


1 myself 2 yours 3 each other 4 another 5 this 6 yourself 7 her 8 children’s

1 anywhere 2 was 3 another 4 either 5 them 6 Each 7 Mine 8 Another 9 Neither 10 my
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

3 Students’ own answers

1 you 2 somewhere 3 myself 4 all 5 something 6 everything 7 nothing 8 Each / All 9 none 10 either
11 my 12 each 13 yourself

1 Sam’s 2 are your parents’ 3 are the Browns’ 4 in the kitchen cupboard 5 Facebook’s

1 it / ourselves 2 No one / Nobody 3 everybody / we 4 Each 5 both 6 themselves 7 each other 8
anybody / anyone / everybody 9 somewhere 10 something 11 both


1 I apologise for being late.
2 This bag belongs to me.
3 I’ve just heard from Karen.
4 I needed to prepare for our holiday.
5 I agree with you!
6 I suffer from a lot of headaches.
7 Pete invited me to his party.

1 at 2 at 3 in 4 at 5 on 6 During 7 in 8 at/for 9 to, by 10 by

1 on
2 behind
3 next to
4 opposite
5 among
6 at
7 under

4 Students’ own answers

1 of 2 by 3 on 4 to 5 with 6 in / with 7 of, at 8 for 9 for 10 of

1✓ 2 in 3 at 4 at / in 5 ✓ 6 ✓, on 7 on / at 8 ✓
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

Students’ own answers

Czasowniki frazowe (phrasal verbs)

1 Students’ own answers

1 up 2 after 3 up 4 over 5 up 6 out 7 across 8 up

1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C 7B

1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10

1 made up that story
2 have to pick up a parcel
3 always takes in / is always taking in
4 looked up to my oldest sister
5 I came up with something

Czasowniki modalne

1 should 2 shouldn’t / can’t / mustn’t 3 Can / Could / Will 4 had to 5 can

1 don’t have to 2 needn’t have rushed 3 Will 4 might 5 can’t 6 Can 7 ought to

1 You don’t have to bring anything to the party.
2 You shouldn’t stay in bed so long!
3 You must not leave your bicycle outside this gate.
4 We don’t have to wait for Suzi. She’s going to be late.
5 Could you give me some advice about a problem I have?
6 He must have gone home by now.
7 We don’t / didn’t need to write an essay, thank goodness!
8 I would not dare to ask / I dare not ask Mr. Barnes for extra time for my homework.

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 should 2 can’t 3 have to 4 could 5 need 6 should 7 can’t 8 ‘ll have to 9 should 10 mustn’t 11 will 12

5 Students’ own answers

1 must be 2 must know 3 might be 4 might have decided 5 must be 6 may / could / might have been
taken 7 can’t / couldn’t have been taken 8 might / may rain / may be raining soon

7 Students’ own answers

Zdania podrzędnie złożone (zdania okolicznikowe, zdania przydawkowe)

1 After 2 because 3 However 4 In spite of / Despite 5 so that 6 while 7 Although 8 while / whereas 9

1 When 2 whose 3 which / that 4 which / that 5 who / that 6 where

1D 2ND (…, who is in line for the throne, …) 3D 4D 5D 6ND (…, who was called Mitsy, …)

1 (that) 5 (which)

1b 2e 3f 4c 5d 6a

Students’ own answers

7 (possible answers)
1 which / that 2 where 3 who / that 4 which / that / – 5 where 6 who 7 which / that 8 which

8 Students’ own answers

Mowa zależna, pytania pośrednie

1 (that) she had donated some money to the conservation charity
2 (that) the teacher was going to give them some extra lessons on computer programming
3 (that) he would see her for lunch in the cafeteria
4 (that) she didn’t really like going round exhibitions
5 (that) she had visited Frank in hospital the previous afternoon
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

6 (that) he wouldn’t have finished the essay by Friday

7 (that) he wasn’t going to vote in the elections the next/following month
8 Mr Smith to take a seat
9 Mike not to leave town without informing them
10 Maria went for a coffee
11 the children not to stand on the chairs
12 my parents to check in early at the airport

2 (possible answers)
had been thinking about improving our local health centre for a long time because it didn’t suit the
needs of all the patients in the area. He also said that they had received over a hundred complaints
about the service the previous year. The doctor said that they were going to make a few changes. He
said that doctors’ working hours would be different and there would be a range of different phone
numbers to use to contact them more easily. He also said that Matt Dawson had designed a leaflet
that sets out the changes clearly and they hoped it would be very useful.

3 (possible answers)
1 He asked me if I would wait for him after school.
2 Mum asked us what time we planned on leaving the following / next morning.
3 Dad asked me how many times I had failed that exam.
4 A friend asked me if I could give her a lift home after the concert the following /
next Friday.
5 The teacher told us not to be late for the start of the lecture that afternoon.
6 My sister asked me if she should do the online research for our project that night.

1 painting 2 to tell 3 that I had given 4 to apply 5 losing 6 to eat 7 that they had made 8 for coming
9 forgetting 10 reading

1 He asked me where I had bought that scarf and I said I had bought it in the market and it had cost
ten pounds.
2 He asked me what I had thought of the exam we had had the week before / previous week and I
said I had made a real mess of the questions and I didn’t think I had passed.
3 He asked me how long we would be staying in New York and I said we were supposed to be staying
there for three days before travelling on to Los Angeles for a week.
4 He asked me what the teacher had said about the trip the following / next day as he hadn’t been
listening and I said we had to get to school by 8:30 and we needed to bring a packed lunch.
5 He asked me if I had booked our concert tickets yet as it was getting a bit late and I told him not to
worry and that I would book them that evening.

1 where she was going 2 I had thought she had had a science test that day 3 asked me not to tell
anyone 4 was going to meet Grant for a coffee 5 were going to the cinema 6 said she had told the
teacher that she had to go to the dentist’s 7 not to worry 8 would pretend that I hadn’t seen her
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9 told her to enjoy the film 10 if I could tell you what she was doing 11 she might be late for your
tennis match 12 (that) I would

7 Students’ own answers

1 apologised 2 claimed 3 thanked 4 explained 5 accused 6 insisted 7 denied 8 urged 9 promised 10

1 Tim apologised for being late.
2 Gary suggested going swimming.
3 Helen encouraged Penny to apply for the job.
4 The teacher recommended that dictionary.
5 Dad reminded us to switch on the house alarm.
6 Jemma agreed to do our homework together that night.
7 Chris accused Jack of eating the last biscuit.
8 Paul begged dad to give him a lift to the party.

1 Could you tell me what the time is?
2 Have you any idea who sent the email?
3 Would you mind telling me how much that cost?
4 I’d like to know where I can learn Spanish.
5 I was wondering if you had seen Mark today.
6 Do you know what our homework for tomorrow is?

11 (possible answers)
1 Could you tell me where the station is?
2 I’d like to know how to translate this phrase / how I should translate this phrase.
3 I was wondering if you’d like / want to go to the cinema.
4 Have you any idea how I can make an apple pie?
5 I was wondering where Frank went.
6 Could you tell me what time you’ll be home?

1 when he’d started playing 2 who had encouraged 3 whether he enjoyed playing 4 what his plans
for the future were 5 how he had grown up 6 his sports teacher had noticed his skill 7 he was happy
that he’d moved 8 he missed being 9 hoped to go back

13 Students’ own answers

Zdania warunkowe typu 0, I, II, III i mieszane

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 eat, get 2 ’ll fall, ’re not 3 get, ’ll be able to 4 wouldn’t behave, were 5 ’d checked, wouldn’t have
taken 6 would have won, hadn’t entered

1c 2b 3f 4d 5e 6a

1 If I don’t revise tonight, I won’t pass the test tomorrow. / If I didn’t have to pass the test
tomorrow, I wouldn’t need to revise tonight.
2 If I had enough money, I would buy those boots.
3 Unless Jack behaves better at school, they’ll expel him.
4 If I had known the programme was on, I would have watched it.
5 If you hadn’t come to the party, I wouldn’t have known anyone there.

4 Students’ own answers

1 had known 2 spoke / had spoken 3 would have ordered 4 would have run 5 didn’t know

1 you are 2 there are 3 we’ll meet 4 ’ll have to 5 had signed up 6 would have been 7 are thinking 8
will be 9 would have

7 Students’ own answers

8 Students’ own answers

Strona bierna, konstrukcja have something done

1 was directed 2 was discovered 3 has been sent / will be sent 4 will be published 5 is being
redecorated, can’t be used 6 should have been delivered

1 Two boys have been arrested for vandalising the school property.
2 The politician was being interviewed when she suddenly became ill.
3 This poem was written by Oscar Wilde when he was in prison.
4 These chocolates must be produced in Switzerland – they are so good!
5 The tests will have been marked by the end of the week.
6 No one is allowed to eat sandwiches in the classroom.

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

The 2.30 train to Waterloo has been cancelled and passengers who are waiting for this train are
asked to go to Platform 2 to take the 2.45 train instead. Any ticket types will be accepted on the
train. The train is expected to be very crowded and therefore the first class carriages can be used by
any ticket holders. Refreshments will be sold on this train.
The history exam will be held in Room 102. Students are asked to leave their bags outside the exam
room. All mobile phones should be switched off before you enter the exam room. The question
papers will be distributed once all the students are seated. No one will be allowed to leave the exam
room during the exam. At the end of the exam, all the papers will be collected. Then students will be
permitted to leave the exam room. A list of the exam results will be put up on the notice board on
5th June.

1 Coastal towns were hit by a storm last night.
2 Drunk drivers were targeted / are being targeted / will be targeted by the police this Christmas.
3 A new drug has been given a go ahead by the top scientists.
4 Billions of pounds were wiped off the stock market yesterday.
5 Politicians’ expenses are being scrutinised in a new investigation.
6 A rare bird has recently been spotted at the beach.

1 is having curtains made / has had curtains made
2 had my teeth checked
3 needs to have his computer repaired
4 have my hair styled
5 hasn’t had the grass cut
6 will have had my room redecorated

1 Our teacher had us stay ten minutes after the end of the lesson.
2 I’m going to have Bill check my computer.
3 My personal trainer has his clients run for an hour every morning.
4 My mum usually has the window cleaner clean the conservatory roof too.
5 Dad had the gardener cut down a small tree.

1 are always made to work hard in class
2 was helped to board the train (by the guard)
3 was seen running across the park
4 was heard to shout / shouting a warning before he started shooting
5 will be made to pay for breathing air

A Human beings are thought to have caused climate change.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

B Climate change is thought to have been caused by human beings.

A Bankers are known to earn a lot of money.
B It is known that bankers earn a lot of money.
A Our friends are expected to arrive before lunchtime.
B It is expected that our friends will arrive before lunchtime.
A Looking at screens before bed is believed to cause insomnia.
B Insomnia is believed to be caused by looking at screens before bed.
A This new antibiotic is hoped to save many lives.
B Many lives are hoped to be saved by this new antibiotic.
A Thieves are reported to have stolen fifteen million pounds from a bank last week.
B Fifteen million pounds are reported to have been stolen by thieves from a bank last week.
A Our doctor is said to be the best in the area.
B It is said that our doctor is the best in the area.

9 (possible answers)
1 is being questioned / interrogated by police at the moment
2 All homework must be handed in
3 I was always made to go to bed
4 have stayed in this hotel once
5 I’ll have Grant come round
6 It’s assumed that
7 will have been changed by this afternoon

10 Students’ own answers


1 zero / oh eight nine double five two three seven one
2 two thirds
3 twelve plus / and three times fifteen minus sixteen
4 half time; five – nil
5 two thousand and seven / twenty oh seven
6 fifteen degrees centigrade / Celsius below zero (minus fifteen)
7 two point oh eight, nought / zero point five three

2 Students’ own answers

Wyrażanie życzeń i ubolewania

Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 had 2 you went 3 Jack had given 4 you didn’t eat 5 it would stop 6 you lived 7 they had offered 8
you hadn’t told / you didn’t tell

1 I wish I wasn’t / weren’t so tall.
2 It’s (high) time they stopped playing on the computer.
3 I wish / If only the teacher would talk to Pia about her attitude in class.
4 I’d rather you didn’t go to this restaurant.
5 I wish / If only I had gone to the music festival with Ned and Sara.

3 Students’ own answers

Tryb łączący (the subjunctive); inwersja

1 (that) we go to a hotel on the beach
2 (that) we get the 9:30 train, because it’s less crowded
3 (that) your dad return this form by noon at the latest
4 (that) Else contact the office immediately
5 (that) you take out insurance before travelling.
6 (that) everyone arrive before 9:15
7 (that) I pay the bill tomorrow

1 Never have I had such a busy day.
2 No sooner had I opened my book than the cat jumped on my knees.
3 Not until I got home did I realise I had lost my phone.
4 Seldom does the government reduce taxes.
5 Not only do I enjoy reading crime fiction but I also write crime novels myself.
6 Not for a moment did I think (that) Julie would support the Conservative Party.

3 Students’ own answers

4 Students’ own answers

1 Had I known (that) you were interested, I would have told you about the meeting.
2 Should it rain tomorrow, the match will definitely be called off.
3 Were your granddad alive, he’d be extremely proud of you.
4 Had I spoken in Polish, they wouldn’t have understood me.
5 Were they to lower their prices, more people would shop there.
6 Should you find this project too tricky, I can give you some more options.
Repetytorium Maturalne 2018 KLUCZ

1 It was our boss who came up with the idea we’re using now.
2 It was in 1965 that the book was originally published.
3 It was the teacher’s comments that persuaded me to continue studying English at university.
4 It was spending a year in Africa that really changed David’s life.
5 It was the last Prime Minister who introduced legislation against smoking in public places.

1 did we know 2 did she realise 3 we got 4 do I hate 5 you need 6 did I feel 7 had he opened

1 At no time did I doubt 2 Under no circumstances / On no account are we allowed to 3 It was the
dessert that 4 Hardly had we entered the house 5 Rarely / Seldom do our teachers give us 6 Not only
did she take part in the competition 7 Never have I heard such a boring 8 Only you saw




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